Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Oh, I officially suck.  -__________-'

Okay,... I said I was gonna reply to this thread tonight, and by GAWD I'm gonna do it!!  And in the spirit of SpaceBalls, I'll do the "short short version"!!  ^0^

I appreciate that you remembered my old character templates, and added the small references to a particular character in Scrapped Princess and Shakugan no Shana.  ^______^
As for her weapon, I'm thinking perhaps fiber wire.

@Federal Reserve name knowledge:  Nothing less to be expected from a New Hampshirite.  ^^

@Climate Change = Liberal Pipe Dream:  politicization of everything is as normal as the sun rising in the east and bears crapping in the woods. Keeps people fighting amongst themselves so they don't tar 'n' feather polticians, businessmen and meda moguls -- come on, where's your Orwellian spirit, girl?  ^^;

@Own thoughts:  Media share HUGE blame in belittling environmental concerns, but people are next in line for not believing their own "lying" eyes and just believing that a bunch of so-called critics can talk for them.  Times like this need appropriate media clips:

@Global Cooling:  Cooling meant to be a corrective process -- think the way your body sweats (to try to cool off) when it gets too hot. Global Warming and Cooling are not meant to be mutually-exclusive, if only because we see everyday how warm currents affect cold fronts, or dry climates (like the Sahara) affect humid climates (like the Amazon rainforest).  There simply can be no Ice Age without a corresponding upwards climate shift.  Naturally, the greater the climate change increase, the harsher and more dangerous the correction.  Cold only sounds less scary unless you've been to Siberia -- and if you consider it would destroy over half the world's agriculture at the very least.  TT;

@Biofuel:  Yes, it puts a sick twist doesn't it -- those electric cars you speak of were SOOOO good, they just had to be destroyed. :P
But like any idea, there's both a good and a bad to it.  The Cubans, for example, have devised a very efficient method of producing biofuel from spent sugarcane husks -- in essence, creating biofuel without wasting fuel.  Other countries and groups have done the same thing using different kinds of waste and or inedible materials.  That inefficient corn was chosen as the flagship biofuel crop has no technical merit -- its purely political-economic.

@OS-tan Anthropoligist:  In reality, I think you should've been the one to create the OS-tan Annex.  ^^;

@Coins:  Oh,... if the Mexican coin is from 1993, then forget it.  Typical modern, revalued hunk of metal, only worth as a memento.  Same for the Canadian -- by then they LONG stopped making pure nickel "nickels" and silver coinage, so you could spend that in Toronto without beating an eye.  Sorry.  -.-

@Linux-sama taking over:  *squeals with delight*  You definitely got that right.  I'm guessing SCO-chan would be the first to raise a hissy fit.  ^^

@IBM SubHouses:  Actually, that would kinda make it a little like an ancestral Linux-Unix Consortium.  Though they have a single name, all Linuces/Unices instinctively huddle amongst their own cliques.  ^^;

@Colbert Report XD:  Yeah, I've seen clips of that (as well as two viewings when I went to visit my brother last).  It's an awesome show, though sad that a parody can nail it at times better than more "reputable" news sources.  @@

@Doom and Gloom:  Things will work out, no doubt about it.  But we've already evolved into a sad and contrived state where sanity can't prevail without some sacrifice.  In a way, that kind of works in a rather ying-yang manner -- for peace and environmental stability to prevail, their polar opposite has to be endured.  Nowhere is this more apparent than in the growing pains of an emerging multipolar world.

I'm of the idea that you have to respect the mistakes of the past and admit the realities of the present, before one can cherish a dream for the future.

