Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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C-Chan, forget that petition of mine.  It's a lost cause.




I'm gonna officially call that flying turtle "cat bait".  ^^'

Yep, it's offical,... the yinzer is watchng Love Hina.  -v-

BTW, thank you (both Spysweep and the Yinz)!  ^v^
Not too many people know that eComStation exists, so I'm out to spread the word about this awesome OS (hopefully 2.0 will be released soon...).

And yes, that's fair... eCS-chan is really meant to be more "cool" than "cute".  Especially once you get to see her use her Energy Threads (especially when fighting), I hope you'll agree.  Right now, she's only using them to sew the phaser onto the OS/2 plushie's hand.  -v-

A word about turtles, though,... now that you've seen Love Hina, it's safe to tell you that PETchan's turtle (KameLogo) is based off  Mitsumi's flying turtle, and can probably fly itself.  (KameLogo obeys whatever you take the trouble to type up in the LOGO command prompt.  ^v^)

Now then, I just remembered I do have an Annex, so maybe I'll continue my stuff there.  ^^'

For now, let us resume with the responses... ^v^


QuoteThat sounds like a cool idea! And when iPod Shuffle-tan joins the group, she and DSL-tan could have a party in the apple and then the other OS-tans start to get freaked out "AAAAAAAAAH! MUSICAL APPLE!"

Wiiii!!  Great minds think alike!!  ^v^

QuoteI haven't seen slayers but I have heard of Luna Inverse though. And I had an idea for later in ZS...

When Solaris-tan kicks a jerkwad out of her cafe, she does with massive power and OS X-tan is amazed and wants to know how to do that too (imagine how much more dangerous she'd be...)

"That was amazing! How do you do that?!"
"It's simple. Your just got to focus your energy, concentrate your rage to its maximum and punch, kick or smack the SOB as hard as you can! *punches loser who returns*

Times like this I'm glad I didn't complete Anger Management class, huh?"

Bwahah!  That's classic!  ^__^
Now that I think about it, OSX-chan should be able to do something like that.  She may be a distant descendant, but OSX still has some Unix blood in her.  And all Unix descendants are powerful, although not necessarily sane.  ^v^'

QuoteOh yeah. OH YEAH. that would most undeniably be worse!

Heh,... not even we would survie a 50-foot drop.  @o@
But likely, DSL-chan wouldn't even be visible to your average Mainframe-tan.  That's where DSL's spying abilities become very useful -- if you can convince her to embark on such a crazy mission.  Otherwise, you can try your luck with TinyOS-tan from the CIOST, but that'd be like trying to pull the tooth off a conscious grizzly bear.  ^___^;

QuoteNewspeak can be hard to understand after all! "Give hammer unsmart girl!" (or something like that she'd probably be saying)

Haven't drawn RISC-tan before so I'll add her in!

No no no,... System 2-chan told me herself....
The latest edition of the Newspeak dictionary finally does away with those silly abstract verbs.  Now possession of a hammer can be conveyed simply by adding Re- or De-, as in "Rehammer" for "Give me back my hammer!" or "Dehammer" for "Take the darn thing away from me!".

"Rehammer unsmart girl!", has a nice ring to it, eh?
I tell you that System 2-chan is a prodigy.  ^v^'

Quote"BOB must taken down."
"But now should we get back to killing each other?"
"Exactly what I was thinking"
*both draw out their katanas*

Funny how before you and I came along, 95-tan was virtually invincible.  Now we're drawing her some serious enemies left and right.  ^v^'

QuoteThat is so sad! Over the years, promised to have best friends forever but only to get betrayed and screwed over by her parent companies. Much sadness! ;__;

That's why we must never forget OS/2....  ^___^


Now who has $269 USD I can borrow?  I wanna buy eComStation!  ^v^

(I know the price is high, but it's still designed for businesses.  Maybe one day they'll make a personal version.  -v-)

QuoteSeconded. The Windows-kuns get all the attention and the Mac-kuns (aside from the creepy catmen) are very very rarely drawn ;__;

But I do like Homeo though.

I've also once made an OS-kun, but he got ditched in favor of his considerably taller, bazooka-wielding female terminator counterpart!

