Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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QuoteBut I'll need some inspiration and ideas from others for it to work. Or at the very least I could draw OS/2-tan and 4K-tan posing in Starfleet uniforms (althouh OS/2-tan wears one anyways).

Oh, oh, you should have somebody doing the infamous Spock cosplay w/ pointy ears XD

QuoteShe has got to be the craziest fangirl-type character around! (and there are some mighty crazy fangirl-type characters out there! *cough4K-tancough*)

She'd rather be called "passionate", not crazy, just for the record :P

I'd really like to know more about Slackware-san, though; she is the oldest working Linux-tan after all (and isn't she supposed to be a mechanical genius or something?).

QuoteShe was a rock star!

However in the present day, she is often assisting Apple ][-tan with her chores. But aside from being a musician (and even a former rock star), GS/OS-tan is also a great artist! (although good at painting and drawing, her specialties are actually animation and sculptures. And by making sculptures- she carves them using huge blades, saws or chainsaws. And sometimes even flaming blades! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that GS/OS-tan is "Rambo"-inspired!)

*imagines GS/OS-tan with flamethrower*


I never knew, nor would have guessed, she was inspired by Rambo!

QuoteReally? But then again, didn't you first imagine A/UX-tan as the highly professional type? And she could still wear that outfit in the present day because she was only a couple inches shorter back then.

I thought she was something of a tomboy, and would thus dislike dressing up. Course, I'm sure there can be well-dressed tomboys ;)

QuoteBWAHAHAHA! It was probably THAT which made System 6-tan much more popular than 4.2-tan! (but then again, 4.2-tan was very shy anyways, not seen much by users, therefore not really being able to live up to her potential) Either that or because System 6-tan proved to be remarkably fast, stable, loyal and dependable (despite also being rather scatterbrained)! Ehhh... Whichever the people would have noticed first!

But seriously, although she has always been the tough-girl type (especially during and after the OS-wars), she does not show her killer attitude unless she is fighting against a virus-tan or someone who has put one of her family members in danger.

But the exception was that she did not intervene at all in the fight between System 7-tan and Windows 95-tan despite System 7-tan's life just about being endangered. (let's just say that no one could interfere with the battle...)

Aw, so she has a softer side. I can see where nobody would want to get in between System 7 and 95-tan, though O__o

QuoteAw man... If I tell you, I'll end up spoiling part of the third OS-tan Flashback Chronicles story! Okay, if you really want to know: There will be a scene in the story during the fight between System 6-tan and ANTI-tan, and System 6-tan vows not to allow anyone else in the family to get hurt (even 4.2-tan, who was not very nice to her!), and that was the main reason why she decided to fight ANTI-tan. 4.2-tan was so moved by that, she then apologizes and that's that!

Whaa! You spoiled it for me, Aurora-san :P

QuoteOh.. I forgot that that 'hackers' back in the day were programmers! I think that would work better for Lunar Linux-tan because I can't imagine her being malicious at all. Although of course, she could use those powers for less malicious purposes!

I think hackers are still programmers, but the media has kinda hijacked the meaning. A "cracker" is somebody who illegally accesses or controls a computer, but "cracker" tends to sound more like something you sprinkle over soup and less like a malevolent criminal x__x

QuoteReally? I thought that the more proprietary distro-tans as well as the Windows wannabes were more or less outcasts.

I would think that the proprietary and "doppleganger" distros would be a bit shunned, but I was saying a lot distros use some form of un-free software...

QuoteOkay, here it is!

As for affiliation, Lunar Linux-tan and Source Mage-tan are currently wanderers and Sorcerer-tan (their disgruntled mother) is in the LUC. And while Lunar Linux-tan and Source Mage-tan could be formidable new additions to the LUC with their abilities, it is likely a lot of the Unices would constantly pick fights with Lunar Linux-tan because of her potential hacking abilities (at least she knows who to NEVER EVER EVER try them against...) and Source Mage-tan just seems too nice to fit in with the others there (and may clash with the less tolerant, who would think she is insane). Not to mention I just can't picture her with the LUC! I just can't!

But although Sorcerer-tan is disgruntled about being a mother, she just dislikes the circumstances of her daughters' existences, not her daughters themselves. She doesn't want them to join the LUC because she is aware of the mentioned risks if they joined and doesn't want them to put up with what she has to on a regular basis. So, she actually does care for them a lot (although at a distance). Yet, Source Mage-tan and Lunar Linux-tan joining the LUC and learning to work with Sorcerer-tan may be their only shot at being a happy family for the first time.

Wow, sap follows OS-tans everywhere, without exception. I really hope Sorcerer-tan can reconcile with her children ;____;

But you raise an interesting thought in my mind; what's the deal with the LUC. I mean, do you think they live together in a giant house or castle (maybe Unix-sama commandeered one of her mother's "territories"). Or do you suppose they live all over the place, and just meet at a central HQ? Or is it some combonation of the two?

Please to give me your thoughts, everyone ;)

QuoteOh! I know of some of the Atari game consoles, including their most famous/infamous: the Atari 2600! Sold greatly but also had some of the worst videogames ever including:

"Custer's Revenge": A really bad adult game for the 2600, is regarded as one of the most shameful games ever.

"Pac Man" for the 2600: Supposed to bring the joy of the arcade game to the home masses, but was very badly done with terrible sound effects and graphics as well as other things that took the joy out of the game.

"E.T": Great movie, terrible and incredibly frustrating game! In fact, this one is regarded by many to be the worst videogame ever!

The "Pac Man" and "E.T" games sold so poorly that the unsold copies had to be dumped in a landfill in a desert, and also a major cause of the videogame crash of 1983-1984 and also led to Atari's demise!

OMG... >____<

QuoteAtari TOS-tan! Microphone in one hand, mirror in the other! An idol singer in extreme denial about being old. She is GEM-tan's twin sister and they have the same hair color and similar eye color but that is where their similarities end though.

Trying to draw her hair was the hardest part. I was trying my hardest to give her that resemblance to Ranpha from "Galaxy Angel" and I do not know if I really succeeded. Hey, I can't say I didn't try!

BEAUTIFUL! I don't care what she thinks, she is gorgeous :D

I love her long, wavy hair, outfit, and I like how you did the reflections in the mirror; now I wanna draw a TOS and AtairDOS-tan together...


Yeah.. She does annoy just about everyone. Her potential of being destructive is low but possible...

And in her rivalry against Macintosh System 6-tan, it is actually WDEF-tan that is getting tormented 99% of the time! (told ya their rivalry is very one-sided!)

WDEF-tan is not only friends with ANTI-tan and Acme-tan, but also greatly admires and likes A-Bomb-kun for his extreme obnoxious megalomania but he doesn't like her at all in return!

So bright! Meh eyes, the sunglasses do nothing!

No really, I love the colors. She's very vibrant and funky and summery looking. Oh drats, A-Bomb-kun doesn't like her? No shipin' potential, I guess :P

QuoteAnd here's Sorcerer Linux-tan!

The sorceress with a very bizarre backstory! (to recap: She has two daughters but one of them is actually her reanimated clone magically created from the remnants of her original body. Sorcerer-tan's mind and soul got transferred to a new body)

Wow, she's pretty and very mysterious looking. I love her outfit, her long hair, and her eyes...

Considering how many sorceress Linux-tans we know have, I'm wanting to do a Harry Potter parody almost ^_^


Alright, where was I?  ^.^

QuoteI have always seen things the same way, too. I almost wonder what sort of entourage Unix or Linux or VMS-sama may have been (or is) surrounded by :P

Well I've already speculated on UNIX-sama's followers, and to a certain extent VMS-sama.  But Linux-sama eludes me, since her influence spans across all sorts of odd demographics.  

QuoteHmm...I've never thought of the interactions between console and OS-tans. I do suppose the OS-tans would be the more "intellectual" of the two, though Xbox and PS/2/3/whatever can function as computers (to an extent)...

Correct.  Computers, they be thinkin' machines.  ^__~
I don't want them to be bumkins, but they also aren't exactly in control of running things either.  I'd say Console-tans are probably best depicted as famous athletes of sorts.

QuoteWait, didn't you just propose to Aurora for her work with the Freespire-chan two-timin' piggy!

QuoteThree-timin', actually!

Now now, ladies....

*pulls out ring intended for Barbie Linux-tan, comparing it to the one meant for Musix-tan*'s neither actually.

I simply happen to be VERY open about the time-honored concept of Polygamy.  ^________^;

But don't worry,... I also respect a woman's right to consider a Polyandrical relationship.  What's fair is fair, goose for the gander, and all that jazz.  ^^;

Now if you'll excuse me,...

*pries open wholesale box, filled to the brim with wedding rings*

QuoteI'm already thinking ahead. Shall I go with DEC the Halls (pun pun), or have a very CIOST Christmas? :P

Oh... Come,... On.... how can you NOT side with the cute pun?  ^___^

"DEC the Halls" it is!  ^.^

QuoteBut I'll need some inspiration and ideas from others for it to work. Or at the very least I could draw OS/2-tan and 4K-tan posing in Starfleet uniforms (althouh OS/2-tan wears one anyways).

How about this,... have you ever been on one of those old-timey store rides, where you stick a coin into the machine (like a horse or car or whatever) and it moves around with music and stuff until the time is up?

Supposing you had both sharing a ride on one of these machines, shaped like the classic Enterprise.  I'd imagine that they'd both be squealing with uncharacteristic joy, while the onlookers are busy facefaulting at the sight of two grown women riding on this thing meant for kids....  ^^;

QuoteHowever in the present day, she is often assisting Apple ][-tan with her chores. But aside from being a musician (and even a former rock star), GS/OS-tan is also a great artist! (although good at painting and drawing, her specialties are actually animation and sculptures. And by making sculptures- she carves them using huge blades, saws or chainsaws. And sometimes even flaming blades! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that GS/OS-tan is "Rambo"-inspired!)

