Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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OMG!  That Zune-chan looks perfect, and I love the part about the excess make-up and the painted-on fake trackwheel on her dress.  ^-^

I'll be back to say more...  -v-

Aurora Borealis

Thanks, Exa! I got the idea for the picture one day when I redrew MS BOB-tan with a hard hat because it's a reference to "Bob the builder" and thought it would be funny to make a parody in the full-body picture of BOB-tan and add in various disgruntled OS-tans that were around at the time of BOB's release ^^

And I'm glad you think Zune-tan looks perfect, C-Chan! I was afraid she didn't look unremarkable and I thought the shade of brown I used was more chocolate-like than turd! Still... turd colored brick! But the white Zune looks kinda like a slab of white chocolate!


Aroura... you must draw a Steam-tan.. and then draw her diying in a horrible firy explosion.  -_-

just a saggestion.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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You mean Steam as in Half-Life 2 Steam?  The one thing that turned me off future Half Life products, despite the fact that I don't have a 56K anymore...?

Oh yeah, a horrible fiery death would be fitting.  -v-

(Fufu,... just kidding,... about the horrible death at least, but Steam still sucks.)  ^^'

Anyway, where was I.... -v-

QuoteThanks! I hope to make another crazy group picture like that! I've had an idea for one involving various OS-tans and different parodies! System 3-tan skipping down the yellow brick road, OS 8-tan using a transmutation circle are a couple things (don't want to give everything away!) But too bad I don't really know any "Phantom of the Opera" references or "Rambo" references though (otherwise System 5-tan and GS/OS-tan could be in the picture!)

That's okay, I wouldn't overdo it anyway.  ^___^
And now that you mention it, there's still those wiki avis to handle, eh?  Ã,¬__Ã,¬'

Okay, I'll definitely resume working on them, ^^'
Hand in hand with the Flash animation I'm also finishing for the Captain.  ^v^;

QuoteYou're welcome! I added in the other A$C girls because the A$C is my second favorite OS-tan faction (House of Mac is most obviously my favorite) and with BOB-tan being in the picture, it's the perfect opportinity for them to appear!

Hehe,... I'm glad you're second favorite faction is also the easiest to draw.  ^^'
Aside from the User Space Gang, all the others have way too many members.  -v-'

QuoteArgh! Silly me! I should have clarified too. Supposed to be more like "when she could take on 95-tan" ^^;

Something like that.  ^.^
She could definitely take her on now alone, but 95-tan now has the backing of lots of modern Windows-tans.  eCS-chan could help, but you remember what I said her problem was.  ^^;

QuoteOh! I thought Tandy-tan worked for Team Rocket! ^^ Anyways, I like her choice in weapons and attack strategies! Flying books and preaching!  Good candidate for favorite OS-tan that you made!

Ah, so THAT's why your "R" looked familiar.  ^__^
Fufu,.. a surprise hit, but another friend of mine said the same thing when she saw her.  At this rate, I'll have to eventually do a full-body render of her.  ^^'

Come to think of it, I must create a full-body poster of all 4 members + eCS-chan at some point.  -v-

Quote"2.0-chan was still around"

OH NO! SHE DIED! She should have known confronting System 6-tan (while under 6-kun's control) was a really really bad idea--

Nah, just kidding but that does have a double meaning. Beware! I know that she's actually in the Vintage Renmei and doesn't see her younger sisters anymore (or often). Besides, who in their right mind would want to attack someone with that much kawaiiness?!

Naturally, naturally.  ^v^
But historically-speaking, there was a time when there were plenty of OS-tans that were definitely not in their right minds, and were more than willing to attack such a cute girl.  -.-'
It's a long sad story that's part of my backstory of ancient Windows lore.  -v-
I should probably lay it out at some point, since it explains a lot about the origins of OS/2 as well, among other things.
But while 2.0-chan did fight with Mac-tans in several occasions (especially against OS6, who easily highlighted 2.0-chan's obsolescence), the greatest irony is that her downfall was brought about by her very sister (then 3.0-sama).

Like I said, long story....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬'

QuoteYes. Must draw System 7-tan with a katana!...

I too plan to draw her wiki avi with a katana.  ^__^
Even though she's too depressed to use one now, I feel she should at least carry it around in case the day comes she snaps out of it (like with the OSX-kun thing I told you about ages ago).  ^__^

QuoteHmm... good point! System 1-tan can be scatterbrained at times. But no big deal because she's from the House of Mac and the Mac-tans are supposed to be crazy like that!

Hehe,... yeah, I can sorta see her blending in seamlessly within the insanity.  ^^'

QuoteAnd I'm glad you think Zune-tan looks perfect, C-Chan! I was afraid she didn't look unremarkable and I thought the shade of brown I used was more chocolate-like than turd! Still... turd colored brick! But the white Zune looks kinda like a slab of white chocolate!

