Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis


I'm back with another newly-designed OS-tan!

Tinfoil Hat Linux-tan! She's very timid and that shows through when attempting a tough-girl act and is also paranoid and always wants lots of security. But if she can trust people, she can offer them her security services! Her biggest fears are aliens, radio waves, the thought of mind-control devices, entrepreneurs, and government workers!


Fufufu....  Okay, correction, Tin Foil Hat Linux is now my favorite.  That expression is priceless and that hat adds a peculiar charm to the personality.  -v-

And yes, didn't know that particuarly distros existed, but then I doubt it's even possible to keep track of them all.  ^^'

(BTW, would that be a "yes" for the 1.0-tan thing?  ^v^')

[to the rest of the guys]  As for the family tree, I never showed you that link before?  '__'


....Oh right!  I only showed you guys the Unix family tree.  ^___^

Heck, if you wanna check THAT colorful medley of mostly-unexplored OS-tans, check this out:


And that list ONLY includes the major Linux distributions.  So in between the GAWD-awfully large number of Unix descendants, there's also a larger number of still unlisted Linux distros....  ^^;

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

BTW, Aurora,...

Do you plan on uploading your OS-tans to the gallery?  ^^


No problem.  In this place, normality is suspect.  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

But what I mean is, you're okay with the whole different dress thing for 1.0-tan, then?  'v'

Aurora Borealis

Yup. After all, different character designs for OS-tans make the OS-tan world go round!


Tinfoil Hat-Linux *lol* Nice name and a fitting OS-tan! Maybe add in her description that she is afraid of B*e*e*e*d, because she surely is.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Thank you Aurora.  ^__^

Um,... Oh Great Penguin God.....  Thy Mortal Pig Servant needs a translation of said Holy Script.  ^^;


Sorry, I was being regional-centerred. B*e*e*e*d of course is Bielefeld. I could be able to link you, but then SIE are after you:
QuoteThe Bielefeld Conspiracy (in German, Bielefeld-Verschwörung) is a running gag among German Internet users, especially in the German Usenet. It is an obviously satirical story rather than a hoax or an urban legend.

The story goes that the city of Bielefeld (population 330,000) in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia does not actually exist. Rather, its existence is merely propagated by an entity known only as SIE (German for they), which has conspired with authorities to create the illusion of the cityââ,¬â,,¢s existence. The reason for this conspiracy is unknown, but the most common theory claims that Bielefeld hides an alien base.

From the Wikipedia.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


QuoteQuote from : Aurora Borealis

I'm back with another newly-designed OS-tan!

Tinfoil Hat Linux-tan! She's very timid and that shows through when attempting a tough-girl act and is also paranoid and always wants lots of security. But if she can trust people, she can offer them her security services! Her biggest fears are aliens, radio waves, the thought of mind-control devices, entrepreneurs, and government workers!

Great job Aurora!

I kinda like her attitude! It really describes Tinfoil's tight security...You gave good imagination of its character.

She also looks cute in that outfit (boots looks cool), it kinda fits whenever she attempts to be in a tough girl act...

Too cute for an OS with a requirement of  8mb memory! :P  Another cool Linux distros added (better list it there!), another cool addition of the OS-tan.

Thank you once again Aurora!  ;019


Wow Aurora Borealis, first OS I've seen on this topic and it's a great one!

Funny bio to!

Aurora Borealis

Here she is! Damn Small Linux-tan! Shortest of all OS-tans! No wonder why she feels so small in this world! ^^ Making OS-tans out of really weird Linux distros is fun! :D

Damn Small-tan is the shortest at a height of... 9 inches (half the height of the second shortest characters) and the tallest character is Barbie Linux-tan (Yes, that's another surprisingly real distro) at a height of 7'0! (Because I heard that if Barbie's proportions were life size, she'd be 7'0 with a 23-inch waist!) GIANT SUPERMODEL ATTACK, NEXT TIME! :D


Sweet looking OS-tan! I think we have a winner (There's no contest, I just like it)!