But I usually consider the golden outfit and the waitress outfit to be two separate dresses -- after all, Solaris-sama still works as a waitress (to learn to coexist with the common folk, according to Unix-sama) even though she ends up being a very scary one.  ^^;

But Bella-hime LOOOOOONG ago introduced me to the idea that OS-tans can have a huge wardrobe too, so I'll call this one Dress #3.  ^.^

@Xenix-sama's color scheme:  Pretty much fair game here too, but her hair is likely blue and eyes amber (or olive green).  Her dress should have lean heavily towards black and other dark colors, with noteable intersections of white.  Try this as inspiration:

@Bella-hime lurking: WOW!  You did?  So proud of you!  @v@
This is one gal who don't need to hear no "lurk m0ar".  `v'

@Proto Leopard-chan:  Wow, I think I do remember you mentioned her at one point, but never posted it until now.  Like my early early early early UNIX-sama sketch, this one presents an interesting window into the past that once was,... when you too had recently discovered the obscure OS-tan bug.  Believe me, I thought at one early point that I would be drawing ME-tan and 2K-tan (or at least the canon Mac-tans) forever.  ^^;

@Rest of Bella-hime's speech:  Thank you for sharing that!  It was very beautiful -- and informative to boot.  ^___^

*starts taking down notes, to find ways to change Bella's DeviantArt profile*

@Birthday Request:  Hmmm... well you really don't have to do that if you don't want to.  ^^
But if you want to...

Usually I prefer surprises, yes.  And even if I wanted a particular character, it's hard for me to come up with any single one that I love above others.  ^____^'

But I think more chibi work might be nice -- I do like your chibis, afterall, and they do take much less time.  Also very big on size-disparity scenarios, as you probably know by now (e.g., the toothpick reference that I'll never let go, PCLOS-tan easter egg, your Damn Small Solaris picture and my modification thereof, etc). ^.^'

*collapses from fatigue*

Wow!  Even my short short version is DAMN long.  ^^;

Seems I was only able to fulfill half my promise tonight, but not bad for this untrustworthy piglet.  ^___^

Tomorrow, Bella-hime's art gets the limelight again.  ^v^


Ooooh, I like your way of quick responses. Especially when I'm kinda short on time right now T__T

@ Xenix-sama: Hmmm, I was wondering what kinda weapon she'd use. Do you a fiber whip...or a tool for cutting? I've been wanting to do a battle scene picture for Xenix-sama, for some time...somehow I've always thought of her as one of the few Unix higher-ups who wouldn't be afraid to roll up her sleeves and get in the thick of things, even if she wasn't a powerful sorceress. I've always thought of her as one of the bravest in the family...

As for her color scheme, I like the blue hair idea (to tie her in with the older generations of Unixen, as well as...her daughter). Amber or olive green eyes could both about a comprimise? Give her hazel eyes, ringed with amber, but greenish in the middle! And the dress should be fun to work with.

I look forward to what Aurora-sama comes up with, and I'm looking forward to drawing Xenix-sama, too! :)

@ OS-tan Anthropoligists making Annexes: Ack, I dunno I could have done it, either. I don't have half the knowledge of vintage personal computers as you do; after all, most of my interest lies in the much older generation of things and professional OSes. Old mainframes, minicomputers, Unixen, DEC OSes, etc.

@ Coins: Damn, back in the coin pile they go!

*throws coins back in pile*

@ The Colbert Report having real news: well, I dunno if it's real news, but it's truthy enough for me :P

@ Solaris-sama's wardrobe: That's dress #3, not counting all the outfits she's stolen from Linux-sama!

@ Birthday gifts: a really busy time coming up for me this week, but I'll try to get a bit of work done. The characters will probably be chibis...

Bella away!

*leaves dramatically*

Aurora Borealis

Still trying to type up responses to all the inspirational and really kind stuff that was said (I was surprised that I actually inspired some people! That really really means a lot to me!) but I'll still respond to some things.

@Xenix-san: Good suggestions for color schemes, both of you! I will implement them in the vectorized version! (next up on my queue!)

@Colbert Report: Hilarious stuff! Colbert Report is my favorite 'news' show, and also Fark is my favorite 'news' site! :D

@Solaris-san's wardrobe: Ha ha! The picture drawn of her trying on Linux-sama's outfits comes to mind!

@Birthday gifts: Waaaaaah! Too bad I didn't know what your birthday was earlier so I could have made a picture for you in advance, Siya! ;__; But to make up for that, I'll gladly draw a fan art of one of your characters!  I might also be able to get a birthday pic for C-Chan done in time.

