Which OS-Tan Are You?

Started by NewYinzer, August 02, 2006, 08:17:00 PM

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I got XP on both! Since, for some reason, I cannot post HTML, this is what is says:


You are Windows XP. You are the newest Windows girl, and fairly popular. You’re pretty stable, and easily the prettiest of the bunch, but you can also be a bit shallow and you’re always hungry. Also, why does your name look like the irritated emoticon?


You are Windows XP.  Under your bright and cheerful exterior is a strong and stable personality.  You have a tendency to do more than what is asked or even desired.


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you got XP twice.... -v-
Betcha you were HP-UX , and just decided to "massage" the results a little.  `v'

FYI, I was Amiga and OS/2 when I first played this.  Yep, definitely no bias there.  ^__^

Don't recall know if they had AppleDOS, though.  '__'


Hey, shouldn't we make our own "what os-tan are you" quissu? That'd be quite splendid, i imagine.


I'm starting to learn programming, so that definitely sounds like something I would be interested in trying out further down the line.  ^__^

(I imagine some purists would raise hell, though.)  -v-'


Well first of which ones would be in it? Just canon ones or any you come up with?


Hehe... nothing's canon around here anymore.  -v-

Besides, there's lot of new canon characters that don't show up in the OS-tan quiz.

*cough cough*  3.1-sama *cough wheeze cough*

Aurora Borealis

I agree! Need an updated OS-tan quiz!

There are several things that make that one obsolete such as there's no 3.1-tan, 95-tan is not the oldest, no Saba-tan, XP-tan is not the youngest, no 98SE-tan, there is no longer an official Longhorn-tan (in fact, I think there ever was one), no Vistan, no Linspire-tan, no CE-tan, the Mac OSX-tan was only a one-shot rendition and there is now an official one

I have learned how to make online quizzes but I haven't successfully attempted one like that though


QuoteSuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you got XP twice.... -v-
Betcha you were HP-UX , and just decided to "massage" the results a little. `v'

Err....I have no idea what you mean, no  ;014 In my defense, I didn't even know I could get XP on the OS quiz...I thought the only Windows OS one could get is ME....Which I was trying to avoid, XD

As for making a new OS-tan quiz, if anyone decides to makes one I'd be glad to help with ideas! It should have more OS-tans, not just the Windows and Mac-tans. Maybe Amiga-sama, OS/2-sama, and a few Linux or Unix-tans...


Naturally, naturally.... ^__^
The second quiz is a little better at that, but shocked you didn't expect an XP there.  XP is literally crawling all over the place.  ^^;

Speaking of which, the OS-tan quiz link seems to be broken for me now, so I was wondering if anyone else was having that problem.

It might be worth it to copy the page source to see what kind of scripting job was done.


I´m the OS X... ;014



sudo apt-get install w00terz  ^___^


w00t, w00terz! Great personality!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!



Bravo! You and Yuki are the only ones who can multitask correctly. Yar omedetou! -w-