Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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QuoteBut now that I'm done, I'll hit the books for a little while longer (just to make sure I know Hexagon/Poser inside out) and then I'll begin work on her. ^__^

Okay! I had almost thought you had given up on her...
*waits patiently*


Aurora:  Thank you Aurora-sama.  ^__^
Funny thing is that I had no intention of drawing it originally.  It all began when I offered to make Pitkin a new avi with both C64 and Amiga, since he was struggling to pick a single one.  This turned into that, and next thing you know, the sketchwork was turning into its own project.  
Hence why I call it "Accidental Pic #2.5".  ^v^'

NewYinzer:  If I'd forget about her, I might as well light up my own funeral pyre.  Sadly, I have to flagellate myself just for even writing that down.... -___-'



*marks tally*

BTW, assuming I keep it updated frequently, you can get an idea of what I'm working on and what I have planned in this section of the Annex:

Not fool-proof since the C64-Amiga-tan pig wasn't even on there!  ^v^'

SleepyD:  Don't worry, just kdding of course.  -v-
No self-respecting angry pig would self-flagellate in mid rant... ^__^'

Oh, and usually do use Metrics (as seen in the only two bios I have up on the Annex), but did build the chart for Aurora-sama after all.... ^v^T

BTW, yeah that spot on the Wiki article for Amiga-chan really started something.  ^__^
Now the cute girl's everywhere!  ^v^'

Back to Aurora:  Thankfully, the Annex backlog affects everyone, including many of my emerging characters.  -v-'

So at the moment, Unix-sama's preconcept description is still stuck in the original "Artist Requests" thread:

The short and sweet of it is that she's very wise and powerful, but a little,... difficult.... to deal with and quite often somewhat intimidating.  ^^'
She's not a -tan for the feint of heart.......

........Did I just say "-tan"......?  -_____-




*marks tally*

What other characters to add?  '__'


Well I did suggest DSL-tan, but I need to make sure you want to keep her at 9 inches.  I still insist smaller.

9 inches is small, but it just ain't "DAMN" small, ya know what I mean....?  ^v^'

One of the Mainframe OSes (like Z/OS) would be cool, but then they'd make even BarbieOS look like DSL-tan....  -v-'

Probably the regulars (Win2K, XP, etc...) would help, since that way we can establish some definitive heights to work with.  ^__^

I reckon, for example, that both Mac-tan and 2k-tan are about the same height....  -v-

Aurora Borealis

I could try to make DSL-tan smaller. 0'6 small enough? I just hope I'm able to draw her that small. Because Palm OS-tan and CE-tan were originally going to be ~1'0 but ended up more like 1'6. Oh well! But I can't let it slide this time for DSL-tan because I want her to be Damn Small, just like her namesake!


Hehe... sounds like we're bargaining... -v-'

Aurora:  9 inches
C-chan: 2 inches
Aurora: 8.5 inches
C-chan: 3 inches
Aurora:  7 inches
C-chan: hmmm...... 4 inches
Aurora:  *nerve pops* ....6 inches
C-chan:  Sold!  ^v^

WOOHOO!!!  Now she really is damn small!  ^v^
Keep in mind, though, that's only her listed height.  If it's gonna be a problem with ZS, you don't necessarily have to draw it to proportion.  ^__^
Or, she can be drawn at a comfortable size on paper, and then shrunk down using Photoshop's transform tool.

Likewise, you could also have a lot of fun with close-ups, perspective and POV shots, which is what I'd like to do once I start rolling out the fanart.  -v-

Aurora Borealis

Hmmm... Point of view shots for really small characters like DSL-tan. I've never considered that before but that could be an interesting challenge!

I've also thought of a System 2 and a System 3-tan ready for the drawing and submitting here! But I've also got started on some non-chibi OS-tan fanart and I want to get to that too! In fact, 2 pictures are in progress as I'm typing this!


Excellent!  That's the Aurora spirit!  ^v^

Now then, some inspiration to help you.... Ã,¯vÃ,¯

*drum rolls*


[cheering]  POV SHOT!!!!! ^V^

Aurora Borealis

Ooh! Must think of caption!! :D


OS X-tan: You didn't pay the rent, DSL! You know what that means...
OS X-tan: Yeah! Fear me, and fear this perspective! Do you think you can survive a 5 ft. fall?
DSL-tan: No, it's not that. I still have that creepy horror movie going through my head! You know, it's the scene where the psycho broccoli begin eating people alive and biting their heads off!


