Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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The best DS tan was the pair of little red head girls wearing yukatas  that were paterened like the top and bottom of the oldstyle DS

as for wii tan.. ive seen too many designs.. same with all the systems really.. no one can pic one design and stick with it.

Tho Ill mention now that I dont care for the wii period -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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well we were discussing the verios Wii-tans and design so that could have been concidered on topic...

but I claim no responsibility for the other two
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "C-Chan"First OFFICIAL video game console I personally owned was the NES, in its last years -- not too long after SMB3 came out, but not too long before the SNES appeared.  And as I recall, SMB3 was such a hit item, it was just as hard to find then as the Wii is now.  ^__^

Sorry Aurora-sama, but I just have to pick up this tangent for once. ^^;

I've so far in my life owned (and still own) only one console, having been pretty much a 100% computer person all my life. That one game console is the 8-bit NES, which I bought long after its prime, namely in spring 2004 along with this specific SMB3 game. However, despite the fact that the aforementioned game is fun beyond limits, my all-time favourite NES game (which I haven't been able to find anymore, excluding emulators) is the obscure Anticipation. I never had enough of it; I played the English word-guessing game long before I even began studying English at school, and it's the only console game that makes it in my hall of fame for nicest games of all times. ^___^

Wii is the second console I'd like to get, but 250 euros extra expense is right now unacceptable, as my finances might soon run into big trouble. No Wii for mee... at least not before a few issues have been sorted out with my parents. >_>

Alright, I'm done with the tangent. Aurora-sama is most forgiving. Not to mention that her designs are not getting any worse by time, on the contrary. Now I also said something on topic. ^o^


Bless you Pitkin for your Wii consideration and your contribution to our beloved tangent.  ^.^

I can personally attest that the Wii console is not overhyped, so as soon as the expense becomes acceptable (and all the other... issues.... sorted....) I'd recommend one pronto.  -v-

Oh, and it should be worth noting that Pitkin-dono didn't need additional consoles after the NES because he had his trusty C64s and Amigas to fill the void.  ^__^



Didnt even mention tan design or anything, for shame.

But Ill counter attest that the Wii is just a novelty system and that novelty wore off very fast for me.  I highly doubt Id get one if not for zelda, and future smash bro and metroid titles.  as for its ability to download games, Ill stick to emulators thanks, their free.

btw, aroura, you need to draw AOL tan being beaten up by like, youtube-tan and myspace-tan, and any other webside that has streaming video or music.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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You don't beat up a pig, you just cook them!  So there!  ^-^




*sweatdrop*  No wait, what the hell did I just say?  ^___^;


Maa,... well,... *swtiches topic quickly*  yeah, I second whatever AOL thing the Captain said....  ^^;

*scurries away quickly*

Added after 6 minutes:

QuoteI was also about to get p.23 and 24 of ZS up (but was gone most of the day). However, since it's been so long since a new page was put up, should I just spoil what happens in the next few pages, state the outcome of the tennis match and state what OS-tan(s) (if any) will be introduced?

Oh right, almost forgot.  -v-

Yeah, I'm kind of a fan of spoilage, so by all means please let me know how brutally Saba gets beaten by Redhat-sama, and how QNX-sama saves the day.  ^__^

Aurora Borealis

I like that picture idea, CaptBrenden! It's nice to see AOL-tan get PWNed for being such an unreliable girl! And she can also get PWNed by other email program-tans that would be rivals to her (MSN-tan, Outlook-tan, Mail-tan. Okay, so Mail-tan probably wouldn't consider AOL-tan a rival because pretty much every Mac OS X user uses Mail. Still, one-sided rivalries could be interesting) as well as the girls you suggested. I hate MySpace because I don't get what the big deal is (Mentioned alot on Fark, often also mentioning cybercriminals and sex offenders...), but I'll draw a MySpace-tan for the sake of that picture idea! And for Youtube-tan, I could picture her dressed kinda like an alien with TV atenna coming from her head, likes attention (well, probably not from Fark-tan. Plenty of stories involving Youtube videos under the "Dumb***" category!),knows how to make people famous- for better or worse.

Might as well post this here because the ZS thread isn't so active and ZS has been mentioned and discussed here before, so why not?


*Toaster doesn't cost you money but costs you an arm and a leg ^^

BWAHAHAHAHAHA... Anyone see any of THIS coming?

