Which OS-Tan Are You?

Started by NewYinzer, August 02, 2006, 08:17:00 PM

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Yep, figures I'd get a result I know next to nothing about, ha.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


The Choice of a New Generation.


Thank you IDKM.  ^___^

So now you're officially a gun-wielding, multi-tasking, warrior woman (and partime Trekkie) with a 20-year vendetta against ALL Windows-tans.  Neat, eh?  ^__^

Added after 2 minutes:

Oh, and that quote is old,... eComStation is DESTINED to revive OS/2 for the 21st century!  ^v^

(now if we can only get IBM/M$ to let OS/2 be Open Source,... those greedy bastards....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬)


OpenOS/2! that would be great!

BTW: is 'Minorities are the majority!' correct English? I need it for OS/2-tan...

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Well it's for a placcard, no?  Doesn't really have to be proper English, but regardless the phrase does seem to be grammatically correct.  ^v^

There is an free OS/2 project out there, but it's really more like a Linux distros pretending to be OS/2 (much like AROS is an independent OS pretending to be Amiga).  ^__^

You can't blame people for trying, but unless IBM/M$ finally let go of poor OS/2-tan (and by consequence, eCS-chan), we'll never have a true free successor of OS/2.  -.-

Serenity Systems can't do it, because eCS is built on OS/2 and IBM holds the license to it still.  And while IBM has been relatively friendly to the OSS community, they certainly can't release OS/2 because some of the original code belongs to M$.  (They're powerful-enough to try, but,... meh,... I guess they won't.  ^^;)


Fun! Fun!  I got OS X!


Yay!  How appropriate!!  ^v^
Now we need to see if there's a similar survey for game consoles, and see if you score maximum Wii-age.  ^__^


What the hell? On the OS test I got HP-UX

On the OS-tan test I got Windows 95.

Ironic I've never used either ;) Especially not the top one.

edited for a problem I had with pasting HTML code.


You are a Unix! A powerful Unix!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!

Xi Wang chan

Wahhhh ToT!!!

Alexis died... but I put a mirror at http://mx.geocities.com/xiwang_zitzit5/ostan/ostan.html ^.^...



I wanna be a vista-tan ... but i dunno if you guys have one yet



Yeah me too, I just hope im 95c. No USB support would be sad. Although its not usable USB anyway. But at least FAT32 would be good.


Guess I'm Windows 98 >.< Also got Apple DOS?