@Biofuel: Ugh. I hate corn-based biofuel! It does a lot more harm than good! (clean-burning but raises food prices, increases poverty, fertililizer used on the corn gets washed into bodies of water creating large algae blooms that kill off marine life) There are much better alternatives out there (switchgrass, hemp, sugarcane) but why aren't they being used in the US?! This baffles and enrages me! ;030

And here are some 'new' chibis! Oh, and Mac System 4-tan's got a slight makeover!


PAGE 60!![/b]


CONGRATULATIONS, AURORA-HIME, on your 60th page!!!  ^v^
(wow! pretty soon it's gonna top Topicless... and THAT would be kinda scary.... @v@')

*stares at chibi Mac System-tans*

You too?!! ^0^


Btw, this is just a placeholder, till I get a little free time to type up responses.  ^.^

I promise I won't write many, though... aside from Bella-hime being out... *bawls*... it's also the start of a new week and I have to honor my Response Cap committment.


That, and also the Vintage Panel of the comic. ^____^


QuoteOoooh, I like your way of quick responses. Especially when I'm kinda short on time right now T__T  

Really?  I thought I failed at quick?  ^___^;

Quote@ Xenix-sama: Hmmm, I was wondering what kinda weapon she'd use. Do you a fiber whip...or a tool for cutting? I've been wanting to do a battle scene picture for Xenix-sama, for some time...somehow I've always thought of her as one of the few Unix higher-ups who wouldn't be afraid to roll up her sleeves and get in the thick of things, even if she wasn't a powerful sorceress. I've always thought of her as one of the bravest in the family...

Your assumptions are correct -- she is a mediocre sorceress, but a very strong and valiant meleee fighter.  The fiber wire is versatile enough to be used in various ways, including as a very nasty razor-thin whip (probably what she used it for the most), or an equally nasty... "sawing"... tool...  *grows nauseous....  X___X'
But it's primary function is something of a quiet assassination tool -- you know, where you creep up behind someone, ring the fiber wire around the neck quickly, and then pull back.  Not that she would have used this much for that purpose -- but as the early vanguard of the M$-IBM partnership, she would have had to exercise that function every on occasion.

QuoteAs for her color scheme, I like the blue hair idea (to tie her in with the older generations of Unixen, as well as...her daughter). Amber or olive green eyes could both about a comprimise? Give her hazel eyes, ringed with amber, but greenish in the middle! And the dress should be fun to work with.

Oooh!  Well, I'm of course a sucker for creative eyes.  ^_______^


Quote@ Birthday gifts: a really busy time coming up for me this week, but I'll try to get a bit of work done. The characters will probably be chibis...

Don't get too caught up on that, ya hear!  `v'

QuoteStill trying to type up responses to all the inspirational and really kind stuff that was said (I was surprised that I actually inspired some people! That really really means a lot to me!) but I'll still respond to some things.

Aurora-hime questions whether she's actually inspiring?  Wow, talk about modesty.  ^.^
On the other hand, I suppose there was a bit of luck in that you landed with us.  Like you experienced in your earlier boards (and just like I experienced myself in that "Other" OS-tan forum I joined concurrently), success is largely dependent on who surrounds you.  ^^

Quote@Solaris-san's wardrobe: Ha ha! The picture drawn of her trying on Linux-sama's outfits comes to mind!

I worry that if something were to... "rip",... she'd fry the whole closet out of spite.  ^^;

Quote@Birthday gifts: Waaaaaah! Too bad I didn't know what your birthday was earlier so I could have made a picture for you in advance, Siya! ;__; But to make up for that, I'll gladly draw a fan art of one of your characters! I might also be able to get a birthday pic for C-Chan done in time.

*rinse and repeat of comments for Bella*
Don't sweat it either.  ^.^

Quote@Biofuel: Ugh. I hate corn-based biofuel! It does a lot more harm than good! (clean-burning but raises food prices, increases poverty, fertililizer used on the corn gets washed into bodies of water creating large algae blooms that kill off marine life) There are much better alternatives out there (switchgrass, hemp, sugarcane) but why aren't they being used in the US?! This baffles and enrages me!  

