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Started by Fedora-Tan, October 27, 2012, 02:55:58 PM

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Nope, laptop.

And as a usual linux user i have to say, i need to OS to bend to what i want, and not the contrary. I could accomodate with metro, but i don't like it. What i think is sad, is that microsoft didn't leave the choice. It's about the same as the lock screen : it's not that it's difficult to do or such, like you say it takes a second and one key. But it's useless and unfitting anything else than a phone / tablet. As for the password, since it's in the middle of the lock screen and metro, i just didn't find a way to disable lock screen and metro and keeping the login. But it's absolutely not a big deal since : 1 - Login pass are just piece of cake to bypass anyway and 2 - bios password do more or less the same, it just asks before :)

I would be happy to discuss furthermore or that somewhere else maybe if you feel like it, i don't really have any problems being convinced of something, as long as it's not just telling me i'll get used ;) (because like i said, it's the OS which gets used of my usage and not the contrary).


not to sound mean, but that fact warms my heart. ;v;

i think i might step out of the proceedings here. doesn't exactly feel like i'm being heard. >>;
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Okay. tooltip is out. THIS (see screenshots) is in. c:
(second one shows the X button highlighting apon mouse hover)

tell me if it works in firefox. (seems to be funny in IE10. oddly enough, alot of code seems to be funny in IE)

Also, heres a topic for us to discuss about Windows 8:
Windows 8 (topic by DustiiWolf)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Extremely good looking, for my opinion :)

On the screenshot, that is, since on the http://ostandemo.99k.org page it just doesn't display anything when i click on it (tried on 2 different comps)


im now experiencing the problem too... idk whats wrong with the code... maybe i should upload the .js to the / directory instead of pulling it from a website...
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Good luck :)


Fixed. tested in IE10 & Chrome. Works, THOUGH IE10 does require you to unblock ActiveX controls on the page due to IE10's ActiveX blocker (which is a safety precaution only IE needs)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Dr. Kraus

Sorry I'm late to the party folks, been working on my own business' website for the last couple of days with a pop in the other day.

In my opinion this website a 3/5 on my personal scale and allow me to list why:

*WARNING: I'm going to come off as harsh in this, I'll explain further afterwords. oh yea, by harsh I mean, don't take it personal because i'm going to crush this into dust. Sorry in advance if its really needed.*

Okay first up to the plate is everything circled in white:

Seriously, that tiling looks horrendous when you are on a widescreen monitor which is what 95% of the world has in this day and age.

The tiling really just comes off as unprofessional, like a 7th grader did this for his "learn 2 web design class" project.

But this isn't the worst of it, notice how the pictures are cut at the bottom?
Yea, that's turning me off entirely to the website just because of how ugly it looks.

If you did this in Photoshop I understand the cut off, but when you see that do you really think "Damn, that looks pro!"?
Let me answer that, "No". I'll say how this could be fixed and looking professional later on, just bare with me here.

One colour down, three more to go! Now for the Purple circle, this one is a quick one:

The yellow background and white text, change it please before my eyes need surgery, seriously.

Now for the green circle, line, and dot:

Take everything in that circle and center it, trust me, its going to look 110% better and professionally done.

Red box:

This will apply to the text in the buttons as well,

Is this Myriad Pro light/regular font? Yea, please change it to Myriad Pro Bold/Semi-Bold because that is going to look much better and be much more eye catching.

Pink circles/arrows/"X"/"?"/Check:

Okay, we got a problem here. DC Comics called and want their speech bubbles back along with everyone that has handled Manga translations & Comic books wanting their font back.

No just kidding, the bubbles are a nice touch to half-arm-no-legs-linspire-tan but you see the arrows?

Yea, get moving son, because this is what I see when I look at these speech bubbles:

random OS-tan bubble: ME-tan is saying this? But then why is she all grayed out?
About bubble: Yea, ME-tan's hand/stomach is talking, am I high or what?
irc bubble: 10/10 placement, would place again. If you move this, ya dumb son! Linspire-tan is obviously saying this one, thus justifying her being on the page in the first place.

So this is what we gotta do here:

Random comes down just above the Irc bubble, thus showing that linwhatever-tan is saying this.
About gets shifted right and down into a more understandable area.

Mess around with the placement but put them in these general areas for now until you fix the white circle problems.

Now then, that's all the problems that I have addressed and some ways to fix them other than the white circles, we are almost to that part.

You are probably thinking something like, "Kraus sure is a jag-off for just popping up and crushing something I worked hard on for some time!"
Yea, well, sorry that I speak this way but I'm not looking at it from the perspective of myself here. I could really care less how this looks because I've been around here for a while and like it quite a bit.

I'm looking at this from the point of view of someone who has no idea or has a tiny fraction of an idea what an OS-tan even is, its the first visit to the website.

If i'm coming to the website for the first time this is looking quite unprofessional to me and it is eye catching but its the first impression with stuff that looks like errors all over the place and a high bias toward windows 8. Really, I understand you like and enjoy the new platform but this is showing that the community is bias toward Microsoft and Windows 8 due to the styling.

The best thing you can do here is change the font to something like Myriad Pro bold/semi-bold because that will remove the instantaneous Windows 8 perception. You can also make the XP picture a linux-tan picture and possibly another picture a hard ware-tan just to show that we aren't all just about Windows with a little Macintosh sprinkled on top.

