Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Don't Step on the Grass Sam, Steppenwolf


The final part of DeliciousCinnamon's LP of Crash Bandicoot


Watching Mad Men and playing my Mad Men drinking game... the rules I've formulated (so far), in case anyone wants to play:

Take a drink every time...
1. Sexual harassment occurs in the workplace; or a sexist comment is made, the inferiority of women is implied or a woman's work is undermined by men
2. A disparaging or bigoted comment is made toward a person/people of ethnic, sexual or religious minority
3. Somebody drinks liquor on the job
4. Or smokes on the job
Take a shot every time...
5. You spot a Selectric typewriter
6. Somebody makes an ostentatious 60s pop culture reference

Within 15 minutes I'd nearly emptied a large glass of water ... I got five #1's, one #2, and three #5's and two #6's.


Anytime I hear "drinking game", I think back to my Mario Party drinking game with it's crazy rules; ranging from "Take a shot if you land on a Bowser space" to "Finish the bottle if your controller breaks"

Anyway, not watching anything at the moment. Just relaxing :3

EDIT: Did just listen to this song:
The Twilight Zone -- Golden Earring

Practically the theme song to the OS-tan Swiss Cheese Collections this April Fool's Day xD


Hey Ocean! - Big Blue Wave (Alex S remix)

What's that you say, it's not pony music? Fuck you, it has Ashleigh Ball in it, IT'S PONY IF I WANT IT TO BE!



Belgium put the Kaibosh on the Kaiser, Mark Sheridan


click to make it bigger


The Blockbuster Buster. It's a series I stumbled onto on TGWTG, and it's not too bad

Now, if only JonTron and the rest of Normal Boots would join them...


Jesus Hits like the Atom Bomb, Lowell Blanchard and the Valley Trio


a bird outside my window. :3
click to make it bigger


White Reflection -- "Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz" soundtrack

I love this song >w<


me screaming "SETSUKOOOOOOOOOOO" every 30 seconds. ;^;
click to make it bigger


Part 12 of SuperJeenius' run through Persona 3 FES


Timbuktu - Resten av ditt liv

Basically? This guy, a pretty famous swedish rapper/singer/artist/cool guy who releases songs on torrent, got swindled by his economic adviser or what have you. His response is this song.

Basically a 4 minute eloquent insult tirade. And it's so fucking good. With such golden samples as: XD
"I hope that you never again, i mean NEVER, will be able to remember a pin-code, even if you get a new one. And may your clocks always go 20 minutes too slowly, so you're always late. May your eyebrows be eaten by flesh-eating ants, so you're always tired, and so even when you're not tired you look very, very tired. And may your harddrives forever ALWAYS break down."