Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Ha, Top 10's are overrated! BBspot goes that extra mile and 11 is the new 10!)

;010 I lol'd on this!

Aurora's work is something that everyone approves! Introducing new website-tans improves our community!



Quote from: Aurora BorealisAnd here's BBspot-tan! Specializes in satire, making Top 11 lists (she's holding one in the picture! Ha, Top 10's are overrated! BBspot goes that extra mile and 11 is the new 10!) and pointing out bloopers (usually involving funny mis-spellings or funny ad placements) and she carries a red highlighter pen to point those out! She's also very fond of geeky limericks.

Hey, you also like this site, i love it and I love its website-tan! :> i even participate in the geek limeric contest this year.

BTW: do you mind if I amend your design for DSL-tan so she is riding on a USB-stick?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: Tsubashi
QuoteLuckily you managed to clean up the mess because no one wants a red mini that is red from blood!

True, but it's still not fixed! Now I have to wait until my finger heals.
Just watch, when I go to fix it I'll slash my finger open again. ^.^
Well, heal quickly then! Your computer needs you! (but of course be extra careful!) ^^

QuoteAnd I think you should try drawing because the more artists the merrier!


*Draw Draw Draw*

There! It's a Geiger counter! And now we've come near the extent of my drawing abilities. ^^'
Maybe with a little more time, I'd have smoothed edges a bit more. ^.^
Looks nice! ;010 And if you know how to draw people, you could draw some OS-tan stuff too!

QuoteAlso congrats to reaching GNU/Linux rank, Tsubashi! Wow. You've been here for less than 2 months and you ALREADY have 1000+ posts? Didn't take too long to outpost me! (you joined when I had about 400 posts)

Meh, just means I talk too much, but thanks! ^__^
That's okay! Still, I'm extremely impressed by that post count and how it didn't take long to outpost me! ^^; Before you know it, you'll catch up with the top 3 posters!

QuoteGot more stuff done!

Yay more stuff! and quite awesome stuff at that! ^o^
*Twitches from awesome overload*

QuoteAnd Slashdot-tan in wiki avi form!

That is Nifty-Sweet x 10^5!!! I love the BG, it fits perfectly! ^v^
Thanks! I was trying to choose between a dark gray background or a teal one but then when trying both, the answer quickly came to me!

Quoteshe carries a red highlighter pen to point those out!

That is one huge pen! I'd better not make any spelling errors... <.<
*Runs entire post through Spellchecker*
Don't worry about all mis-spellings! But if the mis-spellings omit or add in letters to completely change a word or its meaning (or put decimals in the wrong place with numbers), beware!

Quote from: Exa
Quote from: Aurora BorealisHa, Top 10's are overrated! BBspot goes that extra mile and 11 is the new 10!)

 ;010 I lol'd on this!

Aurora's work is something that everyone approves! Introducing new website-tans improves our community!

Thank you! Now I wonder what an 'OS-tan Collections'-tan would be like! :D

Quote from: C-Chan*swoon*  ^v^
Thanks, C-Chan!

Quote from: Kami-Tux
Quote from: Aurora BorealisAnd here's BBspot-tan! Specializes in satire, making Top 11 lists (she's holding one in the picture! Ha, Top 10's are overrated! BBspot goes that extra mile and 11 is the new 10!) and pointing out bloopers (usually involving funny mis-spellings or funny ad placements) and she carries a red highlighter pen to point those out! She's also very fond of geeky limericks.

Hey, you also like this site, i love it and I love its website-tan! :> i even participate in the geek limeric contest this year.

BTW: do you mind if I amend your design for DSL-tan so she is riding on a USB-stick?

Cool! It's it is so cool to know that there's another person familiar with at least one of the websites I've made a website-tan for! (BBspot is one of the websites I check on a daily basis too!) And I hope you do greatly in the limerick contest! I wish I could participate too but my poetry skills are not what they used to be ;__;

And I like your suggestion about DSL-tan riding on a USB-stick! That sounds like a really cute idea! ^^


QuoteLooks nice!  And if you know how to draw people, you could draw some OS-tan stuff too!

Thanks, but it's a box. Most people can draw boxes. ^^'

QuoteNow I wonder what an 'OS-tan Collections'-tan would be like!

