Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Asylum -- Disturbed

Earlier: Rugrats


SVU. this is the first time i've seen TV in over a week, it's kind of weird.
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was listening to the old idolm@ster game promo video.

has anyone here watched idolm@ster: xenoglossia? is it worth watching over the newer shows?


why does that sound familiar......maybe i'm mixing it up with Xenosaga?

no, i haven't seen it. see if you can find a clip on youtube, 3 minutes usually determines whether or not i'm committed to a series. :0

fridge noises, since the TV's broken. i have "Money" by the Mystery Skulls stuck in my head (slightly annoyed about it). :\
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Was watching Rugrats not long ago. About to watch AT4W


Christina came back here, she's watching The Real Housewives of New York City in the other room. kill me now ;w;
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I'm watching AT4W right now


there is a dog barking outside.
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Phantasy Star Online...Offline : D

Likely going to watch new Cinema Snob when I get off work


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A random mishmash of Youtube videos.


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Dungeons of Avalon title theme
(Oh god, till I managed to find it in a proper format and a player which plays it, that's what I get for trying to get obscure game music...)


@Exa: Sounds like me with trying to find the music from the old Learning Company games I played as a kid; I know it's all classical music, but the tricky thing is not knowing the proper titles for some of them -w-;;


Well, it's a recurring thing with me - I find some music which catches my interest (usually from some old and/or obscure game) and then I realize it's either in some strange format which needs some special player, or I just can't find the thing at all.
As for the "not knowing the proper title" thing - that also happened with me back then. I tried to look after a song I heard as a child on some music channel... with only knowing it had "Final" in its title. Said song turned out to be Phil Fuldner - The Final. So in a way, I was close...