Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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TYT Livestream. missed half the damn show ><;
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Watching Vinny play SNES games...using an extremely outdated emulator xD
(Console emulation in the late '90s \ early '00s was not very pretty ^^; )


Early emulation? Wasn't there a NES emulator (NESticle?) by the guys who made one of those so bad it's good overly gory fighting games? I have cloudy memories about that...


Yeah. It was NESticle, and they also made Genecyst (Genesis\MegaDrive emulator). Oddly enough, I never liked those when I still used DOS emulators; I tended to gravitate toward LoopyNES and KGen98, as far as DOS-based emulators for those consoles (The latter still being around today, as Kega Fusion...although it hasn't been updated in 5 years :\)

To get back on topic, I'm probably going to watch some Rugrats in a bit


"One More Tomorrow" by Frankie Carle is stuck in my head. -w-
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Odin Yggdrasil

Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid.

Episode 9


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Was watching Vinny play Castlevania: Symphony of the Night...while I played along using my PS1


"Personality" from Fallout 4 is stuck in my head. TYT Livestream is on break. heater is on but not very loud. heard one of the birds (likely the one named Bird) from the main house a second ago.
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Watched the Nintendo conference for Smash Bros. It's not as I expected, but Geno is in as a costume : D


A techno song without title plays in loop in the background while I'm ironing shirts. Living on the edge. :/


^a good life right there.

heater is going. Steve's breathing is occasionally heard (he's asleep in his chair). "Worry, Worry, Worry" by the Three Suns (from Fallout 3(?)/4) is stuck in my head.
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been listening to the Sound of Speed ocremix album all day
ear smut :|)


The sounds of Fallout 4 and pouring rain outside. :0
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