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Console Girls

Started by Wild_Magnus, April 18, 2005, 02:37:33 PM

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For me I think that GameCube-tan is cute  ;001


The links wouldn't work, but if they were going on power=breast size, Xbox-tan would have been the biggest for last gen's consoles.


Usually the unofficial rules of OS-tan body shape don't apply to console-tans.  ^^

If anything, the console-tans follow an "Anything Goes" approach much like 90% of all other Moe Personifications.  Kinda sad, since that basically means (simplistically speaking, of course) that you have 50-100 artists drawing a generic anime girl, slapping a PS2 logo on her somewhere and call it "PS2-tan".  

If that keeps up, there's no hope for canon-dom amongst the game console-tans.  -___-


Funny story.

At school, I was looking at the Game-Tans on another website. I came across an Xbox 360-Tan. And then one of my friends, who hates Anime, saw the picture and he said, "That's hot! It's a girl made of Xbox 360."

I wasn't expecting that.
ME-Tan, you can do it ^^


Quote from: "C-Chan"Usually the unofficial rules of OS-tan body shape don't apply to console-tans.  ^^

If anything, the console-tans follow an "Anything Goes" approach much like 90% of all other Moe Personifications.  Kinda sad, since that basically means (simplistically speaking, of course) that you have 50-100 artists drawing a generic anime girl, slapping a PS2 logo on her somewhere and call it "PS2-tan".  

If that keeps up, there's no hope for canon-dom amongst the game console-tans.  -___-

The worst types of personifications I've seen are those who simply slap on the controller as a backpack to call her a console-tan -_-;;;

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Well they are awaiting approval from pitkin but I uploaded 2 360-tan pics of a redition that frikin wins!  Ill post here again when they are approved.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I'm guessing they're radically different designs from those posted already, right?  ^__^'


Oh well, I wouldn't mind seeing more 360-tans as long as they're good.... -v-

I guess i shouldn't really root for more consistency anyway, since that would simply detract more attention away from OS-tans..... -.-


they shoudl be the same ones ive shown before and supported, 360 tan in a chinese dress with Xbox logo buns in her hair
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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All the links are giving me 404 ;014


they have probobly been pushed off of net characters long ago...

anyhow.. long over due but as promised, the 360 tan I approve of as the official 360 fanboy of this forum.  

I feel this design best incorperates the aspects of the 360 in a sleek sexy and overall cool and original design.. the other ones.. just suck -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Aurora Borealis

That 360-tan = WIN!! That is definently the best 360-tan I have ever seen! (as well as one of the best game console-tans I have ever seen!) :D

I also like the 'elf girl in white' Wii-tan and the 'psycho goth-ish girl with chains and an electric chainsaw-like weapon' PS3-tan but too bad that's only a one-shot rendition :(


*cough* want more PS2-tan... *cough* *cough*


I might be just a classic gamer, but I have yet to find a couple of SNES, NES, and Sega Genesis girls.


I think that I've posted up some of those in the gallery, actually. Just one-shots, but better than nothing.


Sorry to kick up an old thread but I'm just wondering if there was a panasonic 3do-tan and a Gizmondo-tan?

I'm the proud owner of a Gizmondo mind you now that i think about it the Gizmondo was windows ce based so I guess there kinda is.