Hence the pairing with her and ChainsawLinux-tan wasn't really that off-the-mark.  ^^;

QuoteYes they did, but it was resolved once and for all somehow. However, Apple still has to put up with lots of even more annoying lawsuits these days. (i.e: Apple was sued because their displays supporting 'millions' of colors was inaccurate. I mean, who would normally notice the difference anyways?)

Waaah?  @@


Well I've heard of people in photorgraphy rightfully complaining about the highly-reflective screens of the new iMacs, but as for the million thing,... wow... who'd a thunk it...?  ^^;

QuoteReally? I thought that the more proprietary distro-tans as well as the Windows wannabes were more or less outcasts.

Well it depends on their actions really.  If they're not conscientious about the harmful impact particular lifestyle or business choices have on themselves and their fellows, then chances are high they're not conscientious at all, and probably will say and do silly or harmful things without really thinking about it.

So while it's very hard for the majority of the free-tans to seriously oust anyone (argue, scold or implore, yes, but never seriously banish), it's not hard for the latter to oust themselves (a la SCO), especially if its in their best business interest to do so.  -.-

QuoteAs for affiliation, Lunar Linux-tan and Source Mage-tan are currently wanderers and Sorcerer-tan (their disgruntled mother) is in the LUC. And while Lunar Linux-tan and Source Mage-tan could be formidable new additions to the LUC with their abilities, it is likely a lot of the Unices would constantly pick fights with Lunar Linux-tan because of her potential hacking abilities (at least she knows who to NEVER EVER EVER try them against...) and Source Mage-tan just seems too nice to fit in with the others there (and may clash with the less tolerant, who would think she is insane). Not to mention I just can't picture her with the LUC! I just can't!

Fufufu,... not to worry.  I just couldn't HELP picture FreeBSD-chan being aligned with them, and so I didn't.  And that's part of the reason why the UserSpace Gang was formed.  ^.^

I imagine that unaligned OS-tans can still form their own unofficially-recognized bands and groups -- in reality, my breakup was done out of convenience and nothing really is set in stone.  Certainly not in this ever-changing world.  ^^

QuoteBut although Sorcerer-tan is disgruntled about being a mother, she just dislikes the circumstances of her daughters' existences, not her daughters themselves. She doesn't want them to join the LUC because she is aware of the mentioned risks if they joined and doesn't want them to put up with what she has to on a regular basis. So, she actually does care for them a lot (although at a distance). Yet, Source Mage-tan and Lunar Linux-tan joining the LUC and learning to work with Sorcerer-tan may be their only shot at being a happy family for the first time.

Well if our Tales O' Sap have taught us anything, it's that dysfunctional OS-tan families are a dime a dozen.  ^.^;

Despite the convenience of it, there's only a fat chance of it happening and that'll probably help fuel any associated drama in that respect.

Besides, don't forget,... Sorcerer-san sees UNIX-sama nearly every day.  Despite the Great Mother all but SATURATED with daughers and granddaughters and great grandaughters and a veritable ZOO of miscellaneous family members, the LUC is not exactly brimming with happiness.  Happiness is a complex state of mind, and it does not settle in by default just living together.  -.-;

QuoteThat's awful! She is one of the most influential OS-tans ever and barely gets any credit for it!

You know what else is new?  The sun rose in the east this morning.  *gasp* ^____^

Seriously, it's awful, but it's a story that's happened time and time again to countless other OS-tans.  She just happens to manifest her discontent with tough talk and anger, while someone like 2.0-chan would do the same through sadness and depression.  

QuoteThose corporate jerkwads! Why would they abandon her and leave her pennyless?! I feel really sad for her now.

In the end, they chose to protect their own lucrative Printer/Copier Business -- she just did TOO good a job of print work to make more than one top brass among the Copier-tans nervous.  If you ever read Catch 22, you'll notice that business interests and the interests of those among the higher echelons of military commands are never too far apart.  ^^;

That being said, I don't doubt that Pilot-chan, in her youth, gradually evolved from a cute, bright-eyed rookie, to a kind of Yossarian-figure.  That's why, despite her nasty mouth nowadays, she really does not resent her life in the Binteji Renmei.  She's penniless and emotionally-scarred, but at last she's free...

...and surrounded by good, honest, hard-working OS-tans.  ^__^

Quote*sniffle* Now I know why she is foul-mouthing person (with no faith in humanity) that she is today! Have there ever been any good points in her life?

Aside from being a kick-ass pilot?  ^____^
Probably PC-DOS-chan, who's her closest friend and fellow nutcase.  Occasionally she'll help sneak PCDOS-chan to a rendez-vous point where she can meet MSDOS-chan for a few minutes.  In exchange PCDOS-chan uses her old business contacts to get repair parts for the X-Star at good prices.  

Like a bear, she also calms down considerably with fine music.  However, her interpretation of "fine" music" is very different from what most people think.  If you don't know what a "Fantastic Plastic Machine", you're probably better off.  ^___^'

QuoteI see. If it were just the OS-tans, some OS-tans would not have any family at all and would have to have been brought up entirely on their own! (i.e: Palm OS-tan? She doesn't have any OS-tan relatives, does she?)

She has different variants of herself, but off the bat,... not really, no.  ^^
You could make the case that she was raised by Hardware-tans, though.  ^___^

Quote"E.T": Great movie, terrible and incredibly frustrating game! In fact, this one is regarded by many to be the worst videogame ever!

Wow, I actually remember that game.  ^^;
It tried to be a kind of Action-Adventure game along the lines of Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.  But of course it failed miserably due to the extreme time-constraints of development, as well as the extreme arrogance of Atari at the time.  The graphics were pitiful even for this time -- you didn't know if the thing approaching you was Elliot with Reeses pieces or a walking burning bush.  ^^;

This is an especially fun read:

Quote*pant* Ha... This looks like a good place to stop, right after calling C-Chan a multiple-timin' piggy!

BWAHAHA!!  OMG, didn't notice this originally.  That's funny.  ^.^

Again, I have to say again.  TOS-chan,... IS.... EXTREMELY,.... too much for words!  ^^


I'm actually glad you gave her that 80's idol look,... very much like that singer from the Goonies movie.  ^.^

Very hot in her days, but good luck trying to go male-baiting looking like that these days.  ^^;

QuoteAtariTOS-tan looks very elegant, in the idol singer fashion. Specific points I like are her knee-highs, jacket and surprised expression.

I think I'm still stuck to them luscious knee-highs.  ^__________^

*squirms around*

Oh wow,... I AM still stuck.  ^^;
But yeah, lovin' that.  ^.^

QuoteWDEF-tan reminds me of Kimmy Gibbler (Full House - D.J.'s friend). Perfect color scheme for her character, too.

Actually, believe it or not, that actually does sound familiar to me somehow during an old babysitting gag eons ago.  Didn't the character smell bad or something?  ^^;

QuoteI really like Sorcerer Linux-tan's outfit. The instances of bright, ectoplasmic green seem to be rather well-placed.

And the multi-colored orb is a neat touch too.  ^___^

QuoteI think hackers are still programmers, but the media has kinda hijacked the meaning. A "cracker" is somebody who illegally accesses or controls a computer, but "cracker" tends to sound more like something you sprinkle over soup and less like a malevolent criminal x__x

Correct on all accounts.  I've had to explain that several times to my coworkers, who raise eyebrows when I say I "hack" Linux systems.  ^^;

QuoteBut you raise an interesting thought in my mind; what's the deal with the LUC. I mean, do you think they live together in a giant house or castle (maybe Unix-sama commandeered one of her mother's "territories"). Or do you suppose they live all over the place, and just meet at a central HQ? Or is it some combonation of the two?

Please to give me your thoughts, everyone

Remember I designed most of these "factions" as socio-poltiical entities.  That being said, the "Linux Unix Consortirum" is really more of an alliance or commonwealth various territories, spanning towns and cities and farmlands and factories and outposts all over the OS-tan world.  Think of it as a kind of CIS or, to a lesser but more "business-like" extent, an ALBA or Mercosur.

So there is a Capital with a central HQ, where UNIX-sama and a good chunk of her descendants live in.  But it's rare for all of them to meet together in one place -- especially since a few Linux-tans, not wanting to be physically present before a horde of crazy UNIX-tans, will opt for tele/videoconferencing instead.  (Likewise, hardcore Unices, offended by the "stench" of the Linux-tans, make a conscientious decision to stay clear of them.)

The vastness of their territory naturally contributes to the difficulty of managing simple things like "standardization", and is a veritable breeding ground for separatist elements.  While the CIOST members are largely disunited personally, their territories are smaller and thus easier to defend and manage.

QuoteBEAUTIFUL! I don't care what she thinks, she is gorgeous

I love her long, wavy hair, outfit, and I like how you did the reflections in the mirror; now I wanna draw a TOS and AtairDOS-tan together...

Funny!  I was thinking the same thing!  ^>^


QuoteActually, believe it or not, that actually does sound familiar to me somehow during an old babysitting gag eons ago. Didn't the character smell bad or something? ^^;
Probably.  The Gibbler wasn't all there in the noggin'.  There may have been an episode or two where it was mentioned that she had inadequate personal hygiene.


QuoteWell I've already speculated on UNIX-sama's followers, and to a certain extent VMS-sama. But Linux-sama eludes me, since her influence spans across all sorts of odd demographics.

I would think Linux-sama's would be similar to early Unix-sama's, minus the corporate types ;)

QuoteCorrect. Computers, they be thinkin' machines. ^__~
I don't want them to be bumkins, but they also aren't exactly in control of running things either. I'd say Console-tans are probably best depicted as famous athletes of sorts.

Sounds right to me!

QuoteNow now, ladies....