Aurora Borealis


Barbie Linux-tan. The tallest of the known OS-tans and she's of the girly-girl supermodel type, likes to wear all pink and such. But fashion is just one of the things she specializes in! Like the Barbie doll (who has like nearly every profession), she can adapt to many different situations. She has long blonde hair like the Barbie doll and also has a ponytail in her hair in the style like in the Barbie logo (the one with the pink Barbie silhouette)

Whoo-hooo! 2-for-1 deal! It's Suse-tan! She's a lifeguard! (Cause of the life saver, common symbol for the help feature in OSes these days. But Suse-tan is a lifeguard because she's one of the user-friendlier OSes. At least Linux distro-wise. I think.) She also has a pet lizard with her that can turn into a fire-breathing dragon! (it's her extra powerful secret weapon)

But I don't know what her personality would be like though yet.

OS-tans I've considered drawing next: Fedora-tan, Mandriva-tan, Mac OS 10.5/Leopard-tan, Palm OS-tan (my version of her is a pilot girl, reference to Palm Pilot).

And I might even post some of my old character designs for various OS-tans to see how much I've improved and how much you peoples would think too. But you might want to brace yourselves- some of them were pretty darn bad and/or inaccurate!


Yo Aurora, I'm back!  ^.^
Great news!  Finally got a chance to see Zerosanity and am lovingi it!  ^v^

But that's for that thread, of course.... -v-


Damn Small Linux-tan - very very very very cute, but at 9 inches not sure if that's short enough.  You've got Windows CE, PalmOS and Minix to consider since they're all tiny too, so might have to shrink down DSL (wow, what an acronym!  ^v^) even further.

Barbie Linux-tan - I did know this distros existed, but I just couldn't believe it.  But in any case, rule of thumb for the C-chan.  If she's tall, I like her already.  Hence, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Barbie Linux-tan!!!!!!  ^V^
Also eager to keep the height if I ever get to render her; the only OS-tan I might make taller are the mainframes, but that's not exactly accurate since they're giants anyway.

SUSE Linux-tan - Adorable.  ^.^
It looks like a cross between Juzo-kun's version and the SUSE drawn by the anonymous Japanese artist (in our gallery), but you did something to the hair that makes her look cuter than the previous two I just mentioned.  And the lifeguard is correct -- since I use SUSE, I can attest that there is in fact a life-preserver icon on the start menu.  -v-
Is that an iguana outfit she has on also?  If so, how about making her a closeted costume-fanatic?  (A little like Mint from 'Galaxy Angel', if you've ever seen that series)

Fedora-tan - My favorite of Juzo-kun's -tans, so please make her very cute!  ^.^

Mandriva-tan - Ditto. ^.^

Mac OS 10.5/Leopard-tan - You'll be the first, so go for it!  Onward, Mac user!  ^V^

Palm OS-tan - I made a PalmOS-tan before, but this'll be perfect quid pro quo.  I drew my rendition of Windows 1.0-tan, and in turn you create your rendition of Palm-tan.  Perfect synergy....  ^.^

Okay that should do it for today.  Lemme go sneak in a couple words about Zerosanity before my time's up....  ^v^'

*transfers to other thread*

Aurora Borealis

0'9 would be too big for Damn Small-tan? I can also assume 1'6 is too big for Palm OS-tan and CE-tan! How much smaller were you thinking exactly?

And SUSE-tan wears a swimsuit with an iguana tail on it. Her being a costume fanatic sounds like a good idea- perfect chance for various crossovers, parodies and cosplay! But what would happen if the other characters found her secret? That could be an interesting plot twist!

And I was curiously wondering (whoo-hoo! redundancy!), is Barbie-tan your new favorite now?

Anyways, 2 new characters! I'm on a roll this week!

Mandriva-tan! I don't really know what would be an accurate personality but at least appearance-wise, she looks like the cheerful type.

I was thinking she could be a double agent because Mandriva was once known as Mandrake, however that name change from a merger though. Should she still be a double agent (and also have a Mandrake-tan appear too) or should she result from a fusion in some sort of laboratory experiment or a DBZ-style fusion (Fu-sion, HA!!!)?

Fedora-tan! Her character design is based off the one that was seen on Nijiura a couple times (the one with the silver/white hair, wears a navy blue dress) except with a couple modifications and is secret agent-y! (*imitates Pee Wee Herman*: Secret agent-y! :D )

She and her sister, Redhat-tan are secret agents. But because Redhat-tan represents the original and Enterprise verision and that the Enterprise version is almost the same age as Fedora, they could twin sisters.