Good girl.  ^v^

That's something Anime needs more of, if you ask me.  ^___^
But I guess I've made it too obvious, no?  ^^'

QuoteOkay! And what's really funny about that is that System 4-tan is based off of Yotsuba from "Yotsubato!" and now also Tomo from "Azumanga Daioh" and those two serieses are made by the same person (or people)!

Ah!  So THAT'S where you got the quadruple pigtail!  ^v^
Okay, works for me.  ^-^

At least now I also have a better visualization of her personality.  ^^

QuoteBWAHAHAHAHA! System 6-tan is taller than the catmen!

To say nothing of the Mainframe-tans.  They'll definitely be in a MAJOR role reversal in this proposed pseudo-manga.  ^__^;

QuoteMac-tans in opposition: System 3-tan, System 6-tan, Rhapsody-tan, Cheetah-tan

Mac-tans in favor: System 5-tan (only because she likes mischief), System 7-tan

More like:

Mac-tans in opposition: Everyone but OS5 and OS7.  ^^'

Now you gave me an idea of drawing OS7 with the OSX-kuns depicted as kittens in a box, with the just the faintest of smiles forming in her seemingly silent expression.

Doggarnit,... too many ideas, too little time.  -____-

QuoteBut are pigs capable of seeing phantom girls?

Course... ^^
All us animals have a 6th sense, you know.  ^.^

QuoteHere's Darwin OS-tan! Her appearance is mainly a NeXTSTEP-tan + OSX-tan combo in a Tokyo Mew Mew-style outfit (and on her necklace, it's supposed to say Darwin OS). Not entirely sure about her personality though ;__;

OMG, she's just TOO cute, it should be illegal!  ^v^

Speaking of illegal,... don't know about you, but she strikes me as a petty pilferer of sorts.  ^^'

In addition, the original Charles Darwin had a habit of putting bugs in his mouth, so she should probably have no problem eating them either (no matter how nasty they may look).

I can just envision NeXTSTEP stooped in the ground, collecting bugs into a container -- meanwhile Darwin-chan is busy sneaking behind her, taking them OUT.  ^^'

Alright, that's it for me.  -v-

I'm gonna work on eCS now,... there are some major adjustments I need to make to her legs.  -__-


Script's sounding good Aurora!

QuoteYep, it's offical,... the yinzer is watchng Love Hina. -v-

BTW, thank you (both Spysweep and the Yinz)! ^v^
Not too many people know that eComStation exists, so I'm out to spread the word about this awesome OS (hopefully 2.0 will be released soon...).

And yes, that's fair... eCS-chan is really meant to be more "cool" than "cute". Especially once you get to see her use her Energy Threads (especially when fighting), I hope you'll agree. Right now, she's only using them to sew the phaser onto the OS/2 plushie's hand. -v-

A word about turtles, though,... now that you've seen Love Hina, it's safe to tell you that PETchan's turtle (KameLogo) is based off Mitsumi's flying turtle, and can probably fly itself. (KameLogo obeys whatever you take the trouble to type up in the LOGO command prompt. ^v^)

C-Chan, I'm pretty much done with Love Hina. I watched all the episodes and read volumes 1-3 of the manga. Right now, I'm working on Azumanga Daioh and Mahou Sensei Negima. After a while, Keitaro's whining gets to you...and his alleged lechery...and the loads of fanservice in the series so that the words have lost all meaning! I needed some good, old chicken soup anime, so I now watch Azumanga. I also needed something a little bit...different, so I'm also watching Negima.'s late, so I'll see yinz tomorrow!


QuoteAnd if you don't have the time to draw that picture idea of System 7-tan and the OS X-kun kittens, I could!  That'd be such a cute picture! ^^

Wish I did, but now I'm all over the place with weird projects.  -v-

Realistically-speaking, I doubt I'd ever get to it even in my wildest dreams, so feel free.  ^v^'

This was my inspiration, so hopefully it will be useful to you too....  ^.^

QuoteHehehehehehe! And the idea you also mentioned of NeXTSTEP-tan and Darwin OS-tan going bug "collecting" is so awesome I should definantly draw that!

And that also gave me an idea for later in zerOSanity!

Something like this:

XP-tan: *sees Darwin-tan's bucket of bugs* Those look delicious!
Darwin-tan: Sure are! Want some?
XP-tan: (thinks they are gummy bugs)Sure!
*grabs a handful*
(2K-tan: Uhh... I wouldn't do that if I were you...)
2K-tan: I'd like to take this opportunity to say TOLD YA SO TOLD YA SO, XP-CHAN! TOLD YA SO!
Darwin-tan: Uhh... that wasn't... a prank?

