Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Was listening to Disturbed's newest album. Here's my thoughts so far, with just 3 tracks left that I haven't listened to:

My thoughts on: Immortalized (Disturbed): ShowHide
My first initial thing that tipped me off about this album was noticing that it's the clean version; which I was initially disappointed, thinking maybe they were sold out of the uncut version...but, from further research, the only way to get it uncensored is to purchase the LP. Well, I do have access to dad's record player, but from my understanding, it hasn't worked properly since the late '80s, so until the uncut version finds its way online, I'm stuck with the clean version...which isn't too bad; so far, I've only noticed one song that's censored (That being the song Who; you can very clearly tell where "fuck" is censored in the song).

While there's plenty in the style we've come to know, there's actually some surprises on here; a few that really depart from what you'd expect from the band. Some of the songs I've heard so far that are worth a mention are:
  • The Vengeful One: The single that's received a lot of play on the satellite radio channel I typically listen to; it being the song that sold me on the album, much like the title track to their '08 album, Indestructible, did before it
  • Open Your Eyes: This one feels like a throwback to their first album, The Sickness; not bad, even if I admit I never cared much for that album aside from a few songs
  • The Light: Disturbed just did a power ballad. Thankfully, it's more in-line with Iron Maiden's The Thin Line Between Love & Hate, in that it's not overly sappy like what most people think about when they hear the term "power ballad"; such as Guns 'n' Roses' Don't Cry
  • Fire It Up: It's a song about smoking weed, but unlike when most bands of this sort do a song on drugs, where it's portrayed negatively (see: Metallica's Master of Puppets), this one is as pro-drugs as Black Sabbath's Sweet Leaf. I kinda like the song, although it's not terribly popular among critics; feeling it's the band's weakest song to date
  • Save Our Last Goodbye: This one's a very emotional track, about a lost love; a song that really surprised me for how different it was from the band's normal fare. In fact, it kinda reminds me of Queensryche's Another Rainy Night (Without You) in its lyrics, and also reminds me of a major scene from my story, Dogwood Chronicles (Which already used a few of Disturbed's earlier songs as chapter titles, among other bands). So far, I'd rank this as one of the best from the album, and there's still 3 tracks left I haven't heard

I'll share my thoughts on the remaining 3 tracks later on (One of which is a Simon & Garfunkel cover), but so far, it's a damn good album


looks nice, bro. glad you're happy. -w-

Steve was playing Secret of Evermore, but he's paused, so now it's just air conditioner noises.
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Finished the album. Of the last 3 tracks, their Simon & Garfunkel cover, The Sound of Silence, is easily the best of the bunch; it really sounds like nothing you've heard from them before, and has a bit of a Meat Loaf vibe to it...making me kinda hope the next Disturbed album features a cover version of a Meat Loaf song xD

Besides that, I also watched a guy on YouTube slog through the Sega Genesis counterpart to the infamous NES game, Action 52


heh, nice. -w-

i have "Cool for the Summer" stuck in my head after hearing it on the radio on my way to work today. :0
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Watching Vinny play a PS2 game based on Curious George...that somehow, graphically, doesn't look like much of an evolution from DK64, which came out 7 years prior -w-;;

Last night, I was up late watching Rick & Morty. Good series so far; I'm-a watch more after work tonight


Unforgotten Realms Live: The New Crew (Ep 6)
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Just watched some R&M. Now, watching some Vinesauce before work


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Watched more Rick & Morty. I love this show -w-


it's good, right?

man those cricket sounds are nice except the cricket is in the room so it's not so nice anymore
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The SMB1-styled Airship theme from Super Mario Maker. It just fits so well with the original SMB1 soundtrack in style. :)


@Exa: I want to get that game eventually :3
@Kari: Indeed. TBH, I've wanted to see it ever since I saw the
promo commercials they ran at Gamestop back when I worked there

Currently watching Vinny play the Star Trek DS9 game. TBH, that game wasn't too bad


The theme of Sega Carnival from Sonic Riders


TYT livestream, crickets from outside (hopefully) and my idle growling at either the computer, the fly in the room or at the fact that we have tea party nutjobs in my home state. >>;
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Watching Vinny play the R&M adventure game -w-

EDIT: Season 2 Episode 8 of Rick & Morty. I had a few laughs here and there, but for the most part, it was kinda weak (Seems even the show's creators felt the same; based off what Rick said in the first 5 minutes of the show)