What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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So, since the subject of Pokémon movies came up in RPT, I decided to share my thoughts on each one I've seen (And can remember enough about) here:

Mewtwo Strikes Back: I Think I'm A Clone Now:
I admit, I loved the series as a kid; even if I rarely got to watch it because WGN aired it Sunday mornings, and dad ruled the TV on Sunday mornings before church and felt Pokémon was the stupidest thing of all time (Nevermind he came from the generation that gave is the spiritual predecessor to Disney/Pixar's Cars:
Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch. Yes, that is very much real). I wanted to see it in theaters to badly, since they were also giving away promotional TCG cards when you saw it, but sadly, I had to wait for the VHS release (Which netted me a cool Mewtwo card, so hey).

I recently downloaded the uncut version with Japanese subtitles, although I haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet. I did watch the old 4Kids dub of it a few years back, and while Pikachu's Vacation was less cute and more "oh Mew this is so stupid it hurts make it stop" when rewatching it, the main feature of Mewtwo Strikes Back is still a great movie...even if the phoned-in 4Kids moral of "fighting is bad and wrong" makes zero sense for a franchise all about fighting.

The Power of One: Lugia Is In This One:
I honestly hate this movie. The plot was dull, the moral made even less sense than last time (Collecting monsters is bad...in a franchise about collecting monsters. This is like a Cheech & Chong movie telling you to not do drugs; it makes no sense whatsoever), and the mixing of CG and traditional animation, while it worked quite well in the original (Given the surreal nature of the castle thing Mewtwo brought them to), here it just simply didn't work at all and looked terrible (Ash and friends running down the side of this giant CG flying fortress thing).

Spell of the Unown: Rebuild of Pokévangelion 3.33:
As That Dude in the Suede pointed out in his collaborative review of the film series with Linkara and JewWario, this one just got everything amazingly right; it was just a better story all around, as it didn't have Ash thrust into the role of "the chosen one" or anything, but instead he was on a quest to rescue his mom from supernatural forces. Plus, this is one of those rare times 4Kids didn't cut anything major from the Japanese version; the only big edit was moving a post-credits scene to occur during the film's climax, which strengthened the story IMO.

Also, Gainax had a small hand in the production of this movie; as one can see from how well produced the fight scenes are. All of my yes *w*

4Edver: People Call Me Elf Monster:
I barely remember this movie. I know I've seen it, I know it's the reason the GS Ball story arc was scrapped, and I remember the revealing of who Sammy grows up to become, but I barely remember anything else about it...but I do remember more of it than I do of Pokémon Heroes. Maybe I should watch it again sometime.

Temple of the Sea: [Insert witty subtitle here]:
This is probably my favorite of the Advance Generation films; I haven't seen any other theatrical film after this one, I don't really remember Jirachi Wish Maker, and I despise Destiny Deoxys. I initially had no interest in seeing it after Deoxys left a bad taste in my mouth, but I caught a bit of it when it premiered, as the TV in the area I was sitting at Mazio's Pizza was set to Cartoon Network. I actually liked what I saw of it, so when it came on again the next day and I was at home, I watched it.

Although not near as good as the first or third, it was still a very enjoyable movie.

Legend of Thunder: Adventure of Jimmy Edward and Marina Eggie:
Not a theatrical movie, but an OVA released to promote Pokémon Crystal...that was never dubbed into English until well after Pokémon Emerald came out. Glad to see they have Slowpoke managing the dub xD

This is a glorious moment in the history of the franchise: No Ash. Instead, we follow Jimmy and Marina; whom are based very very loosely on Gold and Crystal, from the manga (As in, aside from appearance, they are nothing alike). It was honestly an enjoyable OVA; it's a shame they never brought it over here until years after the game it was promoting was released, but I guess 4Kids felt that nobody would be interested in an Ash-free movie.

Other movies:
I've heard good things about the movie with Lucario, and wouldn't mind checking it out eventually; as it is the last one to feature May. Also, although I don't care much for Dawn, I feel a strong urge to watch the movie with Giratina motherfucka~; since that is my favorite of the legendaries introduced in the 4th generation (In fact, I recently obtained a shiny event version of it).

Also, I do intend on downloading the Origins OVA soon; since that's just too cool to ignore.


