Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Very nice! We've got 3.1 with her "British" theme and 3.2 with her "Chinese" theme.
It's getting late. I'll see yinz tomorrow!


Hmmm,... never really though of 3.1-sama as British, but oh well.

Till the Captain gets here, Aurora, I shall offer you a much deserved swoon of joy.  -v-

Magnificent artwork!  ^__^

*swoons with joy*


C-Chan added the following  58 seconds after last message :

3.2-sama is too cute.....  ^V^
That does it!  Major Wiki AVI needed!  ^V^

*swoons again*


QuoteI see some of the changes you made. It's okay that you knocked System 6-tan's height down to 6'1 (which I assume only applies in the Annex project) And her originally being 6'8 which is way taller than the other Mac-tans was sorta on purpose because hey, why not? ^^ Well, in zerOSanity at least! Well, there's my try at a compromise! Anyways, height has never really been a consistent thing in the OS-tan world!

True, heights are inconsistent -- certainly one of the reasons why I include them in the Annex is to make it easier to draw in proportion later on, but again once true consensus is reached, I'll likely change them as needed.  -v-

QuoteSuch as I've seen a couple fan art of OS X-tan/Mac-tan and XP-tan together and OS X-tan/Mac-tan is about 1 ft. shorter than XP-tan and looks like she's only 4'10 (I'll try to post that/those picture(s) later) and in the height comparision chart thingy you made pages back, She's 5'6'' and in ZS she's ~5'3!

Case in point....  ^^;
Speaking of which, you are right.  I've been thinking lately of readjusting the height of Sonata-san and Generic Mac OS
  • -tan, likely to 5'3" and 5'4" respectively.  (One inch higher than ZS, but 2.5 inches shorter than my comparison thingy.  ^^;)
    That should at least bring the two down to more-or-less 95-tan's height, and more en par with the average Anime girl.  -v-

    QuoteAnd QNX-tan "volunteering" as an A$C member... did she choose to do so or is OS/2 Warp-tan drafting scientists into the group? And I wonder... if QNX-tan were to be a full-time member, how much more powerful would the A$C be? Or does she have her own blunders as well because no one is perfect?

    Despite her homicidal tendencies, OS/2-tan is actually a surprisingly considerate person and hasn't actually coerced any of her members to join (and certainly in Tandy-tan's case, occasionally wishes she'd leave).  So yes, I figure QNX-tan chose to be a member for a nice change of pace and to help out a fellow underdog.  But even as a full member, her heart is not in it for anything else but the leisure, so even if she went full-time, their offensive capabilities wouldn't change.  If anything, she'd probably work harder to turn the A$C back to a peaceful organization, but for now it doesn't seem to hurt her to indulge in OS/2-tan's silly vendettas.  ^__^

    Oh, and naturally no one is perfect,....  ^__~

    QuoteHere's a couple more! (stuff in bold I am uncertain about)

    *drools at BarbieOS-tan's description*  *v*

    BTW, I'm afraid I ran out of time with updating the Annex, so I'll have to load all your text tomorrow.   ;__;

    But at least I finished my OS8 wiki avi!  ^v^

    Here's the larger version -- the actual AVI is now in the "Project Wiki" thread.  ^__^

    [BTW, as far as your questions....  No need to make BarbieOS-chan a living doll since just looking like her is fine, and try making Mandriva lady-like and Mandrake tomboyish of course.  ^__^]


BWAHAHA!!!!  ^V^
OMG!!!  Red Hat is gonna totally cream Saba-tan (if real-life OS performances are anything to go by)....  -v-
Once the fight is over, remind me to pick up the scraps from the field so I can make myself a tuna sandwich.  ^v^

Phenomal work as usual, though the only blooper I've spotted is that Rhapsody seems a bit too short.  Or maybe she's just in chibi form....  -v-'

Quoterepresents both versions but could actually 2 people that represent the original and Enterprise versions (2 souls inhabiting one body, maybe? I don't know. But that something like that would be interesting...)
*But would they need to be seperate characters in the Annex Project? If so, the zerOSanity rendition could be only the Enterprise version! (and be a traveling entrepreneur and wanderer) At least if that is so, combing renditions for the Annex Project version of RedHat-tan would be easier! Wouldn't it?

Definitely,... no way am I making two wiki avis for RedHat-tan..... -v-

I think you're thinking about this too hard....  ^^'

Just go with the shorter and sweeter version and have Enterprise version simply be an older RedHat-tan.  Like a Raichu to a Pikachu, not all OS-tans can stay the same and will eventually grow up ("evolve" if you will).

