Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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I'm sorry... I'm as much at fault for that.  ;___;

*trots off with tail tucked beneath*


I myself try to just answer the questions that really need answering...of if something strikes me as interesting or comment-able. I read everyone's whole post, but I try to cut off anything that'll make it too long...

QuoteEDIT: Nevermind. I remember that Apple tried to sell the Lisa for less (marketed it as the Macintosh XL in 1985 and could emulate the Mac OS) but was very unsuccessful, sold remaining Lisas/Macintosh XLs to Sun Remarketing to market them for less cost and more effectively but still failed- so Apple bought back the unsold Lisas and trashed them

What a waste...

Hey, maybe we can get Leopard-san to give us a ride back to 1985, and we can grab up some of the trashed units! We'd be rich now! :P

QuoteAw geez... Apple ][-tan has to deal with that burden for the rest of her life! But on a much less cynical note, I understand it is for both of their own good as Lisa-tan might not be able to live with Apple ][-tan's care and well... The outcome of abandoning someone completely at your mercy is NOT something you want on your conscience, haunting you with tremendoes guilt for the rest of your life. So I admire Apple ][-tan's dedication, loyalty and that she hasn't given up!

Me too...

QuoteNow I feel tempted to draw Replica 1-tan... YEAH! MOAR ROBOTS!!
(plus the conflict of her existing is very dramatic and increases the drama and tragedy of Lisa-tan's life even further!)

Now I'm feeling tempted to draw a short little comic involving Lisa-san and Leopard-san. Lisa-san discovers her sister's(?) ability to travel though time, and asks her to bring her back to see Apple I-sama. Of course, there are hitches; anything Lisa-san does in this timeline will not effect the future, so it's not like she can save her mother. But all she wants is to spend one perfectly peaceful day with her mom.

Plus, I have a few other ideas for Leopard-san's timetravel, and how she could "transport" others back and forth (just as a hint, she would be the only one *physically* able to transverse the spacetime continuum). I could go on, perhaps I should elaborate in my own thread...

QuoteI've never been bitten by a pig before. Let's not find out how painful that would be.

Oooh, ooh, pigs, deer, and dog attacks cause more injuries than shark attacks each year!

QuoteI was also thinking about revising Festering Hate-tan's appearance to make her appear even more diabolical ( I realized the skater theme although cool, kinda detracts from her diabolicalness. How about a 'metalhead'-type character? TURN UP THE DEATH METAL!! LOUDER! FASTER!! HYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! YEAAAYEAAAAAAHHHHHH!! *headbangs*

Oh yeah. I can see her as a metalhead XD

QuoteNeat! (can you show me some reference pictures, btw?)

This is the only I could find...

You could google C4 explosive, but it might make the searcher look like some kinda terrorist. So proceed with caution. XD

QuoteSo BBC Micro-tan is a reporter... What other concepts did you have in mind for her? (appearance, personality)

I'm a bit curious, too (gee, that's not like us, is it?)

QuoteHow is all that for a change of pace?

This scene is supposed to be reminiscent of a scene from "Cinderella" when a messenger comes to the door to greet the stepmom and stepsisters while Cinderella is doing chores, of course with some twists!

Ahha! That's why it's a bit familiar!

QuoteHahahaha! And I like that last suggestion! Thank you! You've just given me another thing to add into the story! Later on, Toshiaki will mention how although he admires Lisa-tan, she is much too demanding and then shows a flashback of Toshiaki and Lisa-tan on a date at a 5-star restaraunt and when Toshiaki gets the dinner bill; he is so stunned he screams, sweats all over and falls down and needs a medic

This'll be'll add some humor to the tale.

QuoteI prefer the old-fashioned Toshiaki. How about you?

For sure ^_^

QuoteAnd how Lisa-tan has no ability to predict future events... That is so true! Never underestimate your adversaries, even if they seem inferior to you! You may never know!

If you think about the world of OS-tans, a lot of events, for better or worse, happened because of underestimation. Multics-sama underestimated Unix-sama, the Unixes underestimated Linux-san, and Lisa underestimated System 1-chan...

QuoteI hope so or she may resort to doing something crazy as she rarely thinks twice about doing something... She really could learn a thing or two from her rival, QNX-tan who is also very obscure but instead of focusing on those who don't know her and trying to get their attention (what OS-9-tan does), she focuses on those she does know and is happy with that, disregarding her obscurity. It's quality over quantity!

Plus she's a mad scientist! That must be a fun job :P

QuoteOf course, OS-9 does have a lot of hobbyists but she is trying to get more friends since although OS-9-tan is best friends with CoCo-tan, their friendship is deemed forbidden by their clashing userbases. OS-9-tan is also friends with Amiga-tan (there is a version of OS-9 ported to the Amiga) but Amiga-tan is much too busy and has a dangerous fangirl!

Hey, I never thought about whom OS 9-tan would be friends with. I'm glad somebody did! Now that you mention it, we really don't see enough CoCo-tan, either.

QuoteYeah, in my old rendition, GEM-tan was confined to a wheelchair and was perpetually melancholy. Since life has improved her a lot, do you think she is finally able to forgive the Mac-tans?

I don't know if she has yet...but I think she's on her way...

QuoteI want to read that book someday! I have mixed feelings about Unix but the Unix Hater's Handbook sounds like an amusing read!

I wonder if I can get one thrown at me

On behalf of the most ancient and noble Unix family, I shall now throw a copy of the Unix Hater's Handbook at thee!

The best parts? There's a lot of very technical stuff which I kinda passed up. The foreword is pretty funny, especially the part by one of the inventors of Unix, Dennis Ritchie. Chapters 1 and 2 are pretty amusing, as well. And for sure, check our part 4, chapter B, "creators admit Unix was a hoax". While this book may have a few good points...I think a lot of it is pure and simple hatred. Not to mention they give no notice to modern versions of Unix, like Linux.

But after you're done, be sure to give this a look, as well; sure, the Unix Hater's Handbook is good for a laugh, but this is probably the best, most interesting history of Unix (and eventually Linux) I've read:

The Orgins and History of Unix

Just to get the other side of the story. Every story has different points of view, and it's a good idea to see both of them.

QuoteI've heard about the possibility of open-sourced vintage OSes having a lot of potential!

We shouldn't hold our breath. Chances are, nobody even knows where half the source code documentation is >___<

QuoteI'd say android, more specifically a robot doll like Chachamaru Karakuri from "Negima"

Oh, I see...


Almost there,... (visitation hours have been shortened a bit thanks to exciting BASH scripting)

Please wait for me Aurora-hime.  I PROMISE I'll get to this first thing tomorrow!  ^0^

*tearfully issues multiple rainchecks*

Added after 16 hours 37 minutes:


Okay, let's lock and load!!  ^0^

*pumps up typing action*

QuoteI still remember waaaay back when I forgot OS X 10.2's big cat name...what'd I call it? Cougar or something? >//////<

Well you weren't wrong,... just 4 releases too early.  10.6 is supposed to be Cougar I believe,... perhaps Bella-hime is clairvoyant?  ^.^'

QuoteThanks! It's a good way to explain where some of those distro-tans went to

The source for Yggdrasil Linux is still available: yeah, we can't consider her dead -- in fact, Linux-tans can't die in the traditional sense.  So I figured they needed to be around somewhere,... and what better place for Vintage Linux-tans, no?  ^.^

QuoteOh man...yeah, that would be freaky for ][-chan and Lisa-san...seeing a cyborg (or would it be android) replica of her own mother O__O

Course, there would be a bit of irony given they don't mind C-One very much.  Then again, C-One is more on the sophisticated side, where as Replica-1 would undoubtedly be more on the clunky side.  I'm thinking we can use the original wooden living doll design for Replica-1 that Aurora and I came up with originally.  ^^

QuoteThat's what I kinda meant...I always supposed they lived on more of a farm, but near a small town(s).

Yep, the Binteji Renmei is built over ][-chan's old farm, and pitching in to farm chores is mandatory.  Probably the reason why more than a few squeamish vintage-tans, such as AtariTOS-san, tend to spend their time FAR away from the place.  ^^;

QuoteHah, that would make for one great public access network.

Aside form BBC Micro's local news show, we're also talking cheesy Sesame Street clones (by ZX Spectrum-tan), painfully-short cooking shows (courtesy of FreeDOS-chan), step-by-step art lessons (by Amiga-sama), and of course cheesy Sci-Fi Soap Operas with special effects that make the original Star Trek look like LOTR (courtesty of C64-tan and Co.).  :P
And talk shows,... LOTS AND LOTS of talk shows, since there's always quite a bit to rant about (courtesy of just about everyone).  :D

QuoteI guess 1.0-san would probably forget any shocking revelation of Lisa-san's like...five minutes after she told her O__o

Nah,... she just won't have any reason to tell anyone.  Or people will confuse any sing-song blurting of the details as the equivalent of senile rambling, as she has the habit of reliving moments that took place many years ago.  There are times she wakes up asking if Xenix-sama made breakfast.  -___-

QuoteBesides which...I mean...does anyone even use Yggdrasil or any of those early distros anymore (besides Slackware and Debian, they're pretty old as well)? On the scale of Linuxes, they're as good as "Vintage".

Not really,.. but the important part is that they CAN use it.  ^.^

QuoteThat's right! I've read all about the Lisa and its fate. Sucks that so many were trashed before they had a chance. Why couldn't they just sell them for much less?

I've always wondered that myself,... why not just sell them all at a corporate-equivalent of a garage sale?  Was this before or after Father [Steve] left?  I wonder if that had anything to do with it...

QuoteAw geez... Apple ][-tan has to deal with that burden for the rest of her life! But on a much less cynical note, I understand it is for both of their own good as Lisa-tan might not be able to live with Apple ][-tan's care and well... The outcome of abandoning someone completely at your mercy is NOT something you want on your conscience, haunting you with tremendoes guilt for the rest of your life. So I admire Apple ][-tan's dedication, loyalty and that she hasn't given up!

Well apart from her mother's parting wish, ][-chan is also just a plain ol' good sister.  I wanted to parallel her faithfulness to her family just like how the original system was very faithful to the user -- so much so that countless Apple enthusiasts kept using their machines even into the 1990's.  A good many hackers began their careers in the lowly but venerable Apple ][, which did as much as the C64 to encourage fun computing!  ^v^

QuoteNow I feel tempted to draw Replica 1-tan... YEAH! MOAR ROBOTS!!
(plus the conflict of her existing is very dramatic and increases the drama and tragedy of Lisa-tan's life even further!)

See my notes before about reusing elements of your old Apple I-tan design.  ^^

QuoteI've never been bitten by a pig before. Let's not find out how painful that would be.