*pulls out ring intended for Barbie Linux-tan, comparing it to the one meant for Musix-tan*'s neither actually.

I simply happen to be VERY open about the time-honored concept of Polygamy. ^________^;

But don't worry,... I also respect a woman's right to consider a Polyandrical relationship. What's fair is fair, goose for the gander, and all that jazz. ^^;

Now if you'll excuse me,...

*pries open wholesale box, filled to the brim with wedding rings*

What's brides for one C-Chan?!


How about this,... have you ever been on one of those old-timey store rides, where you stick a coin into the machine (like a horse or car or whatever) and it moves around with music and stuff until the time is up?

Supposing you had both sharing a ride on one of these machines, shaped like the classic Enterprise. I'd imagine that they'd both be squealing with uncharacteristic joy, while the onlookers are busy facefaulting at the sight of two grown women riding on this thing meant for kids.... ^^;


QuoteWell it depends on their actions really. If they're not conscientious about the harmful impact particular lifestyle or business choices have on themselves and their fellows, then chances are high they're not conscientious at all, and probably will say and do silly or harmful things without really thinking about it.

So while it's very hard for the majority of the free-tans to seriously oust anyone (argue, scold or implore, yes, but never seriously banish), it's not hard for the latter to oust themselves (a la SCO), especially if its in their best business interest to do so. -.-

Hmmm...I do suppose that the more M$-friendly among the Linux-tans would be the target of quite a lot of anger O__o
Fufufu,... not to worry. I just couldn't HELP picture FreeBSD-chan being aligned with them, and so I didn't. And that's part of the reason why the UserSpace Gang was formed. ^.^

I used to think the same thing about Linux-sama...but then we figured Linux-sama and Unix-sama would be excellent friends...but then again I doubt many of their daughters (the Unixes and Linuxes) would get along that well...

QuoteI imagine that unaligned OS-tans can still form their own unofficially-recognized bands and groups -- in reality, my breakup was done out of convenience and nothing really is set in stone. Certainly not in this ever-changing world. ^^

That's good to hear...I certainly imagine at one point the DEC-tans would have had their own "faction" of sorts, as would the early IBM OSes and timesharing systems as well.

QuoteWell if our Tales O' Sap have taught us anything, it's that dysfunctional OS-tan families are a dime a dozen. ^.^;

Despite the convenience of it, there's only a fat chance of it happening and that'll probably help fuel any associated drama in that respect.

Besides, don't forget,... Sorcerer-san sees UNIX-sama nearly every day. Despite the Great Mother all but SATURATED with daughers and granddaughters and great grandaughters and a veritable ZOO of miscellaneous family members, the LUC is not exactly brimming with happiness. Happiness is a complex state of mind, and it does not settle in by default just living together. -.-;

I always thought the LUC would kinda be one of the most...unhappiest places to take residence ;)

QuoteYou know what else is new? The sun rose in the east this morning. *gasp* ^____^

Seriously, it's awful, but it's a story that's happened time and time again to countless other OS-tans. She just happens to manifest her discontent with tough talk and anger, while someone like 2.0-chan would do the same through sadness and depression.

....and somebody like VMS-sama through going very fringe, or OS/2-tan by hatching half-baked plots, or somebody like Multics-sama by...oopsie, better not even go there @__@

QuoteIn the end, they chose to protect their own lucrative Printer/Copier Business -- she just did TOO good a job of print work to make more than one top brass among the Copier-tans nervous. If you ever read Catch 22, you'll notice that business interests and the interests of those among the higher echelons of military commands are never too far apart. ^^;

That being said, I don't doubt that Pilot-chan, in her youth, gradually evolved from a cute, bright-eyed rookie, to a kind of Yossarian-figure. That's why, despite her nasty mouth nowadays, she really does not resent her life in the Binteji Renmei. She's penniless and emotionally-scarred, but at last she's free...

...and surrounded by good, honest, hard-working OS-tans. ^__^

They always push the good ones aside -___-

QuoteAside from being a kick-ass pilot? ^____^
Probably PC-DOS-chan, who's her closest friend and fellow nutcase. Occasionally she'll help sneak PCDOS-chan to a rendez-vous point where she can meet MSDOS-chan for a few minutes. In exchange PCDOS-chan uses her old business contacts to get repair parts for the X-Star at good prices.

Like a bear, she also calms down considerably with fine music. However, her interpretation of "fine" music" is very different from what most people think. If you don't know what a "Fantastic Plastic Machine", you're probably better off. ^___^'

I didn't know that the DOS twins still had contact with one another...

I vaguely know what a Fantastic Plastic Machine is...though I've never heard any of his music. I'm a bit curious, though :P

QuoteShe has different variants of herself, but off the bat,... not really, no. ^^
You could make the case that she was raised by Hardware-tans, though. ^___^

What are the Hardware-tans like? Are they machines like C-One-tan?

QuoteWow, I actually remember that game. ^^;
It tried to be a kind of Action-Adventure game along the lines of Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. But of course it failed miserably due to the extreme time-constraints of development, as well as the extreme arrogance of Atari at the time. The graphics were pitiful even for this time -- you didn't know if the thing approaching you was Elliot with Reeses pieces or a walking burning bush. ^^;

This is an especially fun read:
That sum scary stuff...I mean, old videogames in general :P

QuoteActually, believe it or not, that actually does sound familiar to me somehow during an old babysitting gag eons ago. Didn't the character smell bad or something? ^^;

I don't think I've ever sat though an episode of Full House. XD

QuoteCorrect on all accounts. I've had to explain that several times to my coworkers, who raise eyebrows when I say I "hack" Linux systems. ^^;

Oh lawd...that's ack-waaaaaard! You must have a lot of explaining to do.

QuoteRemember I designed most of these "factions" as socio-poltiical entities. That being said, the "Linux Unix Consortirum" is really more of an alliance or commonwealth various territories, spanning towns and cities and farmlands and factories and outposts all over the OS-tan world. Think of it as a kind of CIS or, to a lesser but more "business-like" extent, an ALBA or Mercosur.

So there is a Capital with a central HQ, where UNIX-sama and a good chunk of her descendants live in. But it's rare for all of them to meet together in one place -- especially since a few Linux-tans, not wanting to be physically present before a horde of crazy UNIX-tans, will opt for tele/videoconferencing instead. (Likewise, hardcore Unices, offended by the "stench" of the Linux-tans, make a conscientious decision to stay clear of them.)

Oh, I think the Unix-tans stay away from the Linux-tans just want to steer clear of Slackware-san. I'm sure they have no love for a smothery fangirl :P

No seriously, this sounds right...

QuoteThe vastness of their territory naturally contributes to the difficulty of managing simple things like "standardization", and is a veritable breeding ground for separatist elements. While the CIOST members are largely disunited personally, their territories are smaller and thus easier to defend and manage.

Oh, I see....

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: Siya*sneaks in to kidnap Atari TOS-tan*

Wouldn't you rather take WDEF-tan?! Please, for all that is good as well as for her own good, please take her away! *notices crowd of annoyed people and robots*

Quote from: C-Chan*ties rope over belly, pours crazy glue over self, then jumps and clings on AtariTOS-tan's leg*

Over my dead body!  She be mine!  All mine! ^____^
Besides, C-Chan claimed AtariTOS-tan! ;012

Quote*looks up amorously, but then proceeds to blush a burning red color*

Yikes!  Should've chosen a more worf-safe vantage point.  @@;
Remember that the next time you want to cling on to another OS-tan! :D

Quote from: SiyaAtariTOS-tan looks very elegant, in the idol singer fashion.  Specific points I like are her knee-highs, jacket and surprised expression.
Thanks! I was going for something elegant!

QuoteWDEF-tan reminds me of Kimmy Gibbler (Full House - D.J.'s friend).   Perfect color scheme for her character, too.
I just might have to watch Full House to see this Kimmy Gibbler character...

QuoteI really like Sorcerer Linux-tan's outfit.  The instances of bright, ectoplasmic green seem to be rather well-placed.
Thanks too!

Quote from: BellaOh, oh, you should have somebody doing the infamous Spock cosplay w/ pointy ears XD
Ha! Good idea!

QuoteShe'd rather be called "passionate", not crazy, just for the record :P
...But she is crazy!


I think I shouldn't have said that!

QuoteI'd really like to know more about Slackware-san, though; she is the oldest working Linux-tan after all (and isn't she supposed to be a mechanical genius or something?).
Yeah, she is a mechanical genius and usually dresses the part. She is also seen as a tech support person in ZS.

Quote*imagines GS/OS-tan with flamethrower*


I never knew, nor would have guessed, she was inspired by Rambo!

But really, "Rambo" is one of the //GS's codenames.

Likewise... A/UX-tan, Macintosh System 6-tan and AOL-tan's appearances and some of their personalities originally stemmed from their codenames T__T

QuoteI thought she was something of a tomboy, and would thus dislike dressing up. Course, I'm sure there can be well-dressed tomboys ;)
Well-dressed tomboys... Aha! Amstrad CPC-tan would be one! (I still remember what she looks like from Bella's original drawing of her)

QuoteBWAHAHAHA! It was probably THAT which made System 6-tan much more popular than 4.2-tan! (but then again, 4.2-tan was very shy anyways, not seen much by users, therefore not really being able to live up to her potential) Either that or because System 6-tan proved to be remarkably fast, stable, loyal and dependable (despite also being rather scatterbrained)! Ehhh... Whichever the people would have noticed first!

But seriously, although she has always been the tough-girl type (especially during and after the OS-wars), she does not show her killer attitude unless she is fighting against a virus-tan or someone who has put one of her family members in danger.

But the exception was that she did not intervene at all in the fight between System 7-tan and Windows 95-tan despite System 7-tan's life just about being endangered. (let's just say that no one could interfere with the battle...)