Well that was tricky to make her look unremarkable, since a -tan is supposed to be "pretty" in some way or other.  But yes, it's a great balance -- cute enough to be a hardware-tan, but with enough awkward features to prove our unremarkable point.  ^^'

In any case, seeing her gave me the idea for a silly picture.

Imagine if you will Zune-tan standing before iPod-tan, looking like she's desperate for attention and squirting some unseamly-looking fluid from a bottle.  Apparently Zune-chan wants iPod-chan to absorb the fluid somehow, but it insteads splatters and trickles down her lovely blue dress (I sorta like the blue iPod for some reason).  iPod-chan isn't angry per se, but you can see in her face that she's obviously weirded out by Zune-chan.  -v-


I have two suggestions, too:

1. Youtube-tan
2. YTMND-tan (You're The Man Now Dog-tan... maybe with some fads...)

Unfortunately I don't have the idea about their designs... but I'm not so creative nowadays.


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"I've made a sketch for a possible YouTube-tan! She's an alien girl and her atennas (however that's spelled! >_< ) look like those of an old-fashioned TV and are functional. People near her better be careful what they say or do because she may eventually use that against them!

A YTMND-tan sounds good too. She'd be extremely random and unpredictable and likes internet memes and flashy backgrounds combined with weird music!

And now to respond to C-Chan's post too...

Quote from: "C-Chan"You mean Steam as in Half-Life 2 Steam?  The one thing that turned me off future Half Life products, despite the fact that I don't have a 56K anymore...?

Oh yeah, a horrible fiery death would be fitting.  -v-

(Fufu,... just kidding,... about the horrible death at least, but Steam still sucks.)  ^^'

Anyway, where was I.... -v-

At first I thought it was steam as in the boiling-water-turning-into-water-vapor kind! ^^;


That's okay, I wouldn't overdo it anyway.  ^___^
And now that you mention it, there's still those wiki avis to handle, eh?  Ã,¬__Ã,¬'

Okay, I'll definitely resume working on them, ^^'
Hand in hand with the Flash animation I'm also finishing for the Captain.  ^v^;
Yay! I helped you remember about those wiki avis!

Hehe,... I'm glad you're second favorite faction is also the easiest to draw.  ^^'
Aside from the User Space Gang, all the others have way too many members.  -v-'

Wiki avi's?
They deleted the Wikipedia page and the old avi's are probably on the road to being deleted. Believe me, we need to get those avi's and use them for an OS-Tan info page! BTW, I made an example bio which I posted on the Project WIKI thread.


'kay, this'll be quick.  ^__^

QuoteI don't think I recall ;__;

Is it that eCS-tan isn't really an A$C member? But why is that? She would make a good team member!

Yep, she's an excellent fighter, aside from being very talented and crafty.  But she also has a serene disposition, and is not particularly violence-prone.  Not that this normally would prevent OS/2 from inducting her into the Anti$oft Coalition (RISC-chan is also a bit sweet herself), but there are further issues involved.

The short and sweet of it is that OS/2-tan doesn't want eCS-chan to waste her potential.  -v-

QuoteFull-body picture of the A$C = massive win! I say go for it!

Already on queue.  ^__^

Quote*Fark-tan appears and pulls out the "Ironic" tag*

"Windows 2-tan's downfall caused by 3.1-tan. System 6-tan unavaliable for comment, but able to find Sarah Connor"

It's not really 3.1-sama's fault either per se,....
It's hard to describe without recounting the whole side-story....  -.-'

But I've always viewed the Mac-tans (especially the old MACs) as being old-style competitors -- eager, but civil.  Except for the little debacle with GEM-tan, none of them ever advocated scorched-earth aggression against other OS-tans -- so the occasional skirmish between the Mac-tans, and 2.0-chan, a young OS/2-tan, the DOS-tans and Xenix-san were more chivalrous than not.  That's why I could never see OS6-tan being THAT cruel to poor 2.0-chan.  -___-

QuoteBut I thought System 7-tan was in favor of what the OSX-kuns were doing because they don't bug her and she is nice to them. But of course there is that possibility that she could snap out of her depression

That'd be cute too.  ^__^

But I'm also open to the possibility that she can use that katana to save them one day too.  ^.^

QuoteUhh... did she mistake her for a sponge or something? Well, Zune-tan is weird! ^^

Hehe,... read about the Zune's silly "squirting" feature that's a cheap rip-off of what WiFi-enabled Palm Pilots and PocketPCs have been able to do for years.  You "squirt" an mp3 to another Zune user wirelessly, to facilitate social file-sharing.

The catch:

- Seems to only work between Zune's, so naturally you're not gonna have many people to squirt at.  ^^'
- "Squirted" songs can only be heard 3 times before they self-destruct and force you to buy the song.

