Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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avatar (the last airbender) on tv (well, more accurately, "pillow pets" commercial)
fans, keyboard, the usual.
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The Soup = win, Avatar = a show I've tried to get into a million times but failed. D:

I'm listening to THE RAINDROPS + Criminal Minds.


now i'm watching malcolm in the middle. :3 it's nice, cause unlike avatar (which was having a special with tons of in-show facts to read) i can listen and type. ^^

avatar is an awesome show. you would think nickelodeon would make crappy anime, but they did it right. they did the HELL out of it. ^^ (i tried to find the soundtrack, but i couldn't. ;___; )
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reviewing music. song is changing every few seconds/minutes and whatnot.

been working on organizing th scrubs OST, which is what i'm listening to right now.
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Mad Major March by Kenneth Alford


still reviewing....

working on the "Fragile Dreams: Moonlight Track" right now (video game OST)
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Quote from: "stewartsage"
Have a listen

Holy hell, I lol'd so hard at that. xD

Oh yeah, I can totally see Ed Elric in a drunken bar fistfight. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING TOO SHORT TO DRINK?!"

Boa - Welcome (
go listen nao?!) I'm on such a Boa kick right now... I've wanted to check out their works ever since I saw the Serial Experiments Lain OP, but just now got around to it... they are just, amazing.


someone remind me to get "my last night in baltimore", seriously. xD

um, currently, nothing. i stopped reviewing the tunes for the night (as it is getting into the wee hours) and am about to be off to bed. the only noise is the keys, the fan, and the clock in the background.
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Oh I assure you, it's been on my iPod since I first heard it!


Slim Gaillard - Cement Mixer

Our radio station does a really cool show every Sunday morning, they play all sorts classic/contemporary jazz, funk, soul, traditional pop and big band. I'm listening to that now. ^^



um, when i brough this topic up, i was listening to "Hitori ja nai kara" off of the Taisho Yakyuu Musume OST (i remember cause it's AWESOME) and now i'm listening to "Katakoto no koi" off of the Chobits OST.

and now? "Sunrise Seranade" by Glenn Miller. ^w^ (go listen to it. NAO.)
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MJ - Black or White

This Is It movie is on tv in living room.