Aw, so she has a softer side.
That's right. She is also able to feel empathy, remorse and other such things but it's just that she would really REALLY rather not show it , ever since the OS Wars (which have greatly intensified her tough attitude, which has not died down very much either) when such emotions were detrimental and had to be held back at all costs and were to be replaced with aggression if you wanted A CHANCE AT LIVING!!! She did succeed in killing hundreds of enemy soldiers during the OS Wars because of that and the fact that she would not let anyone in her family die under any circumstances! Another reason is that she doesn't want emotions to interfere with her work. There is a LOT to be done at the Mac House such as fight perversion!

And for even more sap, she was very PO'd that System 7-tan lost that fight against 95-tan and wanted nothing to do with her anymore but that did die down completely after the end of the OS Wars. However, she really does care for System 7-tan and is saddened about what happened to her but is still not willing or able to confess that yet.

And for a twist of irony, having to put up with WDEF-tan on a regular basis is one of the things that has kept her mostly sane!

QuoteI can see where nobody would want to get in between System 7 and 95-tan, though O__o

QuoteWhaa! You spoiled it for me, Aurora-san :P
Hey, you were curious! But there is still lots more in that story I have not revealed!

QuoteI think hackers are still programmers, but the media has kinda hijacked the meaning. A "cracker" is somebody who illegally accesses or controls a computer, but "cracker" tends to sound more like something you sprinkle over soup and less like a malevolent criminal x__x
But can't I sprinkle crackers over malevolent criminals?

Makes them even tastier when served over a cold concrete platter of justice, all served at the Big House! :D

QuoteI would think that the proprietary and "doppleganger" distros would be a bit shunned, but I was saying a lot distros use some form of un-free software...
Oh... It was the "dopplegangers" that would be shunned. It was just that Linspire-tan came into mind, being a doppleganger as well as mostly proprietary and not free! ^^;

QuoteWow, sap follows OS-tans everywhere, without exception. I really hope Sorcerer-tan can reconcile with her children ;____;

But you raise an interesting thought in my mind; what's the deal with the LUC. I mean, do you think they live together in a giant house or castle (maybe Unix-sama commandeered one of her mother's "territories"). Or do you suppose they live all over the place, and just meet at a central HQ? Or is it some combonation of the two?

Please to give me your thoughts, everyone ;)
I think they live all over the place and meet at a central HQ (probably in one of UNIX's territories) because if they all lived together, everyone would be miserable (err... even more miserable)! I mean, could you imagine having to live with SCO-bouzu all the time? Or the more open-minded Linuces having to be stuck with those mostly stuffy, bellicose Unices all the time?!

QuoteBEAUTIFUL! I don't care what she thinks, she is gorgeous :D

I love her long, wavy hair, outfit, and I like how you did the reflections in the mirror; now I wanna draw a TOS and AtairDOS-tan together...
Just like all your other picture ideas, DO WANT TO SEE! The Atari sisters would be so cute together!

QuoteSo bright! Meh eyes, the sunglasses do nothing!

No really, I love the colors. She's very vibrant and funky and summery looking. Oh drats, A-Bomb-kun doesn't like her? No shipin' potential, I guess :P

Just because the pairing between A-Bomb-kun and WDEF-tan is completely one-sided doesn't mean there is no shipping potential. For example, in the pairing between Sakura and Sasuke (from "Naruto"), Sakura loves Sasuke but he doesn't love her back and it is still a highly popular pairing in the shipping community! Other examples of such shippings include Fine + Eclipse and Rein + Bright (from "Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime"/ "Twin Princesses of the Mysterious Star")

QuoteWow, she's pretty and very mysterious looking. I love her outfit, her long hair, and her eyes...

Considering how many sorceress Linux-tans we know have, I'm wanting to do a Harry Potter parody almost ^_^
Oh yes! I'd like to see that!

Quote from: C-ChanWell I've already speculated on UNIX-sama's followers, and to a certain extent VMS-sama.  But Linux-sama eludes me, since her influence spans across all sorts of odd demographics. 
Not to mention that Linux is also so diverse!

QuoteCorrect.  Computers, they be thinkin' machines.  ^__~
I don't want them to be bumkins, but they also aren't exactly in control of running things either.  I'd say Console-tans are probably best depicted as famous athletes of sorts.
Good decision! While not in charge, you still made them important in a way!

QuoteI'm already thinking ahead. Shall I go with DEC the Halls (pun pun), or have a very CIOST Christmas? :P

Oh... Come,... On.... how can you NOT side with the cute pun?  ^___^

"DEC the Halls" it is!  ^.^
I'm a sucker for puns! I agree with "DEC the Halls"!

QuoteHow about this,... have you ever been on one of those old-timey store rides, where you stick a coin into the machine (like a horse or car or whatever) and it moves around with music and stuff until the time is up?

Supposing you had both sharing a ride on one of these machines, shaped like the classic Enterprise.  I'd imagine that they'd both be squealing with uncharacteristic joy, while the onlookers are busy facefaulting at the sight of two grown women riding on this thing meant for kids....  ^^;
And also sticking with Bella's suggestion with the pointy-ear cosplay, 4K-tan will be cosplaying as Spock!

QuoteWaaah?  @@


Well I've heard of people in photorgraphy rightfully complaining about the highly-reflective screens of the new iMacs, but as for the million thing,... wow... who'd a thunk it...?  ^^;
Lawsuits these days get stupider and stupider T__T

QuoteFufufu,... not to worry.  I just couldn't HELP picture FreeBSD-chan being aligned with them, and so I didn't.  And that's part of the reason why the UserSpace Gang was formed.  ^.^
*Tries imagining FreeBSD-chan and the other UserSpace girls in the LUC...* I understand! That is just not right! No wonder why they formed their own group!

QuoteI imagine that unaligned OS-tans can still form their own unofficially-recognized bands and groups -- in reality, my breakup was done out of convenience and nothing really is set in stone.  Certainly not in this ever-changing world.  ^^
The DECs once had their own faction, didn't they? Does their faction still exist (although unofficially and despite OpenVMS-sama and RSX-tan being independents) or are all the DECs independents but still form their own group?

Lunar Linux-tan and Source Mage-tan are wanderers but band together.

A/UX-tan and Newton-tan are also together since both were evicted from the Apple family in the 1990's.

And I also think that EROS-tan, CoyotOS-tan and CapROS-tan (all wanderers) would all band together since they are sisters and their mother KeyKOS-san died. Btw, I have no idea for their designs :(

QuoteWell if our Tales O' Sap have taught us anything, it's that dysfunctional OS-tan families are a dime a dozen.  ^.^;
It's true! Just about all of the OS-tan families are dysfunctional!

However the Windows family doesn't seem very dysfunctional though, and the Mac family is much less dysfunctional than they used to be (they shaped up right away because of the OS Wars).

One of the few OS-tans that qualifies as not having a dysfuntional family is Menuet OS-tan but then again she doesn't really have a family at all in the first place.

QuoteDespite the convenience of it, there's only a fat chance of it happening and that'll probably help fuel any associated drama in that respect.

Besides, don't forget,... Sorcerer-san sees UNIX-sama nearly every day.  Despite the Great Mother all but SATURATED with daughers and granddaughters and great grandaughters and a veritable ZOO of miscellaneous family members, the LUC is not exactly brimming with happiness.  Happiness is a complex state of mind, and it does not settle in by default just living together.  -.-;
So, Sorcerer-tan doesn't want her daughters to join the LUC because she knows they would be better off and happier as wanderers and doesn't want them to put up with what she has to!

QuoteIn the end, they chose to protect their own lucrative Printer/Copier Business -- she just did TOO good a job of print work to make more than one top brass among the Copier-tans nervous.  If you ever read Catch 22, you'll notice that business interests and the interests of those among the higher echelons of military commands are never too far apart.  ^^;

That being said, I don't doubt that Pilot-chan, in her youth, gradually evolved from a cute, bright-eyed rookie, to a kind of Yossarian-figure.  That's why, despite her nasty mouth nowadays, she really does not resent her life in the Binteji Renmei.  She's penniless and emotionally-scarred, but at last she's free...

...and surrounded by good, honest, hard-working OS-tans.  ^__^
Wow... Pilot-chan is not completely resentful and bitter! Didn't know that she does not dislike being at the Binteeji Renmei!

QuoteAside from being a kick-ass pilot?  ^____^
Probably PC-DOS-chan, who's her closest friend and fellow nutcase.  Occasionally she'll help sneak PCDOS-chan to a rendez-vous point where she can meet MSDOS-chan for a few minutes.  In exchange PCDOS-chan uses her old business contacts to get repair parts for the X-Star at good prices. 
Awww.... That is so nice of those two to help each other out! (despite both being ill-tempered nutcases, but ill-tempered nutcases must stick together!)

QuoteLike a bear, she also calms down considerably with fine music.  However, her interpretation of "fine" music" is very different from what most people think.  If you don't know what a "Fantastic Plastic Machine", you're probably better off.  ^___^'
Darn! Now you've got me curious about this "Fantastic Plastic Machine"! I want to hear for myself how bad it is! ;012

QuoteBWAHAHA!!  OMG, didn't notice this originally.  That's funny.  ^.^

Again, I have to say again.  TOS-chan,... IS.... EXTREMELY,.... too much for words!  ^^


I'm actually glad you gave her that 80's idol look,... very much like that singer from the Goonies movie.  ^.^

Very hot in her days, but good luck trying to go male-baiting looking like that these days.  ^^;
I really liked that idea you had of TOS-tan trying to flirt with the OSX-kuns while they are chasing OS-9-tan! Must add that into ZS! :D

QuoteCorrect on all accounts.  I've had to explain that several times to my coworkers, who raise eyebrows when I say I "hack" Linux systems.  ^^;
But when you say you "hack" Linux systems without explaining it, it would make you sound intimidating to coworkers who then wouldn't dare mess with you! :D

QuoteRemember I designed most of these "factions" as socio-poltiical entities.  That being said, the "Linux Unix Consortirum" is really more of an alliance or commonwealth various territories, spanning towns and cities and farmlands and factories and outposts all over the OS-tan world.  Think of it as a kind of CIS or, to a lesser but more "business-like" extent, an ALBA or Mercosur.

