Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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thats an easy one.. cus thats where the biscut with egg and cheese was.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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*resists urge to smack*  Think different, think different, think different.....  -____-x

Oh, that reminds me,... there's much Mac action going on in the Picture Gallery thread, Aurora-sama.  ^__^

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "Alfamille"

I do...and I think C-chan is right, months ago I tried it...and there are extra features that you can see...especially the iDoom (loved it by the way!)

I didn't even know there is an iPod Linux! *now wants to try and draw an iPod Linux-tan...*

I'll stick to my Nano...based on critics point of view there are new features that we can see in the Zune....but it doesn't seem to outburst first impression of the design really turned me off (although i hope that like the Zune, iPod could accept more music file formats...)
I'm not  fond of the Zune's design either. It looks a brick to me -_-

Is that Red Hat-chan?>
Yup! :D

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Hehe,... not very far.
Substantial delays due to holiday pics, first the XP/OS9.2 one, now the Captain's, and possibly a third for Pitkin.  ^__^'

But don't worry, I will get them done eventually.  ^^'

And don't worry about the awesome picture, cause you're already adding RISC-tan to you know where.  ^v^

Aww man! Hope you get them done soon!

But I did see the XP+OS9.2 pic and it's cute! I never really noticed how similar 9.2-tan and XP-tan are appearance-wise!

And that's right! RISC-tan will appear in the "MS BOB the builder" picture I was working on! And that's also the picture that has System 1-tan yelling at BOB in Newspeak! "REHAMMER, UNSMART GIRL!" while BOB is confused and doesn't know what the heck she's talking about! :D


And to think, YOU of all people gave them free advertising one one of the older threads.  In retrospect, foooor shaaaame.  `v'

Yeah! For shame! But all this mentioning of the Zune has given the urge to draw a Zune-tan even though I don't like the Zune. But then again I've drawn an AOL-tan and I dislike AOL a lot! So, why not? :D


Even the ZX Spectrum!!  ^V^

I didn't know that either!


Touche,... When I do have it on in the street, I only use one earbud.  Don't fancy dancing to the tune of Toumei Shelter one second, then getting hit by a car the next.  ^___^;

It is just common sense to look both ways before you cross a street, isn't it? But then again, commonsense isn't too common these days -_-


Common sence was and uncommon virtue?  wait... thats not right...

10 points for anyone that gets the quote I was making reference too tho...

Besides.. concidering how some people drive.. simply looking both ways sometimes isnt enough anymore... Situational awareness people!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteEverything plays DooM!!

Even the ZX Spectrum!! ^V^

Yeah....Nintendo, Playstation, PS2, PSP, XBOX, Pocket PC, DreamCast, Atari, etc...but my point is thanks to iPodLinux now I can play it on the iPod nano.

QuoteAnd to think, YOU of all people gave them free advertising one one of the older threads. In retrospect, foooor shaaaame. `v'
Yeah! For shame! But all this mentioning of the Zune has given the urge to draw a Zune-tan even though I don't like the Zune. But then again I've drawn an AOL-tan and I dislike AOL a lot! So, why not?

And thats the WHOLE POINT of posting the Zune into another thread. Not to urge you to buy it but rather talk about that issue and to inspire someone to draw a mascot of it here exclusively since I think no one from the imageboards or deviantart have made one yet...

Woe is me! -_-

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Portable music seems to distance people alot more these days.. instead of striking up conversation in public people shut out those around them with their IPod or what ever they have.  

Its a shame really.

Seconded. It's "discrimanation" and "fear" itself who keeps people distancing from each other.

If that's what you think, then I guess it's TV who's keeping appart our families together or the radio and internet who's keeping apart with our freinds...which I strongly disagree.

Point is, the product has nothing to do with's how a person treats another person in public.

QuoteTouche,... When I do have it on in the street, I only use one earbud. Don't fancy dancing to the tune of Toumei Shelter one second, then getting hit by a car the next. ^___^;

It is just common sense to look both ways before you cross a street, isn't it? But then again, commonsense isn't too common these days -_-

Yeah, people have more sense than that...

