What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Raffaele the Amigan

Quote from: "NewYinzer"It looks like a few people here are watching the same thing. Feel free to talk about it. I'll be here, sipping S. Pellegrino.

San Pellegrino mineral water, or San Pellegrino Bitter?
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Finally!! I finished Traumend!! However, this not seem so closed... I think they should create a third series. But anyway, it was great to watch!


Quote from: "Exa"Finally!! I finished Traumend!! However, this not seem so closed... I think they should create a third series. But anyway, it was great to watch!

I would be very surprised if there isn't a S3, especially after Overture :D Can't wait XD

Currently watching Ergo Proxy. Great series, with a great cast and great OST but the story isn't for everyone; its one of those animes which messes with your head 0_o

oh and ZOMG forums back :P


QuoteSan Pellegrino mineral water, or San Pellegrino Bitter?

The mineral water. These days, you can get twelve 750 mL bottles at Sam's Club for $10!

As for anime...I just finished the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and I agree with most polled in Japan, it is one of the greatest animes ever! Once the torrent finishes downloading, I'll be knee deep in Azumanga Daioh!


apperently that ones been licenced, so Ill wait for the US release.  I abide by the fan sub rules -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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After that references on this forum, I started Ultimate Girls . All I can say is ... stunning. Usually, I'm not a fan of those "monster-of-the-day" type stories, but this time, I totally lol'd!  ;010 The combination of parody elements and hm... not so mistakable moments results in falling me from the chair because of laughing!


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Started watching Ayashi no Ceres, which I've had lying around for the past coupla years, but never gotten around to getting started on.


Bless you Exa.  ^__^

Oh, and AmigaBob,... finished watching Shana.  You were right, very very good series, although why am I not surprised that the ending was both rushed AND a cliffhanger.... ^^'


I just recently finished Jigoku shoujo....
damn that was good o_o
im looking forward to watching the second season.

i like 13-26 episode series, it seems like long series tend to have lots of high and low spots, though monster was good all the way

could anyone recommend a good anime series? preferably something mysterious or scary :/
My my, aren't you lovely~


Quote from: "zjhentohlauedy"i like 13-26 episode series, it seems like long series tend to have lots of high and low spots, though monster was good all the way

could anyone recommend a good anime series? preferably something mysterious or scary :/

I just finished watching Ergo Proxy, sounds like you would enjoy it :p Its 23 eps long btw


Ano,.. Zentraedi-san.... -v-'

Might be premature here, but,... by any chance.... have you watched Rozen Maiden yet?  ^__^'

That's like a prereq around here.  ^__^;

If you have, good for you!  ^v^

If not, definitely recommended (and it's a bit mysterious and voodoo-like too).
It's about a red demoness who appears and torments an emotionally-deprived young boy, and the heroic tale of a Black-Winged Angel and a Dichromatic Goddess who try to stop her.  ^______^


Quote from: "C-Chan"It's about a red demoness who appears and torments an emotionally-deprived young boy, and the heroic tale of a Black-Winged Angel and a Dichromatic Goddess who try to stop her.  ^______^

WIN! :D Heres links to the series btw for those who haven't seen it yet: http://lapsed.org/rozen_maiden/


I just watch an new anime called  Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho If you haven't seen it you must very very very very good.