Now then, on the the problems with the tiling and cut offs and how we can fix them or just make them less noticeable:

take linspire-tan and move her over onto the far right where that tiling starts with Windows 95, its circled.
Adjust the speech bubbles around her like I said with the pink circles & etc., you are obviously going to place them differently than what I had said and drew.
Place a border line (White would work well here) at the cut off on the bottom (the two circles at the bottom)
Take the logo and place it either on the left side, in the center, or on the right side with "OStan-collections copyright ----" under it (play around with the placement, I think for the moment the center is going to look the best).

By doing all this the website will look 150% better and eye catching, remember that the first impression is important!

Well, that sums up my input and I hope it helps out.

One last thing though,

remember that Fedora-tan needs to attract more "customers" if you were to look at this from a business view-point (Something I do most of the time.) and first impressions are always the driving points to whether a website gets a large number of hits and the hits continue to return or that the website gets a high number of hits but continually loses the hits.

Always try to make a page that appeals to the current user base but also attracts new users with a showing of non-bias ideas.   


@kraus: *hugs* you managed to address plenty of the points i had with the page. i have more, but still, eloquent and straightforward. ;v;

also, i thought it'd be nice if each button could feature a different type of -tan: windows, mac, linux, and vintage. and maybe the -tan announcing the other buttons could be a different -tan altogether, like a hardware-tan or a filetype-tan.
click to make it bigger

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 01, 2012, 09:01:10 PM
@kraus: *hugs* you managed to address plenty of the points i had with the page. i have more, but still, eloquent and straightforward. ;v;

also, i thought it'd be nice if each button could feature a different type of -tan: windows, mac, linux, and vintage. and maybe the -tan announcing the other buttons could be a different -tan altogether, like a hardware-tan or a filetype-tan.

Glad I wasn't the only one thinking this.

I also addressed the button featuring different tans but I like the idea of removing/replacing linespire-tan entirely with and different -tan altogether.

Also, here is reference website (Yea, I built this one) to use when it comes to my idea of a simple, clean, website with everything that is needed. Granted that this is a website with an entirely different topic altogether and that lovely CSS style on the character page was done by my co-worker on the website who handled a couple of little things after I laid everything down for him and then came up with revisions. (No the website really isn't under construction any more its just that no one has gone in and changed the home page text.)


Also, I'm no longer a part of the Memento Vivere Project since after I finished my work with the website. They also misplaced me and put me in the blog section since I did that for a little while...

Good call!


@Kraus: A bit blunt, but I do agree with you on quite a few of those points. Especially the background layout and Linspire-tan, which look fine on my 700-something x 1300-something laptop screen but not so great on my 1200x1920 iMac monitor. 

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 01, 2012, 09:01:10 PM
also, i thought it'd be nice if each button could feature a different type of -tan: windows, mac, linux, and vintage. and maybe the -tan announcing the other buttons could be a different -tan altogether, like a hardware-tan or a filetype-tan.[/color]

This, a million times. I'm still routing for something like ME-tan, Sonata, Generic GNU/Linux-tan and Amiga-tan (for the vintage/other OS-tan).


Quote from: Bella on November 01, 2012, 09:56:26 PM
@Kraus: A bit blunt, but I do agree with you on quite a few of those points. Especially the background layout and Linspire-tan, which look fine on my 700-something x 1300-something laptop screen but not so great on my 1200x1920 iMac monitor. 

- A.Made this on my 1366x768 monitor.
- B.I cant really fix some of the alignment errors and here is why...

...now dont shoot me but...

i made a majority of this in MSWord 2013. ;w;

...Remember, the point of this was to show off a concept. i figured it'd have major work done by others before it ever actually was used or trialed, if it was ever to be used or trialed. And im not the best web programmer. So "learn 2 webdesign" is somewhat accurate. Id need a lot of help cleaning this up. hence the reason i offered to share the files to the preview.

*hides in corner*

(PS: I took no offense. And the speech bubbles were supposed to be pointing to each other, and the gap between them is the MSWord thing. They're in "tables")
Official -tans are my bat signal.


don't hide in the corner. we're not trying to gang up on you, we're just trying to open the conversation back up. for the past 2 and a half pages (or so) you've kind of been dominating the conversation with Fedora. i thought this was being implemented, which is why i gave up since it felt like no one even cared. glad to know i'm not the only one who wants to discuss the design possibilities instead of just tweaking your design. (also, as cool as having a working preview is, i think you jumped the gun a bit making it and putting it here. we haven't even finalized the name of the post-move site yet. you don't always have to show, you can just tell. )

with that in mind, maybe we can talk about other designs as well. i still like pent's, and not just to be stuck in the background as the wiki page. :\
click to make it bigger


Dustii's design is the best I've seen so far and while it's not perfect, s/he obviously has the most website design experience of any non-admin or non-Kraus member at our forum and this should mean something to us. As much as I'd like to be able to make up my own proposal and throw it into the ring, I simply don't possess the graphic OR web design know-how to do such a thing. I don't think many people here do.

This being said, I'll support any design that Fedora and Pitkin-san choose. It's their site and they should ultimately be able to pick whichever design they feel fits best. ^^