What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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I just got the full box set to Hand Maid May. 3 DVD's and one CD with series facts and goodies on it.


Quote from: "NewYinzer"
Footnote 1: I speculate that Lelouch has three options for countries to rule that afford him enough resources:
- America (with the largest GDP in the world, I think that it can foot his bills)
- Russia (no country has ever successfully invaded Russia. With vast mineral wealth, no one could stand a chance)
- Chinese Federation (already at war with Britannia, 1.3 Billion people could easily defeat whatever the empire throws at them)


North America is the Holy Empire of Britannia

the chinese federation :D (no opinions...)

doesn't Russia belongs to USE (United States of Europe) ?
i can't really remember, but i thought Russia belongs to the USE...
somewhere near the episode where the "ceremony of nippon" is -1 or -2 eps.
they showed a short (really short) scene with some guys and on the table stand a card with USE


I hope that the most of will come true  sounds like a interesting and cool story (i also heard the rumor about the 2nd series will be aired in october)
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!



I just finished watching School Days ep 11

I don't know If I should hate Makoto or feel pity for him after the last scene.
And Kotonoha...;_;
If Sekai wasn't there, this would be happy end for Kotonoha...but it wont ;_;



i just finish 6th episode of Jinki:extend, the stories are almost similar to idolm@ster xenoglossia.

girls and mecha, not badf but the action here is kinda poor T-T.

well at least the anime "cheeky angel" did cheer me up with crap, poor guy who wished to be the most manliest man ever but turn up to be the most prettiest girl ever after the magic book grant his wish (in different way)


Quote from: "Thurosis"
Quote from: "NewYinzer"
Footnote 1: I speculate that Lelouch has three options for countries to rule that afford him enough resources:
- America (with the largest GDP in the world, I think that it can foot his bills)
- Russia (no country has ever successfully invaded Russia. With vast mineral wealth, no one could stand a chance)
- Chinese Federation (already at war with Britannia, 1.3 Billion people could easily defeat whatever the empire throws at them)


North America is the Holy Empire of Britannia

the chinese federation :D (no opinions...)

doesn't Russia belongs to USE (United States of Europe) ?
i can't really remember, but i thought Russia belongs to the USE...
somewhere near the episode where the "ceremony of nippon" is -1 or -2 eps.
they showed a short (really short) scene with some guys and on the table stand a card with USE


I hope that the most of will come true  sounds like a interesting and cool story (i also heard the rumor about the 2nd series will be aired in october)

I don't think America is LITERALLY Britannia. I've always assumed Code Geass is based on an alternate timeline where Britain puts down the revolution in America. Eventually the British Empire evolves into a pseudo-federalist superstate run by absolute monarchy where each country is run by a prince or princess and their advisers. America, and presumably all of Britain's other former colonies*, are ultimately subsumed into "greater" Britain, which eventually becomes Britannia. That's my take anyway.

As for the Chinese Fed, although Lelouch could go there I find it unlikely that he will. Sino-Japanese relationships have never been particularly good and I can't see China, however abstractly, being painted as the "good guys" in an anime.

On Russia, I've always just assumed that either it is part of an enlarged EU or Britannia has conquered it. Remember that the story implies that "old" forms of electricity, such as fossil fuels, have been made redundant by whatever it is Japan has in abundance, I forget the name. Saku... something? I dunno. Thus Russia's economic edge is lost and Britannia is shown to have a vastly superior military to the rest of the world. Anyway, this new energy source is why Japan became comparatively powerful, why it ultimately led Britannia to war against them and why Russia is now no longer a major player on the world stage. Either way, Russia has little part or no part to play in the greater scheme of things anymore.

*note: I'm assuming white countries only, since the "coloured" countries, such as Japan and the Middle Eastern country (possibly the WHOLE Middle East) we see in one of the eps, are simply called Areas.


In entirely unrelated news, I've started watching Sky Girls today. I've seen the OVA before and I'm glad to say that the full anime series is showing epic potential :D

On the Lucky Star front:
How does Konata have the time to keep dying her hair between scenes? But OH GOD KAGAMI IS HOT.

And finally, Seirei no Moribito continues to be one of the more interesting and story-driven shounen action animes I've seen. Would definitely recommend, but probably not top 10 material


Again, after rewatching Geass, I realized a few more possibilities:
- India: I remember that that Indian scientist (what's her name?) had mentioned the Indian Army. That means that there could be a separate Indian nation (which makes no sense, because India was a major British colony). India's huge, with a lot of people and resources, as well as an economy geared toward high technology. Zero could possibly use it to defeat Britannia.


- America: This is the more likely possibility. Britannia is governed by nobles, right? So it wouldn't be too hard for him to kill one and take over. This sort of coup happened all the time in the Middle Ages, so it makes sense. Then he could make it into a separate country and use it to fight Britannia.


Well, for the last episode of school days, darknight got...

a nice boat.

They even pulled Higurashi Kai 12.  
*sigh* I give them a week. 2 max, before I get angry. I'm not the kind of person with a short fuse.  Unless they cancel, then I'll be angry the instant I read that.

Context for those lost: http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/2007/09/21/japan-axe-murder-school-days-and-a-nice-boat/

for those with a nico nico account, here is the birthplace of the Nice boat "meme": http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1091258
I'll call it a true meme if it still pops up months from now. ^^



Cicadas aren't the only ones crying anymore ;_;


Heads will roll If School Days/Higurashi get cancelled .

<---see avatar for reference


Yandere...? o_o

And why the hell am I awake at this hour? It's like, 5 am...


*hits nejin on the back of the head knocking him out*  Sleep tight.  and get on topic.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "Darknight_88"
Heads will roll If School Days/Higurashi get cancelled .

I feel your pain. Such thing happened - before the last episode! What's this - coincidence? Bad luck? The stupid joke of fate? Who knows? I hope the situation won't take too much time...


Watched the seventh Pokemon movie last night on my computer.

EDIT: OMG! My 400th post!! ^__^


Seventh...hmm, that's the Deoxys one, isn't it? Pretty good, but doesn't beat the 8th one, though. Watch that one!!!

Also, grats @ 400 GET!


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Seventh...hmm, that's the Deoxys one, isn't it? Pretty good, but doesn't beat the 8th one, though. Watch that one!!!

Also, grats @ 400 GET!
Correct! That is the Deoxys movie! <3 I saw the 8th movie too a few months ago. It was great!

Thanks <3


Mm, mm~ -w-

Jap audio, i assume?