"Classic" games (board games, pen'n'paper RPG, Ring a Ring o' Roses...)

Started by ettanb, February 07, 2013, 03:19:51 PM

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Indeed. We should do that sometime

So, on the subject of card games, I remember trying out the Digimon card game. Compared to the Pokémon card game, which I enjoy, the Digimon card game was boring; it basically amounted to rock-paper-scissors with trading cards of Digimon characters. It honestly felt like they didn't care :\

Does anyone else have any traditional games they were excited to try, but were underwhelmed when they finally did?


mouse trap, i suppose, but that's mainly because we never played it right. also, poker wasn't as enthusing as i had first assumed. :\
D&D can sometimes be hard for me to get into, too, but that's mainly because of its complexity, not because it's a bad game. :\
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I don't think anyone has played Mouse Trap properly, to be honest ^^;


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i happen to like it. but as i said, we never played it "properly". ^^;
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feels weird posting this elsewhere, but i don't really intend on following up, so it was kind of a tossup decision to post here.

bought a Wraith: The Oblivion book last week. if the format sounds familiar it's because it's a sister game to Changeling: The Dreaming (they came out during the same era, but Wraith was earlier). i mostly bought it so that A: it'd end up in hands that are going to take good care of it, and B: it's OWoD, which is getting harder and harder to find these days. Wraith was already pretty rare to begin with, to boot, so this was pretty boss.

the book itself is in mostly fine condition; the book has a few dents and scratches but otherwise everything's fine. however, i doubt i'll run it anytime soon. Alex looked at it for about 2 seconds before putting it aside, not due to lack of interest, but because he raises an excellent point that it would require an intense amount of trust and experience on both the players' part but also the storyteller's part. Wraith is a complicated system to run, since while you have to play your character, you simultaneously have to play another character....which may or may not be someone else's character. it's very hard to play AND run and i get the feeling i'll find and save a few .pdfs for something like 5 or 10 years down the line when the people i know are more experienced and ready for a game this tricky.

for now, it will sit with the other OWoD books i have (Changeling: The Dreaming; Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Vampire: The Masquerade) and remain a crossover resource, albeit a scarcely used one.
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Cool. TBH, I hope we can revive our Changeling campaign after I move


One of these days we're all going to sit around a table and I'll force you through a gauntlet in Only War or Dark Heresy.


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oh god.

also, i found and bought a Mind's Eye Theatre book today on a whim. for those not in the know, MET is OWoD's LARPing system. -w-
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