Current situation about the OS-tans

Started by H0RIZ0N, April 21, 2005, 03:34:27 PM

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 lol, I'm more of a fan of the Game System-tan rather than the actual OS-tan, which is why I like it here more than Futaba, because most Futaba seem to totally ignore Game System-tan.  I don't know, maybe there's an entirely different cult-audience out there for them, but this is reall the only place I've found where there's actually even a section for GS-tan!

I don't know... I'd draw some myself (I'm a crappy artist, but I try), but I don't have a clue how to start. . .  Maybe I'll draw DS-tan!  ^^

L33t 4g3nt

 Game System-tan...A PSP and a PS3 tan would be cool. But since GS-tans aren't OS-tans, and currently OS-tan creation has been slowing down, we probably won't be seeing any new GS-tans very soon. Probably when Longhorn comes out, then we'll see a new boost in OS-tans.  


 Hi... mi first post here, yay!! :rolleyes:

Hum... well, i've been a fan of Os-tan since a year, or so... i remember seeing the page on Wikipedia, then i went to Google and searched (tried to) all i could of Os-tans... but i was surprised that i didn't found much... :mellow:

Well, i think that maybe it is softening for now... <_< , but i think (hope) that i will "awaken" again, but of course, thats mainly thanks to the GREAT sites like this one (totally loved it! :P ) that will determine how strong will be the comeback...

...or something like that...

yay, we could make more fanfics, or even a StarCraft Os-tan clan!  ^_^  That would be great...


 Whoa star craft is still around  O_O?

Well I guess Im not one to talk, I still play Doom95
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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 well....for me it has been hard to find such a cool forum.....and this is my first post here!....i've been looking for a site that have some ostan pics and anything regarding Os-tans!......


 Well then!!! Welcome aboard, XeNoS!! :thumbup:  Me and a few more are trying to get some activity on the site, which i think its GREAT.

Im hoping that this site would be much more than just an image gallery.
By the way, your avatar looks like Megaman's helmet, lol  ^_^

Yay!! I'm now an MS-DOS on the forum! Hooray! :bleh:  


 oh yeah, im 3.1!BWAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahah hah hah ha ..... ahem.    everyone should laugh light that, its very stress releaving.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.

L33t 4g3nt

 Welcome XeNoS!!! remember to participate in the forums!

or i'll pwn j00! and j00 d13


win98! win98 still!


 Well, cause im a bit new to this of thing of the OS-tans (8 months already), I dont know if the phenomenon its softening. But if we want to keep the OS-tans alive, we must start doing some work...I mean, almost all the OS-tan material come from Japan, so, It would be good if we, the Americans (or Europeans, i dont know where u come from...:P) start cooperating in a more active way.

PD: sorry if u cant understand well my words...the english isnt my native language.  :unsure:
PD2: Horray!!!! Starcraft rules!!!!!

L33t 4g3nt


 I have seen this book before (obviously, on web pages, selling...). Also, the figures arent something new (but maybe hard to find).
If i had $32.40.... -_-  


 Hi Darknight_88... welcome... nice to see some new faces.

I like most XP, she looks like a pop idol, but i would like to see less of these oversized breasts,  :mellow: she don't look good with "so much"...

...and yes, StarCraft owns!!!  =p

what is your native language?
BTW, u gotta work hard (on posting) to become a W95-tan... im still just a MS-DOS...


 Thanks, Agelu
Yah, those oversized ammounts of "RAM" dont look good.
And my native language is...Spanish!!!! w00t!
Creo que soy el primer mexicano por aqui...ajaja

PD: yah, ill try to post regularly...but this forums seems to be quite lonely sometimes  :( . W00t W95!!! still DOS/V  -_-  


 Hey, you english is good! :)

Yeah, this kinda look lonely sometimes, but im always posting here. I love to. :thumbup:

BTW... you might be surprised but...

¡Yo soy Chileno!  :bleh:  Â¡Â¡Vaya, primera persona ke veo por aki ke habla castellano!!  :yes: . Ke bien, y ¡más encima te gusta StarCraft, Os-tans y parece ke incluso anime...!  :drool: está mal, nada mal...

Sigámonos viendo por aki, ¿si?  :yes:  En una de esas podemos hacernos el primer clan Oficial de StarCraft de "Os-tan Collections"  :lol:

Nos vemos... :wave:  


 Yay!! no crei que hubiera alguien que tmb hablara español, lol