GYAAAH!!!  They made my poor Darwin-chan sad....  ;'~':

The NOIVE of them!  Zettai ni Yurusenai!!!  ;^0^;

Who would ever break this cute little monkey girl's heart,... I mean look at her:

That does it!  Now I'm gonna have to rank her high on my favorites list.  ^-^

Anyway, always glad to help.  ^v^
Seems to me like we've helped you out with your artwork and ZS quite a bit, although I'm wondering if it's more or less than what you were expecting.  -v-

QuoteAfter a while, Keitaro's whining gets to you...and his alleged lechery...and the loads of fanservice in the series so that the words have lost all meaning!

Naaaaah, ya think?  ^___^
I only bought the whole first series for Mutsumi,... otherwise, the whole series oozed with cliches, and I couldn't even stomach the prospect of sequels.  ^^'
And yes, characters like Keitaro or even Naru tick me off.....  >_<

QuoteI needed some good, old chicken soup anime, so I now watch Azumanga.

Ahhhh,... sweet nectar.  ^__^
Absolutely positively A-D-O-R-E Sakaki, for very very very obvious reasons....  ^_____^

QuoteI also needed something a little bit...different, so I'm also watching Negima.


Wait a sec,... isn't that the so called Love Hina clone you and Aurora were talking about on another thread?  '__';

Aurora Borealis

Got one of my listed picture ideas accomplished! Got it started and finished in 2 days...

It's the OSX-tan + DSL-tan + iPod Shuffle-tan picture! And the Shuffle-tan is based off the one drawn by a well-known artist on Nijiura but is also slightly based off of Chachazero from Negima! ^^
(and also worth mentioning is that Chachamaru is my favorite character in Negima, but a Chachazero is fine too!)

And as for what the inner structure of that apple is, maybe it is solid but hollow and the bite in the apple opens and closes like curtain blinds or something! :D



That one just beats them all!  ^v^

And then you wondered why I wanted her that small, cause otherwise how can she get away with uber-cute stunts like that!  ^V^

Doggarnit, you just gone and made me swoon with joy.... ^.^


*...with joy*

Aurora Borealis

Got another picture idea accomplished!


I continue to thoroughly enjoy the wonderful artwork you (plural) are posting here!  Keep up the good work.

*tiptoes away, to the corner and the popcorn*




QuoteNaaaaah, ya think? ^___^
I only bought the whole first series for Mutsumi,... otherwise, the whole series oozed with cliches, and I couldn't even stomach the prospect of sequels. ^^'
And yes, characters like Keitaro or even Naru tick me off..... >_<

I needed some good, old chicken soup anime, so I now watch Azumanga.

Ahhhh,... sweet nectar. ^__^
Absolutely positively A-D-O-R-E Sakaki, for very very very obvious reasons.... ^_____^

I also needed something a little bit...different, so I'm also watching Negima.


Wait a sec,... isn't that the so called Love Hina clone you and Aurora were talking about on another thread? '__';

Yes, that was the clone, but I needed an anime that didn't make me think too much. I also needed a little distraction from my crusades against the civil rights abuses of Scientology, the People's Republic of China, Iran, and North Korea. Sometimes you need chicken soup anime like Azumanga and a nice dollop of meaningless fanservice like Negima on top with a little Monty Python to nibble on from time to time. Negima's a low-calorie version of Love Hina. Overall, that's a good buffet.


QuoteI continue to thoroughly enjoy the wonderful artwork you (plural) are posting here! Keep up the good work.