How bout I plan to pay a freind of mine to kill me by pretending to be a no-brainer and I would just walk into a driveway without looking or not being aware while listening on my portable player, then he would've sadistically hit me with his car?

Ewww...thats nasty  ;054  ;223

QuoteBut I did see the XP+OS9.2 pic and it's cute! I never really noticed how similar 9.2-tan and XP-tan are appearance-wise!

I gotta see that!

*runs and quickly searches for it!*


QuoteSeconded. It's "discrimanation" and "fear" itself who keeps people distancing from each other.

If that's what you think, then I guess it's TV who's keeping appart our families together or the radio and internet who's keeping apart with our freinds...which I strongly disagree.

Point is, the product has nothing to do with's how a person treats another person in public.

Well we will have to continue to disagree.  But I did not mean that the IPod and such devices are a cause of it, I ment they are a tool used to do it. Without it you may be unfortunate enough for some asshole (like me) to try and engage in friendly conversation with you! Oh No!  Sheilds up captain! The IPod puts up an effective wall at blocking out the outside world.

As for internet and radio not so much... but TV and videogames.. to some degree.  I know people personaly whos soul reason for getting a game system was so they could drop their kid in front of it and they wouldnt have to "entertain" them.  Again, Im not saying its the overall cause,   but it can cause a rift in a family situation.  Tho.. I also know a couple of people who shut out their real family and friends for theri "internet" friends because it allows them to avoid uncomftrable social situations.  Guess the internet applys too..

However, Im not saying any of these devices are bad.  I listen to portable music (tho only in the gym on a stationary bike or lifting where knowing whats going on around me isnt as important) I play videogames, surf the net, watch movies and so on (tho I do not watch and ounce of broadcast TV. I dont even have an anntena up let alone cable) but I belive personaly that people feel more and more distant now when Im out in public as everyone wanders around with their personal electronic devices using them shut out the world around them and alow themselves the feeling of them being in their own little world.

QuoteYeah, people have more sense than that...

How bout I plan to pay a freind of mine to kill me by pretending to be a no-brainer and I would just walk into a driveway without looking or not being aware while listening on my portable player, then he would've sadistically hit me with his car?

Again... sadisticlly hitting you with his car is not an accedent, its an act of attempted murder. No one plans accidents, they happen when somebody isnt paying attention, or is driving to fast, or couldnt see someone in their blind spot, or simply didnt check their mirror or whatever.  

Individuals have commons sence.. I feel people do not.  Stupidity dosent seem to manifest so bad untill people get in a group.. and then people go with the flow.  

On the other hand, I soppose its a bit of paranoia on my part.  Ive spent the last 5 years in and out of combat zones.  Knowing exactly whats going on around me has become a priority when Im even one foot outside my door.  Inside my house Im in my comfort zone.. I can trust everything inside to be as I left it, and I can for the most part safely asume I control everything within it.  But as soon as I step out I prefer to use all of my sences to keep me informed of any change to whats going on around me, in case I need to make a split second reaction to avoid danger... or yank some yahoo not paying attention with his headphones on back onto the cross walk because some california driver still intends to turn dispite the walk light.  

Tho... since its related to all of this...  It is a US Military regulation not to wear headphones while your walking for the very reason I brought up.  No running, walking or whatever.  In a gym is fine but outside nada.  For it has happened and the military aims to prevent that.

tho on a tan related subject... Is there a DOOM tan??  I dont think ive seen and game app tans.. but being as its rated as the #1 game of all time.. Id think someone would have concidered it.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


What in the world happened here?!  @__@'

Love to stay and chat, but Flash is calling me.  ^__^'

Just stopping by to answer a few things....

QuoteI didn't even know there is an iPod Linux! *now wants to try and draw an iPod Linux-tan...*

Yay, I inspired you to make another OS-tan!  ^v^
Wonder if she'll be diminutive too?  'v'

QuoteI'm not fond of the Zune's design either. It looks a brick to me -_-

And the turd color one looks like........... a brick.  ^^'

QuoteAww man! Hope you get them done soon!