A regular sized pig = painful

C-chan = .... ¬¬'


Um.... yeeeeeeeeeah,... it's uh,... it's.... very painful.... be afraid, very afraid....  Â¬v¬'

QuoteBack then despite the conflicts between Unix and what really is Unix, I assume that most people did not really care, just wanted a system that works?

More like none of the above really.  The UNIX family was still part of the old-school elite, that all but SHUNNED public consumer consumption of their operating systems.  Sure you would have Unices used by hobbyists and enthusiasts, but that's as far as they went, leaving the home productivity and game market to the "toy" operating systems (like Mac, Commodore-Amiga, Coco, IBM DOS, etc).

So I would venture to say that people didn't really know about Unix at all, much like how few people still know what Linux is today.  They also didn't really know what a computer was, as their marketing up until that point wasn't really all encompassing.

Microsoft, however, knew how to play the marketing game -- first in businesses to get the users accustomed to Windows in the workplace, and then to home users to bring home the "brand familiarity".  Commodore tried something similar with the Amiga years ago, but failed to justify the use of a color screen and mouse for work productivity (and no wonder, given their crappy commercials after 1985....)  ^^;

QuoteI prefer the old-fashioned Toshiaki. How about you?

There's "No Skool" like "Old Skool"....  -v-

QuoteOf course, OS-9 does have a lot of hobbyists but she is trying to get more friends since although OS-9-tan is best friends with CoCo-tan, their friendship is deemed forbidden by their clashing userbases. OS-9-tan is also friends with Amiga-tan (there is a version of OS-9 ported to the Amiga) but Amiga-tan is much too busy and has a dangerous fangirl!

True that,... barring MOS-chan and AROS-chan (who she volunteered as her "step-daughters", not really consulting them), it's generally rather dangerous for anyone getting too close to Amiga-sama in DragonflyBSD-tan's presence.  `v'

QuoteI wonder if I can get one thrown at me

Oh, I can arrange that.  ^___^

*clings on Aurora's face*

UNIX-CHAN!!!!!!!!!! ^V^

*quickly shifts over behind Aurora's head*

Okay, brace yourself.  ^V^

*book slams from the back, stamping C-chan into Aurora's hair*

Aww crap,... misfire.... sorry....  ^^;

QuoteI'd say android, more specifically a robot doll like Chachamaru Karakuri from "Negima"

Ahh, another Negi fan.  I loved that series for very obvious reasons.  ^___^

QuoteWhat a waste...

Hey, maybe we can get Leopard-san to give us a ride back to 1985, and we can grab up some of the trashed units! We'd be rich now! :P

In that case, just take me back to 1933 and let me salvage some of the Saint Gaudens Double Eagles prior to them getting unlawfully confiscated and melted.  ^^;
One of those alone could fetch a VERY nice price (google them to see what I mean).  ^__~

QuoteNow I'm feeling tempted to draw a short little comic involving Lisa-san and Leopard-san. Lisa-san discovers her sister's(?) ability to travel though time, and asks her to bring her back to see Apple I-sama. Of course, there are hitches; anything Lisa-san does in this timeline will not effect the future, so it's not like she can save her mother. But all she wants is to spend one perfectly peaceful day with her mom.

Plus, I have a few other ideas for Leopard-san's timetravel, and how she could "transport" others back and forth (just as a hint, she would be the only one *physically* able to transverse the spacetime continuum). I could go on, perhaps I should elaborate in my own thread...

Fufu!  Now that there's some good healin'.  ^^
Since the Bella-hime is immune to idea overload,... yeah, why not?  ^____^

QuoteYou could google C4 explosive, but it might make the searcher look like some kinda terrorist. So proceed with caution. XD

Or you can try searching for "Dune, Ordos, Saboteur" and that will give you something a bit more futuristic.  -v-

QuoteI'm a bit curious, too (gee, that's not like us, is it?)

Appearance-wise, she's a very old consumer-level computer, so she's still a girl-type.  For a frame of reference, I was aiming for something akin to a dark-haired, cheerier-looking Henrietta (from Gunslinger Girl), with white, black and red as her predominant fashion colors.  As the elder sister of RISC OS-tan, her hair is a shorter version of RISC-tan's, and her eyes are also a darker shade of green.  On her dress is an embroidery of her coat-of-arms, which she displays proudly and prominently.

She's mild-mannered, pleasant and quiet, speaking in a thicker, more old-fashioned British accent than RISC-tan.  She's also a fastidious dresser and groomer, more so since she's the producer/anchor of her own local news show, and so does everything possible to look and act professional (despite the poor viewership,... all 10 of them).

And of course, she's an ardent supporter of the British Broadcasting Corporation,... even if she does hesitantly-agree that it's been losing its way as of late.

QuoteThis'll be'll add some humor to the tale.

Agreed!  I definitely want to see this flashback!!  Would probably bring back memories for old Lisa owners...  ^v^'

QuoteThe best parts? There's a lot of very technical stuff which I kinda passed up. The foreword is pretty funny, especially the part by one of the inventors of Unix, Dennis Ritchie. Chapters 1 and 2 are pretty amusing, as well. And for sure, check our part 4, chapter B, "creators admit Unix was a hoax". While this book may have a few good points...I think a lot of it is pure and simple hatred. Not to mention they give no notice to modern versions of Unix, like Linux.

But after you're done, be sure to give this a look, as well; sure, the Unix Hater's Handbook is good for a laugh, but this is probably the best, most interesting history of Unix (and eventually Linux) I've read:

Lately, I've had little time to work on my EeePC during my commutes,... so I know what I'M gonna be readin'!  ^V^

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: C-ChanOkay, let's lock and load!!  ^0^

*pumps up typing action*
Yeah! Bring it on! :D

QuoteWell you weren't wrong,... just 4 releases too early.  10.6 is supposed to be Cougar I believe,... perhaps Bella-hime is clairvoyant?  ^.^'
Possibly. Cougar does seem like a likely codename for the next OSX. Or even Lion, Caracal, Serval, uhh... any other big cats not used already out there?

QuoteThe source for Yggdrasil Linux is still available: yeah, we can't consider her dead -- in fact, Linux-tans can't die in the traditional sense.  So I figured they needed to be around somewhere,... and what better place for Vintage Linux-tans, no?  ^.^
Excellent! I completely agree, especially now that you confirmed that Yggdrasil Linux-tan still is alive! Her alleged disappearance in 1995 was when she retired from public view and that she started working and living in secrecy!

QuoteCourse, there would be a bit of irony given they don't mind C-One very much.  Then again, C-One is more on the sophisticated side, where as Replica-1 would undoubtedly be more on the clunky side.  I'm thinking we can use the original wooden living doll design for Replica-1 that Aurora and I came up with originally.  ^^
Should I draw Replica I-tan? Of course, borrowing C-One to imitate Apple I-tan would work too to make Lisa-tan happy?

QuoteYep, the Binteji Renmei is built over ][-chan's old farm, and pitching in to farm chores is mandatory.  Probably the reason why more than a few squeamish vintage-tans, such as AtariTOS-san, tend to spend their time FAR away from the place.  ^^;
AtariTOS-tan is a diva, isn't she?

There's also something really baffling about her though: She is Atari DOS-tan's sister, yet Atari TOS is a variation of GEM for the Atari ST! In terms of OS-tans, can you try and explain how that would work?  ;026

I also know that the Atari ST+ Atari TOS was very popular with musicians (used as music sequencer and controller of musical instruments, used by amateurs and professionals alike) so Atari TOS-tan would be a great musician. TOS's main competitors were the Amiga and the Macintosh (which is a little surprising, I was also expecting the Apple //GS to be listed as a competitor but since the //GS was also used a lot for music, I imagine that GS/OS-tan and Atari TOS-tan would be musical rivals. In a civil manner, of course!). Atari TOS was also known as "Jackintosh" due to its strong resemblance to the Mac OS which baffles me further: GEM was affected by a crippling lawsuit from Apple but TOS wasn't?

QuoteAside form BBC Micro's local news show, we're also talking cheesy Sesame Street clones (by ZX Spectrum-tan), painfully-short cooking shows (courtesy of FreeDOS-chan), step-by-step art lessons (by Amiga-sama), and of course cheesy Sci-Fi Soap Operas with special effects that make the original Star Trek look like LOTR (courtesty of C64-tan and Co.).  :P
And talk shows,... LOTS AND LOTS of talk shows, since there's always quite a bit to rant about (courtesy of just about everyone).  :D
I'd especially like to hear Pilot OS-tan's rants! Hehehehe! :D

QuoteNah,... she just won't have any reason to tell anyone.  Or people will confuse any sing-song blurting of the details as the equivalent of senile rambling, as she has the habit of reliving moments that took place many years ago.  There are times she wakes up asking if Xenix-sama made breakfast.  -___-
OMG! Windows 1.0-tan is going senile?!

QuoteI've always wondered that myself,... why not just sell them all at a corporate-equivalent of a garage sale?  Was this before or after Father [Steve] left?  I wonder if that had anything to do with it...
In my last post, I added in that Apple did try to sell the Lisa for less but that too was unsuccessful

QuoteWell apart from her mother's parting wish, ][-chan is also just a plain ol' good sister.  I wanted to parallel her faithfulness to her family just like how the original system was very faithful to the user -- so much so that countless Apple enthusiasts kept using their machines even into the 1990's.  A good many hackers began their careers in the lowly but venerable Apple ][, which did as much as the C64 to encourage fun computing!  ^v^
I really like Apple ][-tan. She is just simply a great person overall, the same reason I really like Amiga-tan too.  ;012

The Apple ][ sure was successful! Especially the //e that was so successful that it was in production from 1983 to 1995 despite having a clock speed of only 1 MHz!

QuoteA regular sized pig = painful

C-chan = .... ¬¬'


Um.... yeeeeeeeeeah,... it's uh,... it's.... very painful.... be afraid, very afraid....  ¬v¬'
*cowers in fear*

QuoteMore like none of the above really.  The UNIX family was still part of the old-school elite, that all but SHUNNED public consumer consumption of their operating systems.  Sure you would have Unices used by hobbyists and enthusiasts, but that's as far as they went, leaving the home productivity and game market to the "toy" operating systems (like Mac, Commodore-Amiga, Coco, IBM DOS, etc).
Ohhhh... I forgot they were a family of old-school elitists! Did that also apply to the Unix-likes as well?

QuoteSo I would venture to say that people didn't really know about Unix at all, much like how few people still know what Linux is today.  They also didn't really know what a computer was, as their marketing up until that point wasn't really all encompassing.

Microsoft, however, knew how to play the marketing game -- first in businesses to get the users accustomed to Windows in the workplace, and then to home users to bring home the "brand familiarity".  Commodore tried something similar with the Amiga years ago, but failed to justify the use of a color screen and mouse for work productivity (and no wonder, given their crappy commercials after 1985....)  ^^;
Commodore's demise due to bad marketing is very unfortunate, considering that their advertisements of the Commodore 64 (advertising such as 'why should you buy videogames when a computer prepares kids for college'?) brought the gaming industry on its knees!