- If there is no security feature, I can picture misfits squirting porn and porn audio to unsuspecting users (although this is very unlikely, since you'd probably have trouble LICENSING said porn so that you can upload it to the turd brick.  -v-')

QuoteWiki avi's?
They deleted the Wikipedia page and the old avi's are probably on the road to being deleted. Believe me, we need to get those avi's and use them for an OS-Tan info page! BTW, I made an example bio which I posted on the Project WIKI thread.

Oh yeah, I saw.  [the bastards]
It was a merge decision in the end, although lucky for us the guy who merged it to the main article didn't have a qualm about using Leopard-chan to represent OSX.  ^__^
(BTW, did you see the deletion request for 2K-tan's picture?)

Don't worry about the "wiki avi's" -- it's just a term I use to describe those 100x100 avatars in that simplistic chibi-style that I use at the Annex.  You are right, however -- since Wiki was gracious enough to delete all our hard work, I should probably call these avatars something else since clearly "Wiki AVI" is no longer applicable.  -v-

At least now I have the excuse to switch to my own style, as there's nothing left for me to style-match.  ^__^

The creation of our own info page to house the old wikipedia article should be a goal, but in the meantime I'll offer amnesty to the wikipedia blurbs at my Annex.  -v-

Added after 2 hours 14 minutes:

I went back to my old OS1 avatar and redid it took look cuter (and fixed the eyes to do away with the old Wiki AVI format and implement a more preferred design).  ^__^

Still haven't loaded it to the Annex yet, but will do that later.  For now, here she is in a nice 450 pixel width.  ^.^

As far as the rest of the Mac-tans go, I was actually considering perhaps going ahead with the Running OS-tan pic featuring all of Aurora's Mac-tans.  That way, I can have that pic done AND produce the necessary chibis for the remaining avatars.   ^__^

Saving two birds with one net!  ^v^


System 7-tan = very nice!

Loss of 2k-tan avatar = I think I archived it a while back, but I'll be inactive for the next few days due to Science Olympiad.

I'd have more to say, but I'm kinda busy.


Aurora Borealis continues to amaze me! your os-tans rock!!!!  ;010


Yes, Aurora Borealis = guarantee of quality :D


QuoteSystem 7-tan = very nice!

Loss of 2k-tan avatar = I think I archived it a while back, but I'll be inactive for the next few days due to Science Olympiad.

I'd have more to say, but I'm kinda busy.

Wow, that's helluva busy, cause that there be System 1-tan.  ^___^
System 7's the one who looks like a blue, clinically-depressed Yakuza member with a 7 on her head.  -v-

QuoteAurora Borealis continues to amaze me! your os-tans rock!!!!
QuoteYes, Aurora Borealis = guarantee of quality

MWAHAHA!!!!  ^V^
[theatrically]   Amateurs!!!  ^0^
I've been saying Aurora rocks WELL BEFORE YOUZ two were ever born!!  ^v^
When it comes to Aurora Praise, it's gonna take years to best this pig....!!  ^0^

[singing in off-key voice]  Au-ro-ra, you ROOOOoooooOOOOOCK!!!!!!!!!  ^0^

Aurora Borealis

Thanks you guys! ^^

Also haven't seen you in a long while, broughXP22!

And this is the 400th post! Wow! I never thought an art thread of mine would span this long! Thanks everyone for contributing! May this thread continue to prosper! :D


Beats a certain Pokemon forum, eh?  ^__~

BTW, I'll be back to reply to your stuff later.  Just have it kinda rough at the moment.  -v-'


Okay, I'm back.  Sorry to keep you waiting....  ^___^

First order of business.... -v-

That'd be cute too. ^__^

But I'm also open to the possibility that she can use that katana to save them one day too. ^.^

That sounds interesting! I'd like to hear more about that possibility! ^^

Hehe,... one of the reasons my delay was extended was because I decided it was best to DRAW what I had in mind!  ^v^
Sorry, but I was kinda possessed,... the image begged to be drawn, and well, as they say, a picture's worth a 1000 words.... -v-

So there's the Yakuza katana I was talking to you about.  Made the handle white to differentiate it from Windows 95-tan's (and added a Mac face and toy bomb for extra hintage).  I've been watching Shakugan no Shana lately, so I guess it shows in the way I drew her,... but I hope you think she looks cool.  ^.^

Judging by the age of the OSX-kuns and the fact that she's still looks fierce, you'd think this was a picture taken many years ago.  ^___^

But that's just it.... -v-


This picture is in fact taken many years in the future!  @o@

Could it be that in trying [and succeeding] to protect her younger siblings, she finally rekindled her fighting spirit and found the strength to forgive herself for her past failures?  And what with the wisdom from age and the acquisition of humility, she could very well be STRONGER (or at least smarter) than what she was back when she was still a young and reckless gangster.  -v-

Now second order of business...... ^___^


*falls asleep over keyboard*

Sorry,... wasted too much energy....  Please accept a raincheck.... XvX'


Ive been out for a few days.. and am too lazy to read back posts right now....


WTF is that?!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.