So there is a Capital with a central HQ, where UNIX-sama and a good chunk of her descendants live in.  But it's rare for all of them to meet together in one place -- especially since a few Linux-tans, not wanting to be physically present before a horde of crazy UNIX-tans, will opt for tele/videoconferencing instead.  (Likewise, hardcore Unices, offended by the "stench" of the Linux-tans, make a conscientious decision to stay clear of them.)
Well said! All of them meeting together in one place would cause disaster-larity to ensue! Hence why it is a much better decision for some to just physically steer clear of the others!

Here's IMSAI 8080-tan!

Still tried to give her a resemblance to Altair-tan, she has silver hair and dark eyes. She wears a lot of red and blue accessories as well as a red+blue sleeved shirt which reference the red+blue switches on the IMSAI 8080 which are arranged in three rows (the first is all blue switches, the middle all red switches and the last alternating between red and blue). Teal is another color on the IMSAI 8080 machine.

The suitcase she carries is back from her military superpower days when it did conceal powerful top-secret stuff (such as her mind-control plans) but now contains mostly office and communication supplies. She still uses that particular suitcase for intimidation purposes and because she is in the CIOST and needs something to look the part! ;)

Btw, should IMSAI 8080-tan really be Altair-tan's clone or was she just a doppleganger back in the day?


QuoteWouldn't you rather take WDEF-tan?! Please, for all that is good as well as for her own good, please take her away! *notices crowd of annoyed people and robots*
That would imply that I put up with her and we can't be having that.  I propose putting her in a box and posting it to...uh...the Yukon.

QuoteI just might have to watch Full House to see this Kimmy Gibbler character...
I would point you to the Wikipedia page for her, but the article seems a bit too overanalytical for her character.

*hands his business card to IMSAI 8080-tan*
I'm trying to lay off the kidnapping biz.  Please come, willingly.  I experience.  If you want cookies, baklava, avgolemono, sukiyaki, onigiri, spanikotiropitas, pitarouthas, revani or anything else...I can make it!  

I don't know if that's a useful sales pitch, but I figured I'd try it.  I'm really liking how you used the blue and red, by the way.  I also happen to like the doppelganger concept best.

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: SiyaThat would imply that I put up with her and we can't be having that.  I propose putting her in a box and posting it to...uh...the Yukon.
That'll work! Or even better... put her in a box and send her into the Mac House! ;006 MUAHAHaHAhA!

*hands his business card to IMSAI 8080-tan*
I'm trying to lay off the kidnapping biz.  Please come, willingly.  I experience.  If you want cookies, baklava, avgolemono, sukiyaki, onigiri, spanikotiropitas, pitarouthas, revani or anything else...I can make it! 

I don't know if that's a useful sales pitch, but I figured I'd try it.  I'm really liking how you used the blue and red, by the way.  I also happen to like the doppelganger concept best.
Well, it is a lot better than trying to kidnap her! She's got a suitcase full of office supplies she could attack you with, and communication gear to call on her comrades! But I think that is a pretty good sales pitch ;012

Here's chibi GENIAC-tan! Very close to the preconcept sketch but I simplified her dress, keeping it only one color.


QuoteThat'll work! Or even better... put her in a box and send her into the Mac House!  MUAHAHaHAhA!
Ooooh, Aurora!  I like how you think!  Maybe you should join the ranks of the demon army?

QuoteBut I think that is a pretty good sales pitch
Yay!  Does that mean that she'll be my friend? :D

QuoteHere's chibi GENIAC-tan! Very close to the preconcept sketch but I simplified her dress, keeping it only one color.
100% adorable! ^^  She gets a free gelato.


*cracks knuckles*

Okay, time to do what I do best,... write OBSCENELY long posts.  ^^;


Well okay, I'll trim a little fat here and there.  ^.^

Notwithstanding that Bella-hime is out for a while, I'll still answer some of her points too.  ^__^

QuoteI used to think the same thing about Linux-sama...but then we figured Linux-sama and Unix-sama would be excellent friends...but then again I doubt many of their daughters (the Unixes and Linuxes) would get along that well...

Correct.  The head Matriachs are the best of friends.  The Disciples...


...need more quality time....

QuoteI didn't know that the DOS twins still had contact with one another...

Yep,... and in fact it was supposed to be the basis for the manga-esque picture I head in my after my Palm-chan one.  

They've been technically forbidden from seeing one another, since the breakup occurred almost two decades ago.  But since both IBM and M$ have grown VERY lax (if not completely forgetful) of their DOS support, there's really no incentive to enforce this decree (even though it is still in effect, and can still land either one in trouble if they push their luck).

At least once a month within the last handful of years, they make it a habit to see one another late at night, and will either have fun with the other DOS sisters (and/or the Vintage-tans) or just spend time alone with one another.

QuoteWhat are the Hardware-tans like? Are they machines like C-One-tan?

I imagine that, like OS-tans, they take whatever form is most convenient to represent them (human, chimera, ghost, cyborg, robot, living wooden doll, etc.).  While they may have their own microcosmic-level of fame or importance (say, for example, as landlords, hotel managers, school principles, etc), the majority likely wouldn't be as memorable.  They would most likely just "blend" into the general populations of the OS-tan world.

But definitely don't want to set that in stone, of course.  After all, many of the finest Vintage-tans blur the distinction between OS and hardware.  ^^;

QuoteI don't think I've ever sat though an episode of Full House. XD

I reckon I wouldn't either nowadays.  ^^

QuoteOh lawd...that's ack-waaaaaard! You must have a lot of explaining to do.

Not really,... I mean, I'm already the floor's unchampioned computer wiz, even though I'm not IT (although could've fooled me given all the unofficial tech support I do everyday).  Not really do to too much hard work on my part,... just that few if anyone bothers to try and learn computer stuff.  Makes me cry actually.  ;^-^;

But yeah, they already think I can launch satellites into orbit and build nanomachines to cure venereal diseases,... the hack part is just icing, and all the UNIX/Linux history I offer to clarify the situation usually just ends up leaving across the other ear.... -.-;

QuoteRemember that the next time you want to cling on to another OS-tan!

I think you underestimate my passion for clinging.  Clinging is fun,... Makes me feel so,... Clingy.... ^.^;

QuoteYeah, she is a mechanical genius and usually dresses the part. She is also seen as a tech support person in ZS.

And part of the original clue if I might add, me being a long time reader and relisher of ZS.  ^___^

QuoteAnother reason is that she doesn't want emotions to interfere with her work. There is a LOT to be done at the Mac House such as fight perversion!

*chortle chortle*  Now where have I seen her do that before...? ^________^

QuoteAnd for even more sap, she was very PO'd that System 7-tan lost that fight against 95-tan and wanted nothing to do with her anymore but that did die down completely after the end of the OS Wars. However, she really does care for System 7-tan and is saddened about what happened to her but is still not willing or able to confess that yet.

I guess there's truth to the saying that there's no bond greater than blood, but no poison more harmful than it.  ;__;
It's not a nice thing for 6-tan to do, but then it's not rare to see that among siblings.  

I wonder if that unintentionally was a contributing factor to 7-tan's clinical depression.  Not only did she lose -- and almost lost her life and that of her faction -- but she also lost the apparent love of her closest sister.  

QuoteBut can't I sprinkle crackers over malevolent criminals?

Makes them even tastier when served over a cold concrete platter of justice, all served at the Big House!

Course,... if my suspicions hold true, and the majority of these "saltine ones" are [at least now] hired hands from various commercial and governmental interests,... then it ain't gonna happen.

Just like with spam, a whole multi-billion dollar industry, complete with thousands upon thousands of jobs, has been built for the sole purpose of annoying you.  And more than a number of people will fight to keep it that way.  ^^;

QuoteI think they live all over the place and meet at a central HQ (probably in one of UNIX's territories) because if they all lived together, everyone would be miserable (err... even more miserable)! I mean, could you imagine having to live with SCO-bouzu all the time? Or the more open-minded Linuces having to be stuck with those mostly stuffy, bellicose Unices all the time?!

Not to say they didn't try that at one or various points in time.  I would imagine the outcome would've been akin to the "Slumber Party From Hell".  

One of Bella's sketches, with Linuces and Unices fighting mosh pit-style, comes to mind.  ^^;

Quote*Tries imagining FreeBSD-chan and the other UserSpace girls in the LUC...* I understand! That is just not right! No wonder why they formed their own group!

In FreeB-chan's case, there's also the matter that she's also a secret genius.  Bluntly put, she feels stifled living amongst the more hardlined Unices, but also feels simply following the Linuces is unimaginative.  The sole reason she admired Plan 9-sama was because she was willing to take her destiny into her own hands during a time when many of the Unices simply shut up and followed marching orders.

QuoteThe DECs once had their own faction, didn't they? Does their faction still exist (although unofficially and despite OpenVMS-sama and RSX-tan being independents) or are all the DECs independents but still form their own group?

Will this is better to let Bella-hime answer, since she's our true DEC expert.  ^^

I would assume the faction no longer exists, but certainly wouldn't stop the remaining DEC-tans from holding reunions [to relive days of Old Glory, and the like]. ^^

QuoteLunar Linux-tan and Source Mage-tan are wanderers but band together.

A/UX-tan and Newton-tan are also together since both were evicted from the Apple family in the 1990's.

