What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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Quote from: "Exa"I saw a 8 minute preview(?) of Strike Witches. As far as I know, it's an OVA, but what is it's (current) length? The conception seems interesting, but technology + magic is kinda "What the hell?" for me.

I think it's just a typical episode in length. Dunno if there are any additional episodes though. Sky Girls looks better though (too bad it's only 29 minutes long).

And technomagic? If you want to see good technomagic, see Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and the sequel Nanoha A's. You got English speaking stave-machinecannons and awesome German-speaking swords and hammers, how much better can you get? XD

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Quote from: "MisterCat"My first exposure to the Joy Of Dubbing took place on Okinawa in the Ryukyu Islands, ages ago.  I happened into a shop which had a television receiver tuned to a Japanese channel; and it was showing an episode of Bonanza.

I found it hilarious to hear Hoss Cartwright speaking Japanese!  To the voice actor's great credit, tone-wise Hoss-san sounded exactly like Dan Blocker.



I think my first dub was Cardcaptors. Anyone whos heard it will know just how mindbendingly bad the dub is. I'm amazed I like ANY dubs after seeing that to be honest :x

Quote from: "Laevatein"And technomagic? If you want to see good technomagic, see Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and the sequel Nanoha A's. You got English speaking stave-machinecannons and awesome German-speaking swords and hammers, how much better can you get? XD

hearing Raging Heart (or whatever the hell its called) talk still makes me cringe. Graf Eisen is superior >:3


Stand by, Ready~

You know Raging/Raising Heart's voice really reminds me of the voice in Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere....

I doubt any of you have played it, but it was the voice that goes "Mission Accomplished" "Mission Failed" and "Bullseye" and stuff.


Quote from: "Nidas"
hearing Raging Heart (or whatever the hell its called) talk still makes me cringe. Graf Eisen is superior >:3

Wrong. Bardiche is the king of Intelligent Devices.

Yes Sir ;011

And while I haven't played any Ace Combat games, I find out that the reason they link it to Nanoha so much was because of Belkans... ^^;

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Quote from: "Laevatein"

I think it's just a typical episode in length. Dunno if there are any additional episodes though. Sky Girls looks better though (too bad it's only 29 minutes long).

And technomagic? If you want to see good technomagic, see Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and the sequel Nanoha A's. You got English speaking stave-machinecannons and awesome German-speaking swords and hammers, how much better can you get? XD

Yes, I think too that Sky Girls is better, but it really needs a continuation. And I saw the first Nanoha series, and I liked it ;) . When I have more time, I'll start the second series - I heard that's even better than the first.


Quote from: "Laevatein"
And while I haven't played any Ace Combat games, I find out that the reason they link it to Nanoha so much was because of Belkans... ^^;

Ah yes the Belkans. They appeared in Ace Combat 5 and then Zero.

The Belkans are like Nazi Germany, only the war occurred in 1995. ^^


Quote from: "Exa"Yes, I think too that Sky Girls is better, but it really needs a continuation. And I saw the first Nanoha series, and I liked it ;) . When I have more time, I'll start the second series - I heard that's even better than the first.

Most definitely affirm both points. Sky Girls does need a continuation, there's lots of potential in there, despite being a bit cliche. And lots of people would tell you Nanoha A's is awesome (the first battles alone will hook you in  ;010 ).

Belkans =/= Nazi Germany? They're making the link even more intentional...  ;018

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman

Raffaele the Amigan

Quote from: "MisterCat"My first exposure to the Joy Of Dubbing took place on Okinawa in the Ryukyu Islands, ages ago.  I happened into a shop which had a television receiver tuned to a Japanese channel; and it was showing an episode of Bonanza.

I found it hilarious to hear Hoss Cartwright speaking Japanese!  To the voice actor's great credit, tone-wise Hoss-san sounded exactly like Dan Blocker.



Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"The sub vs. dub debate grinds my gears because not all dubs are done equally. Not all of them are bad. However the subs do have the advantage of always being uncut.

I think that Bleach and Naruto are dubbed very well.

But Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon (especially the DiC dubs), Yugioh (especially GX ;__; ), Pokemon Chronicles (especially the "Raikou Legend of Thunder" episodes) are some of the worst dubs I've seen!

And what really grinds my gears is that when Pokemon got switched over to Pokemon USA to be dubbed, they promised sound-alikes of the main characters but the new Ash, May, Brock, James and Meowth sound nothing like they used to! May's new voice is good but I'm just still so used to her old one. Her new voice sounds a lot like Misty's though.

I only watch shows for anime that aren't dubbed yet.


This whole dubbing sub-thread becomes interesting. It deserves a thread of its own.

I will create one. Stay tuned.
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


After i watched Rozen Maiden (all episodes)
(I watched many animes series before rozen Maiden but i won't say which once because it's a very very long list...)

I don't know what i can watch and i was in some kind of way frustrated (my parents thought i was ill)... but Suddenly i 'm on a Gundam and SRW (Super Robot War) tripp

and right now i have about 200 Episodes to watch ^^ YeEHHAAHAHAHAHA haha i'm on a watching Trip again ^^
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


I think ive got more then Ill ever watch again currently -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I must be getting old. Maybe
I'm already old and haven't

I'm re-watching the old Maison
Ikkoku fansubs. I'd gotten 'em
on VHS decades ago, then on DVD.

They're still good, still funny.

What's next? Ashita no Joe?
Senectus est natura loquacior. (Cicero)


I feel old around here all the time -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Did I just hear Super Robot Wars?

Super Robot Wars W

Currently watching Solty Rei and Kyo Kara Maoh.

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Quote from: "Laevatein"Did I just hear Super Robot Wars?

Super Robot Wars W

uuuuhhhh... Full metal panic!
Must download this game!!

Currently watching Code Geass and...Code Geass.
Not much to watch this season (at least, not much that appeals to me). Death Note seems too dark for my taste.

Waiting for the second season of Haruhi,  second season of Zero No Tsukaima and Nanoha Strikers. A third season of Black Lagoon would be fine too.

QuoteSky Girls does need a continuation, there's lots of potential in there, despite being a bit cliche.
And lots of people would tell you Nanoha A's is awesome (the first battles alone will hook you in  ).
I'm one of those people. Nanoha A's battles are AWESOME


Game's not even out yet XD Sad that they didn't go the extra mile and put Laevatein into the mix (the new Arm Slave).

And Nanoha Strikers... April seems SO FAR away O_O Need adult Nanoha NOW!

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman