Forum being slow?

Started by Bella, December 04, 2012, 12:05:14 PM

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It's very present and hampering the forum searches / listing users' posts, indeed. The hardware resources in shared hosting are rather limited.


just out of curiosity, which site is the one that's hampering everything? :0
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That I cannot know. Shared hosting means that the hosting company is keeping OSC on the same server with some of its other client websites. The client sites don't communicate one with another and are not visibly connected.

When we had a dedicated server (i.e. an entire server for OSC and our other sites) back in time, none of the sites ever attracted enough traffic to slow down the others. It's perfectly possible that in the current setting none of the sites on the shared hosting are enough to slow down the whole on their own either, but that the server is simply overburdened by the sum of everything put together.


ahhh, alright. the more you know~
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Less than one year ago, Ostan was moved from one of my dedicated servers to a shared one (that i don't control as much, therefore), since i judged it unsecure enough to be a security hole for the server - we already discussed that back in time. Shall the forum be upgraded to some newer engine, the gallery too (ESPECIALLY the gallery), with a bit of secure connexion on the top, and i can put it back on one dedicated. I already know i'm going to have more whining than thanks, so i leave it like that :)


Hi Fedora-tan, how are you?
No? OK, lol.


The main issue would be getting a replacement gallery engine, if I'm correct?

Wouldn't it be possible to use a Booru-style engine for that?


i STILL have a new flash for the gallery.... >>;
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oi oi! i was just on opera and the forum was giving me "url not found on this server" errors, and then this happened!

wtf is going on!? o__o
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I experienced it briefly too. Server issues. ~.~


as long as people are aware. .__.;
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So, I just wanted to thank our lovely and benevolent administrators because their most recent tinkering has finally solved my forum-logs-me-out-every-time issue.  Thanks!


I'm afraid you just rolled a critical success in a luck test, stew. I don't think anything Fedora-Tan or I have been doing lately could bring such an improvement. ^^;;

That said, I hope it stays like that and your issue is permanently gone.


Woo!  That works just as well as far as I'm concerned, and it is so far.


The server will be changed in october, therefore the matter to know if it's slow or not doesn't really matter anymore now :)

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