Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Just finished watching the Film Brain and Todd in the Shadows crossover review. To be honest, Sunday School Musical seems like the sort of crappy movie I would have been forced to watch in church as a kid; as I sit there, wishing they'd just show Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus instead...


family guy, the episode where quagmire's dad has a sex change.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 03, 2011, 10:23:55 PM
family guy, the episode where quagmire's dad has a sex change.

I watched that episode last night, and the one after it, where Stewie and Brian were locked in the bank vault. I really didn't like either... :/


The last episode of Family Guy I've seen is when Peter kept singing Surfin' Bird...well, aside from the Star Wars specials.

I'm over at my sister's house, watching Weeds right now. It's not too bad of a series (Better than True Blood, which we where watching last time I was over), although not one I'd go out of my way for.


Weeds is pretty good. It's not something I'd normally watch either, but my family likes it and I've picked up their appreciation for it through osmosis. d:


Since we've decided to take a break from Weeds, we're now watching a stupid movie just to make fun of it.

For the curious, the movie is Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter. It's so damn stupid, but fun to make fun of


Watched Shawshank.

Lol'd right at the end when Morgan Freeman said a big line about "being a free man". Lulz indeed.


simpsons is on. i'm kinda boring with my tv and such, huh?

(what can i say....i'm too lazy to put on a dvd... >>; )
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About to watch a new episode of Atop the Fourth Wall

The previous episode ended on a nightmare-inducing note, so I'm looking forward to this one to see what happens next.


the news, since i'm in the living room and my dad's watching tv with lunch.
the air conditioner is on, and the only reason i mention this is because it's putting out alot of low-frequency sound waves (it's getting a little disorientating).
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Nothing at the moment, although I'm about to watch the TGWTG Third Year Anniversary trailer. I hope it kicks as much ass as Kickassia did last year.

EDIT: It looks like Suburban Knights (The title of the Year Three movie) might have the chance, but we'll have to wait to find out. In the meantime, where's my usual Linkara and Spoony crossover review?


King of the Hill just wrapped up a really corny song.
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just finished watching the Linkara and Cinema Snob crossover review. I've seen YouTube videos with higher production values than the movie they reviewed (Bimbos BC).

Also, where's my damn Spoony and Linkara crossover? They teased it at the end of an episode of AT4W a few weeks back, which has me really wanting to see it


@pentium: think of it this way; the longer the wait, the more suspense. :3

SVU. Sweet Donuts is stuck in my head, and Softenni is on standby for the commercials.
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Currently listening to, while reading some hentai for the hell of it:

Sex Farm -- Spinal Tap