Yep, you're getting the hang of it.  ^___^

QuoteAnd I also think that EROS-tan, CoyotOS-tan and CapROS-tan (all wanderers) would all band together since they are sisters and their mother KeyKOS-san died. Btw, I have no idea for their designs

Well you've already drawn so much -- I would leave them for much later.  I know one of them is pretty self-explanatory,... I've yet to see a Coyote Girl...  ^^

QuoteHowever the Windows family doesn't seem very dysfunctional though, and the Mac family is much less dysfunctional than they used to be (they shaped up right away because of the OS Wars).

You mean the two richest and most powerful families right now are NOT home to all matter of sexual deviants and miscreents?  @v@

Yep,... another day, another orgy. ^^;

QuoteSo, Sorcerer-tan doesn't want her daughters to join the LUC because she knows they would be better off and happier as wanderers and doesn't want them to put up with what she has to!

Something like that.  I imagine BSD-sama feels the same way too, and probaby encouraged some of the other BSD-tans to follow their sister [FreeBSD].

QuoteWow... Pilot-chan is not completely resentful and bitter! Didn't know that she does not dislike being at the Binteeji Renmei!

Well,... with that mouth, you'd think that she'd be resentful of being in anything, even a coffee shop.  But despite her protestations and swearing, she'll still do whatever's asked of her [for the most part].  Amiga-san and FreeDOS-chan, for example, have perfected the art of filtering out her explitives, and just focusing on kindly and cutely bringing out the big "softie" in her.

This involves stuff like having her fly to the local general store (yes, general store,... they're still around near the Binteji Renmei), and stock her plane, to the point of dangerous overcapacity, full of essential goods.  ^^;

QuoteDarn! Now you've got me curious about this "Fantastic Plastic Machine"! I want to hear for myself how bad it is!

Already taken care of, I hope?    ^^

QuoteI really liked that idea you had of TOS-tan trying to flirt with the OSX-kuns while they are chasing OS-9-tan! Must add that into ZS!

I had another one involving her and OS9-kun.  

    He's waiting at an intersection ready to cross, when she strolls toward him with a sexy swagger to her hip, and very suggestive sweet talk pouring from her fine lips, now positioned sensually only a few centimeters from his face.

    His response (and mind you, it's neither sarcastic nor insulting, but actually kindly in his own, no-nonsense way):

    "Would you like me to help you cross the street, Obaa-san?"

    Cue that large anime pan prop that always drops on characters' heads who've experienced a WTF moment -- after which, her entire form turns a jagged, pale white, with eyes and mouth frozen in a state of stupified disbelief.  And she would remain frozen like this for the remainder of the panel (if this were a comic).

    Not really waiting for a response, OS9-kun helps her across anyway (even as she's still frozen).  Halfway through, we see ME-tan calling for him from the curb, so he thoughtlessly rushes toward her.

    Meanwhile, AtariTOS-chan is left in the middle of the crossing, still frozen in her facefault, all the while holding up traffic.

This actually was meant to be only the beginning of a Day-in-the-life-of comic for AtariTOS-chan, one which would've have highlighted her mania and curse, and how the other vintage-tans try to help her cope with both by instilling as much self-worth as they can get her to feel.

QuoteStill tried to give her a resemblance to Altair-tan, she has silver hair and dark eyes. She wears a lot of red and blue accessories as well as a red+blue sleeved shirt which reference the red+blue switches on the IMSAI 8080 which are arranged in three rows (the first is all blue switches, the middle all red switches and the last alternating between red and blue). Teal is another color on the IMSAI 8080 machine.

Wow!  She kinda reminds me of a cross between Altair and BeOS-tan.  Still, the combination is VERY original -- IMSAI-tan certainly offers one of your most original character designs.  The clothing is modern yet has a very dated feel to it,... it's strange,... definitely like a 1970's workstation.  Hair clips are nicely implemented on such short hair, and her skirt+boots add very pleasing color contrast to all that black, red and blue.  ^^

To put it plainly, she's a kick-arse addition to the CIOST!  ^___^

QuoteBtw, should IMSAI 8080-tan really be Altair-tan's clone or was she just a doppleganger back in the day?

Dopple.  Already have too many clones floating around.  ^^;

Quote*hands his business card to IMSAI 8080-tan*
I'm trying to lay off the kidnapping biz. Please come, willingly. I experience. If you want cookies, baklava, avgolemono, sukiyaki, onigiri, spanikotiropitas, pitarouthas, revani or anything else...I can make it!

I don't know if that's a useful sales pitch, but I figured I'd try it. I'm really liking how you used the blue and red, by the way. I also happen to like the doppelganger concept best.

Wow!  With that kind of food selection, you can take me too.  ^0^

*salivates and slobbbers*

Spanikotiropitas...... @v@
[btw,... I think I know what they are,... they have spinach, right?]

QuoteHere's chibi GENIAC-tan! Very close to the preconcept sketch but I simplified her dress, keeping it only one color.

Tan tan tan TAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!  ^V^
And now for the main event,... The recently-resurrected second living oldest "OS-tan" [not really, but let's just go along... ^.^], who doesn't look a day over five and is as cute as a Hanaichigo-style button. ^__^

While the colors are too subdued [albeit apropriately] to offer much oompf over the sketches, the design elements are finely thought out (especially in her bonnet).  And her cute round face is beautifully drawn -- her wide curious eyes clear convey her as being young, innocent yet with a spark of intelligence far ahead of her physical age.  And her olive hair is neither short nor overly long -- just right I'd say!  ^v^


Quote from: "C-Chan"I've yet to see a Coyote Girl... ^^
What about Acme-tan? ._.

QuoteSpanikotiropitas...... @v@
[btw,... I think I know what they are,... they have spinach, right?]
Indeed!  They also have cheese.  I also noticed I spelled it wrong.  It's supposed to be spanakotiropita.

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: Siya
QuoteThat'll work! Or even better... put her in a box and send her into the Mac House!  MUAHAHaHAhA!
Ooooh, Aurora!  I like how you think!  Maybe you should join the ranks of the demon army?
They could use a mastermind like me! But what's in it for me?

QuoteYay!  Does that mean that she'll be my friend? :D
I think so. While IMSAI 8080-tan does have a business and it does pay enough to pay the bills and put food on the table, she is often tight on resources so donations and food offerings are always welcome to her!

QuoteHere's chibi GENIAC-tan! Very close to the preconcept sketch but I simplified her dress, keeping it only one color.
100% adorable! ^^  She gets a free gelato.
Can I get a gelato too?
*imitates puppy dog-eye stare and feigns whimpering*

Quote from: C-Chan
QuoteI used to think the same thing about Linux-sama...but then we figured Linux-sama and Unix-sama would be excellent friends...but then again I doubt many of their daughters (the Unixes and Linuxes) would get along that well...

Correct.  The head Matriachs are the best of friends.  The Disciples...


...need more quality time....

But if UNIX and Linux-sama who were former mortal enemies and are polar opposites in personality became the best of friends... maybe, just maybe their disciples could learn to get along too. In theory at least. But I'm not ruling it out completely.

QuoteYep,... and in fact it was supposed to be the basis for the manga-esque picture I head in my after my Palm-chan one. 

They've been technically forbidden from seeing one another, since the breakup occurred almost two decades ago.  But since both IBM and M$ have grown VERY lax (if not completely forgetful) of their DOS support, there's really no incentive to enforce this decree (even though it is still in effect, and can still land either one in trouble if they push their luck).

At least once a month within the last handful of years, they make it a habit to see one another late at night, and will either have fun with the other DOS sisters (and/or the Vintage-tans) or just spend time alone with one another.
It's sad that they are pretty much forgotten in their respective families and their friendship may be forbidden but... Hooray! The DOS twins do get to see each other from time to time and have a great time together!

Btw, is there any possibility of MS DOS-tan ever joining the DOSSE and living happily ever after with the DOS-tans and Vintage-tans?

QuoteBut definitely don't want to set that in stone, of course.  After all, many of the finest Vintage-tans blur the distinction between OS and hardware.  ^^;
Yup! For example: Apple ][-chan, Altair-chan, PET-chan C64-chan, ZX Spectrum-chan, uhh... Coleco Adam-chan?

QuoteNot really,... I mean, I'm already the floor's unchampioned computer wiz, even though I'm not IT (although could've fooled me given all the unofficial tech support I do everyday).  Not really do to too much hard work on my part,... just that few if anyone bothers to try and learn computer stuff.  Makes me cry actually.  ;^-^;
It's a bummer that most of your coworkers do not even try to learn about computers. You should start charging them for your tech support.

QuoteAnd for even more sap, she was very PO'd that System 7-tan lost that fight against 95-tan and wanted nothing to do with her anymore but that did die down completely after the end of the OS Wars. However, she really does care for System 7-tan and is saddened about what happened to her but is still not willing or able to confess that yet.

I guess there's truth to the saying that there's no bond greater than blood, but no poison more harmful than it.  ;__;
And no topping tastier than blood!

(just kidding! Not that I've tried blood or anything...)

QuoteIt's not a nice thing for 6-tan to do, but then it's not rare to see that among siblings.
But seriously, you are right. 

The fact that she has not confessed yet is not to be intentionally mean, it's just that her tough-girl mentality does not allow her to easily confess at all. However, she does at some point and when she does, that mental burden would be lifted and System 7-tan would completely recover from depression!...


*frantically confronts System 6-tan, grabs her by the collar* CONFESS NOW! Do you know what is on the freakin' line if you don't?! For your own good and your younger sister's own good, confess! Confess that you really did care for her all along! *starts sobbing*

Huh? How do I know that? Oh, I picked up this book and-- Aww geez... Was that your diary I was reading?!

*Aurora suddenly gets lifted off the ground and thrown several yards, lands in a ditch*

QuoteI wonder if that unintentionally was a contributing factor to 7-tan's clinical depression.  Not only did she lose -- and almost lost her life and that of her faction -- but she also lost the apparent love of her closest sister. 
*crawls out of ditch, limping*

*pant* Correct on all accounts!

