What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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Yeah, Baccano was dubbed last year I think.


@Kari: You're absolutely right on Lucky Star. While good, it's a more "casual" series (As in, the type I watch an episode or two on occasions) compared to one that keeps you coming back for more (Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Outlaw Star are good examples of shows that were like that for me :3)


@stew: aahhh. i should watch that at some point.
@pent: thought so. it's like azumanga, AK, or nichijou, in that it was based off a yonkoma series and thus relies mostly on small jokes. though AK was very compelling to me despite not having much in terms of plot. (more than nichijou or azumanga, though, which is probably why >>; ). strangely enough, K-ON! was based off a yonkoma series too, but the plot in that seems to be fine for the most part. :\
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I remember when I first watched Lucky Star. One forgets how much of a role Hirano Aya and KyoAni, fresh off the popularity of Haruhi, had in getting people to watch it. Combined with the fact there aren't many anime about moe female otaku (other otaku-centric anime like Genshiken and Welcome to the NHK were a little more serious about it), it had that sense of novelty to it.

hm... I think since "casual" is usually contrasted with "hardcore", I don't think it's a good term. I'd call it "episodic". To be specific, it's a slice of life anime. There is no overarcing plot. Just people living their lives (usually in amusing fashion).
Just because they're in that format, doesn't mean that it doesn't leave me wanting more. :3 I blew through Nichijou and HidaSketch in record time. haha

The best thing, I think, about the Baccano dub is they got voice actors that could pull off accents appropriate for the times it was set in. That meant that I heard voices I'd never heard before in dubbed anime. It was REFRESHING. And better still, they were damn good at it.


cool to know. i'll have to give it a shot, then. now if only we could get the similar title BlackJack over here. :\

i'm trying to picture what an episodic anime might be like, and i'm drawing a blank. how about we call it "slow-paced" or "non-gripping" since while moments in animes like that (LS, Nichijou, AzuManga) will leave you howling with laughter (or, in my case, doing the "MY BRAIN IS FULL OF FUCK" pose), they don't exactly drag-you-out-of-your-seat-to-have-your-nose-pressed-against-the-glass like Sword Art Online does. a plot-driven anime such as that is more likely to hook a viewer in (especially a new or used [returning] viewer) than, say, Minami-ke would. it's just more pressing. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 11, 2013, 09:29:01 PM
@simon: how do you get your anime, buying or torrenting? cause i can make more accurate suggestions if you tell me. :3

Well it really doesn't matter, but it you can provide a source for it, also I usual watch it online.
I'd prefer not to torrent, just because I have no patients for it, dut I use Mozzilla so it the video is on the page I can just grab it.

And for SleppyD I'll be sure to check those out.
Simon was here :P


but see, i don't watch anime online unless it's a last resort. the only one i have is Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki (speaking of which, there's probably a few new episodes out now...), which isn't exactly engrossing unless you're mesmerized by the cute like i am. and even then, you have to watch 10 poyo episodes to make the rough equivalent of 1 regular anime episode. meaning that in total time, there's about 5 and a half episodes out now, despite running for over a year now. >>;

how about you provide a genre you like, and i'll reccomend based on that. (otherwise, i'm sure they have Cyborg 009 up somewhere. go watch that; it's a classic.)

(oh, actually, there IS one series i watched online because a friend got into it, so we watched it together. it was called Kaze no Stigma, and i'm pretty sure she watched it on animeultima.tv . it was a good series, but a bit 16+, so keep that in mind. :\ )
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Because I watched Disappearance again last night:


I won't spoil it for those who haven't read/watched it. ^^


Back in the summer of '10 I watched Pokemon the Movie 3. It was pretty good despite all the reviews and other jargon. LOVED the erm... erh ahah! Pichu Brothers if I recall correctly...


pichuuuu brotherssssss ;v;

sou cyooot.

today in club we finished Kamisama no Memochou. tbh i liked the ending even if it felt a bit open. (which is to be expected, the novel series is still going.) what surprised me was that after looking it up, i figured out the entire series only covers the first novel. (well, the last arc trails a bit into the second, but that's it.) i'm also not fond of how they achieved their goals in the end. but hey, it worked, and everything turned out semi-alright, or as alright as it could.

oh, and i'd totally date major. the fourth too, but i doubt the latter would have me. xD

we also watched ep 11 of Sword Art Online, which brings me to these theories:
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3. so when two people get married in SAO, does a child just suddenly appear in the world? every time? so there's a bunch of unclaimed children running around now?
5. so.....married couples in SAO don't HAVE kids, they ACQUIRE them. somehow.
6. hm, this little girl can't remember who she is or who anyone she knows is. we should find her parents or something......NAH, LET'S JUST KEEP HER
7. damn that kid looks freakily like a mix of Kirito and Asuna. (and Saki's ghost.) are we SURE she wasn't spawned as  mix of their D.ataN.A. when they got married....??
8. gotta say, Asuna's a bit of a creeper....she got into bed with Kirito AND a little girl..... >__>;;;
9. this is the first time we've seen either middle aged people and kids in this show.... WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN HIDING THIS WHOLE TIME? CONVINENT PLOT DEVICE IS CONVENIENT?
10. Kirito and Asuna make really good parents.....almost too good.....have they had prior experience...?
11. damn there are a lot of parallels to .hack here. is this kid related to aura? IS SHE????? SHE'S HAVING THE SAME EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT, AFTER ALL

gonna watch some Panty and Stocking later, and depening on how much idle time i get at my aunt's house (we're going there for dinner), maybe some Cyborg 009. i still need to find a way to put non-dubbed anime on there.

which brings me back to Kamisama. seems it's got a dub now, lol. xD
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So I got into a new Anime:

Its really interesting. If you guys haven't seen it (and like casual animes as much as me) I really suggest it.

@Choco Oh god Panty & Stocking? You have my pity. (Its an AWESOME anime... but the ending... THE ENDING!!! *cries*)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


P&S needs a continuation badly, yeah...

Nichijou is god tier. Nothing more needs to be said.


@dustii: nichijou? oh god, not again. ><;;;

as for P&S i've already seen all the japanese, but that was at least 2 years ago, so i figured i'd watch the english and review them both on the blog. tbh i like the japanese voiceover better, but i've found myself laughing at some of the american moments.

@nej: don't end your sentences with "yeah". we've already determined you're NOT deidara. >>;
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Well, yeah. I might've been keeping that secret a bit longer than intended, yeah...

I'm secretly


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