ostan-collections.net frontpage

Started by Fedora-Tan, October 27, 2012, 02:55:58 PM

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its too bad there cant be a custom extension (org, biz, gl, ly...) like OS.tan

Also, if anyone wants a copy of the files from my demo page ask and ill link them.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


"good" is relative. as is "easy on the eyes". >>;

os-world.net? but then we sound like a computer repair place. >>;
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Okay.. now im starting to wonder what your beef with windows 8 is?

tanpedia.net? i know its missing the "os" but it is shorter
Official -tans are my bat signal.


i just don't like it. besides, having that design be the basis for the site could potentially make us seem like we favour new OSes over old ones, have some sort of specific affiliation with windows 8 (like selling it or making stuff for it or something) or even get us sued. wouldn't be the first time a computer company's sued over something minor like spoofing a design. >>;

besides, i still like the idea of the rotating banners. means that more than one OS gets some time in the sun, and though you're too new to have seen it, the banner up top used to change each time the page was displayed. some of us miss that. >>;

tanpedia could work if we want to put more emphasis on the gallery. but i've had times when i've seen 'OS-tan' be confused by the internet for "tan suede" (go ebay >>; ). i hope that wouldn't happen here.

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I'd have agree with Choco on this one. It is a nice design, but the more I think about it, it's not right for this site; it might give some the wrong idea about what this site is, or it could lead to trouble for our admins


i guess your right... i had seen other sites on the web with that metro-y feel, but i see your points...
oh well... (mind if i leave the demo up?)

Out of curiosity, is it possible for a website to detect what OS your using?
Official -tans are my bat signal.


some can, i think. why, were you thinking that the site could detect what os the accesser has and adjust accordingly?

go ahead and leave the demo up. it's a cool demo. and brainstorming is a good idea. but we're not a metro or windows 8 site, so having that feel isn't right.
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I know this isnt a windows 8 site. i was just trying to come up with a simple landing page and used Metro as my inspiration.

And yes. i thought the landing could theme according to your OS. (Aero Style for Win7, OSx Style for Macs, Something like my demo for Windows 8, etc...)

EDIT: Changed somethings on the site, such as the title to Os-Tan Collections Preview, just to play around with it, since it is a demo/preview/concept, and its more of just something to toy around with/brainstormwith.

Also, after some googling, apparently ones OS is in the browser User Agent, so if you could program the site to detect the User Agent and changed according to OS itd be cool
Official -tans are my bat signal.



OS Tan Board Apple Style

"OS-tan Collections GM"

(Screenshot attatched)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


For the frontpage :
- My idea was to use the wiki as a frontpage but if we can come with an idea to have a separated frontpage, it's also very valid of course. The simple (not in bad meaning) - clear looking and very explicit preview of DustiiWolf could be that frontpage. The worst option is nearly what we have currently, that is to fall on forums directly.

For the game :
- Duplicate of the files we have. It's better to have a link to the real place. However, we can put a direct link, if that's the problem. For the concern, we do still have the files but I would prefer to find a way to point to the original thing (why not an explanation of some japanese keywords to download it, in addition to the link to the page and direct link ? )

For the domain :
- As long as i have to maintain only one domain, i'm fine with any solutions. Personally, tried to join the site on my phone (GSII) and it's an ultra-PITA. Not to mention that the forum is not at all adapted to phone browsing, but that's another thing (should be avatarless- signatureless theme). I did check and os-tan.net is available. ostan.net is not.

For DustiiWolf (Major out topic) :
- I am bloody interested in someone who finds Win8 interesting, because let's be honest, i have way more opinions about it being ultracrap xD .  So if you have some objective good points, let me know to see if it deserves its 30€ - current price offer. :)


I personally liked DustiiWolf's design idea a lot for its cleanliness and looks, but am a tiny bit worried of a potential cease and desist order. ^^; Also, making a site different for each user based on their platform would be a high-maintenance solution, and I would personally have at most two different home pages, of which one would be for all desktop/laptop users and the other for mobile phone users.