QuoteOh, I can arrange that.  ^___^

*clings on Aurora's face*

UNIX-CHAN!!!!!!!!!! ^V^

*quickly shifts over behind Aurora's head*

Okay, brace yourself.  ^V^

*book slams from the back, stamping C-chan into Aurora's hair*

Aww crap,... misfire.... sorry....  ^^;


QuoteAhh, another Negi fan.  I loved that series for very obvious reasons.  ^___^
I like that series! While I do not care for most of the characters, I really like Chachamaru, Sayo and Zazie!

QuoteIn that case, just take me back to 1933 and let me salvage some of the Saint Gaudens Double Eagles prior to them getting unlawfully confiscated and melted.  ^^;
One of those alone could fetch a VERY nice price (google them to see what I mean).  ^__~
I'd go back in time to 2002 and invest in several Apple stocks (which have increased a lot since then), go back to 1995 and invest in several AOL stocks then to sell them in 1999, go back to 1955 and fix a clock tower, and go back to 1984 to stop some guy named John... although I am just kidding about one of those ;012

QuoteOr you can try searching for "Dune, Ordos, Saboteur" and that will give you something a bit more futuristic.  -v-
That'll work!

QuoteAppearance-wise, she's a very old consumer-level computer, so she's still a girl-type.  For a frame of reference, I was aiming for something akin to a dark-haired, cheerier-looking Henrietta (from Gunslinger Girl), with white, black and red as her predominant fashion colors.  As the elder sister of RISC OS-tan, her hair is a shorter version of RISC-tan's, and her eyes are also a darker shade of green.  On her dress is an embroidery of her coat-of-arms, which she displays proudly and prominently.

She's mild-mannered, pleasant and quiet, speaking in a thicker, more old-fashioned British accent than RISC-tan.  She's also a fastidious dresser and groomer, more so since she's the producer/anchor of her own local news show, and so does everything possible to look and act professional (despite the poor viewership,... all 10 of them).

And of course, she's an ardent supporter of the British Broadcasting Corporation,... even if she does hesitantly-agree that it's been losing its way as of late.
Cool! But what does her coat of arms look like though? *needs to know because I want to draw her*


Almost done with pages 1-9 and 1-10. I'll just say that things take a turn for the better, then the worse again. I'm also working on a redone version of one of my first Inkscape-made pictures, and a full-color preview of the second OS-tan Flashbackstory Chronicles story that shows what the Apple family looked like in 1989 when it takes place (inspired by your 1985 Commodore family picture in progress)

EDIT: Here is page 1-9!




Oooh, a new page! System 1-chan is looking as cute as ever, and the look on Lisa-san when Toshiaki asks her to the party is golden.

I just wonder what Lisa-san is plotting, though...

QuoteWell you weren't wrong,... just 4 releases too early. 10.6 is supposed to be Cougar I believe,... perhaps Bella-hime is clairvoyant? ^.^'

Oh, me? No, I'm just unstuck in time.

I think it happened when Leopard-chan gave me a ride back to 1989 to pilage some Lisa units. Either that, or by spending far too much time in front of the microwave O__o

QuoteThe source for Yggdrasil Linux is still available: yeah, we can't consider her dead -- in fact, Linux-tans can't die in the traditional sense. So I figured they needed to be around somewhere,... and what better place for Vintage Linux-tans, no? ^.^

Oooh, immortality...they inherited this from Unix-sama, I bet! SCO-chan is gonna be furious when she finds out!

QuoteCourse, there would be a bit of irony given they don't mind C-One very much. Then again, C-One is more on the sophisticated side, where as Replica-1 would undoubtedly be more on the clunky side. I'm thinking we can use the original wooden living doll design for Replica-1 that Aurora and I came up with originally. ^^

Hey, that would work quite well.

QuoteAside form BBC Micro's local news show, we're also talking cheesy Sesame Street clones (by ZX Spectrum-tan), painfully-short cooking shows (courtesy of FreeDOS-chan), step-by-step art lessons (by Amiga-sama), and of course cheesy Sci-Fi Soap Operas with special effects that make the original Star Trek look like LOTR (courtesty of C64-tan and Co.). :P
And talk shows,... LOTS AND LOTS of talk shows, since there's always quite a bit to rant about (courtesy of just about everyone).

Whooo! Public access television at its best! I wonder if they have any reality TV? Or miniseries events? ;)

QuoteI've always wondered that myself,... why not just sell them all at a corporate-equivalent of a garage sale? Was this before or after Father [Steve] left? I wonder if that had anything to do with it...

I think Steve left in the early 90s....and came back around 97, 98? Or something?

QuoteMore like none of the above really. The UNIX family was still part of the old-school elite, that all but SHUNNED public consumer consumption of their operating systems. Sure you would have Unices used by hobbyists and enthusiasts, but that's as far as they went, leaving the home productivity and game market to the "toy" operating systems (like Mac, Commodore-Amiga, Coco, IBM DOS, etc).

So I would venture to say that people didn't really know about Unix at all, much like how few people still know what Linux is today. They also didn't really know what a computer was, as their marketing up until that point wasn't really all encompassing.

Microsoft, however, knew how to play the marketing game -- first in businesses to get the users accustomed to Windows in the workplace, and then to home users to bring home the "brand familiarity". Commodore tried something similar with the Amiga years ago, but failed to justify the use of a color screen and mouse for work productivity (and no wonder, given their crappy commercials after 1985....) ^^;

I always thought Unix was pretty big among business users....and many people I know have heard of Linux (not counting those whom I have evangelized to). That said, their entire knowledge revolves around the phrase "the free one, right?" XD

And I always figured Microsoft to be more of a marketing company than anything; Windows is 99.9 percent marketing >__<

QuoteAppearance-wise, she's a very old consumer-level computer, so she's still a girl-type. For a frame of reference, I was aiming for something akin to a dark-haired, cheerier-looking Henrietta (from Gunslinger Girl), with white, black and red as her predominant fashion colors. As the elder sister of RISC OS-tan, her hair is a shorter version of RISC-tan's, and her eyes are also a darker shade of green. On her dress is an embroidery of her coat-of-arms, which she displays proudly and prominently.

She's mild-mannered, pleasant and quiet, speaking in a thicker, more old-fashioned British accent than RISC-tan. She's also a fastidious dresser and groomer, more so since she's the producer/anchor of her own local news show, and so does everything possible to look and act professional (despite the poor viewership,... all 10 of them).

And of course, she's an ardent supporter of the British Broadcasting Corporation,... even if she does hesitantly-agree that it's been losing its way as of late.

Hey, didn't you say AROS-tan would be like a...wilder looking Henrietta?

*British accent*

Anyhow, so far I'm liking her design sounds like'a great plan, gov'na! And don't knock the BCC, sometimes I give 'er a watch to see what's happ'nin' cross the pond!

QuoteLately, I've had little time to work on my EeePC during my commutes,... so I know what I'M gonna be readin'! ^V^

Oh please do. Just leave your sense of indignation at home or the office.

QuotePossibly. Cougar does seem like a likely codename for the next OSX. Or even Lion, Caracal, Serval, uhh... any other big cats not used already out there?

Lion...I don't think it quite rolls off the tongue as well as "Leopard" or "Jaguar". Somehow I think Lynx is very likely to be the next codename...

QuoteShould I draw Replica I-tan? Of course, borrowing C-One to imitate Apple I-tan would work too to make Lisa-tan happy?

They could get as many replicas as they want, they probably won't act like Apple I-sama : |

QuoteThere's also something really baffling about her though: She is Atari DOS-tan's sister, yet Atari TOS is a variation of GEM for the Atari ST! In terms of OS-tans, can you try and explain how that would work? I also know that the Atari ST+ Atari TOS was very popular with musicians (used as music sequencer and controller of musical instruments, used by amateurs and professionals alike) so Atari TOS-tan would be a great musician. TOS's main competitors were the Amiga and the Macintosh (which is a little surprising, I was also expecting the Apple //GS to be listed as a competitor but since the //GS was also used a lot for music, I imagine that GS/OS-tan and Atari TOS-tan would be musical rivals. In a civil manner, of course!). Atari TOS was also known as "Jackintosh" due to its strong resemblance to the Mac OS which baffles me further: GEM was affected by a crippling lawsuit from Apple but TOS wasn't?

Maybe....TOS-tan is a "clone" of GEM-tan, and a stepsister of AtariDOS-tan? As for GEM-tan being rampaged against, and AtariTOS-tan not...maybe GEM-tan was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and AtariTOS-tan was just lucky?

At any rate...that's some skewed up genetics and stuff O__O

QuoteI'd especially like to hear Pilot OS-tan's rants! Hehehehe!

F&^%ing agreed! I would d@&! love to hear her f$%^ing ranting, that would be some good $%!^!

QuoteOMG! Windows 1.0-tan is going senile?! she ever not senile...?

I really like Apple ][-tan. She is just simply a great person overall, the same reason I really like Amiga-tan too.

QuoteThe Apple ][ sure was successful! Especially the //e that was so successful that it was in production from 1983 to 1995 despite having a clock speed of only 1 MHz!

Damn right Apple ][-tan was successful! She and SAGE-sama kept the world from meeting a horrific end for over 20 years, after all:

(If you don't know what I'm referencing, then you fail at Bella-ology)

QuoteOhhhh... I forgot they were a family of old-school elitists! Did that also apply to the Unix-likes as well?

I should note, however, that I don't think Unix-sama would have been an old school elitist; at least not until around the 1980s (because Bell Labs Unix was largely non-commercial until the late 70s/early 80s). Save BSD-san and Plan 9-san, her daughters would have been quite elite, however.

I don't think this counts for Unix-likes, as many of them were or are mostly small projects and hobby systems. I certainly think that they would have been a great deal more humble and down to earth.


UNIX-TAN!! didn't hear it from me, but a highly pissed off Slackware-san is coming this way! She's swingin' a hammer in one hand and a wrench in the other, and I don't think that's a good sign.

QuoteI'd go back in time to 2002 and invest in several Apple stocks (which have increased a lot since then), go back to 1995 and invest in several AOL stocks then to sell them in 1999, go back to 1955 and fix a clock tower, and go back to 1984 to stop some guy named John... although I am just kidding about one of those

No, let's go forward to A.D. 802,701, and kick some Morlock arse! No, no, that's too dangerous...let's go back three years make sure Haruhi doesn't destroy the universe. On second thought...we might be forced into embarrassing costumes, so maybe we should go help out the Eloi....

QuoteCool! But what does her coat of arms look like though? *needs to know because I want to draw her*

Ooooh! I can't wait to see this!