Woah! I'd never even though about that! CaptBrenden would hate it (self-promotion and what not) but I think it's be way cool.
Seeing as our site is dedicated to the OS-tans, maybe she'd be a servant. Or better yet! She could be a traveling artist! ^o^
There are some ideas, but you probably have even more, don't you? ^^;

QuoteAnd I hope you do greatly in the limerick contest!

Yes, me too! Good Luck Kami-Tux-sama!


Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Okay, I'm hoping I'm done with the swooning for a while.  -v-'

Alright, lesse...

QuoteAnd I think you should try drawing because the more artists the merrier!

I agree wholeheartedly on that one.  ^__^
What makes the Japanese boards wonderful is not so much that the artwork is good (cause you can always see great artwork on individual or company sites), but that nearly everyone pitches in to create it!  ^v^

Participation is key!!  ^___^

QuoteHere's a full-body chibi of Slashdot-tan! Yes, she's very gluttonous like XP-tan! You know, because Slashdot is most notorious for causing websites to crash from so much traffic and bandwidth consumption! And that's where we get the term "Slashdot effect" from!

OMG that's cute (the eyes in particular are very well done).  ^___^
And the clothing effects are very original.  ^v^

QuoteAnd here's BBspot-tan! Specializes in satire, making Top 11 lists (she's holding one in the picture! Ha, Top 10's are overrated! BBspot goes that extra mile and 11 is the new 10!) and pointing out bloopers (usually involving funny mis-spellings or funny ad placements) and she carries a red highlighter pen to point those out! She's also very fond of geeky limericks.

Rince and repeat praise here!  ^v^
The only point of concern is that the glasses (being as thin as they are) suffer from a bit too much pixelation, but that's more Photoshop's fault than anything else.  -v-

She's got the sharpness going, she has the cuteness in the bag, and of particular merit I want to point out how well you've been rounding out their upper bodies in these latest pics!  ^v^

The breasts, chests and hips are well defined and enhance the charm of your characters.  ^.^

QuoteThere! It's a Geiger counter! And now we've come near the extent of my drawing abilities. ^^'
Maybe with a little more time, I'd have smoothed edges a bit more. ^.^

*cough cough* Bull biscuits! *cough hack cough*

Excuse me, I think I gotta cold coming.  -v-

It's pretty neat, but what's the deal with Geiger Counters lately?  that's the 3rd one I've seen today.

You guys don't know anything I don't, do you?  '__'





*runs off to buy Potassium Iodide pills*

QuoteAurora's work is something that everyone approves! Introducing new website-tans improves our community!

Doubleplusagree on this.  -v-
And she has a lot more where that came from, of course.  ^___^

*hint hint to Aurora*

QuoteAnd I like your suggestion about DSL-tan riding on a USB-stick! That sounds like a really cute idea! ^^

Love that to, although she's so damn small, she could probably  ride on a microSD card if she wanted to!  ^.^

QuoteWoah! I'd never even though about that! CaptBrenden would hate it (self-promotion and what not) but I think it's be way cool.
Seeing as our site is dedicated to the OS-tans, maybe she'd be a servant. Or better yet! She could be a traveling artist! ^o^
There are some ideas, but you probably have even more, don't you? ^^;

A long long time ago, I was bouncing around the idea for a new forum banner featuring an OS-tan Collections-tan.  -v-

Eventually I shot down my own idea -- not out of concern for shameless self promotion, but simply because we already are inundated with mascots we can use for our banners (which we eventually did), so why go through the trouble of making a new one.  ^__^

Still, if the site grows even more in popularity and participation,... I guess it couldn't hurt to explore that option.  -v-

For my own personal rendition, I don't remember settling on any sort of trade.  However, I did picture her carrying a big sack full of chibi characters, each one representing us (a pig, a heavily armored knight, Kattlanna-chan, a penguin, a guy with glasses bowing apologetically, etc, etc) all crammed in.  Of course, if that were problematic (given the come and go nature of some members), the member chibis could've always just been replaced with OS-tan chibis (which I guess would be more appropriate).  -v-


QuoteGood luck to you too, Tsubashi-sama!

Arigato Kami-Tux-sama!

