OS-tan Picture Gallery

Started by C-Chan, August 10, 2006, 10:52:38 PM

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Well yeah, I know, but two things....   ^___^

A)  Don't think it's pornographic ENOUGH to warrant being in the Hentai section.  ^^;


B)  The day I walk into the Hentai section is the day I learn how to fly.  And I reckon you don't quite realize yet that I am a pig.  `v'

In any case, I'll await authorization from the Mac Guru Alfamille to see if it's safe to deploy the picture here.

Worst case scenario, I'll just provide a TEXT link.  ^___^


QuoteWell yeah, I know, but two things.... ^___^

A) Don't think it's pornographic ENOUGH to warrant being in the Hentai section. ^^;


B) The day I walk into the Hentai section is the day I learn how to fly. And I reckon you don't quite realize yet that I am a pig. `v'

In any case, I'll await authorization from the Mac Guru Alfamille to see if it's safe to deploy the picture here.

Worst case scenario, I'll just provide a TEXT link. ^___^

*head explodes*

Wow...a whole stash of Hentai lying under our feet! It seems like our forum is starting to get a little randy, if ya know what I mean!
Should be putting ecchi in the normal section or the hentai section?


I believe ecchi is normal section, and henti goes in mature.  Or at least thats what all the others and what it seems to be layed out as.


Tsk tsk, ah "yinz" guys drive a hard bargain...  ^^'

Well I rechecked the comic strip and turns out it's not as bad as I thought.

So very well, I'll post it here in all its glory....  ^.^

Since I like this comic a lot, I'm thinking of creating a thread just to show it in its entirety (since it'll be hard to keep it consistent in the Gallery).


That comic would be ecchi I believe, since it only 'suggests' and doesn't 'show' it.   Highly suggestive yes, but then again it just as suggestive as Love Hina or Negima, which are both only considered ecchi.  At leas thtat my take on it.


Okay then,.... -v-

How about this one....  ^^'


Hardly suggestive, but maybe I'm just being uptight.  ^^;


That's the gray area I'm talking about! We should figure out what to do with the more borderline art! Any ideas?


Sorry for the lack of posts. It's been a tough week. Next week I've got a History project to do, a Latin quiz and test, and an English essay test. Don't expect many new posts or ones that seem "sane". At least I've got fansubs to go home to...


That's fine.  With Youmacon approaching, playing with Xubuntu and work projects intensifying, I barely manage 1 or 2 uploaded pics a day.  But hey, this is meant to be a long-term project.  ^v^

Borderline or not, it's gotta go into the gallery comic folders somehow -- though likely it'll end up mixed in with all the others since the comic is in series and cannot be separated.  ;_;


That would be henti, since it takes the 'step' beyond.  (It showed tits)  While in the one before we saw non of those points, while in this one we did see them.  Hence Henti, though since its a comic it NEEDs to be placed with its other parts to be correct so I guess maybe group comic groups together by the seris.. and simply mark them as 'Some might contain nudity.'  I'm not entirely sure how to place that simply cause its a comic and it is out-right henti... all my opinions.


i'm pretty good with telling hentai from ecchi. i could help serperate to 2 if you'd like. Lol i'm almost and expert on hentai XD ;010


BOO-YEAH!!!  This project is really going underway!  ^__^
(although it's clear the Windows girls still have a significant advantage)

Thank you all for your fantastic and well-documented contributions!  ^v^

(I do hope Ninja's gets uploaded soon, as I'd like to see #13 up close.)

Still need a Commenter, though....

Anyone not already uploading pics willing to sign up for the job?  Not as hard or time consuming as it may seem.  ^__^

BTW, I'll try to talk to Pitkin about how to present that comic.  Maybe we can break the comic subfolders into even more subfolders (to include the Mac series, the Homeo-Homeko series, the Windows 95 OSR 2.5 author's series, etc.)


Holy crud, I didn't think it'd do that!!
I thought...but...it should have...not...done that...I wanted it to link to a bigger inage and just give a small picture...didn't want it like this...oh well I'll just find out which ones are repeats and upload from my computer...

sorry, my goof...

Alex Stankevitch

How about having them in Zip files and names like page 1, page 2 ect...

And great choice on some pictures from Kazumi386, i was gonna upload them :p


Ultimaninja-san, you may upload all the pictures you just think might be new. I usually run my own duplicate check while validating the uploads. Many pictures look new to me at first glance, so there might be only a couple of overlaps if even those. ^^