QuoteI'm also working on a redone version of one of my first Inkscape-made pictures, and a full-color preview of the second OS-tan Flashbackstory Chronicles story that shows what the Apple family looked like in 1989 when it takes place (inspired by your 1985 Commodore family picture in progress)

I wonder what this picture could be...might it be DSL-chan? RHL and Fedora-tan? I'm also looking forward to this Apple family picture/preview; coincidentally, I was working on a bit of a "promo" for my Leopard-chan comic ;)

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: BellaOooh, a new page! System 1-chan is looking as cute as ever, and the look on Lisa-san when Toshiaki asks her to the party is golden.

I just wonder what Lisa-san is plotting, though...

QuoteOh, me? No, I'm just unstuck in time.

I think it happened when Leopard-chan gave me a ride back to 1989 to pilage some Lisa units. Either that, or by spending far too much time in front of the microwave O__o
Did you get one for me? I want a Lisa despite its poor performance- it's got great collector's value!

QuoteOooh, immortality...they inherited this from Unix-sama, I bet! SCO-chan is gonna be furious when she finds out!
And there are going to be a lot of Unix-tans and Linux-tans furious that SCO-bouzu may have immortality too...

(but then again, not all Unix-tans are still alive. At least it is harder for them to die)

QuoteWhooo! Public access television at its best! I wonder if they have any reality TV? Or miniseries events? ;)
Same here!

QuoteI think Steve left in the early 90s....and came back around 97, 98? Or something?
Steve actually left in 1985 and returned in 1997 when Apple acquired NeXT.

QuoteI always thought Unix was pretty big among business users....and many people I know have heard of Linux (not counting those whom I have evangelized to). That said, their entire knowledge revolves around the phrase "the free one, right?" XD
Huh... You're more fortunate than me about that. From where I live nearly no one has heard of Linux or Open Source. I even know quite a few Vista users  ;014

QuoteLion...I don't think it quite rolls off the tongue as well as "Leopard" or "Jaguar". Somehow I think Lynx is very likely to be the next codename...
Drat! I forgot about the Lynx, a fairly well-known wildcat! *slaps self*

QuoteThey could get as many replicas as they want, they probably won't act like Apple I-sama : |
True. Imitations are never perfectly accurate to the original.

QuoteMaybe....TOS-tan is a "clone" of GEM-tan, and a stepsister of AtariDOS-tan? As for GEM-tan being rampaged against, and AtariTOS-tan not...maybe GEM-tan was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and AtariTOS-tan was just lucky?

At any rate...that's some skewed up genetics and stuff O__O
Yeah... I think that works!

QuoteF&^%ing agreed! I would d@&! love to hear her f$%^ing ranting, that would be some good $%!^!
F&^% YEAH!

QuoteDamn right Apple ][-tan was successful! She and SAGE-sama kept the world from meeting a horrific end for over 20 years, after all:

(If you don't know what I'm referencing, then you fail at Bella-ology)
That is from "Lost"! And I learned that here on OSC! Seeing all the "Lost" references makes me want to watch it if I ever find it on TV!

QuoteI should note, however, that I don't think Unix-sama would have been an old school elitist; at least not until around the 1980s (because Bell Labs Unix was largely non-commercial until the late 70s/early 80s). Save BSD-san and Plan 9-san, her daughters would have been quite elite, however.
I nearly forgot about that. I remember reading on how Unix was mainly used by hobbyists before the 1980's.

QuoteI don't think this counts for Unix-likes, as many of them were or are mostly small projects and hobby systems. I certainly think that they would have been a great deal more humble and down to earth.
Phew... That's good! Because I could not imagine QNX-tan or OS-9-tan acting like old-school elitists! didn't hear it from me, but a highly pissed off Slackware-san is coming this way! She's swingin' a hammer in one hand and a wrench in the other, and I don't think that's a good sign.
*reluctantly pulls out ray-gun* I do not want to fight you and I do like you quite a bit, Slackware-san but I shall defend my right to spout off bat$%^&-crazy stuff in fits of insanity!

QuoteNo, let's go forward to A.D. 802,701, and kick some Morlock arse! No, no, that's too dangerous...let's go back three years make sure Haruhi doesn't destroy the universe. On second thought...we might be forced into embarrassing costumes, so maybe we should go help out the Eloi....
Nah...I'd actually side with the Morlocks. Despite that the Morlocks are as ugly and nasty as sin, at least they are productive unlike the Eloi. Although... The Eloi are so vulnerable...How could I let those nasty Morlocks eat them?... But then again that's what the Eloi get for not really doing anything so they suffered the consequences with physical and mental degeneration!... AAAAUGH!

QuoteI wonder what this picture could be...might it be DSL-chan? RHL and Fedora-tan? I'm also looking forward to this Apple family picture/preview; coincidentally, I was working on a bit of a "promo" for my Leopard-chan comic ;)
The redone picture in question will the Red Hat-tan + Red Flag-tan picture; it was my first completed picture (excluding those used to make my first OS-tan wiki avis) in Inkscape. But now that you mentioned it, I should redo some of my Photoshop-made pictures too!

Ah! So you will be drawing the Lisa-tan + Leopard-tan comic? I will be looking forward to it!

And here it is in early stages but here is the 1989 Apple family picture in progress!



[ohshi-]thanks the warning[/quote]

QuoteDid you get one for me? I want a Lisa despite its poor performance- it's got great collector's value!

Just one? Hahaha....!

*dumps wheelbarrow-full of Lisas at Aurora-san's feet*

QuoteAnd there are going to be a lot of Unix-tans and Linux-tans furious that SCO-bouzu may have immortality too...

(but then again, not all Unix-tans are still alive. At least it is harder for them to die)

I wouldn't be so sure...I think the proprietary Unixen probably have as much a normal lifespan as any other. The open-source ones are probably the only Unix-tans that have "inherited" their matriarch's immortality.

Perhaps this is what drove Solaris-san to her great epiphany ;)

QuoteSteve actually left in 1985 and returned in 1997 when Apple acquired NeXT.

Thanks for the clarification!

QuoteHuh... You're more fortunate than me about that. From where I live nearly no one has heard of Linux or Open Source. I even know quite a few Vista users

Not to mention...there are tons of Macs 'round here :P

*goes into long winded state historian mode*

This is likely because of our southern neighbor, Massachusetts. I tell you, Macs are huge there. And since NH and Mass. are quite linked in many ways, it's only natural that we'd share their love of all things Apple.

I think more and more people are finding about about Linux though the internet (duh) and magazines...heck, just about every recent issue of PC World has mentioned it, and in the last one they even called the invention of Linux one of the top 20 moments of the past 20 years @____@

QuoteYeah... I think that works!

Wow, cloning saves the day again!

QuoteThat is from "Lost"! And I learned that here on OSC! Seeing all the "Lost" references makes me want to watch it if I ever find it on TV!

Well, the season finale was last week...but...

*giddy giggle*

*points Aurora toward link*

I just found this out, but ABC has all four seasons of Lost available online, in HD, for free (with a few ads in between) ;010

While it may be tempting to jump ahead to the second season (when things start picking up)'ll probably want to check out the first season, because it really sets all the later plots up. Or at least check out some recaps or something.

QuoteI nearly forgot about that. I remember reading on how Unix was mainly used by hobbyists before the 1980's.

Not just that...but Unix was basically a proprietary OS, forcibly open-sourced. I mean, at the risk of getting in trouble with AT&T (the company that owned Unix), its creators were sending out all the source code to whomever wanted it (or so I hear) O__O

Later on, AT&T finally took some action...

Quote*reluctantly pulls out ray-gun* I do not want to fight you and I do like you quite a bit, Slackware-san but I shall defend my right to spout off bat$%^&-crazy stuff in fits of insanity!

*Pulls sink*

Woot! Now we having a standoff!

QuoteNah...I'd actually side with the Morlocks. Despite that the Morlocks are as ugly and nasty as sin, at least they are productive unlike the Eloi. Although... The Eloi are so vulnerable...How could I let those nasty Morlocks eat them?... But then again that's what the Eloi get for not really doing anything so they suffered the consequences with physical and mental degeneration!... AAAAUGH!

Noooo! You sided with the morlocks! : O

QuoteThe redone picture in question will the Red Hat-tan + Red Flag-tan picture; it was my first completed picture (excluding those used to make my first OS-tan wiki avis) in Inkscape. But now that you mentioned it, I should redo some of my Photoshop-made pictures too!

Now now, I don't see any reason why you'd have to redo them. But that's your decision, I guess.

QuoteAh! So you will be drawing the Lisa-tan + Leopard-tan comic? I will be looking forward to it!

Yep, I shall elaborate later...

QuoteAnd here it is in early stages but here is the 1989 Apple family picture in progress!

Oooh, cute! Honestly...they all look so different from their current a way ^_^

I shall be back to comment more...but not now...I need some zzzzzzs!


*wanders off*


Wow, this thread's like a hydra.... ^^;

Possibly. Cougar does seem like a likely codename for the next OSX. Or even Lion, Caracal, Serval, uhh... any other big cats not used already out there?

Nope,... Cougar and Lion are the last large ones (unless you want to cheat and add "Sabre", although that's still just a type of tiger).  ^^;
Unless you want to go with the midrange wild cats, such as bobcats and lynxes.  ^^;

QuoteOf course, borrowing C-One to imitate Apple I-tan would work too to make Lisa-tan happy?

Nope,... cause C-One still needs a ROM to imitate anyone, and it's likely that in the OS-tan world, I-sama's ROM is unobtainable (or at least locked somewhere in the mauseleom.  Besides, just like with Replica, who knows what kind of emotions a simple "imitation" of any kind would flaunt.  

QuoteAtariTOS-tan is a diva, isn't she?

Awwwwwwww yeah.  ^__^;

QuoteThere's also something really baffling about her though: She is Atari DOS-tan's sister, yet Atari TOS is a variation of GEM for the Atari ST! In terms of OS-tans, can you try and explain how that would work?  

*points ot Mac House*

If you can explain how THOSE girls can call themselves sister, I think AtariTOS+GemOS will be a piece of cake to explain.  ^____^;

From a pragmatic standpoint, I'd vew AtariTOS-chan's entry into the Atari Family as something akin to Amiga-sama in the Commodore Family -- she's a pure and simple step-sister.  But unlike the Commodores, the playful old Atari-tans were happy to have her, even if the feeling wasn't always mutual.  It's likely an injoke now to say that someone switched Amiga-sama's and AtariTOS-chan's "adoption papers" and sent the two off to the wrong companies.  ^.^;

QuoteI also know that the Atari ST+ Atari TOS was very popular with musicians (used as music sequencer and controller of musical instruments, used by amateurs and professionals alike) so Atari TOS-tan would be a great musician. TOS's main competitors were the Amiga and the Macintosh (which is a little surprising, I was also expecting the Apple //GS to be listed as a competitor but since the //GS was also used a lot for music, I imagine that GS/OS-tan and Atari TOS-tan would be musical rivals. In a civil manner, of course!).