Ah yes, the hemp biofuel would be particularly popular everywhere.  ^_____^
Tsk tsk... It's baffling and enraging cause you're thinking like an honest and respectable human being.  If you want to understand why it's being done, you gotta think like lowlife scum.  ^.^

Here's a demonstration:

    Clean-burning = Front to hide the fact that the refining of the corn biofuel requires the burning of MORE hydrocarbons (especially oil) to process into fuel.  Hence, more $$$ for oil/coal.  :)

    Higher Food Prices = More $$$ for food speculators (as its a nice way to inflate the stock market).  Also more $$$ potential for GM Crops, which you can waive around as a solution for the food shortage crisis.

    Increased Poverty = More $$$ from offshore cheap labor.  Also, as long as there's rampant poverty elsewhere, you can wave that around to consumers so that they don't complain that their lives suck.

    Fertilizer = More more MORE $$$ for oil (petroleum-based fertilizers), chemical companies, cattle, GM, geez, this list is interminable.  ^^'

    Marine Life Death = Copy and paste from higher food prices.  Probably means more $$$ later as water-borne diseases increase your profit from your private healthcare holdings.  ^__~

    Illegalization of Hemp = More $$$ from drugs, of course.  And privatized prisons and private security firms....  ;)

TOTAL $$$ from Corn Biofuel:       $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
TOTAL $$$ from Sugarcane Biofuel:  $$

NOW who's got the better economy?  And more jobs?  And so on, so forth...  ^^;

As long as people worship the making of money rather than HOW that money is made, this viscious cycle will just keep repeating itself over and over and over again, just with different players and appearances.  -__-

QuoteAnd here are some 'new' chibis! Oh, and Mac System 4-tan's got a slight makeover!

WAI!  I saw these earlier, but still can't get over how lusciously C-U-T-E they are.  ^^

I've already seen System 1-chan quite a lot as of late, but it's been a while since I've seen her with her modern wear -- her more prominent fluffy socks are a nice new addition.  ^-^

Ahiru-chan still looks as delightfully charming as before, although not sure what you did with her hair that makes her look much more perky.  ^__^

System 4-chan has a kind of demure appearance now, but her skirt and shorts seem far better defined in this version.  Certainly her hair/eyes/mouth are all strategically positioned for maximum jaw-dropping swoonage.  ^^

And as for my lovely System 3-chan.... ^v^

Who's delightful smile and rainbow-spewed-on-me clothing makes me LOL in so many different ways, and swoon in about 20 different others!  She is still my favorite early Mac-tan.  ^____^


On the other hand....







Ah! I see now.  -v-

Aurora Borealis

@Xenix-san: Whoa! Xenix-san was a hired assassin?! And who did she have to assassinate?! But nonetheless, that makes Xenix-san awesome!

@other OS-tan forum: There was another OS-tan forum before this one?! Is it still around? I'm curious!

@Stupid corn biofuel: I should have known... it's still around because of human greed T_T

Finished version of Xenix-san!:


Quote@Xenix-san: Whoa! Xenix-san was a hired assassin?! And who did she have to assassinate?! But nonetheless, that makes Xenix-san awesome!

Fufu... she wasn't hired as an assassin... but she's still a UNIX-tan, and thus still a fighter at heart.  She was hired in part to be a servant as well as a bodyguard, but quickly demonstrated leadership qualities and rose very quickly up in the ranks of old Microsoft.  It was once she gained the trust of the higher-ups (especially her "Lordship") that her talent for espionage and targeted... "persuasion"... was discovered and inevitably put too work.

Full blown assasinations would have been rare, and never to other OS-tans (usually just high-ranking program-tans and the like).  Quick and painful strangulations (accompanied by an icy warning or two to cease and desist a particular activity) was usual enough to convince her more unruly targets not to do whatever it is their doing ever again.  Most other times, just showing up with fiber wire in hand and an icy glare on her face would be enough to get the message across immediately.  ^^;

Since most of this was done in the shadows, who's to say that the barring of TRON-sama's entry into the US home PC market wasn't in part due to Xenix-sama's "persuasion" of key policymakers?  

