Win XP Media edition

Started by CaptBrenden, August 02, 2006, 04:31:18 AM

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Does Win XP media look any diffent then regular win xp pro?  And if so does anyone have a picture?  I want to draw a picture of her and XBox 360-tan since currently, XP Media is the only OS she will talk to... Tho Vista is planned in the future.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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XP Media,... XP Media,... I KNOW I've seen her somewhere lately.  Maybe on Waka -- if I recall, she looked a little like XP Pro, but with a really big gun.  -_-

Can't check on it on the computer I'm using now, but if you're not on a gove computer anymore maybe you can go there and search through the latest posts.  (BTW, you'll find new 3.11 pics there too -- I already requested their upload to the Gallery.)  ^^


o_o Where?!?!?!?! *runs off...*

*comes back some time later*

Ive got them in another window.. they are still loading at the moment.  The 3.1 pics anyhow.. still need to get to XP.  Do you think you have it somewhere if its not in there?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Yep, Home Comp.

But I guess it would look kinda silly if you waited a few hours only to find out that it was just a regular XP-tan (albeit with a badass gun X_X').

BTW, the 3.1 pics were taken from the /rbn/ board at Waka.  They should still be on page 2 or 3, and you can go there yourself to visit the mysterious 3RD PIC that wasn't posted.  Just be forewarned....


... Ã,¬__Ã,¬'


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Does Win XP media look any diffent then regular win xp pro?  And if so does anyone have a picture?  I want to draw a picture of her and XBox 360-tan since currently, XP Media is the only OS she will talk to... Tho Vista is planned in the future. looks a bit like XP pro, but with green hair and...much greater RAM specs. The green hair is a pun for her name ME (a bit forced pun, as her name should be Win XP MCE XP)

Have a link:
In the "XPME" part.
Looks like there's only 1 artist drawing her


Darknight to the rescue once again!

humm her design dosnt seem quite... refined.  she changes ALOT.  I donno if Ill use her or vista now. I like Vista and XP, but this XP ME combo.. Im not sure if I like her yet.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Sorry, can't see it from my current comp.  Does this XPME-tan have a gun?  '_'


No, no gun, just a green stray hair and ! icon instead of her shutdown icon.

and Darknight, YOU ROCK!  That link had a 3.1 section with pics I hadnt seen yet!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Now you've gotten ME curious.  Must check that gun pic ASAP,...  Ã,¬_Ã,¬


Must also check new 3.1-tan pics ASAP too....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬
The 3.1-tan gallery must grow.....
Linux-tan gallery must grow also......  Ã,¬.Ã,¬


All the other -tan galleries can shrink. *evil laughter*  `v'


lol, no, she doesnt have a gun. And I preffer having ME and XP as 2 different characters...But it's already done.

And from the whole XPME gallery, this is the only one I really like =P

Quote from: "C-Chan"

All the other -tan galleries can shrink. *evil laughter*  `v'
I think 95-tan may want to have a word with you
*evil laughter*


Eep....  @__@

*huddles behind 95 OSR 2.5-sama*


errr...excuse me...95 OSR2.5 gets along well with 95 =P


*sweatdrops*  Oh yeah, that whole "95" thing, huh...?  Duh... *hits head* Baka C-chan!  ^__^'

*freaks*  GAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAH!!!!!! @o@




for a sketch its pretty well drawn. it could clean up nice. But you cant see the rediculus costum shes got on either...

I think my pic will either be normal XP, ....wait a second....... I think I know the pic your talking about C-Chan.  let me look.. if its the one I think it has xp holding a larg railgun looking thin with all sorts of mecha armor type bits.  let me look.. i know it was a cirtain type of xp written on the gun but I dont know if it was media center...

While im finding that, I would just like to say. 95, is my second favorite. I must second the motion to have sliced ham.

Anyhow, even if i dont do xp media vista is problematic too.  her design differs GREATLY.  From old long horn pictures converted over, to a ninja wearing screws, to a girl in a dark goth type dress.  Dont know what to do there... maybe Ill just have her with Standard XP and claim ignorance.

The more I think about it the more I think that gun pic was XP media... and if it is thats what Im gonna use... cus I want the two characters back to back, XP with big gun, 360 in a kung fu stance (cus that chinese costume of hers just screams out her doing some fance kung fu with her free floating controler arm)

But damn is it taking for ever to go through all these XP pics. I know I had that picture on my comp, but its not functioning right now.  Im just searching the gallery hoping its there...

Fuckstick, its not. -.-  c chan had better have more luck.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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You people are horrible~!  Picking on a poor defenseless little pig like that, just cause he pointed out that only a handful of girls are monopolizing all the love!  Where's the balance in the Force?!  Where's the love to spare for those more unfortunate -tans!  ;^0^;

Fufufu,... well, okay, you're still horrible but you may still get your ham yet.  -v-'

Turns out I was close, but no bananas....
The image was in fact for Windows XP 64-bit Edition:

Sorta cool, but certainly no XPME.  -________-;