True, I haven't thought of her as a musician/singer, but I think that'd be a great idea.  ^__^

Course, C64-tan would also be her musical rival,... and certainly not in a civil manner.  `v'

I imagine that karaoke nights at the Binteji Renmei take on the guise of literal "music battles" more than anything.  ^____^;

QuoteAtari TOS was also known as "Jackintosh" due to its strong resemblance to the Mac OS which baffles me further: GEM was affected by a crippling lawsuit from Apple but TOS wasn't?

Well, if Atari was the larger company, then that might explain a few things.  After all, given the people running Apple at that particular stage in history, they're bound to only pick fights they know then can win.  ^^;

QuoteThe Apple ][ sure was successful! Especially the //e that was so successful that it was in production from 1983 to 1995 despite having a clock speed of only 1 MHz!

Wow, it's amazing how quickly clock speeds have improved, no?  I still remember when 32MB MP3 players were FREAKIN' HUGE.  ^___^;

I guess that's the reason why I gave ][-chan such a graceful "retirement" -- a strong character like her would never spend the remainder of her years idling around doing nothing and not helping anyone.  She's a bonified breadwinner (or rather bread MAKER) for life.  ^^

As Bella knows, a lot of my inspiration for her (at least in her later years) comes from Masanobu Fukuoka's One-straw Revolution.  It's as inspiring as it is simple.  ^___^

Quote*cowers in fear*

Woohoo!  I've got Aurora-hime intimidated!  ^.^
Now I can either slip away quietly before she calls my bluff,...... or I can milk my good luck, and scare her into submission..... ^__^

Hmmm,... what to do,...?  Decision decisions.... -v-



Okay, I'll milk it.  ^v^

ROARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^

QuoteCommodore's demise due to bad marketing is very unfortunate, considering that their advertisements of the Commodore 64 (advertising such as 'why should you buy videogames when a computer prepares kids for college'?) brought the gaming industry on its knees!

Well,... they did kinda get rid of the people who made Commodore, Inc. so great, no?   ^^;

Funny how every time die-hard corporatists touch anything, it falls straight to pieces.  After reading the Unix History, and just seeing examples of our own operating systems,...... yeah, it's one consistent pattern after another, and they just won't stop.  ^^;

QuoteI like that series! While I do not care for most of the characters, I really like Chachamaru, Sayo and Zazie!

Well of course I'm gonna love Kaede and Mana.  ^3^
But you might be shocked to know that I also consider Yue to be up there in my list of favorite characters.  There's something about her that jives with me, can't quite put my finger on it.... ^^

QuoteCool! But what does her coat of arms look like though? *needs to know because I want to draw her*

Oh,... it's rather interesting actually.  It's bound to draw the attention of even UNIX-sama.... ^^'

Also, I goofed.  Her name is actually "AcornMOS-tan" -- apparently I forgot my own notes at the Annex that the BBC Micro did indeed have a well-defined operating system.  ^^;

QuoteAlmost done with pages 1-9 and 1-10. I'll just say that things take a turn for the better, then the worse again. I'm also working on a redone version of one of my first Inkscape-made pictures, and a full-color preview of the second OS-tan Flashbackstory Chronicles story that shows what the Apple family looked like in 1989 when it takes place (inspired by your 1985 Commodore family picture in progress)

Shweeeeeeeeeet!  ^.^
I actually saw a glimpse of it just now.  ^___^

QuoteEDIT: Here is page 1-9!

YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!  ^V^

Wow!  Talk about a slap in the face for Lisa-chan.... not that doesn't serve her right a little.  ^.^

The page certainly take the prize for the Greatest Concentration of Cute Mac System 1 Expressions, especially in the last one where she naively forgets that Lisa-chan loves to work her to death.  ^^;

Lisa-chan's brooding-storm face in the previous panel is also hilarious -- I don't even want to guess what horrors are in store for the poor young girl.....  ^______^;

QuoteOooh, immortality...they inherited this from Unix-sama, I bet! SCO-chan is gonna be furious when she finds out!

I'm sure she will,... just as soon as she finishes skirting all those payments the courts have already demanded she make.  ^^;

QuoteWhooo! Public access television at its best! I wonder if they have any reality TV? Or miniseries events?

Well they're a bit too old school for Reality TV shows,... although if you define Reality TV as just a scantily scripted, formulaic show using regular people to avoid having to hire expensive actors,... then surely a few of their own miniseries events do come pretty come close (quality-wise) to what passes for Reality TV.  ^^;

I'm sure they'll also have televised sporting events too,... although given the effort would probably be spearheaded by Amstrad-tan, it would most likely be nothing but cricket.  ^^;

QuoteAnd I always figured Microsoft to be more of a marketing company than anything; Windows is 99.9 percent marketing >__<

I love the part in the UNIX history that bluntly states that a lot of Bill's early millions were derived from shuttling around a system he didn't even build.  ^^;

QuoteHey, didn't you say AROS-tan would be like a...wilder looking Henrietta?

Key word: "wilder".  `v'
And AcronMOS-chan is "cheerier", so it works itself out.  ^___^

Nah but seriously, Henrietta is the ideal "quiet cute" girl of mystery, so I use her a lot as a character placeholder -- in fact, AcornMOS-chan had her first in my mind.  ^^

Naturally, that's just a small reference,... once the character starts to get drawn, a whole new personality is derived.  The fact that I already have a design for RISC-tan will help give her a more distinctive tie-in to Acorn family features.  ^^

Quote*British accent*

Anyhow, so far I'm liking her design sounds like'a great plan, gov'na! And don't knock the BCC, sometimes I give 'er a watch to see what's happ'nin' cross the pond!

Bull Bullocks!  ^0^
Granted some of their other content (such as the Planet Earth series) is top notch, I'm still pissed off by how the BBC News has declined after the Hutton Inquiry.  Before that, it was a serviceable bastion of decent mainstream journalism in the Western world.  After that, it's been teetering close to a "CNN for Brits" in an effort to kiss up to the government.  I can't even stand to read/watch it anymore, having known how it was when it was still respectable.  *sigh*  -.-

QuoteOh please do. Just leave your sense of indignation at home or the office.

Oh yeah, I finished the history part, and am actually looking through the system comparisons.  You were right, this was some AMAZING reading!  ^v^
I can suddenly add another 20 years to the foundation behind the Linux+F/OSS movement.  I guess I inadvertently did good in pairing the Linux/Unix-tans in the Consortium (even if it's really only UNIX-sama that enjoys their company).  ^.^

QuoteF&^%ing agreed! I would d@&! love to hear her f$%^ing ranting, that would be some good $%!^!

Oh now, I've started something.... ^^;
I guess if she did have a talk show, it'd kinda have a Mike Malloy-ish political bent, but without any censorship for cussing. Coming from what essentially LOOKS like a little girl.... yeah, that's scary.... TT; she ever not senile...?

Hmmm,.. not sure if senile is the word I'm looking for.  
Perhaps "dissociated" is the right way to call her condition.  Her mind just isn't really connected with the real world, never has really.

QuoteDamn right Apple ][-tan was successful! She and SAGE-sama kept the world from meeting a horrific end for over 20 years, after all:

(If you don't know what I'm referencing, then you fail at Bella-ology)

Well okay, I'm not THAT hopeless.  ^____^
Previously, I kinda formed the picture in my mind of SAGE-sama itching to blow up the world hersself, while the more level-headed ][-chan blocks her in every effort.  

QuoteI should note, however, that I don't think Unix-sama would have been an old school elitist; at least not until around the 1980s (because Bell Labs Unix was largely non-commercial until the late 70s/early 80s). Save BSD-san and Plan 9-san, her daughters would have been quite elite, however.

Correct -- UNIX-sama may often be confused for an elitist, but is really just a stone-cold pragmatist and ardent deconstructionist.  The fact that nearly ALL her daughters are elitist helps explain the frequent friction between them.  ^^'

QuoteI don't think this counts for Unix-likes, as many of them were or are mostly small projects and hobby systems. I certainly think that they would have been a great deal more humble and down to earth.

Correct there too.  ^___^

As an example, AMIX-san was your typical snoody UNIX-tan when she first met Amiga-sama.  But as Amiga's unrelenting kindness permeated through her corporatist shell, and as she mingled more and more with the "common folk", her character definitely became far more down to earth.  [and ironically, far more "truly" UNIX-like]

QuoteSteve actually left in 1985 and returned in 1997 when Apple acquired NeXT.

That's what I thought.  ^__^
Funny how all the corporate entities seemingly used 1985 to launch "Operation Screw Up Fun Computing".  ^^;
Happened to Apple, happened to Commodore, happened to Atari, happened to Radio Shack,... and happened to UNIX,... and was already happening to IBM, but it just got worse after that....

Yep,... like I said,... consistent pattern.  ^^;

QuoteHuh... You're more fortunate than me about that. From where I live nearly no one has heard of Linux or Open Source. I even know quite a few Vista users  

Yes,.. I've always said that Bella-hime lives in a happy magical town, where if all the streets are not paved with glow, it's probably silver instead.  ^__^

QuoteThe redone picture in question will the Red Hat-tan + Red Flag-tan picture; it was my first completed picture (excluding those used to make my first OS-tan wiki avis) in Inkscape. But now that you mentioned it, I should redo some of my Photoshop-made pictures too!

Shwweeeeeeeet!  Aurora-hime is contemplating touchign on prior art.  ^___^

Le sigh,... I guess I should consider doing the same.... I have that lovely Amiga/Windows ME-chan pic that I've put off for over a year,... and really deserves to get finished.  ^^;

But can I trust in me?

Le sigh....

Maybe I should Sauce it....  -.-

QuoteAnd here it is in early stages but here is the 1989 Apple family picture in progress!


O-M-G, I have not seen something as cute as that in my life.  ^___^
I feel like hugging and squeezing them about 30 times!  They're adorable, with extra servings of "orable"!  ^0^

System 1-chan still vaguely looks like her modern-day self, but System 2-chan is so esteemed and elegant, and System 3-chan has such a hyper, 1920's gal look,...

By GAWD, this is shaping up to be a masterpiece, I can smell it!!  ^0^

Beautiful work, Aurora-hime!  By all means, please continue.  ^___^

QuoteJust one? Hahaha....!

*dumps wheelbarrow-full of Lisas at Aurora-san's feet*

Yeah!  Dumpster-diving!!  ^V^

*dives into pile of Lisas*

QuoteI wouldn't be so sure...I think the proprietary Unixen probably have as much a normal lifespan as any other. The open-source ones are probably the only Unix-tans that have "inherited" their matriarch's immortality.

