Which OS-Tan Are You?

Started by NewYinzer, August 02, 2006, 08:17:00 PM

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Quote from: "NejinOniwa"The overlord delivers.
Maybe that is a weird question to start with...

Added after 1 minutes:

Brain freeze is painful
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


no, it's GLORIOUS. -w-
And yes, it might be wise to start off with something generic, like the good 'ol morning question.
(It is 8AM! (How) do you wake up?)

Added after 1 minutes:

also fixed the image, pb hosted now.


Hmmm if that's the question then... I have no idea how any of the OS-tans wake up. O-o

4 quizzes, 1 result, XP-tan, that\'s me. >:| Dawrn it.


Oi, oi.
Saseko wouldn't wake up until 9, and then she'd go eat fuckloads of meat for breakfast, then she'd go to sleep again. Or something.
ME would wake up at 8, on the second, and halfway through dressing herself she'd FREEZE and remain so until noon.
Homeko would still be up, but Homeo would force her to go to sleep with his wiles and she'd have sweet yaoi dreams until 3pm.
2k always goes up an hour early, to get some extra paperwork done. Her morning RAGE kicks in at 8, prepare for asswhopping.
95 rises with the sun. She makes breakfast. Don't ask, you don't want to be skewered.


Pffft how about me, I wake up at 5:30 A.M.

4 quizzes, 1 result, XP-tan, that\'s me. >:| Dawrn it.


Well, that's sorta 95-ish, I'd say.
Unless you're like me and live way up north and it's winter so the sun doesn't rise until 10am...


I'm guessing XP would rise whenever someone bothered to wake her, then spend 30 minutes getting dressed, remembers that she could sleep in this morning, then goes back to sleep, with a chip packet under one arm.
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


I'm living in the... what's the word... hmm.. the place-where-there-is-no-winter?

lol XP
Ahhh crap I woke up at 9 today. Nvr fear, I can skip school whenever I want for this last 2 months of schooling. xD

4 quizzes, 1 result, XP-tan, that\'s me. >:| Dawrn it.


E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


Tropics? I'm not sure..
Crap again I slept from 1:50 to 5:30 pm today. o_O No wonder I got Saseko. And to top that off I ate 2 packets of instant noodles.


4 quizzes, 1 result, XP-tan, that\'s me. >:| Dawrn it.


You are XP-tan, arn't you?
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


Naaah that's probably because I slept at 2 AM. And I could even solve a rubik's cube in 30 seconds.

But yes, sometimes I do think like that.

Edit: OHSHT the quiz.
Now let's set the attraction range 0 till 10 or -5 to 5? or -10 to 10 etc etc.

4 quizzes, 1 result, XP-tan, that\'s me. >:| Dawrn it.

Aurora Borealis

I could tell you about most of the OS-tans in the secondary list on the previous page. These descriptions and a few of these characters are only fanon but here we go:

95 OSR 2.1-tan [fanon only]: A calm, polite, friendly and forward-thinking OS-tan who is an old-fashioned inventor... who fails miserably at her job. She lives on her own.

95 OSR 2.5-tan [fanon only]: Cheerful, hot-blooded and very competitive.

97-tan: Cheerful and hot-headed, but lacks self-confidence, has a 'Napoleon Complex' (that is she's insecure about being short and acts tough to compensate).

Odyssey-tan and Neptune-tan don't seem to have defined personalities but seem to be stoic and keep to themselves.

Mac OSX Tiger-tan: Bold, charismatic, energetic, a great leader but prone to power struggles. She tends not to take criticism well from her peers.

Mac OSX Cheetah-tan: Very tough, mischievous, and perverted but clumsy and lacks self-confidence.

Mac OSX Snow Leopard-tan: Still not sure.

Linspire-tan: A Windows fangirl who really wants to fit in and be accepted by her peers, but she is an outcast among the Windows-tans, most of the Unix-tans and the more conservative Linux-tans. :(

Xi Wang chan

wiiiin wiiiiiiiiiiin @¬@...

where is the quiiiiz @w@...

can be opened a new thread to talk about the new quizes owO??? (when finished can be posted here ^^)... this because this thread is about solve quizes ^^, still time that I post a reply asking about backup and new data, gomen gomen TwT...

first question is OK (I awake at 9:00 am and eat a "little" breakfast, btw =w= XP )

Aurora, thank for data ^^ (we need more data, we need more data; we need to make a quizes, we need to make a quizes =w=)...


Good call. Then make new threads for the quiz-making, folks.