What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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Wow...that was a great episode! Both 24 and 25 have their share of twists and turns, but the ending leaves much to be desired. It ends with a cliffhanger which appears to have ended things for a few characters. If you've seen it, then you know that everyone has lost in some form. But I don't want to give away the ending...


I'm up to half of Basilisk!! Need to watch more. but must not, too much work to do..... :(
My my, aren't you lovely~


i'm looking forward to the 2nd season of Code Geass! ^^

i hope it is true that they are going to make a 2nd season ^^
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


Watched a little bit of Demashitaa! PowerPuff Girls Z! the other night.


I can't imagine that being fun.

Gussy Keniji

Me, I'm watchin Ikki Tousen and a bit of Keroro Gunsou on YouTube...despite my internetz connection being unforgiving to load times...



-Zero no Tsukaima  season 2...  

and When They Cry.. I wonder if disc 2 is out yet...


Actually powerpuff girls z is kinda fun. kinda... it is a kid's show so you really shouldn't be expecting alot.

finished with Basilisk! that ending made me cry! damn!
I'm currently "marathoning" tokyo majin Gakuen kenpuchou tou. it seems to be a typical demon slaying show.
My my, aren't you lovely~


I just started watching Aria: the Animation recently. It seems pretty good so far, though there's not much of a story to it that I've seen so far.

And then there's Lucky Star... I love this show! When and if this show comes stateside, I'm picking it up immediately! It's just so funny!


Aria or Iria?  Iria was the first anime i ever watched.. i remember it having a decent story.. tho it was only like 6 eps long.
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I think he really meant Aria. as in this

I'm now re watching Rozen Maiden and Leave it to Piyoko..
My my, aren't you lovely~


Since we have a satellite dish, I've been able to watch some anime. Even if it is on Adult Swim : |

Bleach: I really like this show! Even if the storyline is kinda slow : /

And is Uryu not one of the cuuuuutest anime boys, EVER? *giggles like schoolgirl*

Fullmetal Alchemist: I wasn't sure if I liked or hated this show at first, but it's grown on me...

Ghost In The Shell: Probably the best show on Adult Swim. I wish they'd show more of this, and less of Inuyasha : \

Blood Plus: Again, I'm undecided if this show is good or really stupid...


Blood the movie is AWESOME! I recommend that one, the animation wasn't all that great.

I recently finished Scrapped Princess after hearing a lot 'bout it, I was impressed, but I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic anime so ya' know.

And I am now watching One Piece, it's not as funny as I thought it to be, but it has a story, and I like that.


Watching Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, another totally random anime by shaft :3.This is officially my new numbah 1 anime!!111One11!!.

*Throws Lucky Star aside*
Paranoid Suicidal Teachers are higher on the prioty list than Dancing Tsundere Lolis :3.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


Just watched Kamikaze Girls and Suicide Circle. Them Japanese has weird movies O.o

And i just finished Inukami! Waw! waw!
My my, aren't you lovely~