Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Hehehe... neither one.  ^.^

I'm a pig!  ^v^

(Well okay, a "boar".  So that would settle the matter on male.... -v-')
(Don't forget -chan needn't be female, but can also be used for children or very cute and small things/animals.  ^.^)

I believe the fanart section is to submit your renditions of canon OS-tans.  So if you created a giant portraiture of Windows 2k-tan, it would go there.
However, our OS-tans are our own creations, hence not technically "fanart".  So those should go accordingly, into "Group" if there's more than one character on display or "Other" if it's just one character depicted.  ^__^

Ultimately, it's up to Pitkin as he still has to approve its upload (so we may not see it until tomorrow or later.... -v-').

But since you're likely depicting a new OS-tan, my recommendation would be "Other".  ^.^

Aurora Borealis

I had a feeling some sort of approval was needed to upload to the gallery. Any idea what the requirements or such are (besides being in the right category)?

Here's the first one I got done! It's Rhapsody-tan and Secchan, with bottle openers! Rhapsody-tan is using a bottle opener to open a bottle of apple cider (considered normal use in the real world), and Secchan thinks that's weird because... we all should know how Secchan uses hers! (which is considered normal in the OS-tan world!)
 And the yellow box Rhapsody-tan is sitting on is a reference to Yellow Box, the foundation of her OS.

Who's the weird one? You decide! :D


Okay I'm back....  -.-

Yo Aurora!  ^__^
Sorry to keep ya waiting!  ^v^

Good choice on the upload,... usually I do that before the pic gets uploaded to the gallery.  Again, no requirements that I know of, other than that you fill out the info and of course submit it in a recognized picture format.  ^__^

You know of course I'm gonna love your pic, but I'll just come out and say it....  -v-


Full-body Rhapsody-chan certainly add a new charm and dimension to her chibi rendition.... -v-

And Secchan is particularly cute, though is it my imagination or does she have a tiny glimpse of mischief?  ^.^

Might need a translation on the bottle opener, since this pig isn't entirely all-knowing....  ^___^;

And for future bio purposes, who tall will you plan to make Rhapsody-chan?  ^__^
Did you think up any new interests or personality quirks of hers while you were drawing this?  ^v^

Okay, think I'm done.... -v-

Will need a popcorn refill for #2.  ^.^

(Oh, and where'd ya get that new avi?  Doesn't seem like your style... '_')

C-Chan added the following  12 hours 30 minutes after last message :


Never mind about the bottle opener.... -v-'
Just found a "cute" comic alluding to it.  ^____^'


Thank you, Ms Borealis, for all this nifty OS Girls art!  These gals are much more interesting than I'd originally believed; and that's thanks to your character-development and story-telling abilities!



Aurora Borealis

Thank you, MisterCat! I like contributing to the OS-tan community!

Got the other 2 pictures done! It's a double feature so get your e-popcorn and enjoy (or run away -_-)...

Here's that drawing of DSL-tan I mentioned! Here she is on a table top writing on a paper how she feels. Of course you feel so small, DSL-tan! You're only 6 inches tall! ^^

But I'm not sure if she really is actual size because this picture in my Photobucket gallery is smaller than here.

And here's Redhat-tan (she represents the original and Enterprise versions but I was a bit too lazy to mention that oh wait I just did!) and Fedora-tan! I had difficulty deciding what to do for the background but once I played around with some brush effects, it was fun! :D

They're both holding their main weapons. Redhat-tan's main weapon is suitcase she can smack people with! :D And Fedora-tan's main weapon is a jack in the box- but not any ordinary one, mind you! Her jack in the box is full of powerful surprises and attacks!

I wonder who I should draw next! Any suggestions? :)



HOO-YEAH!!!!  I got my work cut out as far as responses go.  ^__^

QuoteYes, Secchan is quite the trouble maker! And as for the bottle opener thing:

Do you know about Secchan's usage of bottle openers to pry off a certain body part? Or were you unsure about that in the picture? Anyways, Rhapsody-tan was just chillin' out, about to open a bottle of apple cider when Secchan was coincedentally in the area and thinks such usage of bottle openers is weird!