Perhaps this is what drove Solaris-san to her great epiphany

I'm tellin' ya, this girl is a positive genius.  ^^
I'm positively outgunned her by two flanks of pure, creative genius -- the piggy is just way out of his league.  ^____^


Speaking of "out of his league", I'm bushed.  ^.^

I may disappear for the next few days,... aside from a lot of work with certain remodeling, I'm also going to TRY and get some artwork finished/started, especially the infamous Project z/OS-sama.  

When I return, I hope to bear gifts.  ^___^

Aurora Borealis

QuoteJust one? Hahaha....!

*dumps wheelbarrow-full of Lisas at Aurora-san's feet*
Yippeee! I'd keep a few (in case one starts failing) and sell the others for a high price ;012

QuoteI wouldn't be so sure...I think the proprietary Unixen probably have as much a normal lifespan as any other. The open-source ones are probably the only Unix-tans that have "inherited" their matriarch's immortality.

Perhaps this is what drove Solaris-san to her great epiphany ;)
Perfect explanation for Solaris-tan deciding to be open-sourced! She is kind of an egomaniac is she, seeking immortality and what better way than literally? :D

(on second thought, being immortal would actually suck once all of your family and friends die but you are still there, alone. And illnesses and brutal injuries wouldn't kill you but would leave you suffering for a long time, actually wishing for death.

Immortality is not what it is cracked up to be. Invincibility, on the other hand, would be great!)

QuoteNot to mention...there are tons of Macs 'round here :P
Actually, there are a lot of Macs in my state, or at least city. All but one of the schools I have gone to use mostly or exclusively Macs (except for my junior high school which uses almost all Windows). And in my computer graphics class, 2/3 of the students were Mac users!

Quote*Pulls sink*

Woot! Now we having a standoff!
Hey! Whose side are you on?

QuoteNoooo! You sided with the morlocks! : O
Yeah, but reluctantly -__-

QuoteYep, I shall elaborate later...
I saw that in your comic thread. Very well thought-out! ;010

QuoteOooh, cute! Honestly...they all look so different from their current a way ^_^
Thanks! Heheheheh... Some of the other girls will look even more different and even behave differently from their current selves!

QuoteWow, this thread's like a hydra.... ^^;
Cut off one head, and you still have two biting at you! It refuses to die! IT REFUSES TO DIEEEEEEE!

QuoteNope,... cause C-One still needs a ROM to imitate anyone, and it's likely that in the OS-tan world, I-sama's ROM is unobtainable (or at least locked somewhere in the mauseleom.  Besides, just like with Replica, who knows what kind of emotions a simple "imitation" of any kind would flaunt. 
that's a bummer :(

QuoteAtariTOS-tan is a diva, isn't she?

Awwwwwwww yeah.  ^__^;
Exactly what I thought!

Quote*points ot Mac House*
Ahahahaha! ;012

QuoteFrom a pragmatic standpoint, I'd vew AtariTOS-chan's entry into the Atari Family as something akin to Amiga-sama in the Commodore Family -- she's a pure and simple step-sister.  But unlike the Commodores, the playful old Atari-tans were happy to have her, even if the feeling wasn't always mutual.  It's likely an injoke now to say that someone switched Amiga-sama's and AtariTOS-chan's "adoption papers" and sent the two off to the wrong companies.  ^.^;
That's simpler than I thought! So.. AtariTOS-tan is Atari DOS-tan's stepsister. But is TOS-tan GEM-tan's sister too?

QuoteTrue, I haven't thought of her as a musician/singer, but I think that'd be a great idea.  ^__^

Course, C64-tan would also be her musical rival,... and certainly not in a civil manner.  `v'
Right... C64-tan is VERY competitive, isn't she?

She'd also be rivals with Coleco Adam-tan too! She is also a skilled gamer!

But speaking of Coleco Adam-tan, I'm not sure whether she'd still be a wanderer or in the Binteeji Renmei. She is rather paranoid, but not without a good reason (unlike another certain paranoid, electricity-wielding girl)- she has to keep an eye on her printer/lifeforce at all times.

If she were in the Binteeji Renmei, although she'd have a safe place to put her printer, she'd still be afraid that one of her rivals would try and find it and kill her.

QuoteWell, if Atari was the larger company, then that might explain a few things.  After all, given the people running Apple at that particular stage in history, they're bound to only pick fights they know then can win.  ^^;
That could explain it.

Also, back in the day, TOS-tan may have had bodyguards while GEM-tan was defenseless.

QuoteWow, it's amazing how quickly clock speeds have improved, no?  I still remember when 32MB MP3 players were FREAKIN' HUGE.  ^___^;

I guess that's the reason why I gave ][-chan such a graceful "retirement" -- a strong character like her would never spend the remainder of her years idling around doing nothing and not helping anyone.  She's a bonified breadwinner (or rather bread MAKER) for life.  ^^

As Bella knows, a lot of my inspiration for her (at least in her later years) comes from Masanobu Fukuoka's One-straw Revolution.  It's as inspiring as it is simple.  ^___^
So Apple ][-tan did not completely retire!

QuoteWoohoo!  I've got Aurora-hime intimidated!  ^.^
Now I can either slip away quietly before she calls my bluff,...... or I can milk my good luck, and scare her into submission..... ^__^

Hmmm,... what to do,...?  Decision decisions.... -v-



Okay, I'll milk it.  ^v^

ROARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^
Hardy har har! When you know something like that, it is best not to blurt it out!

QuoteWell,... they did kinda get rid of the people who made Commodore, Inc. so great, no?   ^^;
I didn't know that, though.

QuoteFunny how every time die-hard corporatists touch anything, it falls straight to pieces.  After reading the Unix History, and just seeing examples of our own operating systems,...... yeah, it's one consistent pattern after another, and they just won't stop.  ^^;
Why must they ruin everything? :(

QuoteWell of course I'm gonna love Kaede and Mana.  ^3^
But you might be shocked to know that I also consider Yue to be up there in my list of favorite characters.  There's something about her that jives with me, can't quite put my finger on it.... ^^
Yue! She's a cool character too and another favorite of mine! She is the cool, slacker-type!

QuoteAlso, I goofed.  Her name is actually "AcornMOS-tan" -- apparently I forgot my own notes at the Annex that the BBC Micro did indeed have a well-defined operating system.  ^^;
Ohh... I got confused between AcornMOS and BBC Micro x__X

QuoteYESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!  ^V^

Wow!  Talk about a slap in the face for Lisa-chan.... not that doesn't serve her right a little.  ^.^
Yeah, she needed to do a better job with managing her sadness and frusturation. What she's doing is NOT healthy!

QuoteThe page certainly take the prize for the Greatest Concentration of Cute Mac System 1 Expressions, especially in the last one where she naively forgets that Lisa-chan loves to work her to death.  ^^;
Well... Not quite work to death! Otherwise Lisa-tan wouldn't have a servant anymore!

QuoteLisa-chan's brooding-storm face in the previous panel is also hilarious -- I don't even want to guess what horrors are in store for the poor young girl.....  ^______^;
Makes me wish I had page 1-10 up so I could show you. But I will get it up later today!

QuoteI'm sure they'll also have televised sporting events too,... although given the effort would probably be spearheaded by Amstrad-tan, it would most likely be nothing but cricket.  ^^;
Ooooooh! What's Amstrad-tan like? :D (aside from being a cricket fanatic)

QuoteI love the part in the UNIX history that bluntly states that a lot of Bill's early millions were derived from shuttling around a system he didn't even build.  ^^;
It is correct in a way.

QuoteWell okay, I'm not THAT hopeless.  ^____^
Previously, I kinda formed the picture in my mind of SAGE-sama itching to blow up the world hersself, while the more level-headed ][-chan blocks her in every effort. 
That's what I was thinking too ^^;

QuoteCorrect there too.  ^___^

As an example, AMIX-san was your typical snoody UNIX-tan when she first met Amiga-sama.  But as Amiga's unrelenting kindness permeated through her corporatist shell, and as she mingled more and more with the "common folk", her character definitely became far more down to earth.  [and ironically, far more "truly" UNIX-like]
Wow... Amiga-sama's kindness is THAT powerful! Amazing!

QuoteThat's what I thought.  ^__^
Funny how all the corporate entities seemingly used 1985 to launch "Operation Screw Up Fun Computing".  ^^;
Happened to Apple, happened to Commodore, happened to Atari, happened to Radio Shack,... and happened to UNIX,... and was already happening to IBM, but it just got worse after that....

Yep,... like I said,... consistent pattern.  ^^;
And don't forget that Windows was first released in 1985--

*gets skewered by a certain sword-wielding Windows-tan* x__X

QuoteShwweeeeeeeet!  Aurora-hime is contemplating touchign on prior art.  ^___^
*comes back from the dead* Thank you, Plan 9-san! *waves goodbye to her as she departs on her spaceship* :D

*ahem* Not just contemplate touching on a prior picture- here it is! Red Flag-tan and Red Hat-tan, redone!

QuoteLe sigh,... I guess I should consider doing the same.... I have that lovely Amiga/Windows ME-chan pic that I've put off for over a year,... and really deserves to get finished.  ^^;

But can I trust in me?

Le sigh....

Maybe I should Sauce it....  -.-
How much more work does it need?

But yes I agree that it deserves to be finished!

QuoteOooh, cute! Honestly...they all look so different from their current a way ^_^


O-M-G, I have not seen something as cute as that in my life.  ^___^
I feel like hugging and squeezing them about 30 times!  They're adorable, with extra servings of "orable"!  ^0^

System 1-chan still vaguely looks like her modern-day self, but System 2-chan is so esteemed and elegant, and System 3-chan has such a hyper, 1920's gal look,...

By GAWD, this is shaping up to be a masterpiece, I can smell it!!  ^0^

Beautiful work, Aurora-hime!  By all means, please continue.  ^___^

Thanks! Heheheheh... Some of the other girls will look even more different and even behave differently from their current selves!

(and the 1920's look on System 3-tan is completely intentional, btw. System 2-tan also at least was intended to have a Victorian look on her to put her in contrast with her much less conservative younger sister)

And one more finished work:

4K-tan! The roleplaying, Renaissance faire and LOTR-loving geeky ninja girl! She is of the lowest-ranked virus-tans but doesn't really care. She's a pacifist anyways although she does take fight scenes in her roleplaying very seriously! She is friends with BBSpot-tan, Slashdot-tan and BeOS-tan (because BeOS wasn't able to appeal to the general public, only hardcore geeks, so I think BeOS-tan would like the geeky-types)

Still gotta finish chibi WDEF-tan though.




I lol' much i spit up my ice cream.


SPOILERS: They add aerodynamics to your thread. Get yours today!


Quote(on second thought, being immortal would actually suck once all of your family and friends die but you are still there, alone. And illnesses and brutal injuries wouldn't kill you but would leave you suffering for a long time, actually wishing for death.

