Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Yo Aurora-sama....  ^__^

*wags tail expectantly*

Any interesting new drawings on the horizon, by any chance?  ^.^

*happy dance*

*wags tail some more*

Aurora Borealis

*dusts off thread*

Ah yes. I'm almost done with a group picture of Fark-tan, Something Awful-tan and BBSpot-tan! The latest group picture with Cheetah-tan giving an OSX-kun his just desserts is also in progress too. :D

Also considered making a Youtube-tan, YTMND-tan, and a Slashdot-tan! ;006


*wags tail*

Excelente!  ^v^

So many awesome projects on the way,...!  ^__^

*wags tail more*

I for one would love to see Cheetah-sama in action.  ^v^

Oh, and all those Site-tans will go very well in the Wiki, btw.  ^.^


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"*dusts off thread*

Ah yes. I'm almost done with a group picture of Fark-tan, Something Awful-tan and BBSpot-tan! The latest group picture with Cheetah-tan giving an OSX-kun his just desserts is also in progress too. :D

Also considered making a Youtube-tan, YTMND-tan, and a Slashdot-tan! ;006

Oooh, will be hinted at in any way? ^^

Aurora Borealis

Yes. But how is the question! I was thinking she could be pretty greedy, taking bandwidth from other website-tans (although Fark and Digg are notorious of this too, hence websites screwed from too much traffic are known as "Slashdotted", "Farked" or "Dugg", but Slashdot is most notorious of that) and/or very gluttonous :D

Aurora Borealis

Got a new picture done!

Okay, so the new year was more than a month ago but at least I made this near the Chinese new year! I think. I know it takes place at this general time of the year though! And what better OS-tan to have in the picture than 3.2-tan? ^^

More good news: I finally have a working internet connection on my Mac again! For one-and-a-half months, I had to use my mom's PC for general internet usage and use my dad's Mac to transfer pictures from my iPod to my Photobucket account! (sure, it worked but was quite inconvienient) Yes, for 1.5 months I was also a Windows user! 0___0


Awwww.... so that explains an awful lot.  -v-

Please forgive me, Aurora-sama.  -.-
Now I know why you were so quiet.  -v-

I owe you big time now.  ^__^

*cuddles 3.2-chan pic and runs off to draw an exchange present*

Aurora Borealis

I saw the Year of the Pig thread and saw you posted the picture I drew! Thank you! Sure is more convienient than here because that's a picture thread (I guess this could qualify too but I put larger pictures in link format when in doubt) and it be easily viewed! :D

btw, 3.2-tan will appear in ZS! She and 3.1-tan first appear on page 34! But I decided to have her speak in broken English (because she's still learning it) but of course I could have done what Megatokyo does with the usage of Japanese-speaking characters though and add in brackets around what she says to indicate it's in another language.


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Aurora Borealis

Doodled these preconcept doodles in my planner at school recently:

The Smoking Gun-tan! She's an attorney that does her research and will take any case! She's dependable but her fashion sense is quite questionable though! It's not shown in the picture, but she does a carry a smoking gun with her at nearly at all times! Also likes puppet shows (reference to The Smoking Gun show, with everyone being puppets)

And here's Slashdot-tan! She's a news lady like Fark-tan but specializes in news of technology, science and gaming. She wears some medieval armor and has a sword because she's fond of Warcraft and games like that. Her outfit has some visual puns in it involving slashes and dots! Slashdot-tan is mighty gluttonous and a bandwidth hog, sometimes hogging so much that smaller websites (and smaller website-tans) get temporarily screwed over from the traffic and bandwidth consumption (Slashdot effect!). It takes a while to become friends with her because she's not very friendly to newbies (or Windows-tans) but if someone can prove his/her worth, he/she just might get her respect ("just might" are the keywords here though). But she is good friends with BBSpot-tan.

Also was about to doodle a YTMND-tan but I need to get familiar with YTMND again before I do that. But she'll be random, and use the phrase "DAWG!" a lot.


Good stuff as usual, Aurora-sama.... ^____^


*wags tail joyfully*

...Anything else in the works, by any chance?  ^.^

*wags tail faster*

Aurora Borealis

Mostly done with the Valentines Day dance picture! It has more than 20 characters in it but I'm mostly there! (but pretty much almost done if I skip shading though) And it'll be another crazy group picture!

But because I'm feeling generous, here a few hints about it!:

1. Has 3 of your OS-tans in it, C-Chan!
2. XP-tan falls in love with a piece of cake!
3. An OS-tan is playing the role of cupid and pairing up OS-tans and -kuns in strange ways including some love triangles!


*wags tail harder on the ground*

Well that's fantastic of course.... ^_____^

But, uh,......... like,..... you know......  ^^

Aurora Borealis

Got the Valentine's special picture done! Okay, so it's still the 13th where I am but to some of you it is the 14th!

This picture pretty much speaks for itself! GS/OS-tan is playing the role of cupid  (she's got wings and is good at archery after all!) and firing love arrows and arranging couples and even some love triangles! And one of these couples is XP-tan and... a piece of cake?!

Oh, and the ME-tan ice sculpture returns with a vengance! (first in the Christmas picture I drew) But this time ME-tan's not amused!

Poor Homeo! Caught in a love triangle between Homeko and Hacchan, and having to worry about Secchan's "castrating guys with bottle openers" wrath!

And the orange-haired girl with the paintbrush is supposed to be Amiga-tan in her gala dress but I had to guess on what it looked like from the back based on the picture that C-Chan drew so far.


SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIII, Gaston-Belle Hybrid,... no, I mean Aurora-sama!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

And just when I thought you couldn't outdo yourself before, you pull off this marvelous blend of detail, wonder and precious cameos!!!!  ^___^

500,000,000 C-chan points for yoU!!!!!!  ^V^

*inflation skyrockets, but he doesn't seem to care*

Oooooh!!!  OOOH!!  Pick me!!! Pick me to identify the OS-tans!!!  ^____^

Lesse.... -v-

*starts listing*