Dontcha worry, I'll work on it.  ^.^
Now bend down so I can pat you on the head with reassurance, cause you know...
I'm a pig.  ^__^'

QuoteBut I did see the XP+OS9.2 pic and it's cute! I never really noticed how similar 9.2-tan and XP-tan are appearance-wise!

I just did when I made her bio for the Annex.  Thought I'd capitalize on the fact.  ^.^

QuoteYeah! For shame! But all this mentioning of the Zune has given the urge to draw a Zune-tan even though I don't like the Zune. But then again I've drawn an AOL-tan and I dislike AOL a lot! So, why not?

Turd-colored clothing!  Yay!  ^v^

QuoteI didn't know that either!

ZX Spectrum DOOM, ftw!!!  ^v^

QuoteAnd thats the WHOLE POINT of posting the Zune into another thread. Not to urge you to buy it but rather talk about that issue and to inspire someone to draw a mascot of it here exclusively since I think no one from the imageboards or deviantart have made one yet...

Woe is me! -_-

Yeah yeah, keep digging that hole.  `v'
We all know you're secret agenda.  ^__^
No wonder you wrap yourself around Sonata-san and Kurou-kun so much, cause in reality....  You're an agent from M$!!!  MWAHAHAHA!!!!!  ^V^

Before your thread I was like....

lalala-lala!!!  ~Happy Piggy ^v^

then after you posted about Zune.... @.@

lalala-la--.... hoe?  Zune?  Alfamille-dono posted about, so that means I MUST get it now!  ~Curious Piggy ^v^

Subliminal messaging,... it can only be subliminal messaging!!  ^o^

Oh, and Aurora agreed to make us a turd-colored Zune-tan.  ^v^

Quotetho on a tan related subject... Is there a DOOM tan?? I dont think ive seen and game app tans.. but being as its rated as the #1 game of all time.. Id think someone would have concidered it.

That's opening a can of worms, since Game-tans will represent a whole new genre to exploit.  ^__^
(although I saw a Half Life 2-tan recently.... -v-')

The closest thing to a DOOM-tan was my early preconcept notion for NeXTSTEP-tan, who would've been dressed in the DOOM marine armor (and maybe helmet from time to time).  But it shouldn't be too hard to equip the same NeXTSTEP-tan with that kind of armor, wielding a BFG-9000 before a zombie/demon horde.  ^___^

Okay, I'm off!  ^v^

*jolts away*

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"What in the world happened here?!  @__@'

Love to stay and chat, but Flash is calling me.  ^__^'

Just stopping by to answer a few things....

Yay, I inspired you to make another OS-tan!  ^v^
Wonder if she'll be diminutive too?  'v'

I'm not really sure what happened either! And about how small should iPod Linux-tan be?


And the turd color one looks like........... a brick.  ^^'
Why do I find that funny? 0__o


Dontcha worry, I'll work on it.  ^.^
Now bend down so I can pat you on the head with reassurance, cause you know...
I'm a pig.  ^__^'
Yay! Nice to know you'll work on them some more!


I just did when I made her bio for the Annex.  Thought I'd capitalize on the fact.  ^.^
Oh. Stupid me! >__<


Turd-colored clothing!  Yay!  ^v^
I second that "Yay!" :D


ZX Spectrum DOOM, ftw!!!  ^v^

I didn't know Doom was around that long! Interesting...

Yeah yeah, keep digging that hole.  `v'
We all know you're secret agenda.  ^__^
No wonder you wrap yourself around Sonata-san and Kurou-kun so much, cause in reality....  You're an agent from M$!!!  MWAHAHAHA!!!!!  ^V^

Before your thread I was like....

lalala-lala!!!  ~Happy Piggy ^v^

then after you posted about Zune.... @.@

lalala-la--.... hoe?  Zune?  Alfamille-dono posted about, so that means I MUST get it now!  ~Curious Piggy ^v^

Subliminal messaging,... it can only be subliminal messaging!!  ^o^

Oh, and Aurora agreed to make us a turd-colored Zune-tan.  ^v^
Hehehehe... With turd colored, Zune-tan is bound to be the butt of much toilet humor!