For someone reason, I keep thinking of "owl" girls every time I read that.  ^^;

QuoteActually, there are a lot of Macs in my state, or at least city. All but one of the schools I have gone to use mostly or exclusively Macs (except for my junior high school which uses almost all Windows). And in my computer graphics class, 2/3 of the students were Mac users!

Actually, the last time I visited a campus ground, I was also impressed by the sheer volume of Macs compared to Windows machines.  Granted, they have the money to splurge on that kind of hardware, but it was always the assumption that universities were generally WIndows-centric.  Either that was an exception, or that claim only refers to Computer Science departments.  

QuoteThat's simpler than I thought! So.. AtariTOS-tan is Atari DOS-tan's stepsister. But is TOS-tan GEM-tan's sister too?

Well now that you mention it, I suppose they would be biological sisters.  Still to be seen whether they're actually "close" sisters, as it's likely TOS-tan had remained isolated from her sister for a long time.  

QuoteRight... C64-tan is VERY competitive, isn't she?

She'd also be rivals with Coleco Adam-tan too! She is also a skilled gamer!

Competitive-enough to try to stand toe-to-toe with newer systems.  :P

QuoteBut speaking of Coleco Adam-tan, I'm not sure whether she'd still be a wanderer or in the Binteeji Renmei. She is rather paranoid, but not without a good reason (unlike another certain paranoid, electricity-wielding girl)- she has to keep an eye on her printer/lifeforce at all times.

If she were in the Binteeji Renmei, although she'd have a safe place to put her printer, she'd still be afraid that one of her rivals would try and find it and kill her.

Well if that's the case, that's still alright.  Just being registered entitles one to particular benefits, but some of the girls just prefer not to mingle socially at all.  TOS-san is one example, Pilot-chan and PC-DOS-chan are others.  Adam-san would likely be one of the tamest of the "lone wolf vintage-tans", since at least she's relatively well-behaved.  :P

QuoteThat could explain it.

Also, back in the day, TOS-tan may have had bodyguards while GEM-tan was defenseless.

I envison Tos-tan as having the same lionhearted-spirit as Lisa-san once did, but far cheaper and "easier" in her prospective love interests.  That means that, at least in the 80's, she had quite a significant army of admirers that would fight tooth and nail to protect their idol.  Most of them had to be really hardcore in order to avoid Nintendo Temptation.  :P

QuoteHardy har har! When you know something like that, it is best not to blurt it out!

*sees Aurora's massive shadown loom over him*



*puts on puppy-eyed pig face*

Wait,... does that look cute enough compared to a puppy?  ^^;

QuoteOoooooh! What's Amstrad-tan like?  (aside from being a cricket fanatic)

Tomboyish, of course.  ^^

I thought maybe Bella-san drew her already, but I was getting confused with ORIC-tan.  ^^'

Quote*comes back from the dead* Thank you, Plan 9-san! *waves goodbye to her as she departs on her spaceship*  

*ahem* Not just contemplate touching on a prior picture- here it is! Red Flag-tan and Red Hat-tan, redone!


I'm getting same kinda feeling as when I saw the revamped Zerosanity.  Talk about a real showcase in skill,... and when you consider the date you created the original, this is literally an Anniversary pic.  ^v^

QuoteHow much more work does it need?

But yes I agree that it deserves to be finished!

Shading, highlighting, and detail adjustment.  I only drew cursory hands, and ME-tan was really slapped together to meet Pitkin's "deadline".  Also, I might reduce Amiga's eyes slightly, as they make her look too young.  Oh, and the picture was done LONG before blurring came to Inkscape (I think), so that needs to be added.

But okay,... let me post the Sauce here later today.  ^^

And I'll even turn it into a contest: anyone who finishes it will get two free Minis of their choice drawn by me.  ^.^

Limited to the first two contestants.  ^__~

QuoteThanks! Heheheheh... Some of the other girls will look even more different and even behave differently from their current selves!

(and the 1920's look on System 3-tan is completely intentional, btw. System 2-tan also at least was intended to have a Victorian look on her to put her in contrast with her much less conservative younger sister)

Fufu... yeah, System 1-chan certainly has that "proletariat" look (and once she learns newspeak, I'm sure she'll call it the "Prol" look).  Surely she got that from ][-chan, who was quite the revolutionary herself.  ^.^

4K-tan! The roleplaying, Renaissance faire and LOTR-loving geeky ninja girl! She is of the lowest-ranked virus-tans but doesn't really care. She's a pacifist anyways although she does take fight scenes in her roleplaying very seriously! She is friends with BBSpot-tan, Slashdot-tan and BeOS-tan (because BeOS wasn't able to appeal to the general public, only hardcore geeks, so I think BeOS-tan would like the geeky-types)

Wow, she's like a walking geek convention.  All you have to do is add the super-expensive dealer room items, and I couldn't tell the difference.  ^.^

She's very cute, and certainly any friend of BeOS-chan is a friend of mine.  ^v^

BTW, what's with the "FRODO lives" stuff?  ^^'

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"
For someone reason, I keep thinking of "owl" girls every time I read that.  ^^;
I feel tempted to guess why ;012

Well now that you mention it, I suppose they would be biological sisters.  Still to be seen whether they're actually "close" sisters, as it's likely TOS-tan had remained isolated from her sister for a long time.  
I don't think they would be very close sisters though. GEM-tan and TOS-tan would have been seperated at a very young age, likely too young to remember each other, only reuniting when both happened to join the Binteeji Renmei. They might be able to get along but their interests and personalities are very different, have diverged a lot due to time and the circumstances each one has been through.

Also, TOS-tan seeks a lot of distance from the Binteeji Renmei (being a diva and all, not wanting to do chores) but GEM-tan is close friends with quite a few of the girls (best friend is Lisa-tan, also good friends with Amiga-tan and the DOS-tans. Well, maybe except for PC DOS-tan because she's just too foul-tempered)

Competitive-enough to try to stand toe-to-toe with newer systems.  :P
Wow! Now THAT'S competitive! Go, C64-tan!

Well if that's the case, that's still alright.  Just being registered entitles one to particular benefits, but some of the girls just prefer not to mingle socially at all.  TOS-san is one example, Pilot-chan and PC-DOS-chan are others.  Adam-san would likely be one of the tamest of the "lone wolf vintage-tans", since at least she's relatively well-behaved.  :P
Okay, so Adam-tan is in the Binteeji Renmei (although her biggest rival, Apple ][-tan is also there!)

QuoteI envison Tos-tan as having the same lionhearted-spirit as Lisa-san once did, but far cheaper and "easier" in her prospective love interests.  That means that, at least in the 80's, she had quite a significant army of admirers that would fight tooth and nail to protect their idol.  Most of them had to be really hardcore in order to avoid Nintendo Temptation.  :P
Ha! So that explains why she is a diva!

I feel tempted to draw her now! :D


*sees Aurora's massive shadown loom over him*



*puts on puppy-eyed pig face*

Wait,... does that look cute enough compared to a puppy?  ^^;
Awww... Cute piggy!


Tomboyish, of course.  ^^

I thought maybe Bella-san drew her already, but I was getting confused with ORIC-tan.  ^^'
Yes she did. She drew her a long time ago though.


I'm getting same kinda feeling as when I saw the revamped Zerosanity.  Talk about a real showcase in skill,... and when you consider the date you created the original, this is literally an Anniversary pic.  ^v^
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
(However, that was just one picture that seriously needed revamping)

And speaking of revamped zerOSanity... it will be going through another revamp starting on page 44 (beginning of chapter 3). Chapters 1 and 2 will stay the same but chapter 3 and onwards will be simplified considerably (using cel-shading instead of soft-shading, not using complex backgrounds unless the act calls for it) to increase effiency and decrease the time it takes to finish.

May also eliminate most or all of the storyline involving travelling so I can showcase certain OS-tans and acts much much sooner than having to squeeze them in 40+ pages down the road from when I thought of the idea and wanted to include it T_T

Yes, I would actually be doing a downgrade but to save time and my sanity!

Shading, highlighting, and detail adjustment.  I only drew cursory hands, and ME-tan was really slapped together to meet Pitkin's "deadline".  Also, I might reduce Amiga's eyes slightly, as they make her look too young.  Oh, and the picture was done LONG before blurring came to Inkscape (I think), so that needs to be added.

But okay,... let me post the Sauce here later today.  ^^

And I'll even turn it into a contest: anyone who finishes it will get two free Minis of their choice drawn by me.  ^.^

Limited to the first two contestants.  ^__~
Oh yeah! Count me in!

Fufu... yeah, System 1-chan certainly has that "proletariat" look (and once she learns newspeak, I'm sure she'll call it the "Prol" look).  Surely she got that from ][-chan, who was quite the revolutionary herself.  ^.^
She did take after ][-chan quite a bit!...

...although there are some really obvious differences, such as System 1-tan being less civil to competitors back in the day beause she was afraid of competition and afraid that her new family would die out or be forgotten due to competitors (which explains her actions taken against GEM-tan, for example). Unfortuneatly, the OS-wars were more or less a physical maninfestation of those fears. Aw man... poor girl was pretty much traumatized during the OS-wars, not able to do much despite her great leadership skills. She was in fear and despair, wondering where she went wrong with raising her family (despite that it wasn't her fault at all) and felt completely helpless.

Luckily when the OS-wars subsided, System 1-tan cheered up a lot and started to overcome her habit of living in fear. Now she no longer lives in fear and is even willing to positively interact with outsiders again!

Wow, she's like a walking geek convention.  All you have to do is add the super-expensive dealer room items, and I couldn't tell the difference.  ^.^

She's very cute, and certainly any friend of BeOS-chan is a friend of mine.  ^v^

BTW, what's with the "FRODO lives" stuff?  ^^'

Now I've gotten the inspiration for a picture with BeOS-tan, Slashdot-tan, BBSpot-tan and 4K-tan doing some roleplaying :D

"FRODO LIVES" is the message that 4K displays when infecting a computer.


Please to forgive me, this thread has grown like the Blob since I last posted! I assure you I've been reading the posts but haven't had time to actually post anything; so what you see here is a rather chopped-down version of what I have to say. Sorry : |

First off, good job on the RHL/RFL-tan redo! I've always liked this picture, so it's nice seeing it new and improved!
Secondly, good call on the Victorian influences on the early Macs. It fits them perfectly; I have to say this is one of my favorite renditions of the early Macs.
Thirdly, I lol'd at 4K-tan. As C-Chan said, she is like a walking geek convention! Just give her some pointy Spock ears, and she'll fulfill every stereotype! :P

QuoteNope,... cause C-One still needs a ROM to imitate anyone, and it's likely that in the OS-tan world, I-sama's ROM is unobtainable (or at least locked somewhere in the mauseleom. Besides, just like with Replica, who knows what kind of emotions a simple "imitation" of any kind would flaunt.