SWEET! I can really see how damn small Damn Small Linux is!
*giant alien-looking ship lands*
Jebus! What is that?
*door opens*
Dear gawd...
*robot comes out*
Robot: NewYinzer! Your 99-year lease on Jupiter has ended! The Tarsians demand you return the planet!
NewYinzer: Okay, okay! Here you go.
*gives robot piece of paper*
Robot: And one combat android for being such a good sport about the attack on your space hotel!
NewYinzer: Sweet!
*combat android comes out of the giant spaceship*
G-10R: Hello, master.
*ship flies away*
NewYinzer: Go kill the premier of North Korea.
G-10R: The object invoked has been disconnected from its clients.
NewYinzer: The what?
G-10R: I cannot perform such a function without the proper tools.
NewYinzer: Here's a toothbrush.
*G-10R flies to Korea and returns in 2 days*
G-10R: I have killed him, master.
NewYinzer: Good! Was there a big fight?
G-10R: There was no fight. All he did was lie there.
NewYinzer: Huh?
G-10R: Have I not completed my task and killed Syngman Rhee?
NewYinzer: I meant the current leader of North Korea!
G-10R: Oh dear.
NewYinzer: It's okay. Go and defrag my hard drive.
G-10R: Yes master!
*scene ends*


*stifles chuckle*


*stifles laugh*


*can't stifle any longer*

............Pardon me for a second.....  o^.^o'

FIVE FOOT DROP~!  ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!*  ;^V^;

*calms down*  Hehe....^v^
See?  Told ya you could have a lot of fun with the idea.  ^.^

Course, a small DSL-tan's gonna be easy to bully by everyone (and knowing OSX' temperment, she WOULD and COULD eat her alive with that comparison to a psycho brocolli), but heck she can take the hit for our own amusement.  ^.^
Besides, DSL is still a Linuxtan after all, so surely she has an ace up her sleeve that no one would suspect... ^v^

Greedy OSX-chan though, charging the poor little thing rent.  (Or maybe she rented some space up in her apple?  ^v^')

C-Chan added the following  2 minutes after last message :

NewYinzer:  AHA!  That explains it.... `v'

So THAT'S how you got the money to buy an Ekranoplan as your Yinzermobile....  `v'

Aurora Borealis

Few posts of mine ago, I said there are 2 non-chibi OS-tan pictures I'm working on-- not anymore! Make it 3 pictures now! Actually, one of them is ~95% done and I'd be back to 2 in progress again soon. But when I'm done with one of them, may I upload them to the OS-tan gallery?

I know you need a username to do this, but do you have to ask the first time? I'm not sure, but it's common courtesy nonetheless!

I don't want to spoil everything I'm doing, but one of the pictures is of DSL-tan at very close (if not actually) to actual size! :D


i can't wait to see your rendetion of DSL-tan. lol it's gonna be so cute >o<


QuoteFew posts of mine ago, I said there are 2 non-chibi OS-tan pictures I'm working on-- not anymore! Make it 3 pictures now! Actually, one of them is ~95% done and I'd be back to 2 in progress again soon. But when I'm done with one of them, may I upload them to the OS-tan gallery?

I know you need a username to do this, but do you have to ask the first time? I'm not sure, but it's common courtesy nonetheless!


Ano,........ Aurora-sama...?  ^___^'

You, like,... don't need a username anymore cause you're already a member and stuff....  ^__^'
Members can automatically upload to the gallery.... ^v^'

Don't tell me that's the only reason why you haven't posted all your work up....?  ^-^'

QuoteI don't want to spoil everything I'm doing, but one of the pictures is of DSL-tan at very close (if not actually) to actual size!

WAI!!!!!!!!!!  ;^V^;

Aurora-sama, you are something else!  ^v^

I concur with XP #22,... haven't seen it yet, but KNOW it's gonna be Damn Cute.  ^.^

Did that pic I threw together in any way inspire you for this 3rd pic...? ^v^


Oh, I'm sorry we're making you busier than you need to be.... ;___;


But in any case, at least you've lifted my spirits.  ^__^
At this rate, DSL-chan will rapidly rise as my favorite!  ^v^

Now then...  ^.^

*sets up camp and sits patiently for completion of two mystery pics*


*selling tickets for premiere of aurora's new work* Tickets here! Get your tickets here!!

Aurora Borealis

I got one of the pictures done but I don't know what category to submit it to!

It's a group picture (so it could go in the group category), but because I drew it and would be submitting it, it could also go under the fanart category. But then again I've seen C-Chan submit stuff he/she drew in other categories (And if I guessed your gender wrong, C-Chan, it's because of the chan-suffix in your username!)

Or could I just submit it into either category?