What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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Really need to watch Danmachi (for Hestia ofc)


Hestia is not bestia, that's propaganda

On the other hand, I'm not sure who is. Might be Wallenstein, but that's too forced. Lili is cute.


obviously Ranze and Yakko are cutest and you guys just haven't watched their shows to know
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Quote from: NejinOniwa on June 29, 2015, 03:58:35 PM
Hestia is not bestia, that's propaganda

Bestia? I am pretty sure she is not beastly... (sorry for the language joke, "bestia" means "beast" in Hungarian)


Ranze can be beastly


Aishite Night ep. 8, and Ore Monogatari ep. 13. so much adooooorbs~
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watching common anime (Naruto, some times 0ne piece) and new ones ((Prision Scjool and Classroom Cryisis)


reminder to post dvd collection



need to get back to Tokimeki and Aishite, pretty sure they've updated some. :0
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I still need to watch that last OVA of Kill la Kill -w-;


Quote from: Penti-chan on August 15, 2015, 12:42:30 PM
I still need to watch that last OVA of Kill la Kill -w-;
Watched Slay La Slay... couldn't stomach it... (I was like why is this poop so popular...?)


Truth be told, I don't get the extreme levels of hype surrounding it (I remember most people online were like "this will save anime"), but as a campy, over-the-top action series in league of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, I found it a fun watch from start to finish.


pooh lice...! Who do you think Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan is? that is one of th best mecha series evur...! kill la kill seems a sofporn Sailor moon there


Well, the writers responsible for TTGL did create KLK, which is why I made the comparison. Also, as far as a series being considered softcore porn...at least KLK is more tasteful than Jungle di Ikou? ^^;;
(If you've never seen/heard of that OVA, here's Bennet the Sage's review of it)



yeah KLK isn't even scratching the surface of softcore anime porn. Hell, Minna Agechau was set to be the first US anime release (ctrl + F, 'minna agechau'), but the controversy over the "extra" bundled with the VHS (a pair of pink paper panties) nipped that in the bud. >>;

i could see KLK being called 'the saviour of anime' for a couple reasons:

-It's taking anime in a wildly different direction. rather than use the same art style, plot, character model and action style as basically every other series out there (why do i like Ore Monogatari! and Sukkitte Ii na Yo so much? because they're atypical romance series >>; ), KLK is doing things the KLK way, everyone else be damned.
-Trigger is a different studio all around. they were one of the first to get crowdfunding for a show, basically snuck into the market that way, and people love them for it. they all have the experience, but as i imagine most in the industry are, they were tired of seeing all the crazy, fun ideas wind up on the cutting room floor because they're not 'safe'. :\
-Because of its devil-may-care attitude, it's breaking us out of the anime ruts we've fallen into. on top of that, it's Leeroy-Jenkins-ing through the barriers of what's considered 'popular' to make sure that no one forgets that anime can be kooky, too. (if nothing else, it gave us an alternative to fucking AoT. >>;;; )
-The controversy may actually be HELPING it. the skimpy clothes aren't played for sex appeal, they're played for comedic effect, which few series have done. sure, there might be some protestors, but when they actually read/watch/look hard at the material, they can likely see that the series isn't doing this to corrupt the youth, they're doing it to poke fun at other anime/anime studios. -w-

i haven't seen it yet. but i really like KLK. it's fresh, it's exciting, it's hilarious, and it's by the underdog of the industry and managed to put them on the map. i wish it was more popular in this area than it was (all the kids want to talk about is Attack on Titan.....i'm seriously sick of it), but overall the fans ate it up and i really hope Trigger can give us more. :0
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