I did the same with the OS8-tan in my previous post, and I also did the same with Solaris-tan, who was known as the young and cheery "SunOS-tan" back in her youth:

You can still draw an "original" RedHat-tan, but it need only be for flashbacks and historical pictures.  That's why I'd much rather have RedHat-tan be Fedora-chan's older sister, and not her time-paradoxical twin sister.  ^^;
It makes it more interesting that way, since it's common for kid sisters to worship and imitate their "onee-samas".  -v-

Granted the Windows have the luxury of having a dedicated OS-tan for each release, you still have to consider the piddly number of Windows OSes compared to the GAJILLION Linux distros and Unices out there.  That said, being frugal with your Linux-tans is well-advised. ^^;


QuoteI really liked the thought of the time-paradoxical twin sister theory and the "she's actually 2 people" theory though. (after all, this is zerOSanity, and meant to be really weird. She was going to represent both versions but there would probably be something really messed up about that though! And not just a possible time paradox either!) But okay then! Your theory is a lot easier to comprehend so I guess I should go with that!Anyways I could make up for that with weird antics and whatnot!

Well, a little incoherence now and there doesn't hurt, and certainly a little extra creativity produces such gems as a 7'3" beauty (*drools*) and a size-shifting QNX-tan.  -v-

But shouldn't go too far if it means more work and wracked brains, especially when it comes down to characters that have already been drawn before by other artists....  -___-'

Too bad you don't look like the type who's played Final Fantasy VII -- otherwise, I'd recommend (since the two are secret agents of sorts) that they'd act a bit like The Turks.

QuoteBut wait a minute, wouldn't Enterprise-tan be younger than her original counterpart?

You're thinking like a Windows-tan again....  -v-
"Enterprise Edition" is just a new label for the original (albeit revamped) Redhat-tan.  You might be Aurora now, but if tomorrow you take over the world and become Empress Aurora, that doesn't mean you become a new younger person. Just means you've got a new title and job description.  Hehehe.... ^v^'

QuoteAnd what would Fedora-tan's personality be? I have no idea ;__;

She is a free open-source version of RedHat, so initially she should try really hard to imitate her sister, both in form, movement and manner.  But in a way this is like supressing her own potential, and  I can certainly see her having an identity crisis when:

A) She realizes she sucks at finances


B) She suspects she might even be smarter and more powerful than her older sister.

When not behaving exactly like her sister, she should come off as stubborn and bratty in an attempt to hide her true self.  But when the going gets tough (like when her sister is in trouble), she unleashes remarkable valiantry and self-confidence.  ^__^

QuoteBut for helping me out with a major uncertainty, I'm willing to give out one of the things that happens next page!: QNX-tan reappears!

SUGOI X 1200!!!!!!!!!  ^V^


*looks a SunOS-tan and gets freakishly large anime-like eyes* KYAAAA!!!! IT'S SO CUTE!!!!  o_o  wait....that just made me seem very very gay didn't it? ;013


Hehe... have you been to an Anime Convention yet?  ^__^'
Stuff that "sounds gay" is not only encouraged, but is also made to sound really really cool.....  -v-'

What I like about the SunOS-chan pic is that the art style is very appropriate for the era.  But in any case, it's all in the past now.  ^__^

Time to move forward as Solaris-san, the older, hotter and deadlier version of everyone's favorite Unix platform.  ^___^


lol good point. My friend actually told me the same thing but it just seems wierd for me. after all i am a 6'2" tall football/baseball player with pretty big muscles so for me to scream "Kyaa!" is a little scary don't ya think? ^_^;; it makes me look like a girly man  o_o


You live in NC, not in CA, so you're safe.  -v-



Ironically, except for the omission of the exact words "Girly Man", that pretty much sums up his election platform... verbatim.  ^v^;

Anyway, time to load up the Mac info into the annex....  -v-

*trots off*


That's one intense-looking OS-tan you've drawn, Aurora.  I like it!


By the way, have you seen C-Chan's MacOS-tan nose art?  She's my favorite OS Girl, along with XP Professional (of course).




QuoteQuote from : Aurora Borealis

Still haven't gotten the Leopard-tan & OS X Intel-tan picture done yet (about 2/3 of the way done) but here's something I did get done in the meantime though!

An updated rendition (and almost full-body picture) of System 6-tan! What makes this rendition updated is that the "6.0.8" on her jetpack is changed to "6.0.x"! :D

Nice one  ;019

QuoteQuote from : MisterCat

That's one intense-looking OS-tan you've drawn, Aurora.  I like it!


By the way, have you seen C-Chan's MacOS-tan nose art?  She's my favorite OS Girl, along with XP Professional (of course).





So, you're seeking C-Chan's nose art?  It's right here, Alfamille!



Aurora Borealis

Took a while to complete but here's that Leopard-tan & OS X Intel Version-tan picture! Originally drawing this on paper, this was my third try at this picture (Had a bad artist day! Well, it took a lot longer to draw as well as I normally do) but tracing and whatnot on the computer wasn't too hard except for the background! Also, OS X Intel Version-tan had some changes to her outfit.