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Started by Simonorged, January 23, 2013, 10:38:01 AM

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anymore? oho.

i was shocked when i found out but i did a foot pop as i said in topicless, which sums up my reaction perfectly. :0
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I first learned about it while at the resort. First thing was, while flipping around, I came upon C-SPAN; where Obama was about to go live with a speech on marriage rights, and as I continued to flip around, found myself on the Tyler NBC station (Good old KETK; the only station I can pick up with bunny ears from my house); which had just started their newscast, with a report on legalizing gay marriage; which was shocking and pleasantly surprising...and even more surprisingly was the near 50\50 split on the site's poll on viewer's thoughts (49% were for this decision, 51% were against it. Still leaning toward what I expected, but the close draw on it surprised me).

TBH, given I think I might be somewhat bi-curious, this is good news in case I do find someone and they happen to be the same sex as me -w-

Goujer (she/her)

I became straight mostly for the reason that if I found a gay or bi partner they might want to have a sexual relation with me which I would not be interested in with another guy.
Also being a man man myself I know that guys are naturally hairy and stinky, which is another reason for me to be straight and also why I probably would ask a genie to make me a girl.

It sounds like the vote was very close in the supreme court, I'm still not really sure why anyone would be against gay marriage though; unless it's for religous reasons.


As I often like to point out, about the people that argue about how "The Bible says it's wrong", that said law is in the old testament; which no longer apply as Jesus said "the old laws, except for the Ten Commandments, are null and void" (rough quote). But, your average Bible-thumping person generally hasn't read the book entirely; they just pick and pull excerpts from it to back their bigotry :\

Also, mmm. In my case, while I wouldn't rule out the possibility of dating a guy, it seems unlikely as of present; given that I primarily lean toward ladies -w-;
And wish I was one, myself, but I'm not in a safe enough position to fully explore myself to find out if I'm really trans, or if it's a different issue entirely

Goujer (she/her)

In my point of view here are the pros and cons of each gender:
  Attract the majority of the female population. (If that's what you're in to)
  Naturally better physical preformance. (Not to be mean but evolution has sort of done this, which is kind of crap)
  You get a penis.
  It's easy to draw your self. (You start out with a box)
  Attract only a minority of the male population. (If that's what you're in to)
  Naturally very hairy all over.
  Can be very smelly.
  Wide sholders.
  You don't get a vagina and boobs.
  Pain when struck in the crotch.
  Statistically live shorter lives.
  It is expected of you to look tough and handsome.

  Attract the majority of the male population. (If that's what you're in to)
  Naturally more flexable.
  Smaller sholders.
  You get a vagina and boobs.
  Naturally less hair. (For most part anyway)
  Statistically live longer lives.
  Attract only a minority of the female population. (If that's what you're in to)
  Child Birth.
  You don't get a penis.
  It is harder to draw yorself. (I don't even know what shape to call it)
  It is expected of you to look sexy and curvy.

For the most part these statements are true (I think) but as always there are numerous exceptions.


lego you don't 'become' straight. sexuality is a natural progression over time. :\

also assuming all guys are hairy and stinky is......offensive, actually. i have a lot of guy friends who are just as well-groomed as i am, if not moreso. >>; (not to mention, WOMEN ARE JUST AS HAIRY)

girls get pain when struck in the crotch, too. >>;;

and since when are a vag and boobs a pro!? a lot of times i HATE having a fucking vag. you have ANY idea how much pads/tampons/what have you cost? and it's DISGUSTING!! just a mess of blood and gross everywhere for like 6 days straight and cramps and stomach issues and bloating and a whole shitload of other problems. not to mention another hole means an increased risk of sexual assault, and more invasive medical procedures that are expected of you from a younger age, no fucking thankyou. (AND SINCE WHEN IS A PENIS A PRO/CON AS WELL!!?)

TL;DR: everyone's experience is gonna be different with different people and it'd be nicer to not make assumptions about the human condition, especially since you physically can't relate to half of what you just said. (and bras are expensive and constricting, yo.)

(i also want it stated for the record i have a MUCH harder time drawing men than i do women. with women i know where everything's supposed to go and how shit's supposed to line up. i have 3 books about drawing men and i should review them more cause i still suck. >>; )

on a different note:

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@TumbleyZones: Indeed. The amount of ignorance and stupid on Tumblr is baffling; the whole debate on the pronunciation on GIF, which IMO shouldn't even be a thing anymore, is the sole reason why I feel computer science is a dead art (It's pronounced like Jif peanut butter, with the same sort of G sound as "giraffe". Yes, the "G" stands for "Graphics", but that has no bearing on the pronunciation; by their same logic, DEC should be pronounced "DIC" instead of "Deck" because the "D" means "Digital", and SCSI shouldn't be pronounced as "Scuzzy" at all, along with countless other computer terms that have existed for decades).

