Which OS-Tan Are You?

Started by NewYinzer, August 02, 2006, 08:17:00 PM

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QuoteLevel of C-chan sponsored "coolness". ^__^
Redeemable for free... "stuff"... of my choosing.... Ã,¬vÃ,¬

*continues praying*

Like...a moped?


If you don't mind a 5th-hand Vespa, sure!  ^-^

*continues praying*


QuoteIf you don't mind a 5th-hand Vespa, sure! ^-^

*continues praying*

What's the mpg?

But seriously, let's get back on topic!


In the state it's in now, you're better off walking.  ^___^'

So yeah, back to the topic!  ^V^

*lights incense*
*worships AmiLinux*


Nothing appears to be happening here...

...better wait for a while longer. I'll be back.

*leaves forum on a cow*



QuoteQuote from : Kyo26

Amiga?? neva heard...

*cracks his knuckles*

Better start learning... *murderous grin*

Nah, but seriously, you could read the Wikipedia entry about this magnificent platform/OS here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiga

Back in the beginning of the 1990s, it was years and years ahead of PCs/Macs/whatever in both visual and audio, and well, in pretty much everything that can be thought of. Succumbed to a shocking defeat due to mismanagement, though. v_v

edit: Oh yes, and welcome to OS-tan Collections! :D


The tall girl in my sig with the paintbrush is Amiga-tan, btw.

Thought I'd insert a shameless plug...  ^__^;

*continues praying*


Poor Amiga...
...victim of the mismanaged Commodore International.


I am Apple Jaguar... [err... what OS is that?^^;;]


QuoteI am Apple Jaguar... [err... what OS is that?^^;;]

That's Mac OS X:


I'm windows 98 which is wierd considering that 98 was the first OS i ever used on my own PC  ;012 . Long live 98-tan!!!


I'm 98-tan.  

I did use that OS for a long time.  (about 4 years).

Alex Stankevitch


Yikes!  Too many Windows.  Ã,¬_Ã,¬

Better even the odds...  -v-

Did someone here say they're an OSX Jaguar-tan?  ^v^

[Note: not to be confused with "Atari Jaguar", which was less-than-stellar.... -v-']