Nope, just recently found that out.  ^__^
Very appropriate for her, given her motto.  ^.^

Nonetheless, all the apple ciders I've ever drunk were in plastic bottles, so one has to REALLY think carefully before accusing Secchan of being the weird one.  ^.^
HAHAHAHA!  [Just kidding....]  ^v^'

QuoteAnd as for how tall she is, she's definately not as tall as Barbie-tan (@ 7'3'') or Terminator-tan (@ 6'8'') but could be pretty tall. Maybe 5'10-ish? But she sure seems really tall because Secchan is a lot shorter than her.

WAH!!  O.O
Terminator-tan is 6'8"?  OvO
Well, why didn't ya say so earlier.  ^__^
I would've liked her even more than I did originally.  ^v^

5'10" sounds about right for Rhapsody-tan.  ^___^
Certainly close enough to the preexisting Mac girls (speaking of which, we'll have to figure some heights out for the kitty's sooner or later -- I know for sure that Puma's gotta be the shortest).

Secchan is shorter even than ME, so I'd say she's more a 4'8" or 4'9", same as Hacchan (and judging from some comics, that'd make Homeo 4'10" or so).

QuoteAnd for her personality, she's not very stable (at least compared to other Mac-tans) and is perpetually drunk to some degree. She's a musician and a server. Always has a basket of apple cider bottles with her. She likes apple cider a lot but also serves it to others! And she can also drive her box like a go-kart!

Perpetually drunk,... considering how innocent she looks, that hidden side of her strikes me as cute (I want that apple cider she's having!).  ^v^
Well, she is a musician after all....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

QuoteBut I can picture it now! NeXTSTEP-tan and Rhapsody-tan racing each other in their boxes! DEMOLITION BOXCAR DERBY!!

Hoho, but of course!  ^.^
Especially if you mix perpetually drunk + driving.... -v-'
I can still see NextStep-tan totaling Rhapsody's box car (if I recall, she drives a box tank, doesn't she?).  ^__^;

QuoteAnd my avatar is from a color drawing from a Mac-tan doujin. Mainly invovles the romance between Toshiaki and Sonata, with OS X-tan and the wildcat-kuns incorporating crazy antics!

Please post if you have it around.  ^.^
Not only would I love to see it, but I want to start an aggressive campaign to pump up our Gallery.  ^__^

QuoteGot the other 2 pictures done! It's a double feature so get your e-popcorn and enjoy (or run away -_-)...

Too late, we're hooked on your art so no one ain't running away here.  ^__^
Let me know if you need an ego boost.  ^.^

QuoteHere's that drawing of DSL-tan I mentioned! Here she is on a table top writing on a paper how she feels. Of course you feel so small, DSL-tan! You're only 6 inches tall! ^^

And on schedule too,...!  ^v^
Thank you, Aurora-sama, for taking my advice.  ^.^
Certainly at the kind of size you can have a lot of fun with perspective, to the point that even a pencil is taller than her.  ^v^
Pair here with CE-chan (fufu... sounds familiar  ^.^'), and suddenly the bug doesn't look as small she thinks she is.  ^__^
(Cause she may be small, but she's not DAMN small...  -v-)

I love the pic so much, I feel all praised out (must save what I can for the next pic)....  ^___^'
Please do clarify what she's wearing, though, now that the full-body shot outlines the clothing a little more.  I know she's carrying a Tux backpack on her, but what's on her head?  'v'

QuoteAnd here's Redhat-tan (she represents the original and Enterprise versions but I was a bit too lazy to mention that oh wait I just did!) and Fedora-tan! I had difficulty deciding what to do for the background but once I played around with some brush effects, it was fun!

They're both holding their main weapons. Redhat-tan's main weapon is suitcase she can smack people with! And Fedora-tan's main weapon is a jack in the box- but not any ordinary one, mind you! Her jack in the box is full of powerful surprises and attacks!