Xenix-sama was loyal to a fault, no doubt about it.  That was both the cause of her Rise, as well as her eventual Fall from grace.  -.-

In any event, as for your drawing, I think she's beautiful.  ^^
Simple and no-nonsense, but so appropriately Xenix-sama-ish.  ^___^

The sharp black and white contrast feels has a cool "strategy" to it, and fits well with her image of the "Warrior Caretaker" of the early Windows Family.  Her face is also fairly straightforward -- cool, but not sarcastically-so, and certainly betraying the kind of gentleness she would offer to those closest to her.  I love the fact that she combines features of Wilhelmina and Zefiris -- that way, there's no need for a painful and heartbreaking "pick-and-choose".  ^_____^

As for her hands,... it seems like you were practicing soe of the things that Bella-hime told you earlier, and I believe you are on the right track in terms of shape and finger proportion.  The overall size, however, is a bit off -- the hands look too big for the arm-length used. As a rule of thumb, hands (from wrist to tip) should be about half the size of your forearm (from wrist to elbow) -- give or take natural variation among people.  Feel free to measure that now on your own arm to see what I mean.  ^.^

Overall, though, I really move your depiction of Xenix-sama!  ^v^

Already you're getting my creative juices working overtime -- if my Vintage Panel lull persists,... maybe I'll do another quick chibi work akin to Siya's birthday picture.  ^___^

I've always wanted to draw Xenix-sama with the two DOS sisters in their old Victorian dresses.  ^.^

Quote@other OS-tan forum: There was another OS-tan forum before this one?! Is it still around? I'm curious!

Yeah, it was an upstart who's name I can't remember anymore -- lasted for only about a month or so before the Admin and all his buddies RP'd the board to death.  That kind of explains my own disdain for off-topic role-playing games -- it detracts too much from what the board is about (and also attracts what I assume could be considered "/b/tarded" behavior).  -.-;

The site itself has LOOOOOOOOONG disappeared into the annals of the interweb, so I can't even show you what's left of the empty shell anymore.  -v-

Quote@Stupid corn biofuel: I should have known... it's still around because of human greed T_T

Sometimes I wonder myself whether greed (or at least to that pathological extent) really is an inherently human condition, or just some cultural abnormality.  I would challenge that because we're not raised in our own natural setting, we become inherently "inhuman" -- that can work for better or for worse, but oft times it seems to be for the worse.

In any event, that's always an interesting though exercise to do whenever something in the world baffles you.  If you can project youself into the mind of your assailants, the resulting clarity can prove enlightening.  Disturbing and frustrating, yes, but also reassuring in a strange kind of way -- that's because you'd be less susceptible to being surprised, tricked or bamboozled.  -v-

When people ask me what I get out of being so inquisitive and fostering so many contrarian beliefs (especially about money and investment), I'm always sure to answer in the shortest, most brutally-honest, and least BS-laden manner possible:

"A lot more money saved, and a lot less of my time wasted."  `v'

Added after 45 seconds:


And CAP REACHED!!!  >v<

Well resume next time.  ^^



Okay now, I'm officially in a Zerosanity XMAS comic slump -- no point denying it anymore.  I'm gonna put that on the backburner till my inspiration returns (I'm sure I spent it all doing that overly-ambitious CIOST segment).  @___@

I did, however, maintain my inspiration for that Xenix-sama doodle I mentioned above.  Originally I was intending to draw another chibi of Xenix-sama......

But seeing as how her expression doesn't really work chibified...... I guess....... she just kinda..... grew..... ^^'

Still a draft though, so I'm open for suggestions.  Still not 100% on the shoes, and since this is a converted chibi shot, I still need to recheck the body portions.  

And even after shading, the pic wouldn't be done yet... I said I was gonna pair her with MSDOS and PCDOS-tan, and I hope to stick with that plan.  ^__^


Sorry all, I'm just popping in for a visit, so I can't say much...

But I have to say nice chibis Aurora-sama! I'm really pumped over the new drawings on Xenix-san, though! I've always wanted to draw her, but never really had a great idea of what she'd look like...