That's opening a can of worms, since Game-tans will represent a whole new genre to exploit.  ^__^
(although I saw a Half Life 2-tan recently.... -v-')

The closest thing to a DOOM-tan was my early preconcept notion for NeXTSTEP-tan, who would've been dressed in the DOOM marine armor (and maybe helmet from time to time).  But it shouldn't be too hard to equip the same NeXTSTEP-tan with that kind of armor, wielding a BFG-9000 before a zombie/demon horde.  ^___^

Okay, I'm off!  ^v^

*jolts away*

A Doom-inspired OS-tan? Cool! Oh yes, you've once mentioned Doom and its connection to NeXTSTEP and how NeXTSTEP-tan should have some Doom-style weapons! But too bad I'm not familar with Doom ;__;

Got more work done on pictures the past few days and also got a lot of work done on ZS and am also almost done with p.25! So this may actually be a 3-for-1 deal of new ZS!

I'm also using Firefox for the first time. It's so different! I'm so used to using Safari on the Mac and Internet Explorer on Windows! @__@


problem with game tans is they would prolly just end up looking like the character in the game -_- like the so called halflife 2 tan.  Now the making of tans for things in the game. now that would work I think!  Like for instance the stryder tan!  

much contemplation required.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "C-Chan"
Yeah yeah, keep digging that hole.  `v'
We all know you're secret agenda.  ^__^
No wonder you wrap yourself around Sonata-san and Kurou-kun so much, cause in reality....  You're an agent from M$!!!  MWAHAHAHA!!!!!  ^V^

WTF! You must be kidding!

[sighs... -_-' ]

 ;014 next...

QuoteHehehehe... With turd colored, Zune-tan is bound to be the butt of much toilet humor!

Watch out for some parts in the bathroom humor!  ;043

Quoteproblem with game tans is they would prolly just end up looking like the character in the game -_- like the so called halflife 2 tan. Now the making of tans for things in the game. now that would work I think! Like for instance the stryder tan!

much contemplation required.

or some Resident Evil-tan, that would be some turn off XD...


QuoteWTF! You must be kidding!

[sighs... -_-' ]


BAH!! If you're only gonna read half of what I post, of course it's gonna sound like I'm serious.  Yeah, like I'd really wanna piss off my #1 fan.  -v-

Now put your AVI back up this instant, or suffer the piggy wrath.  `v'


Game-tans? Believe me, that is one tree that one should not go barking up. I feel safer making tans for game systems. BTW, anyone interested in a Game Boy Advance-tan?


Piggy wrath? Like in that episode of Invader Zim? The one where Zim tried to kill Dib?






Ph34r my n33d for b33r!!!!  ^___^


No wait, I mean the whole C-chan wrath thing.  -v-

In any case, great work!  ^-^

Oh, and I've been interested in DS-tans and Wii-tans now that I have an interest in the real systems.  ^___^


Nintendo man, eh? Me too. The first video game I got was a Game Boy Pocket back in 1996. So many memories...


First OFFICIAL video game console I personally owned was the NES, in its last years -- not too long after SMB3 came out, but not too long before the SNES appeared.  And as I recall, SMB3 was such a hit item, it was just as hard to find then as the Wii is now.  ^__^

After that, no more Nintendo for me.  ;__;
Eyesight was too bad for any of the Gameboys, had a Genesis instead of an SNES or TurboGrafix, Virtual Boy sucked, N64 didn't jive with me, and was already far too busy for a Gamecube.
But the Wii is different -- tried it recently with a group of friends, and we all walked out happy, worn, and ready to get one ourselves.  ^__^

Already have games for it already, and will likely get Super Swing Golf  (aka, Albatross18) some time this week.  ^v^

*cough cough*

Although I wonder if Aurora-sama minds all these tangents?  ^^;