*tiptoes away, to the corner and the popcorn*

[loudly]  OOH!!!  LOOKIE!!!!

fufufu.... ^.^

BTW, Aurora-chan.... -v-

CATCH!!!  ^V^

*hits tennis ball with suitcase*


*due to C-chan's size, tennis ball barely manages to bounce past her feet*

Oh crud.  -v-'

Well, in any case, love page 22.  ^__^
Particular highlights for me include QNX-tan's departure to fetch her tranq gun, and the future tuna sandwich's expression in the last panel.  ^.^

Even though you keep your general art style consistent, it's looking more and more polished every time.  ^__^

Magnificent work.  ^v^


*yawns with fatigue*  -o-

Excuse me, haven't really gotten much sleep lately.  -_-

In any case, I thought I'd let you know that I'm gonna take a small vacation from forum posting for a few days.  '_'
Call it an art pilgrimage, as I'll be taken the opportunity to work on various projects, including wiki avis for your Classic Mac-tans.  ^__^

So I don't want you to feel bad if you post another wonder and I don't show up right away to comment. ^__^
I will be back sometime next week and you can rest assured that I'll be definitely looking forward to whatever beauties you draw up during the interim.  ^__^

Take care, Aurora-sama!  ^v^

*trots off*

Aurora Borealis

*notices the ball on the ground*

Just be glad I'm not in Saba-tan's situation! >__<

My art style has improved, however I did notice some huge inconsistencies though:

1. ME-tan's hair was a lot longer near the beginning
2. Saba-tan's hair color and eye color changed when she reappeared
(Maybe she got a makeover while the others were away?)
3. 2K-tan had sort of a mullet near the beginning. Luckily not anymore! Maybe that was why she was so disgruntled in the beginning? ^^

I might fix them if I REALLY wanted to and had the time but I'd rather work on the current and what's ahead!

And I'll be looking foward to what you get done too! :D

EDIT (12.14.06): About 85% done with p. 23 and 24 of ZS, almost done with 2 pictures and started drawing a new picture idea (a group picture of Fark-tan, SomethingAwful-tan and BBspot-tan)! :D


Yo Aurora-sama!  ^v^
No new stuff uploaded since then?  '__'

Oh well, no rush.  ^__^
I'm a bit behind on my Mac stuff also.  But will get done.  ^v^

Also thinking about making a "Running Windows" style wallpaper of you Mac-tans.  ^___^
The closer I can match them up to the other "Running Windows" images, the better they can be confused with the official ones.  ^__^


WAII!!!!!!!  ^V^
Aurora-sama waited till I came back to produce such phenomenal works of art!
Domo arigatou gozaimasu, Aurora-sama!!  ^V^

The first thing that struck me about the first one was the gorgeous lighting effect you added -- it definitely gives it a level of depth and color that's a treat to the eye.  ^__^

Nice parody of Nanoha, as well.  ^v^

On the Mac chimera, I can see the following little easter eggs:

- Mac-tan's apple
- Rhapsody's apple hairclip
- OS1's thick cowlick
- OS3's multi-colored hair highlights.
- OS4's quadruple pigtails
- OS8's bandana
- OS2's sash
- OS7's necktie
- OS5's cape
- OS9's skirt
- OS3's socks  ^.^
- OS6's boots

I think I gottem all, eh?  ^v^

Oh, and with a cute picture like that of OS5-chan, she's got a chance to compete with OS3-sama for my love.  ^v^
A Lina Inverse-type charm combined with a Sylphiel cuteness.  It's both fantastic and more conducive to story ideas!  ^V^
Fantastic work as usual, Aurora-sama!  ^v^

QuoteAlso, I've thought of ideas for some pre-OS9-kuns. More insanity for the House of Mac!

Meh,... -v-
I yawn at the prospect of -kuns, but I suppose one or two wouldn't hurt.  -v-
It's still much more fun to keep the male to female ratio overwhelmingly tilted.  ^__^

QuoteAnd a running windows style wallpaper of the Mac-tans? SWEET! I'd most definently like to see that!

I plan to do one for them and the A$C members.  Nothing else planned for all the other factions since they're not fully populated yet.  ^^;


Hehe,... again with the -kunds.  -v-

Don't mind OS5-kun and OS6-kun, though, but the rest.... -v-;

..............Ah, don't mind me.  I'm just plain ol not partial to -kuns.  ^___^;


Speaking of OS-kuns, wiki avis are delayed again, but not without a good reason this time.  Had inspiration for OS3's wiki avi so decided to jump ahead to hers.  And I guess it's cause I like her so much, but I was literally possessed.  The ideas came gushing forth, and I very quickly produced this cute little image (which seconds as the Wiki avatar graphic):

Also serves a way of saying "thanks" for what you helped me out with.  ^__^


Added after 1 minutes:

And if you like it, I can post a larger resolution version.  ^-^


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