She looks very kind and peaceful in Aurora's version, and I like how you made her eyes hazel. I love the color scheme a lot! And C-Chan's depiction of her makes her look quite a bit more secretive.

Now I want to draw a fanart of her...

Aurora Borealis

@C-Chan: Awesome job, C-Chan! I'm glad you got started on your picture idea of Xenix-san with PC DOS-tan and MS DOS-tan in their old Victorian dresses! And I see that she's got the book in which she writes about Altair-tan and she's got her fiber wire weapon! She doesn't look happy though, or maybe she has learned to put on a perpetual scowl to intimidate the employees as well as potential enemies!

(and it's okay that you've put the ZS Xmas special on hold for now, I'm still trying to catch up! I'm still (re-)working on pages 9 and 10! ^^;

@Bella: Cool! Xenix-san is gaining popularity, interesting considering that she's one of the most forgotten OS-tans in the OS-tan world!

You have drawn her before (though it was a long time ago) and the design I used for Xenix-san is partly based off your original drawing of her:

But if you decide to draw a new fanart of her, I'll be looking forward to seeing it!


But I have to say nice chibis Aurora-sama! I'm really pumped over the new drawings on Xenix-san, though! I've always wanted to draw her, but never really had a great idea of what she'd look like...

Ditto for me -- I had the idea, but never really got down to a real definitive design.  Many thanks to Aurora-hime for offering one.  ^___^

She looks very kind and peaceful in Aurora's version, and I like how you made her eyes hazel. I love the color scheme a lot! And C-Chan's depiction of her makes her look quite a bit more secretive.

Fufu... secretive.  ^^
Contrary to what it may seem, Aurora's version is likely the kind-hearted Xenix-sama that family and close friends remember and love. The version I drew is more the face remembered by everyone else: stern, serious, calculating,... but also a little... sad.

Quote@C-Chan: Awesome job, C-Chan! I'm glad you got started on your picture idea of Xenix-san with PC DOS-tan and MS DOS-tan in their old Victorian dresses! And I see that she's got the book in which she writes about Altair-tan and she's got her fiber wire weapon! She doesn't look happy though, or maybe she has learned to put on a perpetual scowl to intimidate the employees as well as potential enemies!

Thank you Aurora-hime!  ^v^
I tell ya, it seems I was better cut out for spontaneous artwork.  ^^'
My hope is to draw MSDOS and PCDOS-chan before I begin the shade work, so as to not drown out the rare inspiration.  ^^

I didn't know what book she had in your drawing at first -- although it hit me a little later that it might be Altair's book, so I named it accordingly.  ^__^

I'm probably drawing the fiber wire wrong, though... unless it's a magical one, it really should be stiffer,... and perhaps have some handles.  Then again, I doubt it would match well with her overall graceful look,... perhaps I should leave it at that, and assume that the wire in hand works much the same way as eComStation-tan's energy tendrils.  (certainly twirling the wire around the hands a bit acts like a kind of handle)

She is a bit unhappy,... but you might need to take a closer look.  Her face should be more Mona Lisa-esque -- it's a bit hard to tell if she's angry, sad, hurt, worried, or indifferent, and that was the look I was going for.  

Though her actions are predictable to a fault, her emotions are not. @@

BTW, the large bow on her back is meant to show of as one big "X" -- it may not be terribly clear from this angle, though.

Quote(and it's okay that you've put the ZS Xmas special on hold for now, I'm still trying to catch up! I'm still (re-)working on pages 9 and 10! ^^;

Oh, thanks for doing that.  ^__^
I still feel bad though -- fortunately, there are still a few months till Xmas.  Sad to see that I joked about it being ready for next Christmas before, but now it seems that's gonna be the case.  -.-'

You have drawn her before (though it was a long time ago) and the design I used for Xenix-san is partly based off your original drawing of her:

OOH SHOOT!!!  You're right!!!  I DO remember Bella-hime did a quick Xenix-sama before!!!  ;^0^;

Oh dear GAWDS, I'm so sorry!!  ^~^
See, now I'm the divergent one, all because I'm losing it.  -___-

*bashes self with baseball bat*

*drools*  X____x

On the other hand....... she might look good with a small ponytail.  XvX

Aurora Borealis

It's late and I just got started on it today, but here's a birthday pic for C-Chan in progress!