Quote*cough cough* Bull biscuits! *cough hack cough*

Excuse me, I think I gotta cold coming. -v-

Bless you! I hope you recover quickly! ^-^
but it's true. The corners are quite angular, and don't meet at the right places. -v-'

QuoteIt's pretty neat, but what's the deal with Geiger Counters lately? that's the 3rd one I've seen today.

You guys don't know anything I don't, do you? '__'

Well, You probably saw the first one in Kami-Tux's ReactOS Drawing, but I don't know where the second one came from. I actually drew this one after Kami-Tux-sama asked for idea's on how to draw one. ^^'


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"

Thank you! Now I wonder what an 'OS-tan Collections'-tan would be like! :D

"OS-tan Collections"-tan?
Maybe a mix from the most popular OS-tans? I don't know...

OFF: Your work is not only great, but introduces me websites I never heard before (Fark, BBSpot...)


Im thinking a rabid fangirl otaku with a desk covered in PVC figurines and walls of posters and bookshelves filled with mangaee goodness.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.

Aurora Borealis

But I just hope it's not shameless self-promoting for there to be an OS-tan Collections-tan though! (although I am curious what she could be like) But a girl who is a mix of OS-tans (maybe a 3.1+ME+2K+XP+Sonata+OSX+Linux-tans combo or something like that) and is also a rabid fangirl otaku sounds good! :D


no seriosly, not a combination of tans.. there are too many to cover.  Probobly would get no end to the complaint from the pig if there was no amiga included, or from kami-tux if no linux included.  No, I think she would be a girl in blue and white clothes (much like our harmony 2 style) carrying or holding os tan murchandise.. like a ! t shirt, a doskitty purse, a stuffed hakobackpack, and an armfull of PVC figurines.   humm what comes to mind when you picture female otakus?  Cosplayer.. maybe wearing some kind of generic cosplay (again dont want her to look spacific) like maybe a sailor suit the blue and white of the forum.  

any other ideas?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Add some form of recursion! Like reading a manga, where she is on the cover.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


QuoteOFF: Your work is not only great, but introduces me websites I never heard before (Fark, BBSpot...)

Touche.  ^__^

QuoteIm thinking a rabid fangirl otaku with a desk covered in PVC figurines and walls of posters and bookshelves filled with mangaee goodness.

See attached....
Somehow that description reminded me of that Onna-Otaku image I saw months ago.  ^.^

QuoteBut I just hope it's not shameless self-promoting for there to be an OS-tan Collections-tan though! (although I am curious what she could be like) But a girl who is a mix of OS-tans (maybe a 3.1+ME+2K+XP+Sonata+OSX+Linux-tans combo or something like that) and is also a rabid fangirl otaku sounds good!

Haha!  Betcha saying that cause OS-tan chimeras are your specialty!  ^.^'

Quoteno seriosly, not a combination of tans.. there are too many to cover. Probobly would get no end to the complaint from the pig if there was no amiga included, or from kami-tux if no linux included. No, I think she would be a girl in blue and white clothes (much like our harmony 2 style) carrying or holding os tan murchandise.. like a ! t shirt, a doskitty purse, a stuffed hakobackpack, and an armfull of PVC figurines. humm what comes to mind when you picture female otakus? Cosplayer.. maybe wearing some kind of generic cosplay (again dont want her to look spacific) like maybe a sailor suit the blue and white of the forum.

For the record, I too would complain if there were no Linux-tans. (but yeah, I'd draw blood over the Amiga-thing.  -v-)

But yes, the point is valid for the same reason I shot down my old mini-member idea,... there are just too many to add, and many more to come.  Better to keep a character with semi-permanent traits.  ^__^

Harmony-style clothing is a big plus.  -v-

PVC figurines,.... plushies might be easier to draw, but heck why the hell not? ^__^

QuoteAdd some form of recursion! Like reading a manga, where she is on the cover.

Wow, y'all are really getting into this.  ^__^

For the record, I should probably suggest that an OS-tan Collections-tan picture WOULD make for a very nice wallpaper Contest submission.  ^.^


maybe some Nekomimi on a hair band.. i know alot of otaku chicks that have a set of those.    Shes a nerd/geek so she may have freckless and glasses or something.. got that cute but not trying to be look maybe.  the sailor suit uniform sounds like a good ideat tho come to think of it.  maybe give her some of those big poofy knee high socks
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.