Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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*puts on cassette of "We Are the Champions"

American Pickers is on commericlal.
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Sofie Liv from the Agony Booth.... wow her accent is thick.  Could any of our European members fill me in if all Danes have that serious an accent in English?


I'm not sure about danes, but norsemen in general tend toward a rather strong accent if they don't train it away. There are different reasons, I guess - danish has a slew of the same weird throaty noises that german does, and lots of other things; swedish is a VERY tonal language, and our pronunciation is rather, well, special; norwegian has a certain built-in melody that sounds silly to everyone else, along with most of the pronunciation weirdness of swedish.

So yeah. We have fairly strong accents, overall. Just in my clan, there aren't too many who've trained it away; my brother and I are both accent-hounds, so we did off with it at an early stage, but my sister has only mostly gotten over it since she spent a half a year in Malaysia, and both my mother and father have some of it, despite mom having been an EU parliament spinster for several years and dad having lived abroad in at least five different english-speaking countries. My cousin Johan who spent a year in the US (and is now a year in South Africa) doesn't have it anymore, but his brother and parents do; and I'm fairly certain the west-coast branch of the clan all still have it, as well.

So yeah, norsemen in general, danes included, have a rather thick accent by default. We tend to be good at english, true, but few people ever bother training that accent away.


my grandmother always had a rather thick accent, as did my grandfather, so i can back that one up. even my uncle felix and father both have it, despite them spending their formative years in switzerland. as far as i can tell, if english was not your first language or primary language, you'll have an accent of some sort. though even english can have accents. i've noticed recently that i've been developing a canadian accent. :\

SVU is on commercial.
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Well, that's when you have to start differing between "dialect" and "accent".


true dat. but in english we're used to saying "accent" rather than "dialect". as in, "southern accent", not "southern dialect". tbh "dialect" sounds more at home with asian languages, anyway.

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Watching last year's Cinema Snob Christmas special


Alyas Batman en Robin: Filipino Batman and Robin


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Live & Let Die

Not the Paul McCartney song, but the James Bond film (Of which the song is the theme to)


watching Dave be a jackass on Storage Wars.
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Just finished Live & Let Die

It was pretty good. I liked it a bit more than A View to a Kill


just finished The Cinema Snob's review of Demented Death Farm Massacre. what the fuck did i just watch.

SVU is on, and i have
Karkat Gristmas Songs stuck in my head.
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My room mate watches Storage Wars all the time; hard to tell which irritates me more that or Pawn Stars.

As for Cinema Snob.... you are clearly not ready for ET Porno week.


no, the wtf was more about "how the hell did this make it off the cutting room floor....?" with et porn, at least it's based off something popular.

and i happen to like storage wars, but i like pawn stars better. the stuff they find is pretty cool. with pawn stars, though, there's a more diverse mix of stuff, plus they give history in with it. and occasionally we get to see cool stuff happen, like old guns being shot. -w-
but i've seen most of the episodes of pawn stars, so i think that's part of the reason i'm getting into storage wars.

Dateline on ID is on. and i have "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree" by the Andrews Sisters stuck in my head.
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