Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Squarebob Spongemix, Pogo


Hey, I have a few of Pogo's songs/remixes in my iTunes library. ^^

Alice Childress - Ben Folds Five


now: commercials.
earlier: the devil you know.
even earlier: Pop This Way playing "Wannabe" by Epik High
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Indiana Has a New State Bird, Thomas Montgomery



just now: The Ashleys from recess doing their signature "Scandalous!"

earlier: 2 Different Tears by The Wonder Girls.
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The Uncanny Valley: Dragonbored
(Part 1 of the That Guy With The Glasses 5th Anniversary special)


i have "Just the Girl" by The Click Five stuck in my head.
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The Uncanny Valley: Brad Jones' The Reviewers

I think Stew will like this one :3


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Touhou Bakuon Jazz 3 ... I don't know the song title though.


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Just finished the last part of The Uncanny Valley.

My thoughts on each, nicely stored in a spoiler tag
The Uncanny Valley (TGWTG 5th Year Anniversary Special): ShowHide

Part 1: Dragonbored
I really liked this one; it felt the most like an episode of the Twilight Zone out of all of the ones, and also had some genuinely funny quotes as well. I'd highly suggest this one

Part 2: Dragged In
This one starts off really serious, but ends in a rather silly manner. Not bad, but not that great either

Part 3: The Reviewers
I think Stew will like this part the most; it has that Brad Jones feel to it, and for me is tied with Dragonbored as my favorite part

Part 4: Internet Dating and Me
This part was kind of meh; it got a few laughs, but was more awkward than anything :\

Part 5: The Dark Side of the Internet
This part honestly feels out of place with the rest of the series; given how the rest were comedic, while this one took itself and the subject matter very seriously. However, putting that detail aside, it is a fantastic documentary on online bullying.

Part 6: The Pointless Epilogue
An amusing sketch with Diamanda Hagan to wrap up the series. Not much to this one, really


interesting. :0

On The Case with Paula Zahn. they're investigating a murdered girl scout from the early 1970's!
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Pulp Fiction. Always wanted to see it, so I figured "why not?"


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