Wai!  As you know, I love drawing sisters together also.  ^___^
It brings tears of joys to see Redhat and Fedora team up together to dish out serious punishment.... *sniff*  ^v^

Love it of course, though I can't remember if you mentioned the jack-in-the-box before when you first drew Fedora-chan.  ^__^

The background work is stellar (and RedHat's side is even a bit Canadian-like.... ^.^)

QuoteI wonder who I should draw next! Any suggestions?

I figure you might want to work on Zerosanity a little more so you can get the comic finished first.

But if you're on a creative roll and want more one shots,... hmmmm..... -v-

I'd say........

Full-Version BarbieOS...!  ^_~
(With a comparison of some sort.... ^.^)


once again i can't wait for your new stuff. keep it up!  ;012


Hear!  Hear!  I too, Aurora, anticipate your next artistic release.  Just don't overdo, all right?  Be well!




Quote from: "MisterCat"Hear!  Hear!  I too, Aurora, anticipate your next artistic release.  Just don't overdo, all right?  Be well!



I think it's too late for that, haha.

Adding fuel to the fire, here are some more ideas:

Gamesknoppix-tan [I made a concept, even though I have little art talent -_-]
Caldera-tan [or DR Dos-tan]


Yay!  Etna-san, courtesy of the Cat-san!  ^__^
[And she doesn't look a day over 1400... -v-']

Thanks for the mini bios, but please don't forget that Zerosanity and Mac OS2 & 3 take priority.  ^__^'
Besides, I can't guarantee I can load up the info right away.  -v-'

QuoteDSL-tan is 0'6'' and weighs 1 lb!

C-chan approved.  ^__^
[Though not crazy to have a girl shorter than I, but oh well,... it's for the sake of the theme.... Ã,¬__Ã,¬]

QuoteBarbie-tan is 7'3'' and weighs 230 lbs (which is actually a reasonable weight, but if all of Barbie-tan's proportions were like that of the Barbie doll, she'd probably only weigh 160 which would be waaaaaay to skinny for her height!)

Heck yeah, ridiculously skinny.... -v-
Even Margo Dydek, who's 7'2" and thin-as-a-stick, clocks in at roughly 223 lbs.  C-chan approved!  ^v^

I should've mentioned this earlier, but weights aren't really important.  ^^'
I know I have them up in the bio format, but if you noticed all of them just have question marks ("??").  That's an in-joke referencing the fact that few OS-tans worth their salt (er,.. pixels... ^^') would ever consider divulging their real weight.  Up until now, only Amiga-chan was open and honest enough to do so.  ^^'

Quote*GS/OS-tan is 6'3''

Hehe.... ^^'
Not one to shave off a girl's height (I actually hate that), but in GS/OS-tan's case, you sure that fits her theme?
The GUI was advanced for the Apple II, but not for its era.  And even Sylvester Stallone is only 5'9".    -v-'
I have to cast my vote for "iffy" in this case.  -____-'

QuoteTinfoil Hat-tan behaves completely different without her hat on! She'd be very brave and outgoing and most importantly not paranoid, however the catch is that would result in a name paradox!

Awesome.  ^__^
C-chan approved!

Very cute personality detail,... I'll be sure to... make note of that.... for story purposes.  ^.^

*quickly sells information to the CIOST before anyone notices*

QuoteMandriva-tan is a double agent (sort of...)

Oh yeah, that you mentioned before I think.  ^__^

QuoteAnd the group picture with Barbie-tan and some others, I just started on this afternoon in study hall. Very challenging to draw but I did get a decent amount done though! ^^

Thank you, Aurora-sama!  ^v^
BTW, are you finding it easier to draw now that you've created so many pics?  ^__^

C-Chan added the following  3 minutes after last message :

QuoteI think it's too late for that, haha.

Adding fuel to the fire, here are some more ideas:

Gamesknoppix-tan [I made a concept, even though I have little art talent -_-]
Caldera-tan [or DR Dos-tan]

I have DR-DOS-tan covered!  ^__^

I would've had her done weeks ago, but got a lot of pressure to lay off chibis for a while and focus on full-body pics.  ^__^

By concept for Gamesknoppix-tan, do you mean you have her sketched or just have an idea only?  If the latter, why don't you try your hand at drawing?  