*hides in case of angry pig attack*

And don't worry, C-Chan, QNX-tan and her coworkers will reappear every so often! :D


*cries*  Gyaaah!  Noooo!  My tuna fish sandwich!  I've been fasting for two weeks for nothing...!  ;^0^;

*watefall tears*  Uwaaaa.....   ;__;

*clears throat*  Well, like RedHat-san said, it just would've been rude to make her mince meat in front of her sisters.  So in the end, she and I came out the heroes.  Right....  Exactly.... ^__^

Oh, how merciful we are.  ^.^

But anyway, that's an amazing batch of comics you have ready for us, Aurora-sama!  ^v^

I'm gonna enjoy reading through this.  ^-^

*starts reading*


and those that are... hungery

"im seriose!'


actually... add me to that list too
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"*cries*  Gyaaah!  Noooo!  My tuna fish sandwich!  I've been fasting for two weeks for nothing...!  ;^0^;

*watefall tears*  Uwaaaa.....   ;__;

*clears throat*  Well, like RedHat-san said, it just would've been rude to make her mince meat in front of her sisters.  So in the end, she and I came out the heroes.  Right....  Exactly.... ^__^

Oh, how merciful we are.  ^.^

But anyway, that's an amazing batch of comics you have ready for us, Aurora-sama!  ^v^

I'm gonna enjoy reading through this.  ^-^

*starts reading*

Originally, RedHat-tan was going to win but then I decided to change things to something more unexpected for the sake of surprise and well... the Windows-tans haven't won anything until that. But the upcoming Jeopardy game will be a great opportunity for some redemption and rivalry action again! :D

How do you think everyone will fare?

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"and those that are... hungery

"im seriose!'


actually... add me to that list too

Me three and also because like to pick the funny answers! And C-Chan fasting for two weeks oughta make four on the list!

In favor: 4
In opposition: 3
Hungry...?: 3 or 4
Didn't vote: 2

The hungry-voters are gaining popularity! :D


GYAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!  You're too much, Aurora-sama!!!!!!!  ^V^

*smoke comes out of ears*




aww poor 3.1sama.. at least she still has Doskitty
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Sorry, I'm back now.  ^__^
Even without shading, your pic is fantastically funny and the abundance of characters (especially rare ones) on screen is always a treat.  ^__^

QuoteThe A$C girls are on the roof, QNX-tan looks different because she is the original version (Normally she is QNX Neutrino-tan, but it wasn't until then she started wearing glasses, a lab coat and wearing her hair up and be the self-proclaimed mad scientist), RISC-tan is playing the fiddle (Fiddler on the roof! ), OS/2-tan is probably hiding a phaser gun behind her back (and looks younger, like Darknight_88's rendition which I assume was OS/2-tan back in the day when she wanted to take on 95-tan), Tandy-tan is reading her book. What could she be smiling about?...

Gwaha!  ^__^
Thank you very much for adding the other A$C girls.  ^v^
QNX-sama looks pretty and youthful with her hair down and seifuku -- judging by the similarity in how they've aged (glasses and hair change), it's no wonder she's a friend of OS/2-tan.  ^.^
RISC-tan is perfect for the fiddler role, both from what I told you before and because she kinda looks like she could be a member of an orchestra.  ^__^
Nice call on using the younger OS/2-tan -- plus she looks cute drawn in the distance.  But just to clarify, she still wants to take on 95-tan to this very day (she has one heck of a vendetta). -v-
Ditto for Tandy-tan, although I suppose I should explain the book since I forgot to do so in my eCS-pic.  ^^'
TRSDOS-tan is a proud follower of the Cult of Radio Shack, and consequently carries around a copy of the Holy Manual (="Employee" manual).  The "R" might not be familiar to you right away, but that's cause she prefers the older edition (the one based on the old Radio Shack logo)...

Her book serves as both a source of fervor and as a projectile weapon (in fact, she seems to be able to create an infinite number of them at will to toss at her enemies, or preach them to death).  Tandy-chan is very puritanical, very quick to criticize, stubborn-enough to put a mule to shame, and very hostile to new things (except for, strangely-enough, hardware).

By now, most of the A$C girls know how to work around or amuse themselves with her quirks, and still greatly appreciate her free tech support (she's to OS/2-tan as Scotty is to Kirk, in the latter's words).  But when she does get too out of hand, their best bet is to let her engross herself in her book for a few minutes.  Or preferrably hours.  ^^;

QuoteAnd I know. It is out of character for 3.1-tan to show obvious emotion, but she is disgruntled because she is supposed to work with BOB-tan and she knows of BOB's unreliability! (Because BOB is a program that was first used with 3.1)

Well, it is still cute anyway and besides I have seen her drawn with other emotions (with cute smiles, mellow frowns, etc.)

Besides, if I ever work on my backstory of the early days of Windows, 3.1-sama will be very different from how she is now.
At least while 2.0-chan was still around, they were both very happy and playful sisters.

QuoteSystem 7-tan, back in the day was aggressive, wore sunglasses, smoked cigars and was quite different from how she is now.

