What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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Yay! i just finished downloading master keaton OAV! not to continue on!
My my, aren't you lovely~


mmm  the animes that im being wached ...

1.- Paranoia Agent
2.-Ergo Proxy
3.- Death note


Watched the uncut version of the Sailor Moon R movie for the forth time this week. <3


waiting dilegently for disc 2 of the english dub of rozen maiden.. need more gin!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I wonder. Is that licensed in Europe?


QuoteNo, I believe many people had the same response. I know I did at least.

I thought I was the only one (Supersize Me)!


i donno but I got it today.  4 eps per disc, the next disc will finish the first season
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I would be watching the last part of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, but YouTube put an end to that : \


i just finished final approach, it was short and nice.

now i'm starting master keaton and i can't stop!
My my, aren't you lovely~


New season has started, and I can see it's indeed awesome.

What I'll be watching:

-Higurashi no Naku koro ni KAI
-Zero no Tsukaima
-Code Geass 24,25 and Season 2
-Haruhi S2 (it's really confirmed?)
*School Days (rooting for a BAD END)

may watch:

-Gundam 00

Will continue watching:
-Lucky Star
-Romeo x Juliet (only 1 SUBBED episode left
-Heroic Age

May continue watching:
-Nanoha Strikers (until now, It sucks in comparison to A's. Mindless military characters are MINDLESS)

May watch once it's over:
-Gurren Lagann
-Hayate no Gotoku (stopped watching due to lazyness....LOL)

The greatest surprise this season is...School Days. Didn't planned to watch it, but  I just watched the bad ends, read about the main male character, watched the raw of episode 2 and all I can tell is...that bastard deserved his only bad end. I expect a good BAD END on the series too :D . Poor Kotonoha ;_;


i was watching venus versus virus recently.
my its a good story but i only have chapter 1-5.

i'm looking forward to have more


currently watching haruhi, english dub.  Not as great as people have said, but ive loled a few times.. kinda regretting getting the limited edition versions of the first two discs.. i cant say i beliver the show is worth 50 bucks even if it is loaded with nick nacks. tho i havent listened to the cds yet, maybe they will be good.

also got the second english dub disc of Rozen Maiden and the first disc of When they Cry (spirited away by ogers, tho in the english dub the replace ogers with demons)  I think the dubbing for rozen maiden turned out well, im not in the least bit disapointed in gin-samas voice, i think they found an appropriate counterpart to her japanese voice.  I cant say the same for When they cry... at least renas voice seems kind of annoying -_-  shes still a cute character tho.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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What the? gin-sama is talking in engriss?
i wanna see it, capt can you post some scene cut?


that would involce ripping from my dvd, which im pretty sure i dont even have the capability of doing since im against piracy.. tho this is a viao so there might be a program on it.  I think there is.. i did work on a gunslinger girl amv on here once.. i should have finished that but my L33t amv friend gave me too much greif because i was using lower quality music and such (tho.. for the record, the ass only listens to wav files because he claims he can here the digidation betweein a wave and an MP3)
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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oh. T.T
but nvm since i'm also against piracy. btw, i also just bough the suzumiya haruhi limited box set. but it got such a poor subtitle,  i must have been tricked by the vendor.