Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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computer noises. i meant to go to bed 20 minutes ago, but the interwebs kept me awake. DAMN YOU OSC WIKIPEDIA AND YOUTUBE ;___;

and now i wanna watch panty and stocking...
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Moskau, watching my new itunes controller desktop pet.


(linkage to the pet thingy?)

My life as a teenage robot.

"Trezpazers! Du yu chellenge me?"
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Background musics to Dune game from 1992. Playing the game, that is. ^^



the rape song is stuck in my head (see random picture thread)

EDIT: family guy is on now.

krizo, that app looks like flele, only synced up to itunes, you have to pay 10 bucks for it, and you can't change the avatar.

with flele, you can also make your own shells, so you'd be able to have OSX singing to you on your desktop.

can ichibi sing? does her mouth move with the music? flele's does. -w- flele also comes with a calendar and other features. -w-
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her head moves to the music and little sound notes come from her head phones.
I was given 2 large gift cards for the app store for christmas, so I was able to buy a lot of stuff for "free".

link to "flele"?My own shell? Anything that involves creating art from scratch is something I'll never be able to do.

I'm currently listening to "The Crusher"


it's a poor quality video, but it demonstrates what flele is used for. the shell that's displayed in that video is also a custom one; instead of coming with the program already it was created by Rannsama (on DA) who also created a tutorial on how to make them :3

two and a half men is on, but i'm not really watching it.... :\
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.Hack//Quarantine, specifically the theme from Omega Server's Root Town (Lia Fail). :\
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FMA Brotherhood recap episode.


Cowboy Bebop <33333333333333333333333333
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Brunch by the River, WXRV


Party Mania review by Spoony


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