@Gender: Basically, what Kari said. I know some people that love what they have, and others that are indifferent about what they have, and some like me that really don't care for what they have :\

Goujer (she/her)

I probably have a very sheltered experience on the whole gender pros and cons thing, to be honest sexual assult never even crossed my mind when making the list.
I'm with pent at this point in time, I really don't care what I have.

I still don't go to tumbler or 4chan...


@4chan/tumblr it's often a very large gender disparity between males/females respectively on both sites which may have something to do with how they receive controversial info
tumblr is a SJW hugbox (i know, i've evolved to blend in with them honestly) that will doxx anyone who says otherwise (my boyfriend often makes large angry essays against people who appropriate his culture (he's korean) or generally make a fucklord out of themselves. I often worry for him if he will get doxxed/shut down for this but it hasnt happened yet)

4chan often won't have the means/incentive to do this so it's really a safer place to express your opinions on matters that might upset the little kiddies of tumblr

@lego i feel like your pros/cons are pretty normal for someone who hasn't been exposed to the SJW gayparade of tumblr or the redpill mentality of some 4chan boards. Most of what you said was true, but i do agree with kari that differing genitalia is not either a pro/con.

having a penis is oh no random boners and increased sex drive/aggression, while having a vagina and boobs makes it DIFFICULT TO RUN and dont get me started on vicious bloody niagara falls and cramps that feel like there's a wolverine stuck up your cervix.

today's inflammatory response was brought to you by the cocks
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



largely the same, but largely different too. man's longest-lived paradox.

@cocks: huh, that's interesting that he's that level of involved (typically the femfolk make most of the rants, but i guess he's quite passionate about it?). i'd like to know his take on what he considers 'appropriation'; basically, am i (as a white chick) appropriating another culture by wearing national costume? i'm not talking like the idiots that put on some face paint and a $2 polyester kimono knockoff and call themselves a 'geisha', i'm talking like if i source or make something like a Yukata (Japan), Cheongsam (1930's Shanghai), Ao Dai (Vietnam), Sari (India), or Hanbok (Korea), and just wear it out and about, am i in the wrong?

cause a lot of those are/were just considered normal wear in their respective countries ('Kimono' literally means 'thing to wear'). :0

(i encourage you to ask him into this conversation)
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Tbh I fucking love being female

-Periods suck but I've lucked out having a relatively long and mild cycle which proves it's not inevitable.
-Never going to experience childbirth by my own decision, so that isn't inevitable either
-Can wear a wide variety of fashions including typically male fashions without breaking social norms
-Can be relatively open about being nonstraight
-Growing priority in STEM fields
-Growing priority in general
-Body/form considered a natural marvel of beauty by artists and aesthetes for millennia
-Multiple orgasms, need I say more

On the flip side I have to deal with the government and medical establishment trying to tell me what I can do with my body, which is fucking bullshit.

Also i speak as somebody with ridiculous amounts of privilege (first world, insured, in a country with a high level of male - female parity (not perfect but high), has a partner who won't be complicit in impregnating me or otherwise endangering me), so women without these privileges are not as lucky. I can't speak on behalf of them.


TBH, Bella named off some of the reasons I wish I was female
(You know, plus the fact that I really can't stand having something swaying around between my legs)

As far as my previously mentioned bit on the pronunciation of GIF, I think maybe I was a bit too angry when I wrote that. It still irks me, having been using the internet since approximately 1996 (Netscape FTW) and knowing how it was pronounced from a young age, but kinda stupid to get pissed off over :\


In case any of you people have missed what's going on: NEGOTIATIONS HAVE FAILED.
Greece is likely to default within weeks.
This will lead to them being forced out of the European Monetary Union, which in turn will fuck up the Euro which in turn will fuck up markets which in turn will fuck up fucking everything else
Make no mistake, this can and will have enormous consequences for bystanders both sides of the pond
Prepare yourself to take your money and run, otherwise the banks will take the money from you to avoid losing control of the market and/or dying

Also September, riots, secession, nuclear war and everything else, but you gotta start somewhere yo

This has been an /OSC/ Public Service Announcement
PS: Gold is always a good investment in tough times, unlike stocks and funds (they will plummet)


fuuuuuck. as long as i can still get a job, though, i won't let it affect me much. once i'm financially established, i'll worry about investments. thanks for the heads up though. :0

@bells: everyone's experience is different, which is why i'm not comfortable labeling anything a pro or con. for example, while you lucked out with a light cycle, i got the other side of the spectrum with a heavy one. >>;;;
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