Even if you feel you can't draw, there are tons of ways to improvise to get the result you want.  ^__^


Quote from: Aurora BorealisOkay. GS/OS-tan is now 5'9'' (I could have pictured her as tall as 6'3'' though).

Me too...  *squeals*  ^.^
But for the sake of thematics, I'm willing to sacrifice my personal tastes in order to not overdo it with the statuesque characters.  -.-'

QuoteBut so far...

DSL-tan: 0'6''
Barbie-tan: 7'3''
GS/OS-tan: now 5'9''
Terminator-tan: 6'8''
Rhapsody-tan: 5'10''

C-chan approved!   ^v^

QuoteAlso could picture...

NeXTSTEP-tan being about 4'6''-ish?

Hmmm,... a child-type wielding heavy weaponry?
Well,........ wouldn't be the first time it's been done,........
But somehow picture her older,... bigger,...  suiting her toughness and all....
I'd recommend no less than 5'0".  -v-

QuoteQNX Neutrino-tan being as short as 3'3'' (for the sake of the Neutrino part of her name! But of course there would be others much shorter and it'd be funny and crazy to see a little girl with a huge rocket launcher! But if this approved, well, let's just say that she appeared to be about 5'7 in ZS because of a potion or something she took and it's temporary! But how would her coworkers react? ^^)

Eep, can't vouch for that one either....  ^^'
Based on my preconcept draft and her appearance in ZS, I have her squarely as being normal-sized.  It just seems fitting given her professional nature.
However, if you do want to play on the Neutrino part, you can always turn the tables around and use that same potion idea to have her shrink down to any size [that the experiment demands].  Similar perhaps to the Atom's ability, only more of a hobby for her than an actual superpower.  Try imagining her coworkers reaction if they find her sippnig tea with DSL-chan?  Fufufu.... ^.^

As for her original size, I'd follow yours and give her a quaint 5'5".  Something unassuming, easy to blend in with (till she pulls out said rocket launcher.... ^^')

QuoteSystem 5-tan being 5'3''

C-chan approved.  ^.^

QuoteSystem 4-tan being 4'4'' (going with the 4-theme here! :D )

Looks like a child-type, so approved.  I'm guessing the System 1,2,3's are gonna be about the same.  ^^
Apple II-tan is roughly 4'2" herself.


QuoteYeah, I'm finding things easier to draw because I do a lot of drawing!

Practice makes perfect, as they say.  ^v^

QuoteAnd uhh... Why would the CIOST need to know about Tinfoil Hat-tan and her quirks? Hmmm... I wonder what they're up to...

Call it "territorial disputes" for now.  -v-
Any information on Linux/Unix weaknesses is always much appreciated by the CIOST....


...For defensive purposes only, of course.  ^^'

QuoteAnd I haven't neglected ZS or the remaining 2 Mac-tans.

Coolness!  ^v^
Thank you as always for your marvelous efforts!  ^__^
I hope we're praising you enough, cause you deserve it.  ^v^


Wow!!!  Your Linspire-tan rendition is amazingly cute!!  ^v^
(And she's mischievous too.  ^.^)
And I'm guessing the ME-tan crash is a very subtle pun on her tendency to "crash", eh?  ^.^

I'd have posted at the ZS thread, but honestly I think you've had more success pooling all your artwork/comics into a single thread discussion.  May just be me, but then the numbers (4460 views and 10 pages) speaks for itself.  ^v^

Love the details on Systems 2 and 3, as well as your strict adherence to a particular height regime.  ^.^
It's the kind of depth of subtle detail that helped make the OS-tan phenomenon successful.  ^.^

Speaking of which, any second thoughts on QNX and NextSTEP?  ^^'


Coolness.  ^__^

But there was also the size-changing suggestion for QNX, so as not to leave your original idead in the dust.  Could easily picture her as a chemist,.. in fact, I'm kinda relying that she is one too.... -v-


Did somebody mention The Blue Screen Of Death?