QuoteCourse,... if my suspicions hold true, and the majority of these "saltine ones" are [at least now] hired hands from various commercial and governmental interests,... then it ain't gonna happen.
Darn! What would be a good substitute? ;012

QuoteJust like with spam, a whole multi-billion dollar industry, complete with thousands upon thousands of jobs, has been built for the sole purpose of annoying you.  And more than a number of people will fight to keep it that way.  ^^;
Unfortunately, all that inedible spam and other annoyances on the internet exist because people need jobs T___T

QuoteNot to say they didn't try that at one or various points in time.  I would imagine the outcome would've been akin to the "Slumber Party From Hell". 

One of Bella's sketches, with Linuces and Unices fighting mosh pit-style, comes to mind.  ^^;
I remember that drawing of hers! If all those Unices and Linuces did live together, just about every day would be like what she depicted!

QuoteIn FreeB-chan's case, there's also the matter that she's also a secret genius.  Bluntly put, she feels stifled living amongst the more hardlined Unices, but also feels simply following the Linuces is unimaginative. 
Living amongst the Unices would have held her back and not allow her to live up to her full potential and I guess she is not the blind follower type either hence why she didn't stick with the Linuces either (although they may share some beliefs). Besides, she just fits in much better with the User Space Gang! 

QuoteThe sole reason she admired Plan 9-sama was because she was willing to take her destiny into her own hands during a time when many of the Unices simply shut up and followed marching orders.
Darn right! Plan 9-sama did not approve of her mother's actions and while she could have just shut up like and obey like most of the Unices did or mope about it, NO! She wanted to change her life so she did do something about it despite the possible consequences! ;019

And look where Plan 9-sama is right now... A necromancer who is also the leader of her own faction of admirers and even has a daughter of her own... and a clone! And a clone of that clone! And they live as a crazy, happy family in a spaceship! :D

QuoteWill this is better to let Bella-hime answer, since she's our true DEC expert.  ^^

I would assume the faction no longer exists, but certainly wouldn't stop the remaining DEC-tans from holding reunions [to relive days of Old Glory, and the like]. ^^
I agree, but hoping for Bella's input about that!

QuoteWell you've already drawn so much -- I would leave them for much later.  I know one of them is pretty self-explanatory,... I've yet to see a Coyote Girl...  ^^

*coughAcme-tancough* ;012

QuoteYou mean the two richest and most powerful families right now are NOT home to all matter of sexual deviants and miscreents?  @v@

Yep,... another day, another orgy. ^^;
Oops!! I was thinking of a different meaning for dysfunctional, thinking it meant a family that has a lot of in-fighting! AAAAAAARGH! Forgive me, for I am extremely scatterbrained!

But yes, the Windows and Mac families really are dysfunctional!

QuoteSomething like that.  I imagine BSD-sama feels the same way too, and probaby encouraged some of the other BSD-tans to follow their sister [FreeBSD].
I was wondering how BSD-sama felt about having most of her daughters leave her!  (I said 'most' because I do not know who OliveBSD-tan, MidnightBSD-tan, PC BSD-tan or DesktopBSD-tan would side with)

Btw, would Damn Small BSD-tan be better suited with the User Space Gang and with her big sister, or better as a wanderer but banding together with the other Damn Small-tans?

QuoteWow... Pilot-chan is not completely resentful and bitter! Didn't know that she does not dislike being at the Binteeji Renmei!

QuoteWell,... with that mouth, you'd think that she'd be resentful of being in anything, even a coffee shop.  But despite her protestations and swearing, she'll still do whatever's asked of her [for the most part].  Amiga-san and FreeDOS-chan, for example, have perfected the art of filtering out her explitives, and just focusing on kindly and cutely bringing out the big "softie" in her.
And Pilot-chan even still has some niceness left in her!

QuoteThis involves stuff like having her fly to the local general store (yes, general store,... they're still around near the Binteji Renmei), and stock her plane, to the point of dangerous overcapacity, full of essential goods.  ^^;
I didn't know the Binteji Renmei could afford all of those goods!

QuoteDarn! Now you've got me curious about this "Fantastic Plastic Machine"! I want to hear for myself how bad it is!

Already taken care of, I hope?    ^^

QuoteI had another one involving her and OS9-kun. 

    He's waiting at an intersection ready to cross, when she strolls toward him with a sexy swagger to her hip, and very suggestive sweet talk pouring from her fine lips, now positioned sensually only a few centimeters from his face.

    His response (and mind you, it's neither sarcastic nor insulting, but actually kindly in his own, no-nonsense way):

    "Would you like me to help you cross the street, Obaa-san?"

    Cue that large anime pan prop that always drops on characters' heads who've experienced a WTF moment -- after which, her entire form turns a jagged, pale white, with eyes and mouth frozen in a state of stupified disbelief.  And she would remain frozen like this for the remainder of the panel (if this were a comic).

    Not really waiting for a response, OS9-kun helps her across anyway (even as she's still frozen).  Halfway through, we see ME-tan calling for him from the curb, so he thoughtlessly rushes toward her.

    Meanwhile, AtariTOS-chan is left in the middle of the crossing, still frozen in her facefault, all the while holding up traffic.

This actually was meant to be only the beginning of a Day-in-the-life-of comic for AtariTOS-chan, one which would've have highlighted her mania and curse, and how the other vintage-tans try to help her cope with both by instilling as much self-worth as they can get her to feel.

But awwww man, poor AtariTOS-chan! She can never really get any love these days :(

QuoteWow!  She kinda reminds me of a cross between Altair and BeOS-tan.  Still, the combination is VERY original -- IMSAI-tan certainly offers one of your most original character designs.  The clothing is modern yet has a very dated feel to it,... it's strange,... definitely like a 1970's workstation.  Hair clips are nicely implemented on such short hair, and her skirt+boots add very pleasing color contrast to all that black, red and blue.  ^^
Thanks! Glad that the usage of teal works! It's one of the other colors on the IMSAI 8080 but I was afraid that it would have clashed with all the bright red and blue!

QuoteTo put it plainly, she's a kick-arse addition to the CIOST!  ^___^

QuoteBtw, should IMSAI 8080-tan really be Altair-tan's clone or was she just a doppleganger back in the day?

Dopple.  Already have too many clones floating around.  ^^;
Okay, by an almost unanimous decision (with one formerly undecided), I declare IMSAI 8080-tan to be Altair-tan's doppleganger!

QuoteTan tan tan TAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!  ^V^
And now for the main event,... The recently-resurrected second living oldest "OS-tan" [not really, but let's just go along... ^.^], who doesn't look a day over five and is as cute as a Hanaichigo-style button. ^__^
Yeah, she's a hardware-tan as the GENIAC probably didn't have an OS to go with it. Btw, do the Vintage-tans who represent a hardware also represent the main OS that goes with it, hence why a lot of Vintage-tans blur the line between OS-tan and Hardware-tan?

QuoteWhile the colors are too subdued [albeit apropriately] to offer much oompf over the sketches, the design elements are finely thought out (especially in her bonnet).  And her cute round face is beautifully drawn -- her wide curious eyes clear convey her as being young, innocent yet with a spark of intelligence far ahead of her physical age.  And her olive hair is neither short nor overly long -- just right I'd say!  ^v^
Thanks! That was my first try at drawing such a character!


QuoteThey could use a mastermind like me! But what's in it for me?
Well, I guess that all depends on what you want out of the deal.  I mean, the price for your soul is yours to place.  Where you set the price will determine who will make an offer.

QuoteI think so. While IMSAI 8080-tan does have a business and it does pay enough to pay the bills and put food on the table, she is often tight on resources so donations and food offerings are always welcome to her!
Excellent!  I have a friend!

QuoteCan I get a gelato too?
*imitates puppy dog-eye stare and feigns whimpering*
Sure!  Gelato for everyone! ^^

QuoteI was wondering how BSD-sama felt about having most of her daughters leave her! (I said 'most' because I do not know who OliveBSD-tan, MidnightBSD-tan, PC BSD-tan or DesktopBSD-tan would side with)
I'm unsure about the others, due to my need to get to bed soon, but OliveBSD-tan will likely follow OpenBSD-tan...wherever that leads her.

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: SiyaWell, I guess that all depends on what you want out of the deal.  I mean, the price for your soul is yours to place.  Where you set the price will determine who will make an offer.
I'd have to sell my soul?! On second thought, I'd rather not join because I'd feel like a sellout if I did. And I still might need my soul! -__-

That kinda reminds me of how there was a guy who put up his life on eBay for people to bid on and guess what the highest bid was?.... $3.50!

QuoteSure!  Gelato for everyone! ^^

QuoteI'm unsure about the others, due to my need to get to bed soon, but OliveBSD-tan will likely follow OpenBSD-tan...wherever that leads her.
So she'd be in the UserSpace Gang! Cool!

2 more chibis done!:

An updated GS/OS-tan!

a couple notes about her: She wears a lot of stripes because of the strange video display of the Apple //GS and GS/OS, and she has wings that can also turn to fire- a reference to Phoenix, another of the //GS's codenames.

Aside from being an artist and a former rock star, and Apple ][-sama's disciple, I'm kinda struggling to think of a backstory for her. I know that she was a main competitor against the Amiga-tan and Atari TOS-tan, had a lot of the capabilities of the Mac OS and could have even been a competitor against her Macintosh relatives if it weren't for the fact that she was not actively promoted.


Equipped with her Meson gun and Swiss Army Knife!


QuoteI'd have to sell my soul?! On second thought, I'd rather not join because I'd feel like a sellout if I did. And I still might need my soul! -__-

That kinda reminds me of how there was a guy who put up his life on eBay for people to bid on and guess what the highest bid was?.... $3.50!
A wise decision, Aurora-san! ^^

And what lesson have we learned from this foolish eBay bid? XD

Quote2 more chibis done!:
Super awesome!  I like both designs! ^^

Added after 6 minutes:

Ah!  Also, MidnightBSD is derived from FreeBSD, so MidnightBSD-tan follows FreeBSD-tan.