Definitely looks more "Capone" like.  Just giving her a samurai sword and she's instant Yakuza.  ^.^

QuoteBOB-tan is confused because System 1-tan is yelling at her in Newspeak! "REHAMMER, UNSMART GIRL!" is Newspeak for "GIVE BACK MY HAMMER, STUPID GIRL!" ^^ And Slackware-tan is over there, keeping her cool about the situation (or plotting something )

Hehe, poor Bob-chan.  ^^'
You know, if OS1-chan wanted her hammer, she could've just tried reaching up to it and given Bob-chan a better clue.  It begs to wonder who really is the unsmart girl here....  -v-'

Slackware definitely seems like an OS-tan that can keep her cool about anything.  ^^

All in all, great job Aurora-sama!  ^v^
Sorry it took so long to report back.  ^___^

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"*revives*

Sorry, I'm back now.  ^__^
Even without shading, your pic is fantastically funny and the abundance of characters (especially rare ones) on screen is always a treat.  ^__^

Thanks! I hope to make another crazy group picture like that! I've had an idea for one involving various OS-tans and different parodies! System 3-tan skipping down the yellow brick road, OS 8-tan using a transmutation circle are a couple things (don't want to give everything away!) But too bad I don't really know any "Phantom of the Opera" references or  "Rambo" references though (otherwise System 5-tan and GS/OS-tan could be in the picture!)


Gwaha!  ^__^
Thank you very much for adding the other A$C girls.  ^v^
QNX-sama looks pretty and youthful with her hair down and seifuku -- judging by the similarity in how they've aged (glasses and hair change), it's no wonder she's a friend of OS/2-tan.  ^.^
RISC-tan is perfect for the fiddler role, both from what I told you before and because she kinda looks like she could be a member of an orchestra.  ^__^

You're welcome! I added in the other A$C girls because the A$C is my second favorite OS-tan faction (House of Mac is most obviously my favorite) and with BOB-tan being in the picture, it's the perfect opportinity for them to appear!

Nice call on using the younger OS/2-tan -- plus she looks cute drawn in the distance.  But just to clarify, she still wants to take on 95-tan to this very day (she has one heck of a vendetta). -v-

Argh! Silly me! I should have clarified too. Supposed to be more like "when she could take on 95-tan" ^^;

Ditto for Tandy-tan, although I suppose I should explain the book since I forgot to do so in my eCS-pic.  ^^'
TRSDOS-tan is a proud follower of the Cult of Radio Shack, and consequently carries around a copy of the Holy Manual (="Employee" manual).  The "R" might not be familiar to you right away, but that's cause she prefers the older edition (the one based on the old Radio Shack logo)...

Her book serves as both a source of fervor and as a projectile weapon (in fact, she seems to be able to create an infinite number of them at will to toss at her enemies, or preach them to death).  Tandy-chan is very puritanical, very quick to criticize, stubborn-enough to put a mule to shame, and very hostile to new things (except for, strangely-enough, hardware).

By now, most of the A$C girls know how to work around or amuse themselves with her quirks, and still greatly appreciate her free tech support (she's to OS/2-tan as Scotty is to Kirk, in the latter's words).  But when she does get too out of hand, their best bet is to let her engross herself in her book for a few minutes.  Or preferrably hours.  ^^;
Oh! I thought Tandy-tan worked for Team Rocket! ^^ Anyways, I like her choice in weapons and attack strategies! Flying books and preaching! :D Good candidate for favorite OS-tan that you made!

Well, it is still cute anyway and besides I have seen her drawn with other emotions (with cute smiles, mellow frowns, etc.)

Besides, if I ever work on my backstory of the early days of Windows, 3.1-sama will be very different from how she is now.
At least while 2.0-chan was still around, they were both very happy and playful sisters.
I mean, I've never seen any pictures of her facefaulting like she did in that picture!

"2.0-chan was still around"

OH NO! SHE DIED! She should have known confronting System 6-tan (while under 6-kun's control) was a really really bad idea--

Nah, just kidding but that does have a double meaning. Beware! I know that she's actually in the Vintage Renmei and doesn't see her younger sisters anymore (or often). Besides, who in their right mind would want to attack someone with that much kawaiiness?!


Definitely looks more "Capone" like.  Just giving her a samurai sword and she's instant Yakuza.  ^.^

Yes. Must draw System 7-tan with a katana!...


Hehe, poor Bob-chan.  ^^'
You know, if OS1-chan wanted her hammer, she could've just tried reaching up to it and given Bob-chan a better clue.  It begs to wonder who really is the unsmart girl here....  -v-'

Slackware definitely seems like an OS-tan that can keep her cool about anything.  ^^

All in all, great job Aurora-sama!  ^v^
Sorry it took so long to report back.  ^___^

Hmm... good point! System 1-tan can be scatterbrained at times. But no big deal because she's from the House of Mac and the Mac-tans are supposed to be crazy like that! :D

But she could be too short to reach the hammer. I don't know how tall BOB-tan should be, but System 1-tan is only 4'1.

And here's Zune-tan! Does she seem lackluster and unremarkable enough though? But she likes to share things even though they expire within 3 days, and wears too much makeup- a sorta desperate attempt at being flashier than iPod-tan


Aurora, you never stop the amaze me! That MS BOB the builder pic is hilarious! With all the puns, the emotions (OMG even 3.1-tan can show her feelings ), and the whole situation, this one makes my day. And that Newspeak part... ;012

And I don't know much about that Zune thing, but the idea of the tan looks clever.