FreeB-chan ate all the cake so she took one of Plan 9-sama's space bunnies, put frosting on it, topped it with a cherry+sprinkles and hoped that Plan 9-sama wouldn't notice! On FreeB-chan's shoulder is Damn Small BSD-tan, terrified at what she's seeing!

Completed pic will include all shading, highlights and the addition of all the User Space Gang members.


If FreeB-chan successfully manages to get Plan 9 to eat her own minions with frosting, you will win an infinite amounts of internets, Aurora-hime.

With a 4.10% interest rate.



QuoteIt's late and I just got started on it today, but here's a birthday pic for C-Chan in progress!  



Oooh... so I'm a geyser today....  ^^'

If I recall, the latest FreeB-chan picture you did was a full-body shot (with all the mini OS-tans and DSL-kun in the palm of her hand).  She looked great there, but this chibi version of her.....

Anymore "Dy-Na-Mite", and you can make another Mount Rushmore!  ^.^

QuoteFreeB-chan ate all the cake so she took one of Plan 9-sama's space bunnies, put frosting on it, topped it with a cherry+sprinkles and hoped that Plan 9-sama wouldn't notice!

BWAHAHA!!! That's an awesomely-creative touch, showing your ever-admiral recollection of all details, regardless of how small they may be.  I'm starting to wonder if you keep a journal of notes on hand, or just really really REALLy have a great memory.  (wanna switch brains?) ^__~

Course, it won't be long before she gets the urge to eat him too, in which case she's bound to notice.  (although at least I'd get another Poker buddy) ^.^

QuoteOn FreeB-chan's shoulder is Damn Small BSD-tan, terrified at what she's seeing!

Geez, this is just two characters and already I'm threatening to dissolve into pudding.  If you do plan to draw all the other UserSpace characters as chibis, be prepared to bring a really big mop.  ^____^;

BTW, DMBSD-chan's hair horns are my favorite feature.  ^.^

QuoteCompleted pic will include all shading, highlights and the addition of all the User Space Gang members.

Thank you so much for all this, and for remembering my birthday!  I always tell you how much I appreciate what you do for us, but there's no better proof than when you selectively make me feel like a special and lucky pig.  ^-^

I don't mind if the picture itself is late or not finished as you say -- having you around is the only present I could ask for.  ^__^

(Besides, on my actual B-day, I was too boozed up on Sangria to even log on to my computer.... ^.^;)

On a side note, even though I want to try to draw the sketches I promised Bella on my own impulse, perhaps your takes on the BSD-tans will ignite a flame in me that will let me finish them all off in one stroke.  ^-^

QuoteIf FreeB-chan successfully manages to get Plan 9 to eat her own minions with frosting, you will win an infinite amounts of internets, Aurora-hime.

With a 4.10% interest rate.

I hear that -- plus I'll through in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 New C-chan Points to sweeten the bet!  ^___^

(and I swear by the dignity and integrity of the Central Cache of C-chan, they're not in any way shape or form devalued!)  ^.^'

Aurora Borealis

Beta version of the User Space Gang* group picture:

Added in NetBSD-tan, Plan B-tan, Plan 9-tan and Octopus-tan. (still need to add in Inferno-tan, Olive BSD-tan, Open BSD-tan and Midnight BSD-tan)

Plan 9-tan is shouting angrily (she will be saying something like "UNHAND MY SPACE BUNNY!!") with Plan B-tan writing it down, NetBSD-tan reading what she is writing, and Octopus-tan trying to calm down Plan 9-tan (Octopus is heavily focused on order, so Octopus-tan dislikes fighting and chaos)

*Okay, so Damn Small BSD-tan is actually a wanderer but sometimes she bands with the User Space Gang. She is otherwise with the other Damn Small-tans in their own mini pseudo-faction) It was also conjectured that Olive BSD-tan and Midnight BSD-tan don't actually live with the other members but are still affiliated with them.