Placeholder explosion!!!  ^v^

I'll be back to recap -- lots of points to cover here.  ^__^

Added after 6 minutes:

Oh,... and Acme-chan isn't a coyote girl.  She's a WILE E. COYOTE girl!

Big difference!  Get yer factz straight, peoplez!  Fufufu!  ^.^

Added after 14 hours 53 minutes:

QuoteIt's sad that they are pretty much forgotten in their respective families and their friendship may be forbidden but... Hooray! The DOS twins do get to see each other from time to time and have a great time together!

Btw, is there any possibility of MS DOS-tan ever joining the DOSSE and living happily ever after with the DOS-tans and Vintage-tans?

Sure there is.  ^___^

Just get M$ to Open Sauce MSDOS-chan and Big Blue to Open Sauce PCDOS-chan, and then they'll live happily ever after.  ^.^

Oh, and just so you know, I ordered a pair of wings from so I can fly.  They should be delivered in about 40-50 years.  ^__~

QuoteYup! For example: Apple ][-chan, Altair-chan, PET-chan C64-chan, ZX Spectrum-chan, uhh... Coleco Adam-chan?

Don't forget the original Apple I-sama.  ^^

QuoteIt's a bummer that most of your coworkers do not even try to learn about computers. You should start charging them for your tech support.

Who says I don't.  You'd be surprised how many free meals I get.  ^__~

But even in RL, I take the initiative to set the right example regardless of cost or lack of opportunism.  That I can brand myself as not only a computer "genius", but also a very generous, well-spoken and pragmatic one, has made it easier for me to market Open Source.  It's not enough for them to be free or for them to give power back to the user -- if they're not comfortable with it, they simply won't use.

Many were incredulous about how good a free drawing program like Inkscape was, until they see me fly while drawing office clipart (or view some of my OS-tan pics).  Now a friend of mine who was struggling to save money to buy Illustrator is now an active Inkscape user and loving it.  

I've had similar successes introducing OpenOffice, Audacity, GIMP, Scribus,....

More people than I expected purchased EeePCs, I've coordinated at least 5 Linux conversions and two dual-boot options, and have gifted/subsidized at least three Linux-equipped machines (in one case, to a person who's house was burglarized, his desktop stolen among other things).  And this is only at work.

It makes me feel good (or at least proactive), but trust me it's not as easy as it sounds. I still have to go up against the 21st century equivalent of soothsaying and superstition.... or worse, that dreaded iTunes.  -____-'

But as long as I at least advertise this "third" option, I'll be doing my part.  ^^

QuoteAnd no topping tastier than blood!

(just kidding! Not that I've tried blood or anything...)

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..... TvT'


*inches slowly away from Aurora*


*puts on a garlic collar just in case*

QuoteHuh? How do I know that? Oh, I picked up this book and-- Aww geez... Was that your diary I was reading?!

*Aurora suddenly gets lifted off the ground and thrown several yards, lands in a ditch*

Note to self:  Aurora-hime is no match for cyborg girls over a head taller than her. ^^;

QuoteDarn! What would be a good substitute?  

In the Windows antivirus scene, free scanners like Avast and AVG are ironically more reliable -- but I believe that's slowly changing as they seek to find a profit-motive.  There is of course the ubiquitous Ad-Aware, but that's a minor malware remover and not a full-blown virus scanner.  ^^

QuoteUnfortunately, all that inedible spam and other annoyances on the internet exist because people need jobs T___T


There's something wrong when peoples' only subsistence in [already impaired] service-type economies is to write and distribute spam.  Or create predatory infomercials.  Or advocate fictious lotteries.  Or just find ways to screw people over, who in turn feel the need to screw other people in turn.  TT

I saw Wall-E recently and loved it to bits!  But one line struck me more than the others, and this applies here too.

That kind of life is not living, it's just surviving.  T_T

QuoteLiving amongst the Unices would have held her back and not allow her to live up to her full potential and I guess she is not the blind follower type either hence why she didn't stick with the Linuces either (although they may share some beliefs). Besides, she just fits in much better with the User Space Gang!

As the old saying goes: "Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way".

And even though Plan 9-san is technically the "leader" of the USG, FreeB-chan's the one that REALLY gets stuff done.  ^^

QuoteDarn right! Plan 9-sama did not approve of her mother's actions and while she could have just shut up like and obey like most of the Unices did or mope about it, NO! She wanted to change her life so she did do something about it despite the possible consequences!  

And look where Plan 9-sama is right now... A necromancer who is also the leader of her own faction of admirers and even has a daughter of her own... and a clone! And a clone of that clone! And they live as a crazy, happy family in a spaceship!  

Damn straight! You nailed it right!  ^v^

But I guess this touches upon what I mentioned just a little while ago.  There seems to me a general lack of willingness in our modern societies to take charge and responsibility for one's own life.  Perhaps this is a product of a marketing engine that stresses convenience and "easiness", among other factors.  But as the old saying goes, "No Pain, No Gain".

If people don't at least MAKE THE EFFORT to improve their lives or better themselves and their surroundings, no one will do it for them.  The people who claim to be looking out for the are just looking after themselves -- no charitable person worth their salt would ever help others by keeping them helpless, thoughtless and dependent.

QuoteOops!! I was thinking of a different meaning for dysfunctional, thinking it meant a family that has a lot of in-fighting! AAAAAAARGH! Forgive me, for I am extremely scatterbrained!

But yes, the Windows and Mac families really are dysfunctional!

Well yes, getting back to genkier topics....

Uh-huh, they're ALL collective perverts by association!  Fufufu!  ^.^

QuoteI was wondering how BSD-sama felt about having most of her daughters leave her! (I said 'most' because I do not know who OliveBSD-tan, MidnightBSD-tan, PC BSD-tan or DesktopBSD-tan would side with)

As per Siya-san, I agree that most of them would follow their older sisters.  However, while they ARE members, I doubt they would live with the main group regularly.  More than likely they're dispersed all over the land, as scouts, spies, messengers and promoters.

QuoteBtw, would Damn Small BSD-tan be better suited with the User Space Gang and with her big sister, or better as a wanderer but banding together with the other Damn Small-tans?

You kidding?!  That girl's swallowable even for you (let alone FreeB-chan)....  `v'
No, I think she'd be happier following her kind of diminutive OS-tans.  ^__^

I'm sure she's probably the rowdy big sister type to DSL-kun, as FreeB-chan is to Inferno-chan.

QuoteAnd Pilot-chan even still has some niceness left in her!

Rule #1 of Anime characterization:  So-called "heroes" always have a little bit of evil, and so-called "villains" always have a little bit of kindness.  
Hence,...  everything's one big grey mess! ^.^

QuoteI didn't know the Binteji Renmei could afford all of those goods!

It's all about Volume, my dear.  ^.^

If you go to a wholesale center and purchase the equivalent of $300 USD for canned foods, it seems like a small fortune for a ton of supplies that could easily swamp an old plane.  ^__^

But if you intended that to feed about 40-50 people, then.... um..... well,... guess they'll have to share cans.  ^.^;


So now the main question is,... in your opinion.... is it Fantastic, or Sucktastic, Plastic?  `v'

QuoteAHAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant!

But awwww man, poor AtariTOS-chan! She can never really get any love these days  

The comic would've actually touched on her own faults with that too.  After all, she still has plenty of avid fans from back in the 80's, but they're all too "old" for her in her warped opinion.  There would also be the diminutive Opera-kun (who I intended to have as a womanizing lecher, despite being married to Opera-san) who also makes more than one move on her.  But the fact that her looks are only good enough to attract the affection of a six-inch tall [self-proclaimed] super hero just depresses her even more, and she usually finds creative ways of disposing him.

QuoteYeah, she's a hardware-tan as the GENIAC probably didn't have an OS to go with it. Btw, do the Vintage-tans who represent a hardware also represent the main OS that goes with it, hence why a lot of Vintage-tans blur the line between OS-tan and Hardware-tan?

Well in some cases, they may only have support for BASIC scripting (such as C64-tan), and had to have an OS loaded separately.  But I have them in anyway due to their popularity -- you just CAN'T have a Binteji Renmei without good ol' Commodore-tans.  ^>^

QuoteThanks! That was my first try at drawing such a young-looking character!

My turn to point our a correction!  ^.^

Recall the 2007 Valentines drawing featuring QDOS-chan, among others!  ^___^

QuoteSure! Gelato for everyone! ^^

*open maw, expecting a spanakotiropita, but instead getting a Gelato barreled down his throat*

*choke choke!*  @.@

QuoteAn updated GS/OS-tan!

Love what you did to her hair!  I'm surprised how rare wavy hair is among OS-tans -- guess it's just harder to draw.  ^^

Can't really say I've thought much of her either.  I usually see her as a disciple and trusty servant of ][-chan -- and a particularly grateful and loyal one at that, since ][-chan worked hard to make GS/OS-tan realize her full potential.  Had it been Lisa-tan, no doubt GS/OS would never have been encouraged to draw or study music, or even compete against bigger and presumably better rivals!  @.@

I imagine that's why she still continues to accompany ][-chan, even if mostly farming tasks are asked of her nowadays.  She admirers her sensei tremendously, and even to this date never fails to learn something new.


Equipped with her Meson gun and Swiss Army Knife!

Ahhh!  So what I saw earlier was her meson gun!  Coolness!  My Meiko,... er, I mean Menu-chan is about 2 click shy of ending up in the ZS Xmas special!  ^.^

*sees sly look on face and sleek bangs and blue leggings*



...........Okay, she's in.  ^.^