Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Indeed, man :3

Currently listening to the music from the Sega Mega-CD BIOS (Japanese version). It's so relaxing


i'd like to learn to speak cockney. or at least find a guide to phrases so i can start using the jargon (along with 20's slang and occasionally Nadast) in my comic. TO GOOGLEEE~~~~

svu is on commercial. mum is watching something in the other room. i was playing Wake Up Kanji so i have the little dinging sound stuck in my head.
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Different argot for different sub-culture. It's a fascinating way to cipher one's words into such that outsiders can't follow. Richness of language, I'd call it rather. ^^

Not playing anything at the moment. I hear a rabbit chewing croquettes, that's all.


that sounds cute. -w-

i say i'd like a cockney guide because the concept of "street urchins" is a really big theme in Ace's High. the gambling and 20's style gangs is present too, but a lot of these kids lack much guidance outside of the gang, so it makes sense that some of them might be cockneys, or at least cockneys at heart.

popeye's commercial just ended, travelocity one has begun.
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Honestly the cockney words and dialect is kinda disorientating for me...


but that's half the fun. it's like a whole other culture, seperate and distinct from the rest of the world. sure, we're on the outside looking in, but it's fascinating to observe, study, and learn from it, same as with the street cultures of past and present in this country.

SVU is on and i'm chatting with several people, so there's skype noises and aim noises every couple seconds.

whoops, commercial tiem.
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Game Grumps. They're doing Mario Power Tennis >:3


Hoarding: Buried Alive
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Leafchan hums Cruel Angel's Thesis.


earlier: The Boondock Saints.
now: Kickass (on commercial).
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Nortern Lights - The Masami Okui Version, not Hayashibara-sama's


Legally Blonde is almost over.
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so, what's Next...? Boston Legal? The Practice?



Betty White's 2nd Annual 90th Birthday Celebration.
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