Wait, what would ROM be in OS-tan analogies? O_O

QuoteTrue, I haven't thought of her as a musician/singer, but I think that'd be a great idea. ^__^

Course, C64-tan would also be her musical rival,... and certainly not in a civil manner. `v'

I imagine that karaoke nights at the Binteji Renmei take on the guise of literal "music battles" more than anything. ^____^;

Oh noes...they have karaoke battles O.O

Come to think of it, a lot of OS-tans are good musicians. I certainly thought all the OSXs would be musical geniuses.

QuoteOh,... it's rather interesting actually. It's bound to draw the attention of even UNIX-sama.... ^^'

Also, I goofed. Her name is actually "AcornMOS-tan" -- apparently I forgot my own notes at the Annex that the BBC Micro did indeed have a well-defined operating system. ^^;

Hmmmm...I remember VonDaab mentioned this in the MSPaint thread...I was going to suggest it might be that owl logo, but I wasn't sure. Maybe I am clairvoyant!

QuoteI love the part in the UNIX history that bluntly states that a lot of Bill's early millions were derived from shuttling around a system he didn't even build. ^^;

Can we just stop beating around the bush and call Billy "the Raider of the lost Source"?
Key word: "wilder". `v'
And AcronMOS-chan is "cheerier", so it works itself out. ^___^

Nah but seriously, Henrietta is the ideal "quiet cute" girl of mystery, so I use her a lot as a character placeholder -- in fact, AcornMOS-chan had her first in my mind. ^^

Naturally, that's just a small reference,... once the character starts to get drawn, a whole new personality is derived. The fact that I already have a design for RISC-tan will help give her a more distinctive tie-in to Acorn family features. ^^

Exactly. Hey, it would be neat to figure out where we derived the inspiration for our characters from ^_^

I certainly think my beloved XP-san is a bit like Orihime (from Bleach)

QuoteOh yeah, I finished the history part, and am actually looking through the system comparisons. You were right, this was some AMAZING reading! ^v^
I can suddenly add another 20 years to the foundation behind the Linux+F/OSS movement. I guess I inadvertently did good in pairing the Linux/Unix-tans in the Consortium (even if it's really only UNIX-sama that enjoys their company). ^.^

Aha, so you have been reading that! Have you read this yet?

This chapter is rather disturbing (I think you may be reading it now); they link VMS and OS/2 back to CTSS, and Windows back to Macitosh (from a conceptual standpoint):

I wonder if these Unix Gurus know something we mortals don't...?

So, lesse...if VMS-sama is the conceptual "daughter" of TOPS 10-san, that makes CTSS-sama her aunt, Multics-sama her cousin, and Unix-sama her second cousin. If CTSS-sama and OS/360-san influenced VM/CMS-san, whom OS/2-san is the conceptual daughter of, then OS/2 is a grandaughter of CTSS and OS/360, great neice of Multics, and the third cousin of Unix-sama...?

Hey, so VMS-sama's claim to being Unix-ish-like-kinda-but-not-really is true! We are family! All my third-conceptual-cousins-by-design and me!

*head explodes*

QuoteOh now, I've started something.... ^^;
I guess if she did have a talk show, it'd kinda have a Mike Malloy-ish political bent, but without any censorship for cussing. Coming from what essentially LOOKS like a little girl.... yeah, that's scary.... TT;

F^%@ yeah you've starting something! So, no censorship? Does anybody try to soap her mouth or anything? No?

QuoteWell okay, I'm not THAT hopeless. ^____^
Previously, I kinda formed the picture in my mind of SAGE-sama itching to blow up the world hersself, while the more level-headed ][-chan blocks her in every effort.

Ah, that sounds about right...

QuoteCorrect -- UNIX-sama may often be confused for an elitist, but is really just a stone-cold pragmatist and ardent deconstructionist. The fact that nearly ALL her daughters are elitist helps explain the frequent friction between them. ^^'

...and why so many dislike Linux-sama ;)

QuoteAs an example, AMIX-san was your typical snoody UNIX-tan when she first met Amiga-sama. But as Amiga's unrelenting kindness permeated through her corporatist shell, and as she mingled more and more with the "common folk", her character definitely became far more down to earth. [and ironically, far more "truly" UNIX-like]

Hmmm....AMIX-san...she was Miggy-san's mentor, right?

QuotePerfect explanation for Solaris-tan deciding to be open-sourced! She is kind of an egomaniac is she, seeking immortality and what better way than literally?

(on second thought, being immortal would actually suck once all of your family and friends die but you are still there, alone. And illnesses and brutal injuries wouldn't kill you but would leave you suffering for a long time, actually wishing for death.

Immortality is not what it is cracked up to be. Invincibility, on the other hand, would be great!)

Not only that...but I also think that Solaris-san seeing Linux-sama get a lot of Unix-sama's attention would have ticked her off. So rather than fight the newcomer like some of the other Unixes, she decided to become more like Linux-sama to gain favor with Unix-sama.

Though...maybe there is something deeper. Maybe she really did think her life would turn out for the better as an open-sourceress ;)

QuoteActually, there are a lot of Macs in my state, or at least city. All but one of the schools I have gone to use mostly or exclusively Macs (except for my junior high school which uses almost all Windows). And in my computer graphics class, 2/3 of the students were Mac users!
Wow...a computer graphics class, lucky you ^_^

But I always figured for graphics and A/V editing, is there any choice but a Mac?

QuoteShe'd also be rivals with Coleco Adam-tan too! She is also a skilled gamer!

But speaking of Coleco Adam-tan, I'm not sure whether she'd still be a wanderer or in the Binteeji Renmei. She is rather paranoid, but not without a good reason (unlike another certain paranoid, electricity-wielding girl)- she has to keep an eye on her printer/lifeforce at all times.

If she were in the Binteeji Renmei, although she'd have a safe place to put her printer, she'd still be afraid that one of her rivals would try and find it and kill her.
If I may ask...why does Adam-tan relies on that printer? I remember hearing about it in your original design proposal for her, but I have forgotten. Sorry!

As for her status, I'm not sure, either...I would think she'd be with the Binteeji Renmei....

That could explain it.

QuoteAlso, back in the day, TOS-tan may have had bodyguards while GEM-tan was defenseless.

Or maybe TOS-tan was skilled enough to defend herself? I always saw GEM-tan as being on the weak side...

QuoteYeah, she needed to do a better job with managing her sadness and frusturation. What she's doing is NOT healthy!

Agreed O__O

QuoteFor someone reason, I keep thinking of "owl" girls every time I read that. ^^;

Does this....have to do....with Unix-sama? :P

QuoteActually, the last time I visited a campus ground, I was also impressed by the sheer volume of Macs compared to Windows machines. Granted, they have the money to splurge on that kind of hardware, but it was always the assumption that universities were generally WIndows-centric. Either that was an exception, or that claim only refers to Computer Science departments

Could it be the student discounts?

QuoteWell now that you mention it, I suppose they would be biological sisters. Still to be seen whether they're actually "close" sisters, as it's likely TOS-tan had remained isolated from her sister for a long time.

Well if that's the case, that's still alright. Just being registered entitles one to particular benefits, but some of the girls just prefer not to mingle socially at all. TOS-san is one example, Pilot-chan and PC-DOS-chan are others. Adam-san would likely be one of the tamest of the "lone wolf vintage-tans", since at least she's relatively well-behaved. :P

I envison Tos-tan as having the same lionhearted-spirit as Lisa-san once did, but far cheaper and "easier" in her prospective love interests. That means that, at least in the 80's, she had quite a significant army of admirers that would fight tooth and nail to protect their idol. Most of them had to be really hardcore in order to avoid Nintendo Temptation. :P

That's all well and good but...did...did you just call TOS-tan cheap 'n easy O__o
Tomboyish, of course. ^^

I thought maybe Bella-san drew her already, but I was getting confused with ORIC-tan. ^^'

I also drew a concept for...some other English vintage-tan...I'm forgetting which one, though...

Getting old is tough XD

QuoteShading, highlighting, and detail adjustment. I only drew cursory hands, and ME-tan was really slapped together to meet Pitkin's "deadline". Also, I might reduce Amiga's eyes slightly, as they make her look too young. Oh, and the picture was done LONG before blurring came to Inkscape (I think), so that needs to be added.

But okay,... let me post the Sauce here later today. ^^

And I'll even turn it into a contest: anyone who finishes it will get two free Minis of their choice drawn by me. ^.^

Limited to the first two contestants. ^__~

Oooh, ooh, maybe I'll give it a try. I can't say could finish it, though...I've come down with a rather severe case of Antique-IBM-Mainframe-enchantment, which is sapping most of my system resources at this point. @__@

Say, Aurora-san....this might be a crazy idea...but what if we both worked a bit on this picture? could do some of the shading, then post the file or whatever, and I could do the detail work or something. Just a thought, though.

QuoteI don't think they would be very close sisters though. GEM-tan and TOS-tan would have been seperated at a very young age, likely too young to remember each other, only reuniting when both happened to join the Binteeji Renmei. They might be able to get along but their interests and personalities are very different, have diverged a lot due to time and the circumstances each one has been through.

QuoteAlso, TOS-tan seeks a lot of distance from the Binteeji Renmei (being a diva and all, not wanting to do chores) but GEM-tan is close friends with quite a few of the girls (best friend is Lisa-tan, also good friends with Amiga-tan and the DOS-tans. Well, maybe except for PC DOS-tan because she's just too foul-tempered)

This sounds about TOS-tan and GEM-tan would look similar, right?

QuoteYes she did. She drew her a long time ago though.

I did?! Well, I'm gobsmacked @__@

You guys better haul me to the loony bin....

QuoteMay also eliminate most or all of the storyline involving travelling so I can showcase certain OS-tans and acts much much sooner than having to squeeze them in 40+ pages down the road from when I thought of the idea and wanted to include it T_T

Yes, I would actually be doing a downgrade but to save time and my sanity!

Yay! I can't wait to see cel-shading in ZS. Like I always say, the simple way is usually the best way!

Quote..although there are some really obvious differences, such as System 1-tan being less civil to competitors back in the day beause she was afraid of competition and afraid that her new family would die out or be forgotten due to competitors (which explains her actions taken against GEM-tan, for example). Unfortuneatly, the OS-wars were more or less a physical maninfestation of those fears. Aw man... poor girl was pretty much traumatized during the OS-wars, not able to do much despite her great leadership skills. She was in fear and despair, wondering where she went wrong with raising her family (despite that it wasn't her fault at all) and felt completely helpless.

I always wondered what happened between GEM and System 1-tan : \

QuoteNow I've gotten the inspiration for a picture with BeOS-tan, Slashdot-tan, BBSpot-tan and 4K-tan doing some roleplaying

Haha! This would be great!