Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Pawn Stars (on commercial)

Been whistling the Mr. Softee song.
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Computer fans. and that ice cream truck music nej posted is stuck in my head. :\
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Spoony. Almost finished with his look at Final Fantasy VIII


some show on investigation discovery.
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I was watching some stupid MTV show about teenage angst and dating and shit ... but then I realized it made as much sense to me as a Portuguese-language telenovela... so I switched to 20/20 on ID.


Parental Control? that's good for a laugh once in awhile, but often times the stupid kids go back to their current gf/bf, which makes it quite frustrating to watch.

plus they've only had like, 2-3 guys on there that i'd date. no girls. :\

the drips of rain on the basement window overhangs is what i hear right now. i think it might be raining again. oh, and i hear my computer fans and me typing too. :\
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Phelous. He's looking at the short-lived live action Mortal Kombat series


Recovering from tonight's super depressing episode of Mad Men. : (


Hey Ladies, Beastie Boys


Just finished last Saturday's episode of Casshern


people are talking in the other room, and It's Always Sunny in Philadalphia just came on. god i hate this show. :\
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@Kari: I watched that show a few times, mostly because the group of friends I had at the time claimed it was the greatest show ever. I failed to see the appeal of it; I actually enjoyed NTSF:SD:SUV:: more, and that's saying something :\

As for what I'm watching, nothing at the moment. Might watch more Cowboy Bebop tonight, after AT4W


Up until a few weeks ago, I'd only seen bits and pieces of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but I finally gave in and watched a full episode ... I don't know if I had the luck of picking a really good one or something, but I laughed so much I don't even know.

I keep meaning to check out more episodes... but it's usually on at inconvenient times.... u_u;;


it's on in the afternoons. :\

i never saw the appeal. but then, most IRL shows that aren't SVU/House/Animal Cops/Some War Documentary.

KotH is on.
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