The five-year-old referendum thread is here: http://ostan-collections.net/forum/index.php/topic,265.0.html - os-tan.net was mentioned being taken back then, yes. Not anymore, however. *nod*

The changing banner won't be possible for Wiki, for the forum front page it would be doable... however: 1) it will have to be re-made every time the forum is updated which is unhandy, and 2) it will add another layer to load when accessing the front page (it'll mean reloading every time instead of taking it just from cache), which is again especially heavy for people with low internet speed. The question is, is it good practice to risk alienating a potential new visitor by lengthening the loading times further?

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 27, 2012, 07:51:31 PM
EDIT: pitkin, PLEASE tell me you kept the nijikaku download files. that's the only way to get a working copy if you don't speak japanese.

Yes, the files are still here for version 25. What I'm personally a bit worried about is that that our version was very very out-dated (as the current version is 48 ^^; ), it's not especially worth downloading while newer ones are available. Also, because it seems that the size of the game increases with every release (now it looks like being something like 800Mb instead of 250Mb), it'll be extremely hard to have it available directly here.

I can probably make a tutorial on how to get the game from the Japanese-language website and install it (if I get it working), but we'll also try to see if we can get the files here. In the worst case, the old version can do the trick, though its interest value might be very low.


Quote from: Re:nijikakusnip
I've downloaded the entire current build, and could probably make a full copy if anyone's interested.


Quote from: Pitkin on October 28, 2012, 05:42:26 AM
I personally liked DustiiWolf's design idea a lot for its cleanliness and looks, but am a tiny bit worried of a potential cease and desist order. ^^; ...
i noticed alot of people were afraid of a cease and dissit, but at the same time, alot of websites have adapted the metro.

Furthermore, Microsoft themselves seem to encourage a website inspired by their UI in this case study of converting Websites to Windows 8 apps.
QuoteOur aim is to help designers and developers reimagine their websites as Windows Store apps.

As you see, Microsoft themselves are encouraging their simplistic UI.

And there are plenty more sites adopting the design.

im not saying that its not a possibility to get a cease and desist; There is ALWAYS a possibility as with anything, but i am trying to show my point of view and as to why im not as worried about my Preview's design as the rest of you.

EDIT: I do think i need to do a bit more work on the preview though...
Official -tans are my bat signal.


@fedora: personally, i think having the wiki being the main focus isn't too good an idea at the core of things, since while that provides useful information to those unfamiliar with the topic, for those who know about os-tans, they might want to come directly to the forums. the landing page with buttons idea appeals to me more.
os-tan.net is nice. i like it now that i think about it.

@pitkin (and partially fedora): i'm sure you know that in order to make nijikaku work, you have to download 3 seperate files and keep them together. now, before i knew that nijikaku was in the downloads section, i tried to download it directly from the site (this was build 43, i believe, or perhaps 35). i failed miserably, even after downloading basically every file i could find on there. now, maybe this was an error on my part, but i was following a download tutorial on a different site, and it still didn't work. the only working build i've been able to get my hands on was from this site, since we had all 3 needed files, glitch-free. i think we should keep the files uploaded and have a link to the site in case people want a newer version.

i like having the different landing page for mobile users, since while most people go online from smartphones, i've been able to access the net from a simple pre-paid flip phone, and regular pages are tricky to navigate on such a small screen.
as for the rotating banner, if we do a landing page with buttons to the wiki and forum, maybe we could have the banner there rotate? doesn't seem terribly hard, but then, i don't really know. ^^;

@dustii: i don't want to harbour animocity here. but really, metro isn't right for this site. notice the light blue colour scheme here? it's been here since before i came here, and is reminscent of ME-tan, the first OS-tan. we represent more than 8-tan, and there is quite a bit more artwork of other -tans than 8-tan. metro is ONLY reminscent of windows 8, which doesn't represent the people or the -tans here. we need something NEUTRAL. ><;;
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OK so i'll go for the direct mode : for nijikaku, what we try to say is, we just cannot. ostan is free website, and this very download "costs" (i won't enter details) too much for us to host.

I already have enough problems to host that website currently.