OS/2 Warp-tan & RISC OS-tan

Started by C-Chan, August 13, 2006, 08:11:07 PM

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Darn, if only I'd have written that bio, I'd be able to list her greatest weakness.  -__-


Oh wait, no, I'm thinking of her greatest dislikes.  ^^'

Nope, the tragic part is that her own company is her greatest weakness.   -v-'
That, and eternal money shortage as well as less-than-reliable assistants.

I'm still trying to work out how eComstation-tan (eCS-tan, for short) will figure into the equation, but for sure she represents OS/2-tan's last [realistic] hope for any form of succession [unrealistic hope = IBM releasing her as open source].


suggestion of open source will likely be met with massive amounts of phaser fire.


Hehe,.. sure, back in the 90's when she was a proud, closed-source proprietary system, and had at least marginal respect for IBM.  ^^'

But now desperate times call for desperate measures, and as much as she's not fond of the idea, she must either exposes herself to all the adoring fans she has left or be forever trapped in a life of discontinuation.  (ME-tan, anyone?)

And she has until 12/31/2006, with the clock ticking fast.....

I tell ya, it just ain't easy being OS/2-tan.  -v-



I never expected OS/2-san to be so popular.  Thank you all for your contributions and for making this thread the largest of mine.  ^v^

*sniff sniff*

You guys are the greatest!  ;^0^;


Everything needed from this thread, including the fanart, has been moved to the Annex

I should have all the information pertaining to OS/2 and RISC OS there,... plus any additional updates I may have since the time of this writing.  ;^__^;

Again, thank you all for participating in this thread.  ^__^
Time to close shop now....

*shakes can of spray paint*




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