Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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For some reason, everybody is gonna get some.   According to the video.


Just Be Friends - Nico Nico chorus


Ray William Johnson




Just a little history about the actual battle.  Taking place in 1791 in Ohio near the Wabash River, St. Clair's Defeat was one in a serious of rather horrifiying slaughters of US Army units in the Old Northwest which had begun the year before when 223 of Colonel John Hardin's 400 men were killed at the Battle of Pumpkin Field (so named because the Miami said the steaming skulls of the recently scalped soldiers looked like the titular gourd) all while the rest of the army's 1400 odd men under the command of Brigadier General Josiah waited just out of range.  

St. Clair, territorial governor and Revolutionary War "hero", was ordered to mount a more vigerous campaign against the tribes then engaged in killing a great many of settlers in the Ohio Valley and Kentucky.  St. Clair eventually managed to scrape together 600 regulars, an equal number of good quality (if, as always, undisciplined) Kentucky and Virginia militia, and some 600 levies (undisciplined and not terribly good at anything).  By Novemeber 4, 1791 he was down to 52 officers and 868 enlisted present for duty.  By that point, 400 Deleware warriors had joined the combined force of Miami and Shawnee numbering somewhere around 700.

That morning as the soldiers stacked arms and went to breakfast the tribes quickly overran the perimeter driving most of the militia across the stream without their arms.  However, the regulars grabbed their muskets and fired a volley into the charging braves to temporarily force them back.  Of course then they flanked the regular's lines and closed in, while marksman picked off all the artillerymen.  Several bayonet charges succeded, only to have the charging units cut off and wiped out.  Most of the men were hiding behind trees or wagons as General St. Clair rode amongst his men shouting at them "Cowards, cowards, cowards!" trying to exort them to return fire.  Eventually he and the surviving officers managed to rally the men together for one final breakthrough charge that allowed the survivors to escape to Fort Jefferson.

Of the 52 officers, 39 were killed and 7 wounded (including St. Clair's deputy General Butler another Revolutionary War veteran).  832 soldiers were killed out right and another 264 wounded plus most of the 200 camp followers.  24 soldiers escaped unscathed, and 21 warriors of various tribes were killed.  Those wounded that couldn't escape under their own power were left behind to be killed, the torture fires were reported burning for days afterward.  The survivors were routed and fled in panic from the chasing warriors.  In a single battle three times more men then died at the Little Big Horn (268), totalling 1/4 of the entire United States Army.

On August 20, 1794 the Legion of the United States (the reorganized regular US Army) under General "Mad" Anthony Wayne crushed resistance by Blue Jacket's Western Confederacy (and some "rouge" Canadians) in the Northwest Territory at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.


Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.


a creepy female viagra commercial. O_____O;;
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Baaaaaaait Caaaaaar


マãƒ,,ノマボロã,·-SHEEP (浦安のOST)

Why is kami-tux in Pyeongyang???? wat da herr
Windmill, windmill for the land
Turn forever hand in hand,
Take it all in on your stride
It is ticking falling down...

Love forever love is free
Let\'s turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?



fans, chewing, squeaky chair, dog whining, and the internal sounds of my own painful demise (damn you, cankersorrrreee)
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Quote from: "Chocofreak13"fans, chewing, squeaky chair, dog whining, and the internal sounds of my own painful demise (damn you, cankersorrrreee)

wow, that's a pretty cool music you are listening there.
Windmill, windmill for the land
Turn forever hand in hand,
Take it all in on your stride
It is ticking falling down...

Love forever love is free
Let\'s turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?



ehh, there was a baby crying in the other room.....

and hatsune miku's "melt" was stuck in my head (cause i was trying to get a vocaloid gif to be my new avatar)
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