Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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"A Dark Race Becomes Magnificent" (standard disgaea battle music).
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Some live action Scooby-Doo movie. It's just to pass the time until Doctor Who; if you ask me, Scooby should stay a cartoon


Doctor Who. watching the maid rise from the mist.

that new title sequence, where amy explains everything, i REALLY don't like it.
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That intro was fine...on the first episode of this season. It's getting like the intro to Steam Detectives; you just wish the narrator would shut up so you can get to that awesome theme song quicker


oh god, that wasn't just a one-ep thing? >__< think i might start muting the tv during the opening (since anyone who doesn't know the plot to this point shouldn't be watching).

house is on commercial, 'sweet donuts' is stuck in my head again. :\
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I hope they drop that soon; it's really pointless.

At the moment, nothing; although I have the Styx song, The Grand Illusion, on my mind right now


i find it helps to get a song out of one's head if one listens to it.

house is ending, probably gonna be heading to bed soon anyway :\
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I don't mind this song being stuck in my head; it's one of my favorites by them, anyway



Setup Squad just came back on. :3 (logo is becoming one of my favourite channels. -w-)
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Nothing at the moment, although I'm about to go see Thor. I'll let you know if it's any good when I get back


oh, my sister and her boyfriend saw that, they said it was awesome. 8)
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Random songs by Jean-Jacques Goldman


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Got back from Thor earlier. It was pretty good, but the theater was packed; it didn't help I was stuck between my brother-in-law and some lady I didn't know; meaning I felt like a sardine the entire time, unable to sit comfortably. I should have waited until next weekend; for the crowd to die down...

At the moment, Warehouse 13. I'm looking forward to the new season this summer...


Iso Sika, a Finnish folk song about butchering a hog.