Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Cars outside.
It's kinda soothing -w-

And I'm going to visit my mother soon so later: Footsteps THE MOTION PICTURE


commercials, the distant sound of a different tv, and the sound of the air conditioner.
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Just finished an episode of Game Grumps. Also, half-way through End of Eva


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So, I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness. It was alright; better than I was expecting, but still not exactly spectacular. I'll go into more detail in the spoiler tag

Star Trek XII: Into Darkness (2013): ShowHide
First, I want to get this one out of the way. I swear that I thought Carol Marcus was played by Billie Piper (You may better know her as Rose Tyler, from Doctor Who), but it turns out she was played by Alice Eve; who was apparently in Sex & The City 2, according to Wikipedia. Now, onto the film itself.

I do see what Matthew Buck (AKA Film Brain) was talking about in his review of it; in how the last 15 minutes felt like it was trying "too hard". About half-way through, it's revealed our villain is not named John Harrison, but in fact named Khan Noonien Singh. I admit, I rolled my eyes at that, but perhaps not as much as when Kirk sacrificed himself to save the Enterprise in a scene that is almost directly lifted from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, just with the roles of Kirk and Spock reversed...and then Spock screams "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!"; which came off as forced to me, and lacking the same emotion as when Kirk did it in the Wrath of Khan).

Suddenly, the fact my theater had this movie listed as "Star Trek 2" on the marquee makes more sense; as Into Darkness is basically a remake of The Wrath of Khan with a much bigger budget, while simultaneously missing what made the previous film so good. Now, compared to the Wrath of Khan, it's not that great; it's more of a fast-paced action movie while its predecessor was much slower paced and more tense, and while I feel that Benedict Cumberbatch does a respectful job as Khan, he doesn't hold a candle to Ricardo Montalbán in the role.

Also, Wrath of Khan aside, the ending was unsatisfying. There isn't any real payoff; it just kind of ends in the middle of the fight between Spock and Khan, and cuts forward to one year later with everything sorted out. While it will be interesting to see what the next film will do, I hope maybe they actually try something new this time around instead of recycling an older movie.

Still, it was enjoyable; better than I was expecting, but still a bit weak.


classic Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
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I don't plan to see the new Star Trek film until, like last time, my brother and dad rent it while I sort of half-watch it while doing something fun.

I Predict a Riot, Kaiser Chiefs


Unsolved Mysteries.

@pent: further cementing why i don't trust remakes
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@Kari: Indeed

Was playing some Super Mario Sunshine earlier. Later tonight. Soul Eater is on


Pony Thread Simulator v2.8 [CRAB BATTLE!!!]


Watching a random episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (EP017 to be exact) right now.

Who wants a strawberry, chocolate, or lemon pastry?



I just watched the first 3 installments of AMV Hell
