What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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I tried it once.
The outcome was, Meh.
I guess I'm not suited for deep sociological shit, being batshit insane and all.


Need serious people to watch serious anime... :D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Or at least, Nejin in SERIOUS BUSINESS mode.
Doesn't cope with it for long though >~> Ganbare Chip-san!


I want to Watch Aishiteruze Baby. I've been watching Sorcerer Hunters again o.o But I think I mentioned that again.


Raws for Geass R2 EP1 have been out for a while, and still no subs. Not even a shitty one.




played the game for the pc, and now I'm watching the series


Okay, Geass R2 Subs GET. It was meh. I fukken haet timeskips.

Added after 1 hours 8 minutes:

Also, something's FUKKEN WRONG with the people who made Kanokon.
I mean seriously. All I could do was twitch, jump away from the screen, bash my head on the keyboard and scream "YOGHURT!!!" while trying to figure shit out. I MEAN SERIOUSLY. EROS MUCH!?


Kanokon, eh?...

Hmm, i'll take a look... :D

Added after 28 seconds:

1000th post! yay!!! :D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Just watched ep 1-2 of Galaxy Angel....


WTF is that all about?! It's madness!!

I need to see moar to understand....Y

*looks hypnotized at PC and smiles strangely*

Yeeeees, understand... understand my prrrrrrreciousssssss....
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^



Quote from: "Silentbob"Spice and Wolf.
How far are you?  I have yet to convince myself to watch past the first episode.  I'm not saying that I didn't like the first episode...it's just that I'm not sure if I know what the show is going to be like, yet.

So there's Horo, a wolf "god" who has chosen to abandon a people who don't entirely believe in her, anyway.  Do more characters like her pop up or is she just this quirky being in the world of humans?


I've finished it now.   I kept watching because Horo was a likeable character. The story pretty much seems to revolve around the merchant guy and how he tries to make a profit, sometimes with the help of Horo.  Not really what I expected, so story wise I felt it was a bit dull.   They meet up with some other people along the way, but just "ordinary" people.

I guess because there's too little time to squeeze in the manga it seems too short, hopefully there will be more seasons coming.


QuoteDo more characters like her pop up or is she just this quirky being in the world of humans?
Actually... *hem*
There ARE more ones like her around. It's just that, seeing as this first season (and most likely there WILL be more) is only based on the first novel, they haven't met those yet. It's in the same situation as Haruhi - first season released, got great criticism (albeit not NEAR Haruhi's wave of glory), light-novel based and more novels to be written, and so on.
Wait and see!

Added after 7 hours 36 minutes:

Oh. Also!

Checked series are:
Code Geass R2
Druaga no To: The Aegis of Uruk
Macross Frontier
To Love-RU

Now! Starting this stuff off, there are some extreme PAIL OF PHAILs around here. You probably know what I'm talking about - Kanokon (and also, YGO5DS, but you've probably guessed that already) is one overbudgeted piece of yoghurty crap (Whilst YGO5DS is just, well, crappily animated Cyberpunk Motorbiking Card Games - just that says it all, really - with the worst VA's EVER). Kanokon's first episode was YOGHURT AGH BLEED MY EYES OUT!!!, second episode was AGH DAMNIT NOT ANOTHER ONE TO YOGHURT THE PLACE DOWN GWADHDFN OH AT LEAST IT'S DFC BUT STILL AAAGHGHAGHAG!!!, third episode was just, small amount of yoghurt mixed with MEH and crappy DRAMA. Now let's leave that to die before it gets more yoghurty and i need use that spork.
(Also, another noteworthy FAIL was Zettai Karen Children, which made me puke out of sheer worthlessness.)

BLASSREITER was sorta good. Cool animation, stuff, and better job at motorbikes than YGO5DS by dimensions, but it still feels like two big somethings are missing. Those would be An Explanation For All This Shit, and also SUBS FUKKEN WHERE?. Might get better later on, though.

Code Geass R2...well, let's just say I think the timeskip just fucked all the amazing buildup they'd had up until the last episode of S1. Also mechas are now even less logical than before, and The Black Knights don't seem to be worth for anything but scrap warriors anymore. Yay Sunrise. But it's still floating I guess, so there's time to salvage it. I fucking HATE HATE HATE Suzaku now, though. Bitch kissing the emperor's ass all the damn time. Haet. HAET. ಠ_ಠ

Druaga no To: the Aegis of Uruk (seriously, whoever came up with that sucky and overly long name needs to be SHOT) is sorta good. Also OP is kinda cool, heh. I still don't grip the damn thing, but I guess that'll come eventually. The RPG setting is a good setup this time, unlike the .hack series which I found just purely enervating, and also the fact that the main character doesn't achieve INSTANT SUPAR POWARS (rather he's sorta n00bish) makes me have some faith in this thing. 's cool. Still lacks some of those very cool battle sequences as of yet, but otherwise 's cool.

Kure-nai...well, yeah. It's good. Really good. It's an odd style, with a really...civilly normal, hasty print on it, which really gives off the feel of daily conversation and not script-reading - to boot, there's enough WTF? to heighten your eyebrow, but not to make you unable to understand. It's really funny to see how Shinkurou handles every odd situation the little girl comes up with, and how she's totally incapable of understanding social conduct rules and so on. This is a must-see for the season.

Macross Frontier - HOLY SHIT, AND I THOUGHT NOBODY MADE MECHA SERIES EXCEPT SUNRISE ANYMORE (and Gainax but they don't count since they're just batshit crazy). Now I know what this is supposed to be like. Maybe. I haven't seen any previous Macross, so maybe that'd be a good call just to see what the hell is actually going on - but it's a really nice tour the first 3 eps give you. CGIs are just amazingly done, and well blended with the normal animation - also I'm still marveling to no end at that amazing OP. Love it. LOVE IT. Also I feel sympathy for "Princess" Altoh-kun - Ranka's "You were so pretty, i thought it was a naked girl changing" is just SUCH an amazing line to that poor guy. Princess, indeed. Also I might just have found my cosplay now. -w-

Finally, To Love-RU - at first glance this alien-girlfriend-from-outer-space-and-instant-mistaken-proposal plot seems to be yet another Kanokon but with aliens instead, but that's where you're mistaken. To Love-RU is ways better, wielding a really amusing male lead who's got some serious GAR in him - but is a total loser when it comes to women. Trying to confess to his (human) love only to be interrupted by a falling spaceship wreckage (which nobody even cares about, by the way) is just, LIFE SUCKS BIG TIME to the max, and this show makes it hilarious. I can't wait for ep3 to be subbed.

Now, have you been listening properly? In that case, ALL SQUADRONS AWAY! TO THE TRACKERS! DL DL DL DL!!! ORYAAAA!!!
*cannon salute*


I just stop Rurouni Kenshin and start watching i going be a angel, i think i watch too much Rurouni Kenshin i just seen 27 eps.
-Dos, Meow
"...and these children that you spit on,
as they try to change their worlds are
immune to your consultations.  They\'re
quite aware of what they\'re going through...
                                       - David Bowie"
Well it nice to meet now i have to go now
speak softly but carry a big stick

today is a summer service day, today is a summer service day, lets all go together to the blue blue sea, beach volleyball smashing watermelons it\'ll be so much fun we\'ll never leave. heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh" *head bobbles like an idiot*
believe in me, who believes in you


I stopped watching Romeo x Juliet, because the harddisk it was stored on died on me...

I'm now going to start on Azumanga Daioh, finally, after all these years...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^