I've spent quite some time on the pokemovies. Here, have my opinions:

1/Mewtwo: OG as fuck.
2/Lugia pls: Was good when I saw it as a kid. Now...meh tier.
3/Doge pls: Doge pls. Got borang quickly.
4/Ever: RETRO POKÉBALL SAM YO. Some gimmicks made it pretty cool, but it was pretty shoddily executed. Had potential to be more.
5/Lazy hats: Generic shit #1 Nooooooooooooooo plssssssssssss
6/Jrch: Generic shit #2 Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
7/A wild deoxys appears: Actually watchable, but still a bit generic. Better than some.
9/May you are not the mother: DIE IN A DITCH
10/All the legendaries everywhere: This one was too heavy. And more of the usual generic mysteryshit zigplot that's practically standard these days. PLS DIALGA GO.
11/Giratina and Shaymin aren't bros at all: Shaymin being a bitching asshole made this one worth. ASH ABUSE IS GOOD PLOT, CALLING IT NOW
12/Arceus is a faggot: No.
13/Zrroraoroarrrrr: Generic shit #3 pls go
15/ASH GRAB MY TAIL: Actual funny parts in this one because AQUAJETSHENANIGANS.jpg. Keldeo derpist but still enjoyable, though slightly generic.
16/MEWTWO HAX VS BUG ARMY: I haven't watched it yet. Pls bluray


@mashtur: i hate shaymin forever i mean really why is that little shit a legendary it's barely a hedgehog and then it digivolves into a damn dog pokemon are you seriously fucking kidding me

@pent: legend of thunder was an OVA? they premiered it as the first 2-3 episodes of Pokemon Chronicles, my favourite pokemon series. (favourite because LO AND BEHOLD ASH WASN'T IN IT ONCE)

@genpop: while we're on the topic of pokemon, what do you guys think of the Coma Theory? Alex is into it when it comes to Ash; basically, it entails that when Ash stole Misty's bike, that crash he got into resulted in head trauma. all the adventures he's had over the years are figments of his Comatose brain. sorta explains the lack of a plot. :\
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@Kari: Yeah. It was an OVA in Japan, that became the first 3 episodes of Pokémon Chronicles -w-
(I'd love to get a box set of that series, but leave it to 4Kids to decide to only release the weak-ass finale, Pikachu's Winter Vacation, on DVD; ignoring the rest of the series >_>; )

Also, that theory sounds vaguely familiar. I think it might be more interesting if, instead of a coma, this was instead some Silent Hill \ Jacob's Ladder type thing where Ash really died there, and the entire series is his soul refusing to accept his death; as he goes through the same things over and over in a futile attempt to succeed in becoming a Pokémon Master, but at the grand finale of the series whenever that comes, he finally accepts his fate and passes onto the other side.
(Which is actually similar to a fan theory on why FF8's plot went ape after disc 1)


i should mention that to alex. he might like that.

EDIT: you know guys, i thought of this when i was watching the series, but considering how young Yune (from Ikoku Meiro no Croisee) is, she likely would have survived into WWII. i wonder which side she'd support? and we can only hope she wasn't home during that time (she hails from Nagasaki). :\
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Not sure, as I haven't watched that series. Also, hopefully not :[


i reccomend it, it was super-cute. i reviewed it on the blog.
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Haven't been able to watch much anime.since my internet at home stopped working, I mean I have to go to internet cafes or use my Dad's tablet computer to post here.

On the subject of Pokemovies, I ordered Jirachi Wish Maker from Amazon.


Irresponsible Captain Tylor 1-4


Kill La Kill EP2 just airing



I watched Spell of the Unown today.

... it's good.



does Static Shock count as an anime? cause if not, the last one i watched was Naruto ep 42 and 43 today. before that, the Dragon Half OVA sometime last week. god that shit was weird, it was so terrible it poked fun at itself. =w=; (#guiltypleasure)
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Since it's American, I guess not.

Ryuusei no Rockman (Shooting Star Rockman) episode 1. It's based off the video game series.


Outbreak Company ep2

I was darn right in staying up to catch this series' next episode. On paper it looked a fair deal like just LOL RANDOM MOEBLOBS EVERYWHERE, but now I can safely tell it's not the least so. If anything, it's playing the game straight and serious - and dismantling a great deal of the standard moeblob hairdingery on the way. Try transplanting japanese culture to a greatly class-segregated, more or less totalitarian state where 80% of the population is illiterate...basically the plot of this series, and while the initial hand we were dealt seemed to be showing some dangers in falling into the common moeblob harem pitfalls, the rules of the game are definitely not what we're used to seeing here. Well played so far, and I'm definitely keeping track of this one further.


interesting. :0

@leaf: jem was american but it was animated in japan! by toei! :0

we finish Summer Wars this thursday. and for some reason i'm giving an art lesson lololololol
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